Strategic Directions 2022 and Beyond.v4.1

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Strategic Direction 2022-

Operationalizing the Basic
Education Development Plan 2030
Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 2030

• DepEd Order 24, s. 2022 – Adoption of the Basic Education Development

Plan 2030 or BEDP 2030

• Para 3 “the BEDP 2030 aims to”:

• Serve as blueprint for DepEd in the next decade in formulating, implementing,
coordinating, monitoring, evaluating and supervising policies, plans, programs
and projects in the areas of formal and non-formal education;
• Provide a strategic roadmap for the department to follow to improve the
delivery and quality of basic education and the experience of learners in the
basic education learning environment
• Address the immediate impacts on learning and participation, addressing
learning loss while deepening learning gains; close the remaining gaps;
confront the issue on education quality and anticipate the future of education
and introduce innovations in fostering resiliency and embedding the rights of
children and the youth in education.

• Para 4 “All DepEd offices and units in all governance levels shall align their
policies, plans and programs with the BEDP 2030
The impacts of pandemic Situations of
has exacerbated the disadvantage hindering
continuing challenge on achievement of
education quality, universal participation
participation and delivery
Confronting the Low proficiency of
basic education learners in reading and
Innovations and good The need for more
practices gained during resilient education
distance learning system becomes
provide evidence for pronounced during the
policy and strategy school closures
Major Challenges identified in Basic Education Sector Analysis (BESA)

Access and Equity Quality Governance

• Improvements in participation • Low proficiency of learners • Weak complementarity between
in all levels of education was in reading and numeracy public and private schools
notable but reaching universal skills • Limited vertical and horizontal
participation require targeted • Inadequate coverage of integration in program
intervention. 21st century skills in management at the different levels
• Access gaps particularly on curriculum is affecting test of DepEd (CO, RO, SDO, Schools)
out-of-school children and performance result • Limited capacity of DepEd field
youth remains an area of • Girls outperforming boys in units on contextualization of
concern attendance and learning programs and strategies
• Lack of data on the universe proficiency • Inadequate government spending
of groups in situations of in Education
Priority Development Areas

1. Pivoting to quality, ensuring that all learners attain learning

standards in every key stage in the K to 12 program
2. Expanding access to education for groups in situations of
disadvantage to ensure inclusive and equitable quality
service delivery
3. Strengthening the promotion of the over-all well-being of
learners in a positive learning environment where learners
exercise their rights and experience joy
4. Modernizing basic education governance that empowers
learners to be resilient and acquire life skills
Key strategic priorities

Strengthen policies
Enhance policies and and mechanisms for
Address the immediate Improve access to quality
strategies in improving providing access
impacts of COVID-19 and learner-centered,
early reading and to quality and relevant
pandemic on learning learning environment and
numeracy skills in the basic learning
and participation spaces 
first key stage opportunities for OOSC
and OSY.
Provide an inclusive,
Enhance strategic human
effective, culturally
Improve learners and Integrate children’s rights resource management
responsive, gender-
personnel resilience from and responsibilities in the for continuing
sensitive and safe
all forms of natural and design of DepEd professional
learning space to
human-induced hazards. programs and projects.  development and
respond to the situations
of disadvantage.

Co-create learning Strengthen Public and

spaces for the future by private collaboration and Modernize education
work more collaboratively
looking at the broader management systems
under a dynamic and
learning ecosystem responsive and processes for
beyond the confines of complementarity efficient service delivery
physical classrooms framework.
Performance Targets
National Targets: Government Spending

Latest Latest
Indicator 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
year value

1. Proportion of total
government spending on 2020 13.2 14.3 14.9 15.4 16.0 16.4 16.8 17.2 17.6 18.0

2. Government Expenditure
on education as percentage 2020 2.5 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0
of GDP
National Targets: Access to Quality Basic Education

Latest Latest
Indicator 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
year value
Participation rate in organized
learning (one year before the 2019 86.3 89.00 94.00 96.50 99.0 99.13 99.25 99.38 99.50 100.0
official primary entry age)
Net enrollment rate,
2020 93.35 95.00 96.50 97.25 98.00 98.50 98.75 98.88 98.94 99.00

Net enrollment , junior high

2020 84.38 89.04 89.04 89.04 89.04 90.63 92.22 93.82 95.41 97.00

Net enrollment , senior high 2020 48.37 64.00 68.86 73.02 76.59
school 79.27 81.95 84.64 87.32 92.00
National Targets: Access to Quality Basic Education

Latest Latest
Indicator year value 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Out-of-school rate,
elementary 2019 2.1 2.05 2.04 2.03 2.0 1.88 1.78 1.71 1.66 1.5

Out-of-school rate, junior high

school 2019 4.7 4.34 4.28 4.23 4.0 3.75 3.56 3.42 3.32 3.0

Out-of-school rate, senior high

school 2019 9.1 7.49 7.25 7.04 6.0 5.50 5.13 4.84 4.63 4.0
National Targets: Internal Efficiency

Latest Latest
Indicator year value
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Completion rate, elementary 2020 93.6 94.21 94.41 94.56 95.0 95.50 95.88 96.16 96.37 97.0

Completion rate, junior high

school 2020 81.2 83.30 83.98 84.48 86.0 87.00 87.75 88.31 88.73 90.0

Completion rate, senior high

2020 76.6 79.84 80.88 81.66 84.0 85.00 85.75 86.31 86.73 88.0
Proportion of students in Grade 2 or 3 achieving at least a minimum proficiency
level in mathematics
90.00 91.00 91.00
86.00 86.00
80.00 81.00 81.00

70.00 71.00 71.00

60.00 61.00 61.00


53.00 53.00
45.00 45.00
40.00 38.60
37.00 37.00 36.48 37.54
34.36 35.42
31.52 32.41 33.30
30.00 30.63


Baseline 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030


business as usual high low

Proportion of students in Grade 2 or 3 achieving at least a minimum proficiency
level in reading

91.00 91.00
86.00 86.00

80.00 81.00 81.00

76.00 76.00 75.48
73.00 73.00 73.29
68.00 68.91
63.39 63.00 63.00
58.00 58.00


Baseline 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

business as usual high low

Proportion of students at the end of primary achieving at least a minimum
proficiency level in mathematics
92.00 92.00
87.00 87.00

80.00 79.00 79.00

70.00 69.00 69.00

60.00 61.00 61.00

53.00 53.00
45.00 45.00
37.00 37.00


20.00 18.61
16.57 17.08 17.59 18.10
14.77 15.20 15.63 16.06

Baseline 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

business as usual high low

Proportion of students at the end of primary achieving at least a
minimum proficiency level in reading
93.00 93.00
88.00 88.00
83.00 83.00
78.00 78.00
73.00 73.00
68.00 68.00
63.00 63.00
58.00 58.00



23.82 24.51 25.20
21.75 22.44 23.13
20.00 20.01 20.59 21.17


Baseline 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

business as usual high low

Proportion of students at the end of lower secondary achieving at least
a minimum proficiency level in mathematics
93.00 93.00
88.00 88.00
83.00 83.00

73.00 73.00

63.00 63.00

53.00 53.00

43.00 43.00

33.00 33.00

20.00 18.61
16.57 17.08 17.59 18.10
14.77 15.20 15.63 16.06

Baseline 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

business as usual high low

Proportion of students at the end of lower secondary achieving at least
a minimum proficiency level in reading
93.00 93.00
88.00 88.00
83.00 83.00

73.00 73.00

63.00 63.00

53.00 53.00 51.80

50.00 48.96 50.38
46.12 47.54
43.51 44.70
42.32 43.00
40.00 41.13
33.00 33.00



Baseline 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

business as usual high low

Critical reforms supporting the
achievements of targets
1. Reopen all schools for in-person classes for transitioning to new normal
2. Ensure Optimal Contact Time of Teachers in teaching (minimizing disruption of classes)
3. Provide more classrooms and teachers for smaller Class Size for a more engaging teaching and learning
interaction. (class size)
4. Formulate clear career path for teachers and non-teaching personnel and improvement of welfare
programs (motivation)
5. Targeted capacity development programs for teachers, non-teaching personnel and school
leaders (teacher and school leaders' competence)
6. Integrate ICT in Teaching-Learning (Technology)
7. Accelerate the implementation of Critical Support Services to improve resiliency and well-being of
learners and teachers: i) psychosocial and mental health intervention, ii)  child protection, iii)
nutritional status of learners (Resilience)
8. Decentralize program implementation and management (empowerment of schools)
9. Address the situations of disadvantage in remote and Last Miles Schools (Close remaining gaps in
10.Increase investment in education to reach at least 4-6% of GDP or 15-20% share in the national budget
(Education Financing)
Results Framework
Voices of Children and Youth
21st Century Skills
1. Learning and Innovation Skills
2. Information, Media and Technology
3. Life and Career Skills
4. Communication skills

1. National identity and nationhood
2. Economic prosperity
3. Unity in diversity
4. Flourishing
5. Competitiveness
6. Life skills and responsiveness
7. Socio-political stability
8. Sustainability
Results Framework
All Filipinos are able to realize their full potential and contribute
meaningfully in building a cohesive nation

SECTOR Basic education Filipino learners have the physical, cognitive, socio-emotional and moral
preparation for civic participation and engagement in post-secondary
opportunities in their local, national, and global communities.


All school-age children, Disadvantaged school-age Learners are resilient and know their
Learners complete K-12 basic
out-of-school youth, and children and youth, and rights, and have the life skills to protect
education having attained all learning
adults accessed relevant adults benefited from themselves and exercise their education
standards that equip them with the
basic learning appropriate equity related rights, while being aware of their
necessary skills and attributes to
opportunities initiatives responsibilities as individuals and as
pursue their chosen paths
members of society

Efficient, nimble and resilient governance and management processes
Strategies and Outputs
Outcomes and Strategies
SECTOR Basic education Filipino learners have the physical, cognitive, socio-emotional and
OUTCOME moral preparation for civic participation and engagement in post-secondary
INTERMEDIATE opportunities in their local, national, and global communities.


All school-age children, out-of- Learners complete K-12 basic ed having Learners are resilient and know their rights,
school youth, and adults accessed Disadvantaged school-age children
and youth, and adults benefited
attained all learning standards that equip and have the life skills to protect themselves
relevant basic learning them with the necessary skills and and claim their education-related rights from
from appropriate equity initiatives
opportunities attributes to pursue their chosen paths DepEd and other duty-bearers to promote
learners’ well-being.
Strategy #1: Improve access to Strategy #1 : Improve program Strategy #1 :Align curriculum and Strategy #1: Integrate children’s and learners’ rights in the
universal kindergarten education management and service delivery instruction methods in all subjects design of all DepEd policies, plans, programs, projects,
Strategy #2: Improve learners’ Strategy #2 : Provide an inclusive, Strategy #2: Strengthen competence of processes and systems
access to quality and learner effective, culturally responsive, teachers and instructional leaders on Strategy #2: Integrate children’s and learners’ rights in the
friendly environment gender-sensitive, and safe learning curriculum, instruction, and assessment design of all DepEd policies, plans, programs, projects,
environment to respond to the processes and systems
Strategy #3: Improve capacity to situations of disadvantage Strategy #3: Assess learning outcomes Strategy #3: Protect learners and personnel from death,
retain learners in schools at each key stage transition and for injury, and harm brought by natural and human-induced
Strategy #3 : Improve gender- learners in situation of disadvantage hazards
Strategy #4: Improve strategies to
sensitive contextualized curriculum Strategy #4: Ensure learning continuity in the aftermath of a
ensure learners’ continuity to next
and learning delivery Strategy #4: Align resource provision with disaster or emergency
   key stage learning standards Strategy #5: Protect education investments from the impacts
Strategy #5: Strengthen Strategy #4 : Enhance DepEd of natural and human-induced hazards
mechanisms for providing access Strategy #5: Strengthen consultations on Strategy #6: Provide learners with basic health and nutrition
platforms for learning resources
to relevant basic opportunities for curriculum, instruction, and assessment services
OSC, OSY and OS Strategy #5 :Promote partnerships Strategy #7: Nurture and protect learners' mental and
to benefit education for learners in psychosocial health
situations of disadvantage Strategy #8: Promote learners' physical and socio-emotional
skills development
OUTPUTS by Strategy
INTERMEDIATE All school-age children, youth and adults accessed relevant basic
learning opportunities

1. Improve access to universal 2. Improve learners’ access to quality and 4. Strengthen schools’ capacity to
kindergarten education rights-upholding learning environment ensure learners’ continuity to next 5. Strengthen mechanisms for providing
access to relevant basic opportunities for
• Digital materials for all learning areas stage
• Standard on kindergarten facilities developed and made accessible to target OSY and OSA
developed and implemented (include • Integrated public schools established in areas
facilities, LR, Teachers and other where access to JHS and SHS is difficult • Literacy mapping strategy for identifying
• All schools provided with library and science
components) • Incomplete primary schools converted into OSC, OSY, and OSA developed and
• Operational Guidelines on parental complete multi-grade schools implemented in divisions and districts
• Schools implemented feeding program
engagement in Kindergarten developed and • Health and teaching personnel trained on • New secondary schools established in areas • ALS teachers, community ALS
implemented with less access to secondary education implementers and learning facilitators
appropriate school health and nutrition
• Tripartite partnership with Barangay LGUs, • More private schools participating in the trained to use online teaching platforms
pre-school centers, and public schools Education Service Contracting scheme • ALS teachers are deployed in high
• More schools with health and sanitation
strengthened • SHS course offerings within standards demand areas
• DepEd’s acceleration policy developed and • More schools implementing learners’ mental • SHS facilities provided are within standards • New community learning centers (CLCs)
implemented • Tool for tracing learners’ completing basic are operational in high demand areas
health and psychosocial program
• Existing Catchup program for five-year-old education including ALS learners is developed • Access to Print and Non-Print Learning
• More schools with ideal classroom to
children or above not attending kindergarten and operational Resources in the CLCs Improved
student ratio at the Elementary and
reviewed and reformulated • Coordination mechanism between elementary • Selected CLCs are equipped with
Secondary levels
• Strategy for mapping whereabouts of five- and secondary schools established; appropriate learning facilities
year-old children developed and • Mechanism for strengthening the curriculum • Service contracting and engagement of
implemented in schools 3. Improve capacity to retain learners in link between elementary and secondary non-DepEd ALS providers expanded
• Research studies on effective of schools established and operational; • ALS Internal stakeholders access to
stakeholders’ involvement in strengthening • Teachers and learning facilitators • Secondary schools implemented bridging training on ALS program implementation
kindergarten program completed capacitated to implement remediation strategies to address learning gaps Improved
programs and management of learners at • Teachers trained on identifying learning gaps • ALS external stakeholders on ALS
risk of dropping out and remediation strategies; and, program implementation improved
• More schools implementing school-initiated • Improved counselling services of schools to • ALS M&E system and processes aligned
interventions using flexible learning options address learner's concerned implemented with Basic Education Monitoring and
• Schools implemented remediation programs Evaluation Framework developed and
for struggling learners operational in all governance levels
• Counseling services for all students to
address individual concerns provided in all
OUTPUTS by Strategy
INTERMEDIATE School-age children and youth, and adults in situations of
disadvantage benefited from appropriate equity initiatives

1. Improve program management
and service delivery 2. Provide an inclusive, effective, culturally 3. Improve gender-sensitive 5. Promoted partnerships to benefit
responsive, gender- sensitive and safe contextualized curriculum and learning education for learners in situations of
• Coordination with LGUs and barangay officials learning environment to respond to the delivery disadvantage
on data gathering and analysis towards explicit
solutions to identified barriers to education
situations of disadvantage • Standards, processes and protocols for the • Communication and advocacy plans for
contextualization of the curriculum, and inclusive education are implemented
• Mechanism for the enrollment of pre-identified
children with disabilities in Kindergarten • Policies and standards for safe and learning delivery for inclusive education • Partnership with external providers of
between and among ECCD, DSWD, NGOs, accessible learning environments for developed and implemented inclusive education forged
and DepEd implemented learners with different learning needs are • Programs to address gender-disparities • Standards and protocols for the
• Ten-year Program Assessment of IPEd among children are developed and engagement of stakeholders in support
• Baseline information on the needs of all types • Contextualized rural farm schools implemented of inclusive education formulated
of learners in disadvantage completed established • Involvement of the community in the
• Policies, standards and program management • One Community Learning Center (CLC) per implementation of the different learning
on programs responsive to the needs of all barangay established modalities
types of learners are developed and 4. Enhance DepEd platforms for
• Inclusive Learning Resource Center
established learning resources
• Learning and Development Plan for the
capacity development of personnel involved in • Learner support services appropriate for
IPEd implemented learners with different learning needs
• Rights-based and culture-sensitive planning • Standards, processes, and protocols for the
implemented contextualization of learning resources of
and M&E at various governance levels for IPEd
formulated and implemented inclusive education implemented
• Governance Framework and partnership • DepEd ICT platforms and facilities with
mechanisms for IPEd across governance
levels developed and implemented
accessiblity features for inclusive education
• Program approaches and strategies for various are provided
typologies of IPEd implementing schools • Standards, processes, and protocols for the
formulated and implemented contextualization of the curriculum, learning
• Teaching, non-teaching, implementers and delivery, and learning resources for IPEd (for
stakeholders trained on inclusive education
• M&E policy and mechanism on inclusive both formal and ALS) formulated
education developed and implemented
• ALS M&E system established
Learners complete K-12 basic education having attained all learning standards OUTPUTS by Strategy
that equip them with the necessary skills and attributes to pursue their chosen

1. Ensure alignment of the curriculum, 2. Align resource provision with key stage
instruction, and classroom assessment learning standards
methods in all learning areas
• Learning resources for learning standards reflecting the
socio-emotional and 21st century skills provided
• Curriculum guides reflecting the socio-emotional and • System for the management of learning resources developed
21st century skills including the appropriate learning and implemented
approaches and assessment are developed, • System for quality assurance of learning resources
disseminated and implemented developed and implemented
• Sustainable Development Goals and human rights, • Researches on curriculum standards, learning management,
including but not limited to children’s rights, integrated and learning resources and services completed and
in relevant subjects as early as Stage 1 and until disseminated
Stage 4 • Guidelines on safe use of technology in the teaching and
• Policies and curriculum standards on Good Manners learning process formulated and implemented
and Right Conduct (GMRC) and Values Education
issued and implemented
• Policies, standards, and program management on
curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities
developed and implemented
QUALITY 2/2 OUTPUTS by Strategy
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME complete K-12 basic education having attained all learning standards
that equip them with the necessary skills and attributes to pursue their chosen
3. Assess learning outcomes at each key stage 5. Ensure alignment of curriculum,
transition and for learners in situations of instruction, and assessment with current
disadvantage 4. Strengthen the competence of and emerging industry and global
• Revised National Assessment Framework developed teachers and instructional leaders in standards
and implemented areas such as content knowledge and
• Revised assessment programs with design, tools, • Policy, platforms, and mechanism for
administration procedures, and guidelines developed pedagogy/instruction, curriculum and consultations on curriculum, instruction,
and implemented planning, responding to learner and assessment developed and
• Mechanisms for aggregation of classroom assessment diversity, and assessment and reporting. implemented
for division-wide learning assessments in place and resource provision with key stage
operational • Policy on Alignment between TEI
• Researches on curriculum standards, learning learning standards curriculum and school curriculum issued
management, and learning resources and services and implemented
completed and disseminated • Professional development programs for teachers • Policies and mechanisms for tertiary
• Predictive models using assessment results developed developed and implemented in identified priority schools on providing the results of
and appropriate trainings implemented areas such as but not limited to: college readiness assessment of SHS
• System for monitoring Philippine Qualifications - socio emotional and 21st Century skills
Framework (PQF) level 1 (JHS certificates) and Level 2 graduates established
- learning approaches and learning modalities
(SHS diploma) in the qualifications registry (including the - Assessment
National Competency Standards) established - program management on curricular, co-curricular
• Analytical reports on the results of national and and extra curricular
international assessments completed and disseminated • Professional development programs for instructional
• DepEd personnel trained on how to use artificial leaders (MTs, SHs, PSDS, EPS) to support teacher
intelligence, machine learning, and analytics for creating PD on various priority areas
predictive models of student readiness, achievement,
literacy level, SHS track, and work readiness
Learners are resilient and know their rights, and have the life skills to OUTPUTS by Strategy
protect themselves and exercise their education related rights, while being
Strategies aware of their responsibilities as individuals and as members of society

1. Integrate children’s and learners' rights in the design 2. Ensure that learners know their 3. Protect learners and personnel
of all DepEd policies, plans, programs, projects, rights and have the life skills to from death, injury, and harm brought
processes and systems claim their education-related rights by natural and human-induced
from DepEd and other duty-bearers hazards
• Laws, policies, plans, rules and regulations, contracts, to promote learners’ well-being
programs, projects and activities containing commitments
towards children’s rights according to rights-based • Child rights education (CRE) in the • DepEd personnel and learners
education framework implemented enhanced K to 12 curriculum, extra- or co- capacitated on providing MHPSS
curricular programs, learning environment • DRRM, CCAM, and peacebuilding
• Rights-based education (RBE) framework adopted and
and culture of the school, learning center, competencies in the K to 12
and other learning modalities integrated curriculum integrated
• Standards and mechanisms on child protection developed •
• Learning resources on children’s and Personnel and stakeholders
and implemented capacitated on DRRM, CCAM, and
• M&E mechanism on rights-based education framework and learners’ rights in education utilized
• School-based Guidelines on RBE and CRE peacebuilding
legal obligations & commitments on children’s rights • Safety and emergency supplies and
implemented implementation developed, with
consideration of School-Based equipment provided to DepEd offices
• Child Rights in Education Desk (CREDe) institutionalized and schools
• DepEd personnel and stakeholders trained on child Management, School Improvement Plan, • Early Warning Systems (EWS) in
rights/RBE School Governance Council
DepEd offices and schools
• Positive discipline measures implemented in schools and • Mechanisms on learners' participation on established
community education and children's rights developed
• CPU and CPC structures are established and implemented
• Child protection policies implemented • Child protection committee in schools
Learners are resilient and know their rights, and have the life skills to protect OUTPUTS by Strategy
INTERMEDIATE themselves and exercise their education related rights, while being aware of
OUTCOME their responsibilities as individuals and as members of society

4. Ensure learning continuity in the aftermath of 5. Protect education investments from the 6. Provide learners with basic health
a disaster or emergency impacts of natural and human-induced hazards and nutrition services

• Internal and external partners for response, • Risk assessment data for DRRM, CCAM, and • Guidelines on health and safety of learners and
rehabilitation, and recovery mobilized peacebuilding established school personnel, including prevention of
• Access to relevant responses, rehabilitation, and • DRRM, Peacebuilding, and Climate change-related COVID-19 developed and implemented
recovery-related datasets from schools enhanced programs, activities, and projects (PAPs), and budget in • Post COVID-19 tracking of learners’ health and
DepEd offices and schools annual plans developed nutrition conditions is implemented by schools
• Information, education, and communication (IEC)
• DRRM, CCAM, and peacebuilding policies implemented in • Health personnel and program coordinators
materials in the aftermath of a disaster or DepEd offices and schools trained on key topics, including management of
emergency developed and disseminated • Functional DRRM Teams organized in all governance risky behavior and child protection issues
• Guidelines on immediate response interventions for levels • Schools’ health facilities including WASH and
learning continuity developed • DRRM, CCAM, and peacebuiliding researches published clinics provided or improved
• MHPSS interventions, including referral • Regular programs for structural and non-structural hazard • School-community coordination mechanisms
mechanisms, for learners and personnel affected prevention and mitigation measures implemented for health and safety of learners are in place in
by disasters and emergencies are provided all schools
• DepEd inter-agency Comprehensive Rehabilitation • Policies, guidelines, and standards on
and Recovery Plan (CRRP) for disaster and 7. Nurture and protect learners' mental and prevention of COVID-19, health & nutrition, and
emergency developed psychosocial health adolescent health & development implemented
• Regions, divisions, and schools equipped in leading
multi-stakeholder groups for the implementation of • Study on effects of student workloads,
response, rehabilitation, and recovery deadlines and other learning activities 8. Promote learners' physical and socio-
• Major repair and reconstruction of infrastructure completed emotional skills development
and replacement of non-infrastructure damages • Teachers trained in handling learners • School sports and fitness development program framework
due to disasters/ and emergencies for rehabilitation experiencing mental and psychosocial developed
and recovery completed health issues • Standards for school sports and competition programs
• Feedback and accountability mechanisms for • DepEd personnel and learners developed and implemented
learners on emergency interventions established capacitated on providing MHPSS • Teaching and non-teaching DepEd personnel trained on
after school sports program
• Partnership on schools sports programs established

Efficient, nimble and resilient governance and management

OUTPUTS by Strategy

1. Ensure all education leaders and managers 3. Ideal learning environment and adequate
practice participative, ethical, and inclusive 2. All personnel are resilient, competent, and
continuously improving learning resources for learners ensured
management processes

• Competency-based hiring and promotion • Professional development standards and • Standards for a quality and inclusive learning
system adopted and implemented career paths for all personnel groups environment for different learner groups for the new
• SBM policy revised and implemented formulated and implemented; normal post covid-19 adopted and implemented
• Policy guidelines for the decentralization of • Employee welfare and benefits standards • Standards for the integration of educational
PAPs formulated and implemented are developed and implemented; technology in teaching and learning developed and
• Basic Education situation analysis and plans • DepEd personnel trained on responsive implemented
submitted to LSBs/RDC and other management processes that uphold • Standards for learning resource development
stakeholders inclusive and right-based education accessible to all types of learners formulated and
• Policy on synchronized planning and budgeting • Learning and Development plan developed implemented
issued and implemented and implemented
• Revised SIP policy developed and
• Policy on M&E framework and system issued
and implemented
Efficient, nimble and resilient governance and management
OUTPUTS by Strategy

4. Improve and modernize internal systems and 5. Strengthen active collaboration with key 6. Strengthen the public-private
processes for a responsive and efficient stakeholders complementarity
financial resource management
• Framework for stakeholder engagement developed
• Guidelines on modern financial management systems and
and implemented • Public-Private complementarity framework
processes developed and implemented
• Guidelines on the use of SEF revised and developed and implemented
• Guidelines for performance management and quality assurance
systems developed and implemented implemented • Manual of regulations for private schools enhanced
• Disaster risk reduction and response mechanisms established • School Governing Council policy revised and and implemented
• Policy and research agenda formulated and implemented implemented • Organizational and human resource support to
• Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in all governance • Policy on the use of partnership information system qualified personnel in private schools are in place
levels developed and implemented issued and implemented
• Internal Control Systems (ICS) framework, guidelines, and • Multi-sectoral youth development alliances
standards adopted and implemented established and operationalized in support of ALS
• Guidelines for QMS developed and implemented implementation
• Asset Management System implemented
• Help-Desk Support System for field procurement operations
• DepEd Integrated Logistics Management System implemented
• Organic procurement units and plantilla positions for procurement
officers created
• Personnel trained in procurement
• Contract Management System developed and implemented
• Standards on procurement processes, forms and documents
developed and implemented
• Supplier's registry system developed and implemented
• Transparency mechanism developed and implemented
• Guidelines on 3rd party participation in procurement developed
and implemented
• Guidelines on customized procurement for selected major
programs developed and implemented
Implementation Arrangements
Lead Office in Monitoring and
Governance Levels Lead office in BEDP Implementation Evaluation

Central Planning Service Planning Service

Region Policy Planning and Research Division Quality Assurance Division

School Governance and Operations School Governance and Operations

Division Division

School Office of the School Head (SPT) Office of the School Head (SMEA)
Implementation Arrangements
Mainstreaming BEDP Strategies: Plan alignment
International Aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote
Global Education
Agenda SDG 4 lifelong learning opportunities for all.”


National Long-term plan aligned with the SDG 2030, designed to address the immediate
Overall Directions, impacts of COVID-19, address the remaining access gaps, confront issues on
National Strategies & BEDP 2030 quality and anticipate what futures might bring. BEDP will synchronize plans at
Standards Development 2022-2030 all governance levels

Region Six-year education development plan developed at the Regional level which contains
Execution of standards, strategies on how priority directions, policies, programs, quality assurance measures
policies and Systems REDP and equity-driven systems will be implemented in their respective regions,
2022-2028 considering the unique learning situation of learners

Six-year plan developed at the Division level which contains strategies on how
Execution of Programs, assistance to schools and learning centers will be implemented. As an example, one of
Activities and Projects and DEDP the crucial mandates of the SDOs is to manage effective and efficient use of all
demand driven TA to 2022-2028 resources, including human resources
schools and CLCs
School/CLC Provides 3-year roadmap that lays down specific interventions that a school, with the
help of community and other stakeholders, which the school will undertake within the
Implementation; SIP period of three (3) consecutive years. At the school level, the SIPs must be able to
articulate the school’s strategies on making the teaching and learning process more
Teaching and learning 2025-2028 effective and inclusive
Alignment of Roles and Responsibilities of Governance levels

Shall primarily focus on formulation and enforcement of national policies, plans, education
standards, assessment of learning outcomes, conducting studies and research, program
CENTRAL development, human resource management, Monitoring and Evaluation; alignment and
synchronicity of policy, programs, standards, and partnership building.
Shall focus on policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation, conduct of regional studies
and research, human resource management, development of education projects that will
resolve unique education issues in the region, quality assurance, ensure synchronicity of
REGION programs, projects, and activity implementation and building partnership.

Shall focus on efficient policy and plan implementation, equitable and efficient deployment
SCHOOL and utilization of resources, human resource management, progress monitoring, providing
targeted technical support to schools and learning centers, ensure synchronicity of activities
DIVISION and building partnership.

Shall focus on Providing professional and instructional advice and support to the school
DISTRICT heads and teachers/facilitators of schools and learning centers and curriculum and
instructional supervision.

SCHOOL/ Shall focus on school plan and curriculum implementation, creation of ideal learning
environment, resource management, teacher professional development, improvement of
CLCS instruction, classroom assessment and building local partnership.
Phases of Implementation
Response to the immediate impacts of the pandemic on
PHASE 1 learning and participation and address issues on quality of
2022-2025 basic education
Post COVID-19 Recovery and Transition – Accelerate the co-creation of an integrated
Addressing and mitigating the impacts of concept of learning spaces for the future;
sudden shift in delivery modalities, bridging
the learning gaps and introduce innovations.

Focus on Quality: Learning Recovery Formulation of enabling policies, standards,

1) Strengthen programs on reading, numeracy, processes and systems;
socio-emotional learning, and 21st century skills,
2) Sharpen skillsets of teachers in Capacity development on policy
contextualization to address the concerns of development and implementation, strategic
diverse learners and planning, education futures, M&E research
3) Strengthen instructional leadership and and technical assistance;
supervision to improve teaching quality;

Strengthen DepEd’s capability on Partnership Building with community-based

assessment with focus on classroom level partners, the private sector and cross sector
assessment; government services for children;
Improve Access for groups in situations of Mid-term review and analysis of phase 1
disadvantage; results to inform refinements in BEDP
Priorities for 2022-2023
Post COVID-19 Recovery and Transition – Addressing and mitigating the impacts of
sudden shift in delivery modalities, bridging the learning gaps and introduce innovations.
 Learning Recovery
 Reintroduction of Face to face starting from pilot phase (safe return to schools)
 Improve ICT in education
 Provision of appropriate learning resources for blended learning approach
 Reduction of reliance to printed modules and maximize the use of Online, DepEd TV and Radio-
based Instruction
 Strengthen support to private schools
 Improve Access for groups in situations of disadvantage and retrieve school leavers in SY 2020-2021
 Build and strengthen partnerships

Focus on Quality as a priority

 Improve Performance on reading, numeracy, socio-emotional learning, and 21st century skills
 Sharpen skillsets of teachers in contextualization to address the concerns of diverse learners.
 Strengthen instructional leadership and supervision to improve teaching quality
PHASE 2 Sustaining gains, introducing innovations and
2026-2030 evaluating policies and programs

Continuation of programs and Operationalization of the strategies

projects on access, quality, equity initiated under the Education
and resiliency; Futures Programme;

Maintenance and enhancement Evaluation of programs and

of information systems; projects;

Development and implementation End of Plan assessment and

of emerging new programs evaluation
Operationalizing the BEDP

• Program profiles particularly the objectives, performance indicators and targets

must be reviewed to determine its relevance to the implementation of BEDP.
• Most of the outputs can be produced by the lead office in consultation with other
relevant offices.
• Lead office shall initiate the process of consultation until it produced the output
• There are outputs that are sequential, therefore proper timing and scheduling is
• Producing the outputs may be funded using program funds under GAA and other
sources from development partners, LGUs and other education stakeholders
• All activities to be initiated must clearly support the key strategic priorities
• Clear timelines in producing outputs must be plotted within 2022-2030
Operationalizing the BEDP

• Regional Planning Team shall use BEDP as the anchor in developing their
respective Regional Education Development Plan (REDP), particularly the key
strategic priorities, results framework and strategies.
• The principle of “One Goal, Shared Outcomes, Common Programs, Different
Strategies” must be applied. Regions may have different strategies which are
based on regions’ unique needs and conditions, baseline outcome performance,
profile of clients and the size of budget.
• Regional outputs shall be mainly implementation of policies and standards that
will be produced by CO. Regional policy instrument must be anchored on national
• Producing the outputs may be funded using program funds under GAA and other
sources from development partners, LGUs and other education stakeholders
Operationalizing the BEDP
• Division Planning Team shall use BEDP and regional priorities as
anchor in developing their respective Division Education Development
Plan (DEDP), particularly the key strategic priorities, results framework
and strategies.
• Division outputs shall be mainly execution of programs and activities in
support of school in the implementation of curriculum
• Producing the outputs may be funded using program funds under GAA
and other sources from development partners, LGUs and other
education stakeholders
Operationalizing the BEDP
• School Planning Team shall use BEDP and Division priorities as the
anchor in developing their respective School Improvement Plan which
shall focus on curriculum delivery.
• School Plan shall focus on improving learning outcomes, addressing
classroom and school level issues and promoting safe school
• School outputs shall be mainly implementation of curriculum, and
activities in improving learner’s academic performance and resilience.
• Producing the outputs may be funded using program funds under
school MOOE and other sources from development partners, LGUs
and other education stakeholders
Contextualizing National Targets

• With the implementation of BEDP 2030, and the need to confront the 5
education imperatives, education delivery cannot be business as usual.
Accelerated program implementation, bold targets, capacity development
are needed to address the education imperatives.
• Each region and division depending on their level of performance shall set
their respective annual targets until 2030 using 2020 as baseline.
• In establishing the regional and division targets, need to strike a balance
between the national targets and the current baseline performance.
• Performance must converge and meet at the end of plan targets in 2030
• School targets shall focus on improving learning outcomes and shall
ensure optimum contact time.
Contextualizing national targets and developing
regional and division targets
Advanced: Progressing:
Above the set target and above the Above the national average but below the
national Average set target
Objective is to achieve the set targets and
Objective is to maintain the momentum and
maintain placement above national average.
targets should still be increasing until it reaches
Targets should be bold until it reaches the ideal
the ideal state in 2030
state in 2030

Catching Up: Falling Behind:

Above the set target but below the Both Below set target and national
national Average average
Objective is maintain momentum in achieving set Objective is to achieve the set targets and get
targets and get above national average. Targets closer to national average. Targets should be bold
should be a little bolder until it reaches the ideal and ambitious until it reaches the ideal state in
state in 2030 2030
Aligning REDP, DEDP and SIP with BEDP 2030
• DepEd Order 24, s. 2022 or the Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 mandates
under paragraph 4 that “All offices and units in all governance levels shall align their policies, Plans and
programs with the BEDP 2030.

• Utilizing the planning technologies, RO and SDO shall undertake participative and consultative
processes of plan development. Using the standard basic process of plan development which
commences in situation analysis, goal and outcome setting, strategy formulation and performance
targeting, each governance level shall develop their respective development plans aligned with BEDP

• Regional Level - Regional Education Development Plan (REDP). Six-year education development plan
developed at the Regional level which contains strategies on how priority directions, policies, programs,
quality assurance measures and equity-driven systems will be implemented in their respective regions,
considering the unique learning situation of learners

• Division Level - Division Education Development Plan (DEDP). Six-year plan developed at the Division
level which contains strategies on how assistance to schools and learning centers will be implemented.
As an example, one of the crucial mandates of the SDOs is to manage effective and efficient use of all
resources, including human resources.

Aligning REDP, DEDP and SIP with BEDP 2030
• School Improvement Plan (SIP). A roadmap that lays down specific interventions that a school, with the
help of the community and other stakeholders, undertakes within a period of three (3) consecutive school
years. It aims to improve the four key result areas in basic education: access, equity, quality, resiliency,
and well-being including governance.

• SIP development process shall still be guided by the provisions of DO 44, s. 2015. The adjustment will be
on the alignment of the plan with the BEDP Results Framework and minor adjustment in the SIP Outline
to make it compliant to the BEDP Results framework stipulated in DO 24, s. 2022.

• For RO, SDO and Schools who already completed or started their respective plans prior to the adoption
of BEDP under DO 24, s. 2022, adjustments must be made in terms of the alignment in the results
framework particularly on the Intermediate Outcomes which represent the Key Results Areas.

• A “One Goal, Shared Outcomes, Common Programs, Different Strategies” approach shall be adopted by
all governance level. Strategies or outputs and interventions must be designed to address the challenges
affecting the performance of RO (Regional Offices), SDO (Schools Division Office) and School and
ensure alignment of interventions and synchronicity in execution.

Plan Outline for Regions and Divisions
Structure Description
I Executive Brief introduction and summary of the strategic plan. It should describe the plan, the problem that it solves, the
Summary strategies to employ and the performance targets.
II Background This describes the context of the region/division, its current situation, performance gaps, and the key and emerging
priority issues/challenges confronting basic education at each level of governance. Discussion may focus on the
situation of learners, out of school children and youth, schools, and learning centers. Further identify the key and major
challenges in terms of: a) access and efficiency, b) equity, c) quality of basic education provision (student learning
outcomes, key challenges in quality of teacher and learning), d) Resiliency and well-being, e) Governance (ie. system
management and education budget and financing)
III Strategic Strategic Direction charts the path of the organization towards achieving the vision. It sets the long-term or medium-
Directions term strategic direction of the organization towards achieving the goal, outcomes, intermediate outcomes, and the
A. Goal - represents the contribution of the Department in achieving societal aspirations in terms of improving the state
of basic education in the country and global community. It is aligned with the goals of the national government.
B. Outcome – statement of the expected change as a consequence of interventions. These can be changes in learners’
performance, systems, policies, or institutional. Specifically, statement of the quality and characteristics of the learner
that the organization wants to produce after completing basic education.
C. Intermediate Outcomes (IOs) –critical result that must occur to reach the higher-level outcome. It describes what the
organization endeavors the learners to have in terms of access, equity, quality/achievement, and resiliency.
D. Strategies and Outputs - are actionable objectives designed to achieve the IOs. Each IO may have several
interconnected strategies supported by various outputs which may come in the form of policies, standards, programs,
projects, and activities

Plan Outline for Regions and Divisions
Structure Description
IV Performance Targets These should contain desired annual outcomes performance focusing on learners’ performance
highlighting the end of plan targets. Should include targets on Access, Equity, Quality, Resiliency and
Well-being and Governance
V Implementation These must include current material, financial, and human resources, and organizational capacity. It
Arrangements and will also outline how the units will execute its strategies. This answers the question “Who will do
Organizational what?”.
VI Monitoring, Evaluation MEA puts into operation a systematic process for collection, collation, and analysis of key education
and Adjustments data and information that will allow DepEd’s decision makers, implementers at each DepEd
(MEA) governance level, and other stakeholders to collectively appreciate both achievement and challenges
in the basic education sector. The main objective of the MEA is to facilitate decision making for a more
relevant and responsive delivery of basic education services.
VII Analysis and These must include the registry of identified Risks, its description, and the strategic solutions to
Management of Risk mitigate the impact of each identified risk.
VIII Indicative Timelines These must show the strategies in order of priority over the next six years. This need not be detailed
but must show an indicative sequencing and prioritization.
IX Appendices The Data Capture Form summary and the Pareto Analysis must be attached as annexes, together with
other documents cited in the plan. Other pre-work outputs should be placed in a docket as additional

SIP Outline
I DepEd’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values Articulation of vision, mission, and core values on how these will influence the
school ways of doing things.
II School’s Current Situation Situation analysis using DO 44 process
a) Introducing the School Description of the school which may include but not limited to school physical environment,
immediate community, and linkages.

b) School Performance on Access May include analysis of enrollment, Intake rate, completion, retention, transition, dropout

c) School Performance on Quality May include performance in national achievement test, regional and division tests (if
available), awards and recognition, performance in ILSAs (International Large-Scale
Assessments) (if the school has participated)

d) School concerns on Equity and Inclusion Analysis of issues on inclusion programs or initiatives

e) School concerns on Resilience and Well- Analysis of nutritional status of learners, incidence of bullying, school hazards, mental and
being psychosocial condition including security and peace and order situation
f) School concerns on governance May include school resources analysis on human resources, school resources and
development prospects. Basic ratios may be presented and teacher performance, SBM
practice and partnerships, among others
g) Other Unique concerns May include very unique issues that are not captured in the 4 pillars

SIP Outline
III Improvement Plan School Strategic and Operational Plan
  a) Key Performance Indicators (targets) 3-year realistic targets on access, equity, quality, resilience, well-being, and governance

b) Priority Improvement Areas (PIA) Priorities that the schools must focus to address challenges and harness opportunities

c) Key Interventions These may be in a form of nationally driven programs and projects, locally initiated
interventions to address unique conditions and specific activities designed to address
short term issues.

d) Three-Year Indicative Plan School Strategic Plan which outlines school priorities in 3 year cycle. Should include
goal, outcomes, strategies, and outputs
e) Year 1 Annual Improvement Plan Plan execution document using the standard template for Work and Financial Plan

IV School Monitoring and Evaluation and Systematic process for collection, collation, and analysis of key education data
Adjustments (SMEA) and information that will allow the SGC to determine the progress of SIP
implementation based on targets. The main objective of the SMEA is to facilitate
decision making for a more relevant and responsive delivery of basic education
services at the school level.
a. M&E (monitoring & evaluation) May include tools, info systems and templates identified in DO 44 and other new
Strategies templates may be useful. The main reference will be the School Report Card (SRC)

a. M&E Activities May include SMEA culmination, regular Program Implementation review (PIR). Could be
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual.

Thank You

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