Big Data Module 2

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Module 2 – Data Analytics Lifecycle

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 1
How to Approach Your Analytics Problems
Your Thoughts?

• How do you currently approach

your analytics problems?

• Do you follow a methodology or

some kind of framework?

• How do you plan for an analytic


Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 4
Value of Using the Data Analytics Lifecycle

• Focus your time

• Ensure rigor and completeness

• Enable better transition to members of the cross-functional

analytic teams
 Repeatable
 Scale to additional analysts
 Support validity of findings

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step“ (Lao Tzu)

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Need For a Process to Guide Data Science Projects

1. Well-defined processes can

help guide any analytic

2. Focus of Data Analytics

Lifecycle is on Data
Science projects, not
business intelligence
3. Data Science projects tend to require a more consultative
approach, and differ in a few ways
 More due diligence in Discovery phase
 More projects which lack shape or structure
 Less predictable data

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 6
Key Roles for a Successful Analytic Project
Role Description

Someone who benefits from the end results and can consult and advise project team on
Business User
value of end results and how these will be operationalized

Person responsible for the genesis of the project, providing the impetus for the project and
Project Sponsor core business problem, generally provides the funding and will gauge the degree of value
from the final outputs of the working team

Project Manager Ensure key milestones and objectives are met on time and at expected quality.

Business Intelligence Business domain expertise with deep understanding of the data, KPIs, key metrics and
Analyst business intelligence from a reporting perspective

Deep technical skills to assist with tuning SQL queries for data management, extraction and
Data Engineer
support data ingest to analytic sandbox

Database Database Administrator who provisions and configures database environment to support the
Administrator (DBA) analytical needs of the working team
Provide subject matter expertise for analytical techniques, data modeling, applying valid
Data Scientist analytical techniques to given business problems and ensuring overall analytical objectives
are met

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 7
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
1 peer review?
Do I have
enough good
quality data to
6 2
start building
Operationalize Data Prep the model?

5 3
Communicate Model
Results Planning

Model Do I have a good idea

Is the model robust

Building about the type of model
to try? Can I refine the
enough? Have we analytic plan?
failed for sure?

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 8
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 1: Discovery information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
1 peer review?
Do I have
enough good
quality data to
• Learn the Business Domain start building
 Operationalize Data you
Determine amount of domain knowledge needed to orient Prep
to the data
the and
interpret results downstream
 Determine the general analytic problem type (such as clustering, classification)
 If you don’t know, then conduct initial research to learn about the domain area
you’ll be analyzing
Communicate Model
• Learn from the past
Results Planning
 Have there been previous attempts in the organization to solve this problem?
 If so, why did they fail? Why are we trying again? How have things changed?
Model Do I have a good idea

Is the model robust

Building about the type of model
to try? Can I refine the
enough? Have we analytic plan?
failed for sure?

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 9
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 1: Discovery information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
1 peer review?
Do I have
enough good
quality data to
start building
• Resources
Operationalize Data Prep the model?

 Assess available technology

 Available data – sufficient to meet your needs
 People for the working team
Communicate Model
 Assess scope of time for the project in calendar time
Results and person-hours
 Do you have sufficient resources to attempt the project? If not, can you get
Model Do I have a good idea

Is the model robust

Building about the type of model
to try? Can I refine the
enough? Have we analytic plan?
failed for sure?

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 10
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 1: Discovery information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
1 peer review?
Do I have
enough good
quality data to
• Frame the problem…..Framing is the process of stating the analytics start
to beOperationalize
solved Data Prep the model?

 State the analytics problem, why it is important, and to whom

 Identify key stakeholders and their interests in the project
 Clearly articulate the current situation and pain points
 Communicate
Objectives – identify what needs to be achieved in businessModel terms and what needs
to beResults
done to meet the needs Planning
 What is the goal? What are the criteria for success? What’s “good enough”?
 What is the failure criterion (when do we just stop trying or settle for what we
have)? Model Do I have a good idea
success criteria, keyBuilding
about the type of model
 Identify the robust
Is the model risks, and stakeholders (such as Can
to try? I refine the
enough? Have we analytic plan?
failed for sure?

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Tips for Interviewing the Analytics Sponsor
• Even if you are “given” an analytic problem you should work with clients to
clarify and frame the problem
 You’re typically handed solutions, you need to
identify the problem and their desired outcome
Sponsor Interview Tips
• Prepare for the interview – draft your questions, review with colleague, team
• Use open-ended questions, don’t ask leading questions
• Probe for details, follow-up
• Don’t fill every silence – give them time to think
• Let them express their ideas, don’t put words in their mouth, let them share their feelings
• Ask clarifying questions, ask why – is that correct? Am I on target? Is there anything else?
• Use active listening – repeat it back to make sure you heard it correctly
• Don’t express your opinions
• Be mindful of your body language and theirs – use eye contact, be attentive
• Minimize distractions
• Document what you heard and review it back with the sponsor

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 12
Tips for Interviewing the Analytics Sponsor
Interview Questions
• What is the business problem you’re trying to solve?
• What is your desired outcome?
• Will the focus and scope of the problem change if the following dimensions
• Time – analyzing 1 year or 10 years worth of data?
• People – how would this project change this?
• Risk – conservative to aggressive
• Resources – none to unlimited (tools, tech, …..)
• Size and attributes of Data
• What data sources do you have?
• What industry issues may impact the analysis?
• What timelines are you up against?
• Who could provide insight into the project? Consulted?
• Who has final say on the project?

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 13
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 1: Discovery information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
1 peer review?
Do I have
enough good
• Formulate Initial Hypotheses quality data to
start building
IH, H1 , H2, H3, … Hn
Operationalize Data Prep the model?
 Gather and assess hypotheses from stakeholders and
domain experts
 Preliminary data exploration to inform discussions with
stakeholders during the hypothesis forming stageModel
• IdentifyResults
Data Sources – Begin Learning the Data
 Aggregate sources for previewing the data and provide
high-level understanding Model Do I have a good idea
 Review the raw data Building about the type of model
Is the model robust to try? Can I refine the
 Determine
enough? Havethe we structures and tools needed analytic plan?
failed for sure?
 Scope the kind of data needed for this kind of problem

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 14
Using a Sample Case Study to Track the Phases in the
Data Analytics Lifecycle
Mini Case Study: Churn Prediction for
Yoyodyne Bank
Situation Synopsis
• Retail Bank, Yoyodyne Bank wants to improve the Net Present Value
(NPV) and retention rate of customers
• They want to establish an effective marketing campaign targeting
customers to reduce the churn rate by at least five percent
• The bank wants to determine whether those customers are worth
retaining. In addition, the bank also wants to analyze reasons for
customer attrition and what they can do to keep them
• The bank wants to build a data warehouse to support Marketing
and other related customer care groups

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 15
How to Frame an Analytics Problem Mini Case

Sample Business Problems Qualifiers

• How can we improve on x? Define an analytical

Will the focus and scope of the problem change if
• What’s happening real-time? the following dimensions change: approach, including
Trends? key terms, metrics, and
• How can we use analytics • Time data needed.
differentiate ourselves • People – how would x change this?
• How can we use analytics to • Risk – conservative/aggressive
innovate? • Resources – none/unlimited
• How can we stay ahead of our • Size of Data?
biggest competitor?

• Time: Trailing 5 months

Churn Prediction for
• People: Working team and business users from
Yoyodyne Bank How do we identify
the Bank
churn/no churn for a
• Risk: the project will fail if we cannot
Yoyodyne Bank determine valid predictors of churn
How can we improve • Resources: EDW, analytic sandbox, OLTP
Net Present Value (NPV) and Pilot study followed
system full scale analytical
retention rate of the customers? • Data: Use 24 months for the training set, then model
analyze 5 months of historical data for those
customers who churned

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 16
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 2: Data Preparation information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
peer review?

• Prepare Analytic Sandbox Discovery

Do I have
 Work space for the analytic team enough good
quality data to
 10x+ vs. EDW 2
start building
• Perform
ELT Data Prep the model?

 Determine needed transformations

 Assess data quality and structuring
 Derive statistically useful measures
 Determine and establish data connections Model
Results Planning
for raw data
 Execute Big ELT and/or Big ETL
Model Do I have a good idea

Is the model robust

Building about the type of model
to try? Can I refine the
• Useful Tools
enough?for this
Have wephase: analytic plan?
• For failed
Datafor sure?
Transformation & Cleansing: SQL, Hadoop, MapReduce, Alpine Miner

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 17
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 2: Data Preparation information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
peer review?
• Familiarize yourself with the data thoroughly Do I have
 List your data sources enough good
quality data to
 What’s needed vs. what’s available start building
Operationalize Data Prep the model?
• Data Conditioning
 Clean and normalize data
 Discern what you keep vs. what you discard
• SurveyCommunicate
& Visualize Model
 Overview, zoom & filter, details-on-demand
Results Planning
 Descriptive Statistics
 Data Quality
Model Do I have a good idea

• Is the for
Useful Tools model robust
this phase:
Building about the type of model
to try? Can I refine the
enough? Statistics
• Descriptive Have we on candidate variables for diagnostics & quality analytic plan?
failed for sure?
• Visualization: R (base package, ggplot and lattice), GnuPlot, Ggobi/Rggobi, Spotfire,

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 18
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 3: Model Planning information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
peer review?
Do I have
• Determine Methods enough good
quality data to
 Select methods based on hypotheses, data start building
structure and volume Data Prep the model?

 Ensure techniques and approach will meet

business objectives
• Techniques & Workflow Model
Results Planning
 Candidate tests and sequence
 Identify and document modeling
assumptions Model Do I have a good idea

Is the model robust

Building about the type of model
• Useful Tools to try? Can I refine the
enough?for this
Have wephase: R/PostgresSQL, SQL analytic plan?
for sure?

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 19
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 3: Model Planning information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
peer review?
• Data Exploration Discovery
Do I have
enough good
• Variable Selection quality data to
start building
 Inputs from stakeholders and domain
Operationalize Data Prep the model?
 Capture essence of the predictors, leverage
a technique for dimensionality reduction
 Iterative testing to confirm the most
Communicate Model
Resultsvariables Planning

• Model Selection
Model Do I have a good idea
 Conversion to SQL or database language for
Is the model robust
Building about the type of model
best performance to try? Can I refine the
enough? Have we analytic plan?
 Choose
for sure? based on the end goal

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 20
Sample Research: Churn Prediction in Other Verticals
Mini Case Study:
Churn Prediction for
Yoyodyne Bank

• After conducting research on churn prediction, you have identified many

methods for analyzing customer churn across multiple verticals (those in
bold are taught in this course)
• At this point, a Data Scientist would assess the methods and select the best
model for the situation
Market Sector Analytic Techniques/Methods Used
Wireless Telecom DMEL method (data mining by evolutionary learning)
Retail Business Logistic regression, ARD (automatic
relevance determination), decision tree
Daily Grocery MLR (multiple linear regression), ARD, and decision tree

Wireless Telecom Neural network, decision tree, hierarchical neurofuzzy systems, rule evolver
Retail Banking Multiple regression
Wireless Telecom Logistic regression, neural network, decision tree

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 21
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 4: Model Building information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
peer review?
• Develop data sets for testing, training, and production purposes Do I have
 Need to ensure that the model data is sufficiently robust for enough good
the model
quality data to
and analytical techniques start building
Operationalize Data
Smaller, test sets for validating approach, training setPrep
for initial the model?

• Get the best environment you can for building models and workflows…
fast hardware, parallel processing
Communicate Model
Results Planning

Is the model robust Model Do I have a good idea
enough? Have we Building about the type of model
failed for sure? to try? Can I refine the
analytic plan?
• Useful Tools for this phase: R, PL/R, SQL, Alpine Miner, SAS Enterprise Miner

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 22
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 5: Communicate Results information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
peer review?
Do I have
enough good
quality data to
Did we succeed? Did we fail? start building
Operationalize Data Prep the model?

• Interpret the results

• Compare to IH’s from Phase 1
• Identify key findings Model
Results • Quantify business value
• Summarizing findings, depending on
Model Do I have a good idea

Is the model robust

Building about the type of model
Mini Case Study: to try? Can I refine the
enough? Have we For the YoyoDyne Case Study, analytic plan?
Churn Prediction for
failed for sure? what would be some possible results and key findings?
Yoyodyne Bank

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 23
Data Analytics Lifecycle Do I have enough
Phase 6: Operationalize information to draft an
analytic plan and share for
peer review?
Do I have

• Run a pilot enough good
quality data to

Operationalize • Assess the benefits

Data Prep
start building
the model?

• Provide final deliverables

• Implement the model in the
production environment
Results • Define process toPlanning
update, retrain,
and retire the model, as needed
Model Do I have a good idea

Is the model robust

Building about the type of model
to try? Can I refine the
enough? Have we analytic plan?
failed for sure?

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 24
Mini Case Study:
Analytic Plan Churn Prediction for
Retail Banking
Components of Retail Banking: Yoyodyne Bank
Analytic Plan
Phase 1: Discovery How do we identify churn/no churn for a customer?
Business Problem
Initial Hypotheses Transaction volume and type are key predictors of churn rates.

Data 5 months of customer account history.

Phase 3: Model Planning Logistic regression to identify most influential factors predicting churn.
- Analytic
Phase 5: Once customers stop using their accounts for gas and groceries, they will
Result & soon erode their accounts and churn.
Key Findings If customers use their debit card fewer than 5 times per month, they will
leave the bank within 60 days.
Business Impact If we can target customers who are high-risk for churn, we can reduce
customer attrition by 25%. This would save $3 million in lost of
customer revenue and avoid $1.5 million in new customer acquisition
costs each year.

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 25
Key Outputs from a Successful Analytic Project, by Role
Role Description What the Role Needs in the Final Deliverables
Someone who benefits from the end results and can consult • Sponsor Presentation addressing:
and advise project team on value of end results and how these • Are the results good for me?
Business User will be operationalized • What are the benefits of the findings?
• What are the implications of this for me?
Person responsible for the genesis of the project, providing • Sponsor Presentation addressing:
the impetus for the project and core business problem, • What’s the business impact of doing this?
Project generally provides the funding and will gauge the degree of • What are the risks? ROI?
Sponsor value from the final outputs of the working team • How can this be evangelized within the
organization (and beyond)?
Project Ensure key milestones and objectives are met on time and at
Manager expected quality.
Business Business domain expertise with deep understanding of the • Show the analyst presentation
Intelligence data, KPIs, key metrics and business intelligence from a • Determine if the reports will change
Analyst reporting perspective
Deep technical skills to assist with tuning SQL queries for • Share the code from the analytical project
Data Engineer data management, extraction and support data ingest to • Create technical document on how to implement
analytic sandbox it.
Database Database Administrator who provisions and configures • Share the code from the analytical project
Administrator database environment to support the analytical needs of the • Create technical document on how to implement
(DBA) working team it.
Provide subject matter expertise for analytical techniques, • Show the analyst presentation
data modeling, applying valid analytical techniques to given • Share the code
Data Scientist
business problems and ensuring overall analytical objectives
are met

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 26
4 Core Deliverables to Meet Most Stakeholder Needs
1. Presentation for Project Sponsors
• “Big picture" takeaways for executive level stakeholders
• Determine key messages to aid their decision-making process
• Focus on clean, easy visuals for the presenter to explain and for the
viewer to grasp
2. Presentation for Analysts
• Business process changes
• Reporting changes
• Fellow Data Scientists will want the details and are comfortable with
technical graphs (such as ROC curves, density plots, histograms)
3. Code for technical people
4. Technical specs of implementing the code

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 27
Analyst Wish List for a Successful Analytics

Data & Workspaces

• Access to all the data, including aggregated OLAP data, BI tools, raw data, structured and
various states of unstructured data as needed
• Up-to-date data dictionary to describe the data
• Area for staging and production data sets
• Ability to move data back and forth between workspaces and staging areas
• Analytic sandbox with strong compute power to experiment and play with the data

• Statistical/mathematical/visual software of choice for a given situation and problem set,
such as SAS, Matlab, R, java tools, Tableau, Spotfire
• Collaboration: an online platform or environment for collaboration and communicating
with team members  
• Tool or place to log errors with systems, environments or data sets

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 28
Concepts in Practice
Greenplum’s Approach to Analytics

Magnetic Agile Deep

Attract all kinds of data Flexible and elastic data structures Rich data repository and
algorithmic engine


data What will How can we
Ou happen? do better?
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es da raw

A/ stin g Mo n

ion What
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How and
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da ass

why did it
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where and


Mode n


Repeat when?



Facts Interpretation


Source: MAD Skills: New Analysis Practices for Big Data, March 2009

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 29
“The pessimist –
complains about the wind
The optimist –
expects it to change
The leader –
adjusts the sails

John Maxwell
(Leadership Author)

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 30
Check Your Knowledge
• In which phase would you expect to invest most of your project time and
why? Where would expect to spend the least time? Your Thoughts?

• What are the benefits of doing a pilot program before a full scale rollout of a
new analytical methodology? Discuss this in the context of the mini case

• What kinds of tools would be used in the following phases, and for which
kinds of use scenarios?
 Phase 2: Data Preparation
 Phase 4: Model Execution
• Now that you have completed the analytical project at Yoyodyne, you have an
opportunity to repurpose this approach for an online eCommerce company.
What phases of the lifecycle do you need to focus on to identify ways to do

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 31
Module 2: Summary

Key points covered in this module:

• The Data Analytics Lifecycle was applied to a case study
• A business problem was framed as an analytics problem
• The four main deliverables in an analytics project were

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Module 2: Data Analytics Lifecycle 32
Lab Exercise 1: Introduction to Data Environment
This first lab introduces the Analytics Lab Environment you
will be working on throughout the course.

After completing the tasks in this lab you should be able to:
• Authenticate and access the Virtual Machine (VM)
assigned to you for all of your lab exercises
• Locate data sets you will be working with for the
course’s labs
• Use meta commands and PSQL to navigate through
the data sets
• Create sub-sets of the big data, using table joins and
filters to analyze subsequent lab exercises

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