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● Organizational culture is the set of shared beliefs, values, and norms that influence the way members
think, feel, and behave. Culture is created by means of terminal and instrumental values, heroes, rites
and rituals, and communication networks.
● The socialisation process, in which an individual learns the values, expected behaviours, and
necessary social knowledge to assume their positions in the organisation, is the fundamental means of
maintaining corporate culture
● Culture is established by six primary variables, including information systems, people, process,
leadership, rewarding system, and organization structure.
● There is a wide variety of combined and sophisticated cultures in the workplace, especially in big
corporations like Google.
● Organization tends to have a common goal, which is to create a culture that is different from other
companies and to promote their teams to be creative in developing a distinctive culture
Google through the years
Focus on search Interface card
1998-2001 2001-2007

● was simply one with extreme ● In 2004, Google also achieved a global
iconic imagery in its early years: a colorful market share of 84.7% through
Google logo, a huge text box in the middle partnerships with significant Internet firms
of the screen, and a button to execute. including Yahoo, AOL, and CNN.
● One option is for searching, while the other ● By February 2004, Yahoo had ceased
is "I'm feeling lucky" which takes viewers partnering with Google and had established
to a random Google site. itself as a stand-alone search engine.
● had 10 more languages by ● In 2006, Google also made an important
May 2000. This is a significant step in acquisition to buy YouTube for $1.65
Google's global expansion. is billion. The company kept YouTube as a
available in more than 150 different separate brand and did not include it in
languages Google Video search.
Google through the years
Navigation bar, Google menu, Simplified interface
Google now 2013-2014
● Google started implementing a new edge-
● All of the icons for Google's other products
of-the-screen navigation bar.
and services have been relocated to an App
● It has buttons to switch to Gmail, Calendar,
Drawer button in the top right corner of the
and other services created by the business,
as well as access to a location where users
● Better voice search is also supported using
can look for images, videos, news, and
the Chrome browser.
● Google has experimented with a variety of
● Google introduced a box displaying Google
areas, including radio, print media, and
+ alerts and user accounts' images in the
selling adverts from its sponsors inside of
top left corner.
offline periodicals and newspapers.
● In addition to iOS and Chrome on
● Google runs around 70 operations across
computers, Google Now also debuted on
40 countries as of November 2014.
Android and Android-based devices.
Google through the years
Chrome development and facing challenges

● Google announced that HTTPS will become the standard in 2015.

● Users will trust search engines more as websites improve. In 2016, Google unveiled Android
version 7, Daydream, a new VR platform, and Google Assistant, a new virtual assistant.
● Google's revenue is primarily derived from advertising.
● However, with numerous foreboding indicators for its future, this "golden" corporation is
about to undergo a challenging phase.
● Google's core competency, Google Search, is what drives the majority of its business.
● However, this edge started to wane when Amazon overtook Google to become the most
popular search engine in the world in December of 2016.
● When you consider that 75% of Google's mobile advertising revenue comes from iOS devices,
this is viewed as a deadly blow to the company.
● By 2016, 102% more individuals have downloaded ad-blocking apps than there were in 2015.
"Do managers matter?" - Project Oxygen

● Exit interview data in 2009 cited low satisfaction with their manager as a
reason for leaving Google

● Data-based survey project to measure key management behaviors and

cultivate staff through communication and training
○ Research −1 Exit Interviews, ratings, and semiannual reviews (to identify
high scoring managers)
○ Research-2 Interview high and low scoring managers and to review their
performance (what the best managers do)

● Mirrors the managers’ decision making criteria, respects their needs for
rigorous analysis, and makes it a priority to measure impact

Ethical culture Leader and

Culture influences behavior
How we do things around Manager
here in relation to ethics and
the more diverse culture of a place is, Leader creates a clear vision
ethical behavior in the
the more difficult for outsiders to vs a manager supports a
assess its culture becomes leader to develop task
● The findings of Project Oxygen investigate the performance of Google's finest
technical managers, and the most useful feature discovered was "creating that link"
between manager and employee.

● Workers who provide their best efforts and match their behaviours with company
goals commonly use the word "connection" to express why they are so dedicated;
culture and subculture would play a critical part in business performance, for a
smooth operation.

● Google and Zappos' accomplishments showed that they clarified methods for
successfully assessing company culture. They build strong bonds with their
investors, partners, followers, consumers, and newcomers.

The relationship is what changes a dog-eat-dog situation into a sled dog team that
pulls together
● It is recommended that leaders should urge leaders to organise open events for
workers as frequently as possible to provide them opportunity to engage and learn
about one other's cultures.
● A leader must not establish a barrier between himself and his staff. Instead, a leader
should be the one to open the door and be more harmonic in their connection so that
subordinates feel comfortable commenting or sharing their ideas.
● If a leader does not establish the tone initially, no employees will dare to share their
concerns. It will make it difficult for a new corporate culture to spread, and it will
be tough to resolve cultural differences.

Google and Zappos are sites where people connect.

Because multinational individuals come together to work, cultural intelligence is
an essential quality for a more effective future leader.

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