Ucsp Module 8

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Module 8

Functions and Importance of

Education in the Society

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics Group 1


Social Integration

Social Placement

Social and Cultural Innovation

Roles of Education
Socialization Social Integration
It is considered as the foremost function of education in the With the help of education, children will be incorporated
society. Children learn norms, values, and skills they need to to the society's structure. This will help the children to
function in the society. With these, they will all bring to become socially closer to the society consistent with the
better community development through healthy and proper beliefs and practices.
social interaction.

Social Placement Social and Cultural Innovation

Schools identify and classify students as those bright, There could be no discoveries and inventions without the aid
performing, and educationally challenged. This will help of school. The school becomes the way where people
develop social and upward mobility of the society. develop their intellectual capacities to uncover the
confusions and realities of the world. People innovate out of
their creativity and critical mindedness.
Schools certainly act as a dispenser of
knowledge and academic skills
development such as the basics (reading,
writing, arithmetic). Education serves
many functions and importance in our
Intellectual Political
The school aims to teach students, the The school contributes to the
cognitive skills, transmit knowledge political development of the society
(information), and help you develop at all levels. The school develops
critical and creative thinking.
civic attitudes and exercise rights and
responsibilities as citizens.
Social Economic
The school points to human The school wants to prepare you for
development and social relationships at your occupational roles in the future
different levels in the society. It is the and train you to labor industry.
sincere role of the school to shape the
students holistically.
Cultural Educational
The school is geared towards cultural In traditional perspective, education
transmission and development in the and schooling is an instrument to
society. Since we do have norms, beliefs, develop economic, social, political,
values, and other practices in the society,
cultural goals of the society. The
it is the role of the school to develop
school is a way to maintain education
your awareness on these and imbibe
what are relevant to you.
for us to achieve these goals.
Manifest Functions of
Manifest Functions of Education

It is the intended and open goals of the institution. Meaning to say,

education has that primary and recognized function in the society. For
instance, in elementary, pupils are expected to learn the basics of
education (reading, writing, arithmetic) as foundational to the spiral
and complex-becoming concepts as they go to higher levels.
Manifest Functions of Education

Socialization Cultural Transmission

the process by which people acquire a Norms and values are passed down and
personal identity and learn the knowledge, transmitted to the succeeding generation
language, and social skills required to with the aid of the school.
interact with others.
Schools help the people about shared
Aside from academics, students also learn national identity and citizen roles. They
social rules and expectations from are taught with the laws, civic lessons, and
interactions with their fellow classmates even patriotism in the country.
and teachers.
Latent Functions of Education
Latent Functions of Education

it is a function that is not intended. These functions are not

intentional to be achieved by the school and are not the reasons
why children are sent to school. It can be just a secondary
Latent Functions of Education

Off the Streets Matchmaking

School days usually take 8 hours of People meet their future husbands and
children spent in school. This lessens the wife at school. Endearments like 'high
opportunity of the children to have brawls school sweethearts' and 'college
and troubles in the streets unlike those sweethearts' are not new to you. It is not
who have not schooled. the intention of the school to match the
students and have them enter in a
relationship. However, it is unavoidable
for people.
The 1987 Philippine (2) Establish and maintain a system of free
Constitution of the Republic of public education in the elementary and high

the Philippines school levels. Without limiting the natural

right of parents to rear their children,
elementary education is compulsory for all
children of school age;
(3) Establish and maintain a system of
Section 1. The state shall protect and proote the right
scholarship grants, student loan programs,
of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and
subsidies, and other incentives which shall be
shall take appropriate steps to make such education
available to deserving students in both public
accessible to all.
and private schools, especially to the
Section 2. The State shall:
(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete,
adequate, and integrated system of education relevant
to the needs of the people and society;
The 1987 Philippine
Constitution of the Republic of
the Philippines

(4) Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous

learning systems, as well as self-learning,
independent, and out-of-school study programs
particularly those that respond to community needs;
(5) Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of-
school youth with training in civics, vocational
efficiency, and other skills.
Types of Education

Formal Informal Formal Special

Education Education Education Education
Formal Education
This type of education takes place in the premises of the school.
It is systematic and sequental delivered by trained teachers. It
has levels namely: elementary, secondary, tertiary and vocational

Examples :
Learning in a classroom
School grading/certification, college and university degrees
Informal Education
This type of education does not happen in school and has no particular
learning method. Experiences and actual living are the working
conditions for informal education. Informal education may be acquired
through a parent teaching his/her child biking, or learning from just
reading a book.
Examples :
Teaching a child at home basic numeric
Learning to cook for a meal at home
Non-formal Education
This type of education occurs outside the formal school system. It
can be a community education, adult education or lifelong
education. This serves the need of the identified group.

Examples :
Distance learning/computer-assisted instruction
Community skill courses (example from TESDA)
Special Education
It is the practice of educating students that addresses their
individual differences and special needs (such as mental
challenges and learning disabilities).
Examples :
Sign languages (for deaf and mute)
Braille writing system (for blind)
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