Thermal Physics Powerpoint

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Thermal Physics

States of matter and Brownian motion

States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal
Physics Brownian motion
Newtonian world
and astrophysics Specific heat capacity and
5.2: Circular
Module 6: Motion
Particles and Investigating specific heat
5.3: Oscillations
medical physcis capacity PAG
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
5.5 Astrophysics Amount of substance
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases
Boyle’s Law and finding
absolute zero PAG
States of matter and Brownian

Explain the kinetic model of matter

Analyse the density of Solids, Liquids

and Gases

Describe Brownian motion in each state

and experiments that show this
Learning Outcome: Explain the kinetic model of matter

The kinetic model

Property Solid Liquid Gas

Arrangement of Regular Random Random


Particle Vibrate around a Move around Quick, in all

movement fixed position each other directions

Particle Very close Close Far apart


Density Larger than a Slightly smaller 1000’s of times

liquid than a solid smaller than a
solid or liquid

Intermolecular Very strong Strong Weak

Learning Outcome: Analyse the density of solids, liquids and gases

STP means standard temperature and
pressure that is, 273K and 100kPa
(atmospheric pressure).
Substance Solid Liquid Density / Gas Density /
Density / kg kg m -3 kg m -3

Oxygen 1300 1100 1.43 at STP
1600 1.98 at STP
Water 920 1000 0.59 at b/p
Sodium 970 930 (0.24) at b/p
Learning Outcome: Analyse the density of solids, liquids and gases

Key Points about Density

Solids and Liquids are of the order 1000 times
denser than gases.

Solids are usually a little denser than the

corresponding liquids. Liquid water is an
exception to this.

Pressure and temperature do not alter the density

of solids and liquids very much.

For gases on the other hand, a change in pressure

or temperature has a significant effect.
Learning Outcome: Analyse the density of solids, liquids and gases

Atomic or Molecular Spacing

The mass of one water molecule = 3.0 x 10-26kg
Calculate the number of molecules in 1m3 of ice, water and

1 m3 of  
1 m3 of  
1 m3 of
Learning Outcome: Describe Brownian motion and experiments that show this

Brownian Motion
Kinetic theory (the idea
particles are in continuous
random motion) was proven
by Robert Brown who
observed a weak solution of
milk and later pollen grains
in suspension with a high-
powered microscope, and
saw that the particles of
milk and the pollen grains
showed a continuous violent
and random motion.
Learning Outcome: Describe Brownian motion and experiments that show this

Experiments to show Brownian Motion

The motion of molecules in a gas is invisible to the naked eye.
If however, some smoke is introduced into a small glass
container and the container is well illuminated and viewed
through a microscope the effect of molecular motion can be
Learning Outcome: Describe Brownian motion and experiments that show this

Experiments to show Brownian Motion

Learning Outcome: Describe Brownian motion and experiments that show this

Conclusions of Brownian Motion

All molecules are continuously

moving randomly in different
directions and different speeds.

Air particles are much smaller

than the smoke particles
Learning Outcome: Describe Brownian motion and experiments that show this

Pattern of Movement: Solids

As a solid is heated, its

temperature rises, and the
kinetic energy of the
molecules increases. Because
it is solid, the position of
each molecule cannot change
resulting in greater vibration
energy around the equilibrium
Learning Outcome: Describe Brownian motion and experiments that show this

Pattern of Movement: Liquids

In a liquid the same effect

occurs however a small
amount of translational
energy will be added to
increased vibrational energy.
Learning Outcome: Describe Brownian motion and experiments that show this

Pattern of Movement: Gases

In a gas the chaotic

movement of the
particles make
almost all of the
energy translational
Specific heat capacity
States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal Brownian motion
Newtonian world Physics
Specific heat capacity and
and astrophysics
5.2: Circular temperature
Module 6: Motion
Investigating specific heat
Particles and
5.3: Oscillations capacity PAG
medical physics
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
Amount of substance
5.5 Astrophysics
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases
Boyle’s Law and finding
Specific heat capacity

Define what is meant by temperature and the

difference to heat

Define and apply the concept of

Specific Heat Capacity

Apply the equation E=mcΔT

Learning Outcome: Define what is meant by temperature

Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of a

If the temperature of a system rises, the molecules

travel more rapidly and their kinetic energy rises
Learning Outcome: Define what is meant by temperature

There are three scales of temperature:

Fahrenheit- 0 °F, was established as the

temperature of a solution of brine made from equal
parts of ice and salt

Celsius- Based on the boiling and freezing point of


Kelvin - An absolute scale of temperature. It does

not depend on any properties of a substance.

Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15.

Zero Kelvin = “Absolute zero”- no kinetic energy

Learning Outcome: Define what is meant by temperature

Temperature vs. heat vs. conductivity

Temperature- a measure of only the kinetic energy of
a system

Heat- refers of transfer of energy from a hotter to

a colder object

Conductivity- Effects how hot or cold an object feels.

A better conductor of heat energy will feel warmer or

Thermal equilibrium occurs between two objects

when there is zero resultant energy transfer
between them.
Learning Outcome: Define what is meant by temperature

How do you increase temperature?

Learning Outcome: Define what is meant by temperature

How do you increase temperature?

Add heat/thermal energy?

You have a beaker of 10 ml of water and another one

of 100 ml of water. You put each one over a bunsen
burner for 2 mins suppling a total of 2000 J of heat
energy directly to the water.

The temperature of the 100 ml beaker rises by 2°C,

how much will the temperature of the 10 ml beaker
rise? Why?
Learning Outcome: Define what is meant by temperature

How do you increase temperature?

Add heat/thermal energy?

You have a beaker of 100 ml of water and another one

of 100 ml of oil. You put each one over a bunsen
burner for 2 mins suppling a total of 2000 J of heat
energy directly to the liquid.

Will the temperature change be the same? If not,

why not?
Learning Outcome: Define and apply the concept of Specific Heat Capacity

Per unit mass “Ability to Hold”

Specific Heat Capacity


Thermal Energy

Specific Heat Capacity is the quantity of thermal

energy required to raise the temperature of a unit
mass of a substance by a unit temperature rise.
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Heat Capacity

The quantity of hot water required for one part of the
cycle in a dishwasher is 4.5 litre. The inlet temperature
of the water on a cold day is only 5°C and is required in
the machine at a temperature of 65°C.
The time allowed for heating the water is 15 minutes.
What power from the heater is required?
SHC of Water = 4200 Jkg-1K-1; 1 litre of water has a
mass of 1kg
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Heat Capacity

The quantity of hot water required for one part of the
cycle in a dishwasher is 4.5 litre. The inlet temperature
of the water on a cold day is only 5°C and is required in
the machine at a temperature of 65°C.
The time allowed for heating the water is 15 minutes.
What power from the heater is required?
SHC of Water = 4200 Jkg-1K-1; 1 litre of water has a
mass of 1kg
E = 4.5 x 4200 x 60 = 1.134 x 106 J
t = 15 x 60 = 900s
1.134 x 106 / 900 = 1260W
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Specific Heat Capacity

Deducing the Specific Heat Capacity

On the base of an electric kettle,
you can see its power.
If a known mass of water at a
known temperature is placed in
the kettle and it is switched on,
the time taken for it to reach
100°C can be found.
This gives all the information
required to find c.

If this kettle has a power of 1.2kW and it takes 233

seconds to boil 0.88kg of water from 25°C,
calculate the specific heat capacity of water?
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Specific Heat Capacity

Deducing the Specific Heat Capacity

If this kettle has a power of
1.2kW and it takes 233 seconds
to boil 0.88kg of water from
25°C, calculate the specific heat
capacity of water?

c= E E = Pt

c = 1200 x 233 = 4236.4 Jkg-1K-1

0.88 x 75
Learning Outcome: Describe an electrical experiment to determine the specific
heat capacity of a solid or a liquid

Deducing the Specific Heat Capacity

A Block of metal of mass, m has two
holes drilled into it: one for an
electrical heater and the other for a
temperature sensor that can be
connected to a data logger. The metal
is well lagged, and the heater is The apparatus used for
switched on. measuring the specific
Either the power of the heater needs heat capacity of a metal
to be known or both the current I and
the potential difference across the
heater V need to be measured.

Learning Outcome: Describe an electrical experiment to determine the specific
heat capacity of a solid or a liquid
Specific latent heat and internal energy
States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal Brownian motion
Newtonian world Physics
Specific heat capacity and
and astrophysics
5.2: Circular temperature
Module 6: Motion
Investigating specific heat
Particles and
5.3: Oscillation capacity PAG
medical physics
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
Amount of substance
5.5 Astrophysics
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases
Boyle’s Law and finding
Specific latent heat and
internal energy
Analyse heating and cooling curves and explain
various sections of the graph linking to
internal energy

Define Latent Heat of Fusion and Latent Heat

of Vaporisation and how to calculate these

Describe experiments to show Latent Heat of

Fusion and Latent Heat of Vaporisation
Learning Outcome: Analyse heating and cooling curves and link to internal energy

As Heat energy is transferred to the material the

particles gain kinetic energy and therefore the
temperature increases. Changes in temperature
are linked to the specific heat capacity of an
Learning Outcome: Analyse heating and cooling curves and link to internal energy
Heat energy is also transferred to the material whilst
it is changing state but the temperature DOES NOT
CHANGE because the energy is being used to move
the particles further apart against the intermolecular
forces, increasing the potential energy. This is the
Latent Heat Energy.

As Heat energy is transferred to the material the

particles gain kinetic energy and therefore the
temperature increases. Changes in temperature
are linked to the specific heat capacity of an
Learning Outcome: Analyse heating and cooling curves and link to internal energy

Defining Internal Energy

The internal energy of a body is the sum of the
random distributions of kinetic and potential
energies of all of the molecules in the body.
Electrostatic Potential energy is energy
resulting from forces between particles and
the separation of these particles
Kinetic energy is energy from movement of
particles which can be vibrational or
Remember it is the random kinetic and potential energy
within the system. Changes that affect the kinetic or
potential energy of the whole system do not count!
Learning Outcome: Analyse heating and cooling curves and link to internal energy

Potential energy
significantly, but not
kinetic energy

Kinetic energy increases, and

potential energy increases slightly
(as particles move apart slightly)


Learning Outcome: Define Latent Heat of Fusion and Latent Heat of Vaporisation

Internal Kinetic Internal Potential Total Internal

Energy per Energy per kilogram/J Energy per
kilogram/J kilogram/J
Ice at 0°C 1.9 x 105 Reference Zero 1.9 x 105
Water at 0°C 1.9 x 105 3.3 x 105 5.2 x 105
Water at 100°C 2.6 x 105 6.8 x 105 9.4 x 105
Steam at 100°C 2.6 x 105 27.8 x 105 30.4 x 105
Learning Outcome: Define Latent Heat of Fusion and Latent Heat of Vaporisation

Specific Heat Capacity is the amount of

energy needed to raise the temperature of
1kg of a substance by 1°C.

The Latent Heat of Fusion of a substance is the

quantity of energy per unit mass required to change
it at constant temperature from a solid to a liquid.

The Latent Heat of vaporisation of a substance is the

quantity of energy per unit mass required to change
it at constant temperature from a liquid to a vapour.
Learning Outcome: Define Latent Heat of Fusion and Latent Heat of Vaporisation

Scalds from water and steam

i) We assume that our hand is at 37 oC, and that we put 10 g of water
at 100 oC accidentally on our hand. The water will cool to 37 oC.
Assuming that all the heat energy "lost" by the water will be gained
by our hand, How much energy will be gained?
ii) If the same 10g had been steam therefore would have to condense
first, give the latent heat of vaporisation 2260000 J/kg. What
would be the difference in energy?
Learning Outcome: Define Latent Heat of Fusion and Latent Heat of Vaporisation

Scalds from water and steam

i) We assume that our hand is at 37 oC, and that we put 10 g of water
at 100 oC accidentally on our hand. The water will cool to 37 oC.
Assuming that all the heat energy "lost" by the water will be gained
by our hand, How much energy will be gained?
ii) If the same 10g had been steam therefore would have to condense
first, give the latent heat of vaporisation 2260000 J/kg. What
would be the difference in energy?
Heat "lost" by water = m c Δθ = 0.01 x 4200 x 63 =2,646 J.

But if the 10 g had been steam then the steam would first
have to condense.
Heat "lost" in condensing = ml = 0.01 x 2260000 = 22,600 J
So the heat lost in 10 g of steam turning to water at 37 oC
is 22,600 + 2,646 = 25,246 J.
This is nearly ten times as much as the water alone!
Learning Outcome: Describe experiments to show latent heat of fusion

Experiment to show the latent heat of fusion

Learning Outcome: Describe experiments to show latent heat of fusion

Experiment to show the latent heat of fusion

1) E= mLf

2) E = Pt

3) P=VI

4) E = VIt

Substitute 4) into 1):

5) VIt = mLf

6) Lf = VIt
Learning Outcome: Describe experiments to show latent heat of vaporisation
Experiment to show the
latent heat of vapourisation

How could you eliminate the

heat lost to surroundings?
Learning Outcome: Describe experiments to show latent heat of vaporisation

Need to repeat at 2 different V and I

From first set of data collection you will get:

1) V1I1t = m1 Lv + Q (where Q is energy transferred to

From second set of data collection you will get:

2) V2I2t =m2Lv + Q

Substituting 1 into 2 will give:

So Lv can be found
Learning Outcome: Describe experiments to show latent heat of vaporisation
Describe an experiment to calculate the specific latent heat of

Include in your answer:

• A labelled diagram of arrangement or description

• List of measurements to be taken
• Explanation of how to calculate Specific latent heat of

8 marks
Learning Outcome: Describe experiments to show latent heat of vaporisation
Describe an experiment to calculate the specific latent heat of

Equipment (Description or diagram) 2 marks

liquid in vessel with holes for vapour to escape
Heater in vapour
Condenser below liquid vessel
Container to collect condensed water
Voltmeter connected in parallel with heater
Ammeter connected in series with heater

Measurements 3 marks
Heat water to boiling point
Measure voltage, current and mass of water water vapour collected over
Change voltage and current then measure voltage, current and mass of
water water vapour collected over same time
Learning Outcome: Describe experiments to show latent heat of vaporisation
Describe an experiment to calculate the specific latent heat of

Explanation 3 marks

From first set of data collection you will get:

1) V1I1t = m1 Lv + Q (where Q is energy transferred to
From second set of data collection you will get:
2) V2I2t =m2Lv + Q
Substituting 1 into 2 will give:
So Lv can be found
The amount of substance
States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal Brownian motion
Newtonian world Physics
Specific heat capacity and
and astrophysics
5.2: Circular temperature
Module 6: Motion
Investigating specific heat
Particles and
5.3: Oscillation capacity PAG
medical physics
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
Amount of substance
5.5 Astrophysics
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases

Thermal Physics
Boyle’s Law and finding
The amount of substance

Define a mole and avogadro’s constant

Explain what is meant by a “particle”

Calculate number of particles and moles in

Learning Outcome: Define a mole of a substance and the Avogadro constant

Avogadro Constant
We use Avogadro’s constant to determine the number of
molecules of any quantity of any substance.

The mass of 12 grams of an isotope of carbon called

carbon-12 is used as a reference.

It contains 6.02214 x 1023 atoms.

This number is called Avogadro constant and is

represented by the symbol, NA.
Learning Outcome: Define a mole of a substance and the Avogadro constant

Avogadro Constant
In most scientific experiments even small quantities
of material contain vast numbers of individual

Because working with very large numbers can lead

to unnecessary mistakes, a new quantity called the
amount of substance was introduced into the

Its unit is a mole (mol) and is defined as:

Learning Outcome: Define a mole of a substance and the Avogadro constant

Avogadro’s Constant
Learning Outcome: Define a mole of a substance and the Avogadro constant

Avogadro Constant

If these are all 1 mole, why the different masses?

Learning Outcome: Define a mole of a substance and the Avogadro constant

Avogadro Constant

1 mol = The atomic mass of the element (1 a.u.)

Learning Outcome: Explain what is meant by a particle

How many particles does 1 mole of Hydrogen contain

compared to 1 mole of Oxygen?

What about 1 mole of water?

How does this compare to the number of atoms?

How many atoms in 1 mole of Nitrogen atoms and 1

mole of Nitrogen molecules?
Learning Outcome: Explain what is meant by a particle

How many particles does 1 mole of Hydrogen contain

compared to 1 mole of Oxygen?

What about 1 mole of water?

How does this compare to the number of atoms?

How many particles in 1 mole of Nitrogen atoms and

1 mole of Nitrogen molecules?

What would be our definition of a “particle” then?

Learning Outcome: Explain what is meant by a particle

How many particles does 1 mole of Hydrogen contain

compared to 1 mole of Oxygen?

What about 1 mole of water?

How does this compare to the number of atoms?

How many particles in 1 mole of Nitrogen atoms and

1 mole of Nitrogen molecules?

Particles are single units e.g. atoms or molecules

Learning Outcome: Calculate number of particles and moles

One mole of a substance contains NA particles

Two moles of a substance contains ?

Learning Outcome: Calculate number of particles and moles

One mole of a substance contains NA particles

Two moles of a substance contains 2NA particles

n moles of a substance contains ?

Learning Outcome: Calculate number of particles and moles

One mole of a substance contains NA particles

Two moles of a substance contains 2NA particles

n moles of a substance contains nNA particles

Therefore number of particles, N:

N = nNA

n=m where ma is the atomic mass of an element

Learning Outcome: Calculate number of particles and moles

But… how can you work out number of moles from a


How many moles are there in 640g of O2

Learning Outcome: Calculate number of particles and moles
But… how can you work out number of moles from a
How many moles are there in 640g of O2

1 mole = 1 atomic mass (1 a.u.)

Atomic mass of O2 is 2 x 16 = 32g

640 = 20 moles

n=m where mR is the relative molecular mass

Learning Outcome: Calculate number of particles and moles

Using the 2 equations complete the table

Chemical Total mass/g Combined Number of Number of Number of

formula atomic mass moles particles atoms
of one

H2O 560 mg

NaCl2 71

128 4 (4 *Na) (8*Na)

C6H12O6 8000

Au 2 kg

Clue: A 44 80 (240*Na)
common gas
Learning Outcome: Calculate number of particles and moles

Using the 2 equations complete the table

Chemical Total mass/g Combined Number of Number of Number of

formula atomic mass moles particles atoms
of one

H2O 560 mg 18 0.03111 1.87 x 1022 5.6 x 1022

NaCl2 6603 93 71 4.27 x 1025 1.28 x 1026

O2 128 32 4 4Na 8Na

C6H12O6 1,440,000 180 8000 4.82 x 1027 1.16 x1029

Au 2 kg 197 10.15 6.1 x 1024 6.1 x 1024

CO2 3520 44 80 4.8 x 1025 240Na

Kinetic theory and gas pressure
States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal Brownian motion
Newtonian world Physics
Specific heat capacity and
and astrophysics
5.2: Circular temperature
Module 6: Motion
Investigating specific heat
Particles and
5.3: Oscillation capacity PAG
medical physics
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
Amount of substance
5.5 Astrophysics
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases
Boyle’s Law and finding
Kinetic theory and gas

Explain the kinetic model for a gas

Derive the equation for Gas pressure

using the Kinetic Model of Gases

Apply equation for gas pressure from

the kinetic model
Learning Outcome: Explain the kinetic model for gases

Kinetic Model of a Gas

What is meant by a Model?
“A simplified representation constructed for a

Brownian motion describes particles as in “constant

random motion”

The kinetic model of a gas describes the motion of

that gas.
Learning Outcome: Explain the kinetic model for gases

Kinetic Model of a Gas-

assumptions of an “ideal gas”
1. Gases consist of molecules in continuous rapid, random
motion (Brownian motion)
2. Collisions are perfectly Elastic
3. The gravitational force on the molecules is negligible.
4. No intermolecular force exists except during collisions.
5. The total volume of the molecules is negligible
compared with the volume of the container.
6. The gas has a large number of particles
Learning Outcome: Derive
kinetic model
for Gas
gases using the Kinetic Model of


All gases exert pressure on the walls of

their container caused by the gas molecules
colliding with the container walls

Pressure is defined as the Force per unit

area. The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal,
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

Imagine 3 molecules moving in a cubic box of side length,

d. The molecules has mass, m and are travelling with speed,
Molecule A is moving horizontally from right to left, B is
vertically from bottom to top and C is horizontally from
front to back.
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

Consider molecule A, when it hits the wall, it will bounce

back with velocity, v since we are assuming elastic collisions
with the wall

The momentum of the molecule =

This results in a momentum
change of:
mvx - (-mvx) = 2mvx
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

Consider molecule A, when it hits the wall, it will bounce

back with velocity, v since we are assuming elastic collisions
with the wall

The momentum of the molecule =

This results in a momentum
change of:
mvx - (-mvx) = 2mvx

The next time it hits that same wall will be after its
∆t= 2d
travelled a distance of 2d. v
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

∆t= 2d ∆p = 2mv

From the above 2 equations how

could you calculate the force
exerted on the wall?
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

∆t= 2d ∆ρ = 2mv
Newton’s second law tells F = ∆ρ
us that force = rate of
change of momentum ∆t

F= mv2
Learning Outcome: Derive
kinetic model
for Gas
gases using the Kinetic Model of


All gases exert pressure on the walls of

their container caused by the gas molecules
colliding with the container walls

Pressure is defined as the Force per unit

area. The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal,
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

The gas pressure equation!

PV= Nmc2
P = Pressure
V = Volume of container
N = Number of particles
m = mass of a particle
c2 = Mean square speed- this is the average
speed of all the particles squared. The root
mean square speed, is the average speed
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

Internal Energy of a gas- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution

Temperature of
Learning Outcome: Derive the equation for Gas pressure using the Kinetic Model of

PV= Nmc2

Density= mass

Total mass of gas = Nm

P= ρc2
ρ= Nm 3
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Gas pressure from the Kinetic Model of

A cylinder has a volume of 500 cm3. It is filled with a gas

of density 1.4 kg m-3, and the pressure in the cylinder is
2.5 x 105 Pa.
a) The mean square speed of all the molecules
b) The square root of the mean square speed of all the
molecules (the root mean square speed)
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Gas pressure from the Kinetic Model of

A cylinder has a volume of 500 cm3. It is filled with a gas

of density 1.4 kg m-3, and the pressure in the cylinder is
2.5 x 105 Pa.
a) The mean square speed of all the molecules
b) The square root of the mean square speed of all the
molecules (the root mean square speed)
c) The kinetic energy of all the molecules
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Gas pressure from the Kinetic Model of

A cylinder has a volume of 500 cm3. It is filled with a gas

of density 1.4 kg m-3, and the pressure in the cylinder is
2.5 x 105 Pa.
a) The mean square speed of all the molecules
b) The square root of the mean square speed of all the
molecules (the root mean square speed)
c) The kinetic energy of all the molecules

Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Gas pressure from the Kinetic Model of

c) The kinetic energy of all the molecules

Since mn = total
mass of the gas.
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Gas pressure from the Kinetic Model of

c) The kinetic energy of all the molecules

Since mn = ρV

Kinetic energy = 190J to 2 sig. figs.

Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Gas pressure from the Kinetic Model of

Nitrogen gas is kept in a closed container of

volume 730 cm3 at a temperature of 27 oC and a
pressure of 1.0 × 105 Pa. The density of nitrogen
is 1.25 kg m-3. 

a) The mean square speed of all the molecules
b) The square root of the mean square speed of
all the molecules
c) The kinetic energy of all the molecules
Learning Outcome: Apply the equation for Gas pressure from the Kinetic Model of

Nitrogen gas is kept in a closed container of

volume 730 cm3 at a temperature of 27 oC and a
pressure of 1.0 × 105 Pa. The density of nitrogen
is 1.25 kg m-3. 
a) The mean square speed of all the molecules
2.4 x 105 m2s-2
b) The square root of the mean square speed of
all the molecules
490 ms-1
c) The kinetic energy of all the molecules
109 J
Investigating gases
States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal Brownian motion
Newtonian world Physics
Specific heat capacity and
and astrophysics
5.2: Circular temperature
Module 6: Motion
Investigating specific heat
Particles and
5.3: Oscillation capacity PAG
medical physics
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
Amount of substance
5.5 Astrophysics
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases
Boyle’s Law and finding
Investigating gases

Explain Boyle’s Law and use it in


Explain Charles’ law and use it in calculations

Explain the temperature-pressure law and

use it in calculations to find absolute zero
Learning Outcome: Explain Boyle’s law

Boyle’s Law
“The volume of a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional
to the pressure exerted on it, provided the temperature
is kept constant.”

pV = Constant p1V1 =p2V2

Regardless of the gas Boyle’s Law

holds however it breaks down if
- The gas is close is close to its
boiling point
- If very high pressures are used
Under these conditions the
molecules themselves are
occupying a considerable fraction
of the volume of their condition.
Learning Outcome: Explain Boyle’s law

The pressure in the Bournemouth Eye Helium
Balloon is kept at 3000 Pa above atmospheric
pressure. On a day when the atmospheric
pressure is 101000 Pa, the volume of Helium
is 5500m3. What will be the volume V2 of
Helium when the temperature is unchanged
but atmospheric pressure is only 98000?
P1V1 = P2V2
Learning Outcome: Explain Boyle’s law

The pressure in the Bournemouth Eye Helium
Balloon is kept at 3000 Pa above atmospheric
pressure. On a day when the atmospheric
pressure is 101000 Pa, the volume of Helium
is 5500m3. What will be the volume V2 of
Helium when the temperature is unchanged
but atmospheric pressure is only 98000?
P1V1 = P2V2
V2 = 104000 x 5500 / 101000 = 5660 m 3.
Learning Outcome: Explain Boyle’s law

1. A cylinder of volume 0.020 m3 contains nitrogen
gas at a pressure of 80 atmospheres. The valve is
opened and gas is collected at atmospheric pressure
until the pressure in the cylinder has fallen to 60
atmospheres. What is the volume of the released
nitrogen gas?
2. A bubble of diameter of 1.5mm escapes from a
diver’s helmet at a depth of 40m where the
pressure is 5.0 atmospheres.
a) Calculate the minimum diameter at the surface.
b) Why is the diameter likely to be greater than
your calculated answer?
Learning Outcome: Explain Charles’ law

Charles’ Law

Volume is directly proportional V= Constant T

to temperature for a fixed
pressure of gas V1 = V2
T1 T2
Learning Outcome: Explain the pressure-temperature law

temperature law
Pressure is directly proportional to
the absolute temperature under
conditions of constant volume

P= Constant T

P1 = P2
T1 T 2
Learning Outcome: Apply algebraic reasoning to extrapolate absolute zero

Extrapolating to Find Absolute Zero

How could you use this data to find absolute zero?

Learning Outcome: Explain the pressure-temperature law

Pressure- temperature law

Pressure 1 Temperature 1 Pressure 2 Temperature 2

3 x 106 Pa 34 K 25 ℃

4 atm 256 K 10 atm

5 kNm-2 5 x 104 Pa 34 ℃

89 ℃ 3 x 107 Pa 560 K
Learning Outcome: Explain the pressure-temperature law

Pressure- temperature law

Pressure 1 Temperature 1 Pressure 2 Temperature 2

3 x 106 Pa 34 K 2.6 x 107 Pa 25 ℃

4 atm 256 K 10 atm 640 K

5 kNm-2 30.7 K 5 x 104 Pa 34 ℃

1.9 x 107 Pa 89 ℃ 3 x 107 Pa 560 K

The ideal gas equation
States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal Brownian motion
Newtonian world Physics
Specific heat capacity and
and astrophysics
5.2: Circular temperature
Module 6: Motion
Investigating specific heat
Particles and
5.3: Oscillation capacity PAG
medical physics
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
Amount of substance
5.5 Astrophysics
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases
Boyle’s Law and finding
Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

V = constant P = constant
T T PV = constant

PV = constant
Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

V = constant P = constant PV = constant


PV = constant P1V1 = P2V2

T T1 T2
Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

In one cylinder of a diesel engine, a piston
compresses air at a temperature of 23°C and a
pressure 1.00 x 105 Pa to 1/25 of it’s original
volume. The pressure rises to 9.06 x 10 6 Pa.
What will the temperature of the air be after
this compression?
Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

In one cylinder of a diesel engine, a piston
compresses air at a temperature of 23°C and a
pressure 1.00 x 105 Pa to 1/25 of it’s original
volume. The pressure rises to 9.06 x 10 6 Pa.
What will the temperature of the air be after
this compression?

P1V1 = P2V2 T2 = P2V2T1

T1 T2 P1V1

T2 = 9.06 x 106x 1 x 296

T2 = 1073 K
1.00 x 105 x 25
Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

PV = constant P1V1 = P2V2

T T1 T2

The constant depends on:

The amount of gas present (number of moles, n)

R is the molar gas constant

PV = nRT 8.31 Jmol-1K-1
Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

PV = constant P1V1 = P2V2

T T1 T2

The constant depends on:

The amount of gas present (number of moles, n)

R is the molar gas constant

PV = nRT 8.31 Jmol-1K-1

This is the equation of state for an ideal gas

Note:This only works for an ideal gas

Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

PV = nRT

P V n T
54 Pa 56 cm3 78
3 Pa 0.3 m3 45 C
2 mm3 21 341 K
42 kPa 5 23 K
56 nm3 890 340 C
106 KPa 389 km3 1.4 K
Learning Outcome: Apply the gas laws to derive the ideal gas equation

PV = nRT

P V n T
54 Pa 56 cm3 78 4.6 x 10-6K
3 Pa 0.3 m3 3.4 x 10-4 45 C
3 x 1013 2 mm3 21 341 K
42 kPa 0.02 m3 5 23 K
8.1 x 1031 56 nm3 890 340 C
106 KPa 389 km3 3.5 x 1015 1.4 K
The Boltzmann constant
States of matter and
Module 5: 5.1: Thermal Brownian motion
Newtonian world Physics
Specific heat capacity and
and astrophysics
5.2: Circular temperature
Module 6: Motion
Investigating specific heat
Particles and
5.3: Oscillation capacity PAG
medical physics
5.4 Gravitational Specific latent heat and
fields internal energy
Amount of substance
5.5 Astrophysics
and cosmology The kinetic theory and
pressure of a gas
Investigating gases
Boyle’s Law and finding
The Boltzmann constant

Define the Boltzmann constant

Deduce the equation for mean

translational kinetic energy of atoms

Explain the proportionality of the mean

translational kinetic energy of an atom
Learning Outcome: Define the Boltzmann constant

Molar Gas Constant Number of moles


What is the volume occupied by a mole of

oxygen molecules at standard pressure
and temperature (101300 Pa and 273.3K)
Learning Outcome: Define the Boltzmann constant

Molar Gas Constant Number of moles


What is the volume occupied by a mole of

oxygen molecules at standard pressure
and temperature (101300 Pa and 273.3K)
V = 1 x 8.3145 x 273.3

V = 0.022 m3
Learning Outcome: Define the Boltzmann constant

Boltzmann Constant

Number of Molar gas Number of Boltzmann

moles constant atoms/ constant

Learning Outcome: Define the Boltzmann constant

Boltzmann Constant

Number of Molar gas Number of Boltzmann

moles constant atoms/ constant

k = 1 x 8.3145
6.02 x 1023
Learning Outcome: Define the Boltzmann constant

Boltzmann Constant

The Boltzmann constant is useful when considering the gas

equation for molecules rather than moles. R is the gas
constant for one mole of molecules. The Boltzmann
constant, k, is the gas constant for one single molecule.

Learning Outcome: Define the Boltzmann constant

Nitrate salts (NO3-) when heated can produce nitrites (NO2-)
plus oxygen (O2). A sample of potassium nitrate is heated and
the O2 gas produced is collected in a 750 ml flask. The
pressure of the gas in the flask is 2.8 atmospheres and the
temperature is recorded to be 53.6°C.
How many moles of O2 gas were produced and how many
Learning Outcome: Define the Boltzmann constant

Nitrate salts (NO3-) when heated can produce nitrites (NO2-)
plus oxygen (O2). A sample of potassium nitrate is heated and
the O2 gas produced is collected in a 750 ml flask. The
pressure of the gas in the flask is 2.8 atmospheres and the
temperature is recorded to be 53.6°C.
How many moles of O2 gas were produced and how many
PV = nRT
n = PV/RT
n = ((2.8 x 101325) x (750 x 1 x 10-6)) / 8.31 x (53.6 + 273)
n = 0.078 mol O2 were produced

PV = NkT
N = ((2.8 x 101325) x (750 x 1 x 10-6)) / 1.38x10-23 x (53.6 +
N= 4.72 x 1022
Learning Outcome: Deduce the equation for mean translational kinetic
energy of atoms

Boltzmann Constant
Gas pressure equation PV= Nmc2
Ideal gas equation

Mean translational
kinetic energy
Learning Outcome: Deduce the equation for mean translational kinetic
energy of atoms

NkT= Nmc2
kT= mc2
Ek = ½ mv2= ½ mc2
3kT= mc2 2Ek = mc2

2Ek = 3KT
Learning Outcome: Explain the proportionality of the mean translational
kinetic energy of an atom

Kinetic energy is:

- Directly proportional to the absolute temperature of a
- Constant at a given temperature

For an ideal gas:

All internal energy = kinetic energy

Therefore internal energy is directly proportional to

Learning Outcome: Explain the proportionality of the mean translational
kinetic energy of an atom

½ mc = 3kT

Calculate the average speed of an oxygen molecule at room

temperature (21°C) and it’s mean translational kinetic
energy? (MR O2= 0.032) m = MR NA 6.02 x 1023
Learning Outcome: Explain the proportionality of the mean translational
kinetic energy of an atom

½ mc = 3kT

Calculate the average speed of an oxygen molecule at room

temperature (21°C) and it’s mean translational kinetic

c = √3kT = √3 x 1.3807 x 10-23 x 294= √228906= 478.4 ms-1

m 5.32 x 10-26

m = MR = 0.032 = 5.32 x 10-26

NA 6.02 x 1023
Learning Outcome: Explain the proportionality of the mean translational
kinetic energy of an atom

½ mc = 3kT

Calculate the average speed of an oxygen molecule at room

temperature (21°C) and it’s mean translational kinetic

c = √3kT = √3 x 1.3807 x 10-23 x 294= √228906= 478.4 ms-1

m 5.32 x 10-26

E= ½ mc2= 0.5 x 5.32 x 10-26 x 228906 = 6.09 x 10-21 J

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