GCSE OCR 1.1 The Common Characteristics of CPUs
GCSE OCR 1.1 The Common Characteristics of CPUs
GCSE OCR 1.1 The Common Characteristics of CPUs
Clock speed
• Measured in Hertz (Hz)
• Number of cycles per second
• Modern processors operate at
billions of cycles per second,
Gigahertz (GHz)
• 3.2 GHz clock speed = 3.2 billion
instructions can be fetched per
SLR1.1 Systems architecture| The common characteristics of CPUs OCR GCSE (J277)
Clock speed
• Temporary storage of data and
instructions being read to and
Cache size written from.
• Located on board or very near to
the CPU.
• Stores copies of recent data and
• Much quicker getting items from
the cache than from main memory
• Trying to avoid going and getting
instructions and data from
memory if we don’t need to as it
costs time.
SLR1.1 Systems architecture| The common characteristics of CPUs OCR GCSE (J277)
Clock speed
• A core is, in very simple terms, a
complete copy of a CPU.
Cache size • So a quad-core processor would have
4 separate processing units, each with
its own:
Number of cores • Registers
• Accumulator
• Control unit etc.
• CPUs with multiple cores have more
power to run multiple programs at
the same time.
SLR1.1 Systems architecture| The common characteristics of CPUs OCR GCSE (J277)
Clock speed
• Note: doubling the number of
cores doesn’t simply double the
Cache size overall speed.
• CPU cores have to communicate
with each other, this takes time.
Number of cores
• Many programs are not designed
to make use of multiple cores.
SLR1.1 Systems architecture| The common characteristics of CPUs OCR GCSE (J277)
Multicore systems
SLR1.1 Systems architecture| The common characteristics of CPUs OCR GCSE (J277)
Multicore systems
A “Chip Multiprocessor” (CMP):
• Housing four CPU cores.
Shared Cache
• Commonly referred to as a quad-core processor.
SLR1.1 Systems architecture| The common characteristics of CPUs OCR GCSE (J277)
Multicore systems
A “Chip Multiprocessor” (CMP):
• Housing four CPU cores.
Shared Cache
• Commonly referred to as a quad-core processor.