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What are Biometrics?

Biometrics comes from the Greek words bios

meaning life and metrikos meaning measure.
Biometrics is an science for determining a person’s
identity(ID) by measuring his/her physiological
• Biometric security is a security mechanism used to
authenticate and provide access to a facility or system
based on the automatic and instant verification of an
individual's physical characteristics.
Biometric security devices measure unique
characteristics of a person, such as voice pattern, the
iris or retina pattern of the eye, or fingerprint
patterns. With biometrics, it can be extremely
difficult for someone to break into a system.
What is the purpose of
Biometrics is the measurement and statistical
analysis of people's unique physical and behavioral
characteristics. The technology is mainly used for
identification and access control, or for identifying
individuals who are under surveillance
Types Of Biometric Devices
Types of Biometric devices.
Fingerprint Recognition.
Face Recognition.
Iris Recognition.
Voice Recognition.
Signature Recognition
Access Controls,User Identification And User

Access Control refers to the procedures and

mechanisms used to either restrict entry into the
premises where something confidential is stored.
For example: the premises wherein information
system(IS) computing facilities are hosted-or to
those persons authorized to use such resources.
Thus the proof of Id is a crucial proces in access
control.It may take one of the following three
types either indiviually or in combination.
1.something that the user
knows[password,personal identification
number(PIN) etc.
2.something that the user possesses(smart card
3.something the user ‘is’(user’s biological
In the context ,identification and authentication of
users are important for information system security.
User identification refers to the action of the user
claiming his/her id when communicating with a
Authentication is the process of proving that the
claimed ID is genuine.
Advantages of Biometrics
We used to have passwords with numbers, alphabets, symbols, etc. which are
becoming easy to hack every day. There are zillions of hacking incidents
happening every year and we are losing our money constantly. Biometric
technology brings different types of solutions which are nearly impossible to
hack unlike passwords. This is a great help for us, specifically for business owners
who are fighting with security problems for a long time.
2.) Accuracy
Traditional security systems mess up regularly costing us a big amount of time,
money and resources. The most common security systems are passwords,
personal identification numbers (PINs) and smart cards that aren’t always
accurate. However, biometric works with your physical traits such as
fingerprints, palm vein, retina amongst others that will always serve you
accurately anywhere, anytime.
3.)      Accountability
In other verification methods, anybody can use your password or security
number to hack your personal information, which is highly risky and we
are suffering from this problem continuously. But, in case of biometric
security, it needs your direct interactions to login or pass the security
system which allows 100% accountability for all your activities.
4).      Convenient
Imagine all the times when you forgot your passwords, quite nerve-
wrecking, right? You are not alone.
We all have gone through this process where it is hard to memorize or
note down each and every password and we are more than likely to forget
it at some sticky situations.
There are some handy tools to do the job for you, but none of these can
beat the convenience of biometric solutions which stands to be the most
convenient solution ever.
Your credentials are with you forever, so it doesn’t require you to
memorize or note down anything
5. Scalability
Unlike other solutions, biometrics are highly scalable solutions for all
types of projects. Biometric technologies are used in many government
projects, banking security systems, workforce management, etc. It is
possible because of the scalability of its solutions.
6. Flexibility
Definitely biometric systems are the most flexible security solution. You
have your own security credentials with you so you don’t need to bother
memorizing awkward alphabets, numbers and symbols required for
creating a complex password.
7. Trustable
Reports claim that the young generations trust biometric solutions more
than other solutions. Banks have already started using biometric security
systems to enhance the security and reliability for their customers
8.      Save Time
Biometric solutions are highly time conserving. In most
cases, you just need to put your finger on a device or look at
a retina device to pass the system. On the other hand,
traditional methods have layers of hassles and interrogations
which become annoying and unbearable.
Disadvantages of Biometrics
1.Physical Traits Are Not Changeable:
Most of the biometric modalities work with physical traits such as
fingerprint, iris, palm vein, etc. We all have only a pair of eyes; a certain
number of fingerprints, and other body parts that are unchangeable. We
can reset a password, but we never can change our fingerprints or retina,
these are fixed. Our biometric data is stored in respective government’s
databases or companies who enable such service.
2. Error Rate:
Biometric machines are less than perfect and mistakes can happen.
Usually, biometric devices make two types of errors,
False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR). When
the device accepts an unauthorized person, it is known as FAR and when
it rejects an authorized person, it is known as FRR
3. Cost:
The cost of biometric devices are comparatively higher than other
traditional security devices. The costs of biometric software, devices,
programmers, server and other relative equipment combined is a large
amount of money.
Some biometric devices take more than the accepted time and a long
queue of workers form waiting to be enrolled in large companies. In
these cases, people get hard time while scanning the biometric device
every day. It is hard for a person when he/she has to go through a
biometric verification system before entering into school, office or other
places every day
5. Complexity:
One of the biggest disadvantages of biometrics is the highly technical
and complex system that makes up the whole process. A non-techy
person will be flopping like fish out of water when trying to understand
the system. Companies hire highly experienced and skilled programmers
to develop the system, so it requires programmers for managing the
system as well.
There are various types of biometric modalities. Some of them are
contact based like fingerprint and palm vein scanner; some are
contactless like iris and face recognition, etc. In contact-based
modalities, a biometric device is used a zillion times by enormous
amount of people
7. Scanning Difficulty:
Some biometric modalities like iris scan can go through scanning
difficulties. It happens due to several reasons including eyelashes,
eyelids, lens and reflections from the cornea. For these reasons, iris
scanning may not be as reliable for use.
8. Physical Disability:
Some people aren’t fortunate enough to be able to participate in the
enrollment process. They might have lost or damaged body parts such as
fingers or eyes. In this type of case, a fingerprint/ Iris recognition device
to recognize would be embarrassing and simply offensive. These types of
people will surely pass a hard time to cope up with others in the system
Biometric techniques
 Visual Biometric The analysis of facial features or patterns for the
authentication or recognition of an individuals identity.
 Visual Biometric The use of the ridges and valleys (minutiae) found on the
surface tips of a human finger to identify an individual.
 Minutiae refer to specific points in a fingerprint, these are the small details in a
fingerprint that are most important for fingerprint recognition.
 Visual/Spatial Biometric The use of 3D geometry of the finger to determine
 Behavioral Biometric The use of an individuals walking style or gait to
determine identity.
 Visual/Spatial Biometric The use of the geometric features of the hand such as
the lengths of fingers and the width of the hand to identify an individual.
 Chemical Biometric The identification of an individual using the
analysis of segments from DNA.
 Visual Biometric The identification of an individual using the shape of
the ear.
 Visual Biometric The use of the features found in the iris to identify an
 Visual Biometric The use of patterns of veins in the back of the eye to
accomplish recognition.
 Voice of a human is one more attribute which is unique.
 In this technique, the user speaks into the microphone, and an analog-
to-digital converter (ADC) creates digital sound files for the VR
program to work with. Then the VR programs accept the digital
recording and parse it into small, recognizable speech bits called
Olfactory Biometric The use of an individuals odor to
determine identity.
Visual/Behavioral Biometric The authentication of an
individual by the analysis of handwriting style, in particular
the signature.
Behavioral Biometric The use of the unique characteristics
of a persons typing for establishing identity.
1. Fingerprint- technique
a. automated fingerprint identification system –law enforcement use
b. Fingerprint recognition system-requires initial image through a live scan of the
finger by direct contact with a reader device that can also check for validating
attributes such as temperatire and pulse. Since the finger actually touches the
scanning device the surface can become oily and cludy afterrepeated use and
therefore reduce the sensitivity and reliability of optical scanners. Solid state
device can overcome this. They are less sensitive to oil and dirt. Fingerprint
recognition system is reliable for commercial use and some vendors are already
actively marketing readers as a part of local area network logic schemes.
2. Hand geometry is the comparative dimensions of fingers and the
locations of joints.
Basically the shape of a person’s hand- the length and breadth of hand
and fingers. Measures hand geometry.
This is unique trait that differs significantly among users and hence is
used in some biometric systems to verify the id of the people.
A person place his/her hand on a device that has grooves for each
fingersystem compares geometry of each finger and the hand as a
whole to the information in a refernce file called as template to verify
that person’s id.
Some systems performs 2d measurements of the palm of the hand.
3. Hand vein and palm vein biometrics- attempts to distinguish
individuals by measuring the difference in features of the hand using
infrared imagining .
Like face recognition system, vein recognition system too must deal with
extra issues of 3d space and the orientation of hand. Like retinal scanning,
it relies on the pattern of the veins in the hand to build a template with
which to attempt matches against templates stored In databases.

The pattern of blood veins is unique to every individual even among

identical twins.
Palms have a broad and complicated vascular patterns and thus contain a
wealth of differentiating features for personal identification. An individual
vein pattern image is captured by radiating his/her hand near ir rays.
Vein recognition is a type of biometrics that can
be used to identify individuals based on the vein
patterns in the human finger or palm.
4. signature-
Signature is a way a particular person signs his/her name nd is also
known to be a characteristics of individual.
Although signature requires contact with the writing instrument and an
effort on the part of the user they have been adopted in government,
legal and commercial transactions as a method of verification.
•Signature are behavioural biometrics that changes over a period of
time and are influenced by physical and emotional conditions of the
Signature of some people vary substantially even successive
impression of their signature are significantly different. Further
personal foregers may be able to reproduce signatures that fool the
system. While a signature is not strictly biometrics, it is simple concrete
expression of the unique variations in human hand geometry.
 Forensic experts have developed criteria over the years for verifying
the authenticity of a signature.
Difference between iris scan and
retina scan
Retinal Scanning: The human retina is a
thin tissue composed of neural cells that is located in the
posterior portion of the eye.
Because of the complex structure of the capillaries that
supply the retina with blood, each person’s retina is unique.
The network of blood vessels in the retina is so complex that
even identical twins do not share a similar pattern. 
Iris Scanning: 
 The iris (plural: irides or irises) is a thin, circular structure in
the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of
the pupils and thus the amount of light reaching the retina.
 “Eye color” is the color of the iris, which can be green, blue, or
brown. In some cases it can be hazel (a combination of light
brown, green and gold), grey, violet, or even pink.
 In response to the amount of light entering the eye, muscles
attached to the iris expand or contract the aperture at the center
of the iris, known as the pupil.
Key success factors
For effective functioning of biometrics systems.
Speed and throughput rate
Acceptability by users
Uniqueness of biometrics organ and action
Reliability of biometrics
Data storage requirements
Enrolment time
Data collection intrusiveness
FRR: false rejection rate
 Expressed as a percentage
 Rate at which authentic, enrolled persons are rejected as
unidentified persons by biometric systems.
 Also called as type 1 error.

FAR: false acceptance rate

 Reverse situation
 Rate at which un-enrolled persons or imposters are accepted
as authentic by biometrics systems.
 Also known as type 11 error.
Crossover rate (Equal error rate):
The rate at which FRR and FAR match.
FNMR: probability that template will be incorrectly
Speed and throughput rate
Data processing capability of the biometrics system
decides the speed.
It is stated as how fast the accept or reject decision is
Acceptability by the users
Lack of adequate awareness on biometrics systems.
Uniqueness of biometric organ and action
Purpose: positive identification of the personnel
Reliability of biometrics
Probability that the system will correctly identify the
person who is present in the system repository.
Only authorized persons must be allowed to access.
Data storage requirements
Earlier systems had limited RAM and disk size
This is less of an issue today
Biometric file size varies between 9 and 10000 bytes.
Enrolment time
Time taken by the enrolment procedure.
Data collection intrusiveness
Users concern about collection of biometrics data from
inside the human body.
Matching and enrolment
process in biometrics
Biometrics data: biometrics sample which consists
of biometrics characteristics of entity under
authentication and are physiological data in nature.
Feature extraction: automated process of locating
and encoding distinctive characteristics from
biometrics data in order to generate a template. It
takes place during enrolment and verification
Template: a small file derived from the distinctive
features of a user’s biometrics data used for
performing biometrics matches.
Enrolment: process of collecting biometric samples
from a person and subsequent preparation and
storage of biometrics reference templates
representing that person’s ID.
Enrolment time: time period a person must spend
to have his/her biometrics reference template
successfully created.
Matching: process of comparing a biometrics
sample against a previously stored template.
Benefits of biometrics over
traditional authentication
Increased level of security
Greater convenience
Higher level of accountability
Fraud detection

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