Kinetic and Potential Energy

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Science Class

Quarter 1
Week 3
Most Essential Learning

Identify and explain the factors

that affect potential and kinetic energy
1. Define Kinetic and Potential energy
2. Identify activities that show kinetic
and potential energy
3. Determine and explain different factors
that affect kinetic and potential energy
4. Solve word problem associated with
kinetic and potential energy.
Looking Back
Arrange the SCRAMBLED letters to form
word based on the definition

1. AMSS the measure of the amount

of matter in a body.

Looking Back
Arrange the SCRAMBLED letters to form
word based on the definition

2. AITERNI the tendency of an object to

remain at rest or remain in

Looking Back
Arrange the SCRAMBLED letters to form
word based on the definition

3. GTYRAIV a force that attracts a body

towards the centre of the earth,
or towards any other physical
body having mass.
Looking Back
Arrange the SCRAMBLED letters to form
word based on the definition
rate at which velocity changes
with time, in terms of both speed
and direction.

Looking Back
Arrange the SCRAMBLED letters to form
Word/ Phrase based on the definition
For every action there is an
equal and opposite reaction

do we
Stop, Look and
Ability/capacity to do work
Stop, Look and
work is defined as the action
that results when a force causes
an object to move
in the direction of the force.
Work in the scientific sense is a hard concept for
many people to understand. You know that work
is done if the following two conditions are met:

The object moves as a force is applied.

The direction of the object's motion is the

same as the direction of the force applied.
Is work being
done? of the force?
What is the direction

. What is the direction
of the motion ?
Is work being
What is the direction
of the force?

What is the direction

of the motion ?
You Try!
Work = force x displacement or
W= fd
Expressed in units called joules (J)
Practice Problem
A crane lifts a load of logs 3 meters with a
force of 5,200 Newton.
How much work did the crane do
Types of Energy

Kinetic Potential
Energy Energy

Gravitation Elastic Chemical

Potential Potential Potential
Energy Energy Energy
 Energy in motion
 Energy in moving
GREEK word

which means moving

What is Kinetic Energy?
 Energy an object has due to
its motion
 K.E. = .5(mass x speed2)
How to solve Kinetic Energy
KE = mv2
KE - is the Kinetic energy in joule(J)
m - is the object’s mass in
kilogram ( kg)
v - is the object’s speed in
meter per second (m/s)
Sample problem
A car is traveling with a velocity of
40 m/s and has a mass of 1120 kg.
What is the Kinetic Energy of the
moving car?
Formula KE = mv2
Given Solution:
KE = (½ ) x (1120kg) x (40 m/s) 2
v= 40 m/s
KE = (.5) x (1120 kg) x (1600m 2 /s 2)
m= 1120 kg
KE = 896, 000 J
 Energy in position or at rest
 Energy stored in an object due to
its position and waiting to be used later
How to solve Potential Energy
PE = mgh
PE = Fxh ( F= mg)
PE - is the Potential energy in joule( J)
m - is the object’s mass in kilogram ( kg)
g - gravitational acceleration ( 9.8m/s 2)
h - height (m)
Reminder: when calculating mass and height
since division is one of the operations to be used, cancel similar unit
to determine the unit of the final answer
Sample problem
A cinder block is sitting on a platform 20 m
high. It weighs 79N. How much potential
energy is present in the cinder block?

Given Formula PE = F x h
h = 20 m PE = 79 N x 20 m
F= 79 N PE = 1,580 Nm or
1, 580 J
What is Gravitational Potential Energy?
Potential energy due
to an object’s
Don’t look down, P.E. = mass x
Rover! height x gravity
Good boy!
1. A 1 kg rock is at a height of 100 meters.
a. What is the rock’s gravitational potential
energy at 100 meters high?
2. Calculate the rock’s gravitational potential
energy at 50 m, 20 m, and 1 m. Put the answers in
the data table below.
Height (m) Potential Energy (J)

50 m

20 m

c. Make a graph of height versus energy

d. What can you conclude about the

gravitational potential energy of the rock as
height is changed?
What is Elastic Potential Energy?
Potential energy due compression or
expansion of an elastic object.

Notice the ball compressing

and expanding
What is Chemical Potential Energy?
Potential energy
stored within the
chemical bonds of
an object
Second Look
Complete the sentences below
________ is the capacity to do work, _______and
________ are the basic forms of energy,
___________is present at any object in position while
__________showed when an object is in _________.
There are three (3) factors that affects potential energy
_________, __________and __________.
Kinetic energy is affected by __________ and _________.
__________is the unit used to describe kinetic and
potential energy
Second Look
Complete the sentences below
ENERGY, is the capacity to do work POTENTIAL and
KINETIC are the basic forms of energy
Potential energy is present at any object in position while
Kinetic energy showed when an object is in motion
There are three (3) factors that affects potential energy
Mass height and gravity
Kinetic energy is affected by mass and velocity
Joule is the unit used to describe kinetic and potential energy
Look at your Paper
1. Which of these best describe potential energy?

A. It is a stored energy

B. It is the energy in motion

C. It is the energy gained and loses energy

D. It is the energy obtained from the food you eat

Look at your Paper
2. It refers to the standard unit in describing potential
and kinetic energy?
A. Joules

B. Meter per second

C. Newton

D. Watts
Look at your Paper
3. What are the factors that affects Kinetic energy?

A. Mass and Acceleration

B. Mass and Gravitational Acceleration

C. Mass and Height

D. Mass and Velocity

Look at your Paper
4. As the ballpen falls off the building,
what happens to its kinetic and potential energy?
A. Kinetic energy increases, potential energy decreases

B. Kinetic energy and potential energy remains the same

C. Kinetic Energy decreases, potential energy increases

D. Kinetic energy ad potential energy increases

Look at your Paper
5. What factors affect Potential energy?
I. Gravity III. Height/ Distance
II. Mass of the object IV. Velocity
A. I, and II

B. I and III

C. I, II, and III

D. I, II and IV
Look at your Paper
Looking Forward
For further information about potential
and kinetic energy, you may watch the video
using the link below
Happy learning from home
The fear of the
Lord is the
beginning of
fools despise
wisdom and
Proverbs 1: 7
Sample Problems in work
1. Jake uses 45 Newtons of force to
move the cart 6.5 meters.
How much work did Jake do?
2. Andy uses a force of 20 Newtons to
push a lawn mower 20 meters.
How much work did he do?

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