Chap. 7

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Chapter 7 : Rate of Return Analysis

Rate paid on unrecovered balance of borrowed money such

that final payment brings balance to exactly zero with interest

ROR equation can be written in terms of PW, AW, or FW

Use trial and error solution by factor or spreadsheet

Numerical value can range from -100% to infinity

ROR Calculation and Project Evaluation
 To determine ROR, find the i* value in the relation
PW = 0 or AW = 0 or FW = 0
 Alternatively, a relation like the following finds i*
PWoutflow = Pwinflow

 For evaluation, a project is economically viable if

i* ≥ MARR
ROR Calculation Using PW, FW or AW Relation
Example: An investment of $20,000 in new equipment will generate income of
$7000 per year for 3 years, at which time the machine can be sold for an
estimated $8000. If the company’s MARR is 15% per year, should it buy the

PW = 0 $ 8000
Solution:: The ROR equation, based on a PW
A = $ 7000 relation, is:
0 1 2 3
PW = -20,000 + 7000(P/A,i*,3) + 8000(P/F,i*,3) = 0

i=? Solve for i* by trial and error or spreadsheet

$ 20000
Try i* = 10% $3418.5 > 0
Try i* = 20% $ - 642.05 < 0
10% 3418.5 Solve for i*
i* 0 i* = 18.4% per year
20% - 642.05
Since i* > MARR = 15%, the company should buy the machine
i1 = 10% P1 = 3418.5
i* P=0
i2 = 20% P2 = - 642.05

i*  i1 
 i2  i1 
  P  P1 
 P2  P1 
i*  10 
 20  10 
  0  3418.5 
 642.05  3418.5 

Multiple ROR Values
Multiple i* values may exist when there is more than one sign
change in net cash flow (CF) series.
Such CF series are called non-conventional

Two tests for multiple i* values:

Descarte’s rule of signs: total number of real i* values

is ≤ the number of sign changes in net cash flow series.

Norstrom’s criterion: if the cumulative cash flow starts off

negatively and has only one sign change, there is only one
positive root .

Plot of PW for CF Series with Multiple ROR Values

i* values at ~8%
and ~41%

Example: Multiple i* Values
Determine the maximum number of i* values for the cash flow shown below
Year Expense Income Net cash flow Cumulative CF
0 -12,000 - -12,000 -12,000
1 -5,000 + 3,000 -2,000 -14,000
2 -6,000 +9,000 +3,000 -11,000
3 -7,000 +15,000 +8,000 -3,000
4 -8,000 +16,000 +8,000 +5,000
5 -9,000 +8,000 -1,000 +4,000

The sign on the net cash flow changes The cumulative cash flow begins
twice, indicating two possible i* values negatively with one sign change
Therefore, there is only one i* value ( i* = 8.7%)
Removing Multiple i* Values
Two new interest rates to consider:
Investment rate ii – rate at which extra funds
are invested external to the project

Borrowing rate ib – rate at which funds are

borrowed from an external source to provide
funds to the project

Two approaches to determine External ROR (EROR)

• (1) Modified ROR (MIRR)
• (2) Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
Modified ROR Approach (MIRR)
Four step Procedure:
Determine PW in year 0 of all negative CF at ib

Determine FW in year n of all positive CF at ii

Calculate EROR = i’ by FW + PW(F/P,i’,n) = 0

If i’ ≥ MARR, project is economically justified

Example: EROR Using MIRR Method
For the nonconventional cash flow ,NCF, shown below, find the EROR by the MIRR
method if MARR = 9%, ib = 8.5%, and ii = 12%
Year 0 1 2 3
NCF +2000 -500 -8100 +6800

Solution: PW0 = -500(P/F,8.5%,1) - 8100(P/F,8.5%,2)

= $-7342
FW3 = 2000(F/P,12%,3) + 6800
= $9610

PW0(F/P,i’,3) + FW3 = 0

-7342(1 + i’)3 + 9610 = 0 , i’ = 0.0939 (9.39%)

Since i’ > MARR of 9%, project is justified
Return on Invested Capital Approach
Measure of how effectively project uses funds that remain internal to project

ROIC rate, i’’, is determined using net-investment procedure

Three step Procedure

(1) Develop series of FW relations for each year t using:
Ft = Ft-1(1 + k) + NCFt

where: k = ii if Ft-1 > 0 and k = i’’ if Ft-1 < 0

(2) Set future worth relation for last year n equal to 0 (i.e., Fn= 0); solve for i’’

(3) If i’’ ≥ MARR, project is justified; otherwise, reject

ROIC Example
For the NCF shown below, find the EROR by the ROIC method if
MARR = 9% and ii = 12%
Year 0 1 2 3
NCF +2000 -500 -8100 +6800
Ft = Ft-1(1 + k) + NCFt
Year 0: F0 = $+2000 F0 > 0; invest in year 1 at ii = 12%
Year 1: F1 = 2000(1.12) - 500 = $+1740 F1 > 0; invest in year 2 at ii = 12%
Year 2: F2 = 1740(1.12) - 8100 = $-6151 F2 < 0; use i’’ for year 3
Year 3: F3 = -6151(1 + i’’) + 6800 Set F3 = 0 and solve for i’’

-6151(1 + i’’) + 6800 = 0

i’’= 10.55%
Since i’’ > MARR of 9%, project is justified

Important Points to Remember
About the computation of an EROR value
 EROR values are dependent upon the
selected investment and/or borrowing rates
 Commonly, multiple i* rates, i’ from MIRR and
i’’ from ROIC have different values

About the method used to decide

 For a definitive economic decision, set the
MARR value and use the PW or AW method
to determine economic viability of the project
ROR of Bond Investment
Bond is IOU with face value (V), coupon rate (b), no. of payment periods/year (c),
dividend (I), and maturity date (n). Amount paid for the bond is P.
I = Vb/c
General equation for i*: 0 = - P + I(P/A,i*,nxc) + V(P/F,i*,nxc)

A $10,000 bond with 6% interest payable quarterly is purchased for $8000.

If the bond matures in 5 years, what is the ROR (a) per quarter, (b) per year?

Solution: (a) I = 10,000(0.06)/4 = $150 per quarter

ROR equation is: 0 = -8000 + 150(P/A,i*,20) + 10,000(P/F,i*,20)
By trial and error or spreadsheet: i* = 2.8% per quarter
(b) Nominal i* per year = 2.8(4) = 11.2% per year
Effective i* per year = (1 + 0.028)4 – 1 = 11.7% per year
Summary of Important Points
ROR equations can be written in terms of PW, FW, or AW and
usually require trial and error solution

i* assumes reinvestment of positive cash flows at i* rate

More than 1 sign change in NCF may cause multiple i* values

Descarte’s rule of signs and Norstrom’s criterion useful when

multiple i* values are suspected

EROR can be calculated using MIRR or ROIC approach. Assumptions

about investment and borrowing rates is required.

General ROR equation for bonds is

0 = - P + I(P/A,i*,nxc) + V(P/F,i*,nxc)
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