Ujjwal Singha Mahapatra

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Presentation On
Basic Concept of E-Commerce and its Application Areas
E- Commerce (CS802E)

Presented By,
Ujjwal Singha Mahapatra
Roll No. – 10200118065
Branch – CSE
Sem – 8th
Year – 4th
Table Of Contents

 Definition of E-Commerce
 History of E-Commerce
 Types of E-Commerce application models
 E-Commerce application models
 Popular E-Commerce Applications
 Advantages and Disadvantages of E- Commerce
 Conclusion

Definition of E-commerce
 E-Commerce or Electronic commerce is a process of
buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging product,
services, and/or information via electronic networks and
 It is a formulating commercial transactions at a site remote
from the trading partner and then using electronic
communications to execute that transaction.
 According to another definition ecommerce refers to the
sharing of business information, maintenance of business
relationships and conducting business transactions with the
help of computers that are connected to a
telecommunication network, and without the use of paper .
 Ecommerce can take many forms and involve different
transactions. For an in-depth look at the impact of
ecommerce and the different types of online shopping.

The History Of Ecommerce: How

Did It Allof early
 The history of ecommerce started over 40 years ago, when the
introduction technology like Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI) and teleshopping in the 1970s paved the way for the
modern-day ecommerce store as we know it today.

 The history of ecommerce is closely intertwined with the history

of the internet. Online shopping became possible when the
internet was opened to the public in 1991. Amazon was one of the
first ecommerce sites in the US to start selling products online and
thousands of businesses have followed since.

 The convenience, safety, and enjoyable user experience of

ecommerce have improved exponentially since the inception of
online shopping. In his article, we will discuss some of the key
players and milestones of ecommerce.
Types E-commerce Application Models

 Electronic commerce, or E-commerce, is a business model that lets businesses and

consumers make purchases or sell things online.

1. Business-to-Business
2. Business-to-Consumer
3. Consumer-to-consumer
4. Consumer-to-Business
5. Business-to-Administration
6. Consumer-to-Administration

E-commerce Application Models

o Business-to-Business (B2B)
Business-to-Business B2B is e-commerce representing electronic exchange of products, services and
information between businesses. It is expected that the B2B e-commerce market would reach $1.1 trillion in
the U.S.in the upcoming IPIX Tech Services years. Some of the B2B e-commerce applications are product
and supply exchange websites, online directories, that feature an option to search for particular products and
services and thus initiate payment transactions within.

o Business-to-consumer (B2C)
B2C is the retail part of e-commerce where businesses sell products, services and information directly to its
customers online. B2C was introduced in the late 90s which revolutionized the retail system from then. Now
the B2C market comprises all sorts of consumer goods including many virtual stores and online shopping
platforms where Amazon or Flipkart leading the markets with domination and valuable customers.
E-commerce Application Models

o Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
It is a type of e-commerce where consumers could trade their products or services with each other online. The
transactions are carried out through third party online platforms. C2C e commerce consists of classified
advertisements and online auctions like the popular eBay and Craigslist. These types of businesses are also
known as C2B2C or consumer-to business-to-consumer.

o Consumer-to-business (C2B)
C2B is that type of e-commerce in which the consumer builds their products and services, making it available
online for businesses to bid on and purchase. The most popular example of C2B platform is an online market
which sells everything for free like the iStock and Job Board. C2B e-commerce is moreover said to be an
opposite kind of traditional commerce B2C model.
E-commerce Application Models

o Business-to-administration (B2A)
This kind of e-commerce platform enables online payment transactions between companies and
administration or government bodies. Many government authorities depend on e services or products
directly or indirectly. Businesses offer supply of e documents, registers, security, etc. electronically which
has a tremendous growth in the recent years.

o Consumer-to-administration (C2A)
C2A e-commerce refers to transactions conducted between individual customers and public administration
or government authorities. Unlike government authorities, consumers make use of e-commerce and
methods to make transactions for various industries including educational, health, retail industries. The
proliferation of Ecommerce today is extremely high, leading to a significant increase in the demand for e-
commerce development services.
Popular E-Commerce Application
 Retail and Wholesale
Ecommerce has numerous applications in this sector. E - retailing is basically a B2C, and in some cases, a B2B sale of
goods and services through online stores designed using virtual shopping carts and electronic catalogs. A subset of retail
ecommerce is mor mobile commerce, wherein a consumer purchases goods and . services using their mobile device
through the mobile optimized site of the retailer. These retailers use the E - payment method: they accept payment
through credit or debit cards, online wallets or internet banking, without printing paper invoices or receipts.

 Online Marketing
This refers to the gathering of data about consumer behaviors, preferences, needs, buying patterns and so on. It helps
marketing activities like fixing price, negotiating, enhancing product features, and building strong customer relationships
as this data can be leveraged to provide customers a tailored and enhanced purchase experience.

 Online Publishing
This refers to the digital publication of books, magazines, catalogues, and developing digital libraries.
Popular E-Commerce Application
 Finance
Banks and other financial institutions are using e – commerce to a significant extent. Customers can check account balances,
transfer money to other accounts held by them or others, pay bills through internet banking, pay insurance premiums, and so
on. Individuals can also carry out trading in stocks online, and get information about stocks to trade in from websites that
display news, charts, performance reports and analyst ratings of companies.

 Manufacturing
Supply chain operations also use ecommerce; usually, a few companies form a group and create an electronic exchange and
facilitate purchase and sale of goods, exchange of market information, back office information like inventory control, and so
on. This enables the smooth flow of raw materials and finished products among the member companies and also with other

 Online Booking
This is something almost every one of us has done at some time book hotels, holidays, airline tickets, travel insurance, etc.
These bookings and reservations are made possible through an internet booking engine or IBE. It is used the maximum by
aviation, tour operations and hotel industry
Popular E-Commerce Application

 Digital Advertising
Online advertising uses the internet to deliver promotional material to consumers; it involves a publisher, and
an advertiser. The advertiser provides the ads, and the publisher integrates ads into online content. Often there
are creative agencies which create the ad and even help in the placement. Different types of ads include banner
ads, social media ads, search engine marketing, retargeting, pop - up ads, and so on.
 Auctions
Online auctions bring together numerous people from various geographical locations and enable trading of
items at negotiated prices, implemented with ecommerce technologies. It enables more people to participate in
auctions. Another example of auction is bidding for seats on an airline website window seats, and those at the
front with more leg room generally get sold at a premium, depending on how much a flyer is willing to pay.
E - Commerce is all around us today, and as an entrepreneur, you should also get into this realm if you want to
expand your markets, get more customers and increase your profitability.
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-

1. A Larger Market: E-Commerce allows individuals to

reach customers all across the country and all around 1. Lack of Personal Touch: Some customers
the world. E-Commerce gives business owners the appreciate the personal touch they offer when
platform to reach people from the comfort of their visiting a physical store by interacting with the
homes. The customers can make any purchase anytime sales associates. Such personal touch is especially
and anywhere, and significantly more individuals are essential for businesses that sell high-end
getting used to shopping on their mobile devices. products as customers will want to buy the
products and have an excellent experience during
2. Customer Insights Via Tracking And Analytics: Whether the process.
the businesses are sending the visitors to their
eCommerce website via PPC, SEO, ads, or a good old 2. Lack of Tactile Experience: No matter how good a
postcard, there is a way of tracking the traffic and the video is made, customers still can’t feel and touch
consumers’ entire user journey for getting insights into a product. Not to mention, it’s never an easy task to

the keywords, marketing message, user experience, deliver a brand experience that could often be
pricing strategy, and many more. including the sense of touch, taste, smell, and
sound via the two-dimensionality of any screen.
3. Personalized Messaging: E-Commerce platforms give
people in business the opportunity to provide 3. Product and Price Comparison: With online
personalized content and product recommendations for shopping, customers can compare several
registering customers. These targeted communications products and find the least price. This forces many
can help in increasing conversion by showing the most businesses to compete on price and reduce their
relevant content to the visitor. profit margin, reducing the quality of products.
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-

4. Fast Response To The Consumer Trends And The

4. Need for Access to the Internet: This is obvious, but
Market Demands: Especially for the business people
don’t forget that the customers do need access to the
who do “drop ship,” the logistics, when streamlined, allow
Internet before purchasing from any business! As
these businesses to respond to the market and the
many eCommerce platforms have the features and
trends of eCommerce and demands of the consumers in
functionalities which require a high-speed Internet
a lively manner. Business people can also create deals
connection for an optimal consumer experience,
and promotions on the fly for attracting customers and
there’s a chance that companies are excluding
generate more sales.
visitors who have slow internet connections.
5. Lower Cost: With the advancement of the eCommerce
5. Credit Card Fraud: Credit card frauds are a natural
platforms, it has become very affordable and easy to set
and growing problem for online businesses. It can
up and run an eCommerce business with a lower
lead to many chargebacks, which result in the loss of
overhead. Business people no longer need to spend a big
penalties, revenue, and a bad reputation.

budget on TV ads or billboards, nor think about
personnel and real estate expenses.
6. IT Security Issues: More and more organizations and
businesses have fallen prey to malicious hackers who
6. More Opportunities For “Selling.”: Business people can
have stolen information of the customers from their
only offer a limited amount of information about a
databases. This could have financial and legal
product in a physical store. Besides that, eCommerce
implications, but it also reduces the company’s trust.
websites give them the space to include more
information like reviews, demo videos, and customer
testimonials for helping increased conversion.
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-

7. Increased Sales Along with Instant Gratification: For

businesses selling digital goods, eCommerce allows them 7. All the Eggs in One Basket: E-Commerce businesses
to deliver products within seconds of placing an order. This rely solely or heavily on their websites. Even just
satisfies the needs of the consumers for instant some minutes of downtime or technology glitches
gratification and assists increase sales, especially for the could be resulting in a substantial revenue loss and
low-cost objects that are often known as “impulse buys.” customer dissatisfaction.
8. Ability to Scaling Up (Or Down) Quickly Also Unlimited 8. Complexity in Regulations, Taxation, and
“Shelf Space.”: The growth of any online business is not Compliance: Suppose any online business sells to its
only limited by the availability of space. Even though consumers in different territories. In that case, they’ll

logistics might become an issue as one’s business grows, have to stick to the regulations in their own countries
it’s less of a challenge compared to running any brick-and- or states and their consumers’ places of residence.
mortar store. E-Commerce business owners can choose to This could be creating a lot of complexities in
scale up or down their operation quickly by taking accounting, taxation and compliance.
advantage of the non-ending “shelf space,” as a response
to the market trends and demands of consumers.

E-Commerce has undeniably become an important part of our
society. The successful companies of the future will be those that
take E-Commerce seriously, dedicating sufficient resources to its
development. E-Commerce is not an IT issue but a whole
business undertaking. Companies that use it as a reason for
completely re-designing their business processes are likely to reap
the greatest benefits. Moreover, E-Commerce is a helpful
technology that gives the consumer access to business and
companies all over the world.

YOU !!!

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