Co 3 Rice Machineries

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MARCH 14-18,2022
Farm Mechanization

- It is the process of using agricultural

machineries to mechanise the work of
agriculture, greatly increasing farm worker
Farm Mechanization
Farm Machineries
- Agricultural Machineries
- these are machines used in farming and
- from hand tools and power tools to
tractors and the countless kinds of farm
implements that they tow and operate.
Why is it important?
Ithelps farmers produce goods in a
shortened period of time.
◦ It allows multiple cropping period
Itreduces human intervention into the
production of crops.
◦ Reduce the labor cost needed.
It reduces the amount of hard labor
Farm Mechanization
Farm Machineries
Machineries for Crop Production
◦ From land preparation up to harvesting

Machineries for Post Harvest Operations

◦ After harvesting up to consumers

Machineries for Animal Production

Farm Mechanization
Machineries for Crop Production
- these are machineries and its tools and
implements used in the production of crops.
- From land preparation upto harvest.
Sources of power in the farm
Conventional Non-conventional
◦ Human power ◦ Renewable
◦ Animal power  Solar
 Water
◦ Mechanical power
 Wind
◦ Alternative
◦ Electricity and
 Biogas
electric motors
 Alcohol
 Fruit and vegetable oils
 Solid fuels
Heat engines

Mechanical devices that convert heat energy of

fuels into mechanical energy
Types of heat engines
◦ External combustion engine (ECE)
 Fuel is ignited & burned outside a cylinder
 Heat energy is applied indirectly to a piston by intermediate
medium, usually water vapor
 Eg. Steam engine
◦ Internal combustion engine (ICE)
 Fuel is ignited & burned inside a cylinder
 Resulting explosion causes instantaneous application of
pressure to a piston
Uses of Internal Combustion Engines
As Stationary power source
◦ Water pumps
As Power units
◦ Portable farm equipment
 Sprayers
 Threshers
◦ Self-propelled machines
 Tractors (4 & 2 wheel)
 Combines
 Harvesters
Classification of ICE
Based on Ignition of Fuel
◦ Spark-ignition engine
◦ combustion occurs through the initiation of a spark on the compressed fuel and
air mixture
◦ Uses gasoline as fuel
◦Compression-ignition engine
◦ combustion is achieved by compressing the air until a high temperature is
achieved to initiate combustion of fuel
◦ Uses diesel as fuel
Further Classifications of ICE
Based on cooling system
 Water-cooled
◦ Liquid-cooled, indirect cooling system
◦ System in which water/liquid-coolant serves as the cooling medium
which circulates in the water jackets to absorb the heat of the engine
 Air-cooled
◦ direct cooling system
◦ system wherein air is used to remove excess heat from the engine
through metal fins or shrouds which are located around the cylinder thus
creating the flow of air to the engine body in order to maintain its
operating temperature
Further Classifications of ICE (4)

Based on starting system

Hand cranked
Electrically started
Rope recoil

Based on Number of Cylinders

◦ 1 piston
◦ More than 1 piston (3, 4, 6, 8, 12)
Some external parts
(Honda G200 Engine)
Land Preparation Machinery
machines designed to carry out
farm work either by pulling or
propel agricultural implements
for the purpose of preparing the
soil for seedbed
Tillage is the agricultural preparation
of soil by mechanical agitation of various
types, such as digging, stirring, and
the cultivation of arable land by plowing,
sowing and raising crops
remove, incorporate or modify plant residue
manage soil water (both wetting and drying)
control weeds
mix and incorporate soil amendments such as
lime and basal fertilizer
control or destroy insects, their eggs, larvae
and breeding places
Major Operation in Tillage
Primary Tillage
Secondary Tillage
Primary Tillage
isthe first working after the last harvest
and normally the most aggressive tillage
this can be immediately after the crop
harvest or at the beginning of the next
wet season
when there is sufficient power available
some soil types are plowed dry.
Secondary Tillage
anyworking completed after primary tillage
undertaken for
◦ weed control
◦ incorporation of fertilizers
◦ puddling
◦ leveling soil surface
usuallyshallower and less aggressive than
primary tillage
Four-Wheel Tractor
Double-axle machine powered by an
engine ranging from 15 hp to over 100 hp.
The first four-wheel tractors were brought
to the Philippines during the American
occupation for large-scale sugar cane
During Operation
No Ride on
During Operation
Do not touch any heated part
During Operation
Make sure there is weigh attached in front
of the tractor to avoid overturn.
Two-Wheel Tractor

Single-axle machine powered by an

engine ranging from 3 hp to 15 hp.
Also known as walking type tractors or
hand tractors
A tractor without attachments is
like a baseball player without a
bat—strong and handsome, but
rather useless.
Plough (Plow)
Tillage Planter
01 - Frame
02 - Hitching
03 - Cross Shaft
04 - Hitch Pin
05 - Parking
06 - Wheel Hub
07 - Standard
08 - Disc Scraper
09 - Plain Disc
10 – Furrow
Commonly used Tractor symbol
Commonly used Tractor symbol
Commonly used Tractor symbol
Commonly used Tractor symbol
Commonly used Tractor symbol
Commonly used Tractor symbol
Tillage Implements
1. Plough
2. Harrows
3. Puddlers
4. Bund Formers
5. Tillers
6. Bed Furrow Former
7. Ridger
8. Terrace cum Leveler
9. Sub Soiler
Moldboard Plows
most commonly used
in animal and 2-wheel
powered systems in
number and size of
shares (bottoms) vary • Animals - I share
according to power • 2-wheel tractors -1 to 2
source • 4-wheel tractors – 3 to 4
Disc Plows
number and size of disc shares vary
according to the power source
relies on built-in weight for penetration
works well in hard soil

Disc Plows
can ride over stumps
or obstacle in the soil
power requirement
is less than a

Offset disc Plow

commonly used for secondary workings and
especially seedbed preparation
used with 2-wheel and 4-wheel tractors in both
upland and flooded fields
Disc Harrow
Tooth Harrow
Field Patterns
An optimal tillage pattern reduces the
time spent in non-productive work
One of the most important objectives of
a tillage pattern is to minimize the
number of turns and maximize the
length of the tillage runs
Headland Pattern
also called “Up and Back”
field is plowed in runs
parallel to each other
can only be used for tined
implements, rototillers,
harrows and reversible
usually the most field
efficient system
Land System Pattern
requires plowing to
begin in the center of
the field and works
out to the edges
requires some
measurement of the
Circuitous Pattern machine begins
working along a
most commonly
used system for
plowing in Asia.
commonly used
with moldboards,
discs and offset
Drum Seeder

planting equipment used for pre-germinated rice

seeds for wet fields
Drum Seeder
Parts of a Drum Seeder
Parts of a Drum Seeder (2)
Parts of a Drum Seeder (3)
ground wheel - part of the seeder which provides
traction and activates rotation of the hopper for seed
skid - part of the seeder which serves as a float to
prevent the seeder from sinking
adjusting ring - metal or rubber ring positioned to
regulate the seeding rate
drum hopper - part of the seeder where the seeds are
loaded and metered
Drum Hopper

Rice Transplanters
are machines that place rice seedling at a proper
spacing in a well prepared paddy soil
 used for transplanting mat type paddy seedlings
in the main field
 suitable for all types of paddy varieties grown by
Advantages of mechanical transplanting
 transplanting of seedlings at the optimal age (14-18 days)
 uniform spacing and optimum plant density (26-28 hills/m with 2-3
seedling per hill)
 higher productivity (0.5-0.7 t/ha) compared to traditional methods
where plant spacing and density may not always be consistent
 less transplanting shock, early seedling vigour & uniform crop stand
 lower stress, drudgery and health risks for farm labourers
 better employment opportunities for rural youth through the
development of custom service business
 addresses the problem of labour scarcity
 increases farmers' net income
Manual Rice

 consists of a seedling tray, forks, handle & skids

 by pressing the handle forks pick-up the seedlings & plant them in rows
 for every stroke of the handle, seedling tray moves sideways for uniform
picking of seedlings by the forks.
 operator has to pull the machine after finishing planting in a row.
 can cover 0.25 ha/ day
 2 men labor are required
 saves time and money when compared to manual transplanting
Self Propelled
 consists of
◦ air cooled gasoline
◦ main clutch
◦ running clutch
◦ planting clutch
◦ seedling table
◦ float
◦ star wheel
◦ accelerator lever
◦ ground wheel
◦ handle
◦ 4-bar linkage
Parts of a 4-wheel riding type rice
Parts of a Walk-behind rice transplanter
LOK Sprayer
a machine used to apply liquid chemicals on
plants to control pest and diseases.
can also be used to apply herbicides to control
weeds and to spray micro-nutrients to enhance
plant growth.
commonly used to apply pesticides or other
agricultural chemicals.
Main Functions

Break the liquid into droplets of effective

Distribute the spray solution uniformly
Regulate the spraying rate
Desirable quality of a sprayer

should produce a steady stream of spray material in

desired droplet size so that the plants to be treated
may be covered uniformly.
should deliver the liquid at sufficient pressure so that
the spray solution reaches all the foliage and spreads
uniformly over the plant body.
should be light in weight yet sufficiently strong,
easily workable and repairable.
 versatile tool
◦ with appropriate fittings, can apply herbicides, insecticides, fungicides,
& other compounds.
 permits application nearly anywhere person can walk
◦ useful for applying small or large amounts of material to areas, strips,
spots, or individual targets
 not a high capital cost item relative to other farming
 sturdy enough to endure years of service
◦ if regularly maintained and not severely misused
 operation& physical characteristics allow use by
persons with a wide range of physiques
 require large volumes of spray solution
◦ as compared to controlled droplet applicators, or direct contact applicators
that use rope wicks or "sponge" surfaces
 heavy to carry
◦ when filled with 18 liters of solution, can weigh upwards of 22 kg
◦ particularly under tropical conditions, or when walking rough terrain
 virtually worthless
◦ if appropriate compounds/chemicals are not available
 can be hazardous to the operator carrying it
◦ as well as to other humans, crops, animals, & the environment in general
◦ if improperly used, sloppily maintained, or poorly designed & constructed
Basic Components
Chemical Supply Tank
Energy Source Pump & Pressure Chamber
Atomizer Nozzles
Control Device Cut-off Valve
Conductors Flexible Hose & Rigid Lance
Typical Piston-Type Lever-
Operated Knapsack Sprayer

“A poor choice in spray nozzles, or use of

underperforming nozzles, can lead to re-spraying and
reduced performance – two problems no user should
A nozzle is dependent on hydraulic energy
higher pressure, smaller droplets
higher pressure, higher flow rate
higher pressure, wider spray angle
Most Common Types of Nozzles
(Based on Spray Pattern)

Cone Type
Cone type
produces a cone shaped pattern of spray
could be hollow or solid cone
best suited for spraying crops because it produces a
spray in which droplets approach the leaves from
several angles.
pressure is high and then orifice is small.
Cone type (2)
Fan Type
produces a flat pattern
best suited for spraying flat surfaces as in
the application of herbicides
pressure is low and the orifice is large
Fan Type (2)
Chemical Nozzle Pressure Application
Insecticides Hollow High apply 85% to run-
cone off
Fungicides Hollow High apply to 85% run-
cone off
Herbicides Fan- Low Apply to glisten
Sprayer Calibration
For a given sprayer, the following factors
should be measured:
Nozzle discharge at different pumping rates
Effective working width or swath (m)
Walking speed (m/min)
a powered garden or agricultural tool used to trim
weeds and other foliage not accessible by a lawn
mower or slasher
 It consists of:
◦ A power unit held close to the body.
◦ A pole through which the power is transmitted.
◦ A rotary cutting head at the opposite end of the pole to the
power unit.
Safe Use of Grass/Brush Cutters
device used to lift or transfer water from
one source to another
◦ supply water for conveyance canal by gravity
◦ provide pressure for sprinkler and drip
◦ provide pressure in applying chemicals into
irrigation system
Power Drive for Water Pumps
electric motor
◦ gasoline engine
◦ diesel engine
Pump Types
according to use  according to
a. shallow-well method of
b. deep-well operation
 according to design a. rotary
a. variable displacement b. reciprocating
b. positive displacement c. centrifugal
d. jet
e. airlift
General Pump Classifications
(According to Use)
shallow-well pumps
◦ suction-lift pumps
◦ are normally installed above ground, on or
near the top of the well casing.
deep-well pumps
◦ installed in the well casing with the pump
inlets submerged below the pumping level
◦ inlets are always under a positive head and do
not require suction to move or pump the water
General Pump Classifications
(According to Design)
 Positive Displacement Pump
a. Rotary - uses gears, vanes, lobe, or screw to trap and convey
fluid from inlet to the outlet of the pump.
b. Reciprocating - uses a back and forth motion of mechanical
parts such as piston or diaphragms to pressurize the fluid.
 Variable Displacement Pump
a. Centrifugal - uses a centrifugal force imparted to the fluid by
one or more rotating elements called impellers to increase the
kinetic energy & pressure energy of the fluid.
Rotary Pump

 operate in a circular motion and displace a constant amount of liquid with

each revolution of the pump shaft
 flow from rotary PD pumps is relatively unaffected by differential pressure
and is smooth and continuous.
 have very tight internal clearances which minimize the amount of liquid
that slips back from discharge to suction side of the pump.
◦ very efficient
◦ work well with a wide range of viscosities, particularly high viscosities
 often
Reciprocating Pump
used where a relatively
small quantity of liquid is to
be handled & where delivery
pressure is quite large
 the chamber in which the
liquid is trapped, is a
stationary cylinder that
contains the piston or plunger
Centrifugal Pump
 type of pump with impellers rotating inside a closed casing
which draws water into the pump
 through a central inlet opening and forces water out through a
discharge outlet at the periphery of the housing by means of
centrifugal force
Centrifugal Pump (2)
 differfrom rotary pumps in that they rely on kinetic energy
rather than mechanical means to move liquid
◦ liquid enters the pump at the center of a rotating impeller & gains
energy as it moves to the outer diameter of the impeller.
◦ liquid is forced out of the pump by the energy it obtains from the
rotating impeller
 can transfer large volumes of liquid but efficiency & flow
decrease rapidly as pressure and/or viscosity increases.
Cut-away view of a centrifugal pump
It is the operation of cutting, picking,
plucking and digging or a combination of
these operations for removing the crop
from under the ground or above the
ground or removing the useful part or
fruits from plants.
Harvesting Actions
Slicing action with a sharp tool.
Tearing action with a rough serrated edge
High velocity single element impact with
sharp or dull edge.
Two elements scissors type action.
It is the process of detaching the grains
from the panicle by means of impact or by
rubbing action
◦ by hand
◦ by using a treadle thresher
◦ mechanized.
◦ By the use of a threshing
frame, a flail, or by foot
Mechanical Threshing
◦ by subjecting the grains into
a rotating parts of the
◦ capacity ranged from 500 to
2000 kg/hr
machines that cuts the panicles and place
it on a windrow
either power tiller or tractor operated
Grass Cutter Reaper
Based on Cutting Mechanisms
reciprocating cutter knife
◦ cutting mechanism consists of fixed lower
knife and reciprocating upper knife wherein its
movement is controlled by the crank
connected to the gear box or belt drive
rotary knife
◦ cutting mechanism consists of planetary type
circular saw-toothed blade which rotates at the
same time with the pick-up triangular frame
Recommended Operational Pattern
Mechanical Rice Thresher
 machine used to detach and separate the paddy from
the panicles
 may or may not have a grain cleaning unit
Factors Affecting Threshing
Moisture content of the grain
Straw to grain ratio
Length of straw cut
Operational skill
Factors Affecting the Power
Requirement of a Thresher
Feeding Rate
Moisture content of crops
Length of straw or stalks
Classifications of Thresher
According to According to
Operation/Crop Flow Threshing Element
◦ Through-flow ◦ Peg tooth/teeth
◦ Axial-flow ◦ Rasp bar
According to method ◦ Wire loop
of Feeding
◦ Throw-in
◦ Hold-on
Classifications of Mechanical Thresher
(According to Operation/Crop Flow)
Description Advantage Disadvantage
Axial Flow Whole crop • Low weight • Higher power
moves axially • Does not need straw requirement
around the separators
drum periphery • Good performance
with wet crop

Conventional Crop flows • Lower power • Needs straw

(Through- tangentially requirement walker for
flow) through gap • Concave clearance separating
between drum easy to set grains from
and concave straw
• Problems in
wet crop
Classifications of Mechanical Thresher
(According to Operation/Crop Flow)
Classifications of Mechanical Thresher
(According to Feeding Type)
Description Advantage Disadvantage

Hold-on Only the • Straw • Lower

(or head panicle is remains throughput
feed) fed into the intact • Complex
machine machine

Feed-in The hole • Higher • Clogging with

crop is fed throughput very wet or long
into the straw. Higher
machine power
Classifications of Mechanical Thresher
(According to Feeding Type)
Classifications of Mechanical Thresher
(According to Threshing Element)
Description Advantage Disadvantage

• Rows of peg teeth • Grinds up the straw

Pegteeth attached to threshing • Performs well with wet
drum straw
• Typical axial flow • Simple design
thresher drum • Cheap

  • Rasp bars attached to • Lower power requirement • Problems

Rasp bar threshing drum, usually with wet
used in tangential flow straw.

  • Typically used in hold-on • Lowest power requirement • Wears

Wire loop threshers and head feed • Thin wire loops comb quicker
combines grain and thresh through
Classifications of Mechanical Thresher
(According to Threshing Element)
Parts of a
Parts of a Pedal Thresher
Parts of
an Axial
Rice Combine Harvester
mobile grain-harvesting machine for
cutting, picking, stripping or picking
upcrop, threshing, separating, cleaning
and conveying grain into a grain hopper
or bag and depositing harvest residue onto
the ground
Classification of Combine Harvesters
1. Ride-on
◦ Type of rice combine harvester where the engine is
integral with the machine and provides power for all
processes and movement
2. Walk-behind
◦ Smaller rice combine harvester wherein the engine is
integral within the machine and is operated solely by
one operator
3. Attachment
◦ Type of rice combine harvester which requires a
tractor to serve as a source of power
1. Ride on Combine
Rice combine harvester where the engine is
integral with the machine and provides power
for all processes and movement.

◦ Wheeled type - pneumatic wheels or steel cage wheels
are used
◦ Track type (Crawler type) - fitted with full or half
tracks instead of pneumatic wheels
Wheeled type
Track Type
2. Walk-behind

Smaller rice combine harvester wherein the engine is integral within

the machine and is operated solely by one operator
3. Attachment
Rice combine harvester which requires a
tractor to serve as a source of power.

◦ Trailing type - rice combine harvester
mounted at the rear of the tractor.
◦ Front-mounted - rice combine harvester
mounted at the front of the tractor
Paddy Seed Cleaner

uses a combination of winnowing with a fan to remove

lighter particles (e.g. empty grains) and sifting with
sieves on an oscillating screen to remove particles that
are smaller (e.g. weed seeds) and larger particles (e.g.
Based Mode of Installation
◦ Stationary type
◦ Mobile type (trailer, cart)
Based on Mode of Separation
◦ Oscillation / Vibration
◦ Blowing
◦ Aspirating
(Based on Mode of Separation)

 Oscillation / Vibration
◦ process where the screens move back and forth through a given axis or
shake to separate the large and small size foreign matters from the seed
 Blowing
◦ process of removing light impurities by air blast through the seed mass
◦ usually done by a fan or a blower
 Aspirating
◦ process of introducing air blast through suction to remove light foreign
materials from the seed mass
◦ usually done by an aspirator or a suction fan
Diagram of a simple paddy seed
End of Lecture.
Thank You for Listening!

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