COMPUTER Photography

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This lesson will teach you about making the

most out of your camera. The following lesson will
discuss how you can make good photographs. As
a rule of a thumb, it usually better to take good
photographs during your actual photo session
rather than editing it later on with photo editing
software to correct your mistakes. This way, you
can minimize unnecessary modifications to your
images pixels. You will also better appreciate the
features of Photoshop by understanding the basics
of photography.
Technically, a CAMERA is a lightproof device that has
a lens through which light enters to form an image on
sensitive media such as film (consists of light-sensitive
chemicals) or an electronic image sensor .
The word cameras comes from the Latin word camera
obscura, which literally means “Dark Chamber”. The
principle is that when light enters through a tiny hole on
one side of a dark box or room, an image of the outside
appears on the opposite well upside down. The camera
was initially used by artists to make more accurate
renderings of their subject. With the passing of
time ,efforts were made to make that image permanent,
initially on bitumen-coated pewter plates. These plates
were sensitive to light, but not as sensitive as today’s film
(in analog cameras). Camera obscura was a forerunner of
the modern camera.
During the 1800’s photography was costly and complicated. It
was not until late 1888 when George Eastman invented the
Kodak camera that was easy to use and portable, much as we
know it today. Instead of a plate, the kodak camera contained a
roll of flexible film and when used, it had to be processed into
negatives and then develop into pictures.
Today, digital cameras are rapidly replacing film cameras, and
you may be one of the millions of people who one and enjoy
taking pictures. Instead of a film, digital cameras use electronic
sensors such as the CCD (Charge-Couple Device) and CMOS
(Complimentary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor). Although it has
been almost two centuries since the camera was first presented
to the public, people are still being amazed by dark chamber ---
and the smiles it brings.
Nowadays, the most common type of camera in use is
the digital camera, as opposed to analog cameras that
use film. Digital cameras will be the focus of this lesson. It
can be classified into three basic categories: Digital
Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR), Compact digital cameras
(also called point and shoot cameras), and camera
DSLR cameras are used by hobbyist but are generally
used professional photographer, especially for commercial
purposes. It allows photographers to manually control
many of the elements that affect outcome of an image.
With the advent of more advance mobile phones,
camera phones are almost available to anyone with a
reasonable budget. However, the quality of the images
they produce is usually inferior compared to compact
cameras and much more so compared to DSLR cameras.
One of the determining factors for image quality is the size
of the sensor, which are smaller in camera phones. An
image sensor with the size of a 35mm film is considered
to be the best.
Did you know that whenever you press the
shutter release, you allow light to enter your camera
in just fractions of a second? The amount of time
that the shutter is open is called shutter speed. The
longer the shutter is open, the more light gets
through, and this can give your picture a different
effect such as a motion blur. More advanced
cameras allow you to regulate that speed. However,
to much light will make your picture look washed out,
and too little light will make your picture to dark.
A shutter acts like a curtain that blocks light
going through your lens. When you press the
cameras shutter button, the shutter moves out of
the way to let light in then moves back to block the
light again. A shutter can open and close its
curtains in as little as 1/16000 of a second or as
slow as a one minute to several hours.
In normal daylight, the shutter speed 1/123 of a
second is usually used (typically marked as 125 on a
camera dial). Meaning, the shutter will open and close
in just 1/125th of a second. If your camera allows you
to set the speed, choose the fastest shutter speed
possible for as long as the existing light level permits
it (the bigger the denominator, the fastest the speed).
This way, you will minimize blurring your image.
Of course, the shutter has to be slower to allow
your camera to capture enough light. The
movement of your camera or subject while the
shutter is open will cause your picture to blur. It is
better to use a tripod or some type of image
stabilization device when using a shutter speed
slower that 1/60 of second. To compensate the
amount of light that enters your camera, it should
be compensated by adjusting the lens aperture.
Lens Aperture, also called f-stop, determines how wide
the opening of the lens is when the picture is taken. In
effect, it controls how much light can enter the camera –
the larger the hole, the more light that gets in. Therefore, if
you are using a fast shutter speed, it should be
compensated by a larger aperture so more light can get
through. Likewise, slow shutter speeds require smaller
aperture to avoid overexposure from too much light.
Aperture is measured in f-stops. Examples of f-
stops are f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11and f/16. Moving
one f-stop to the next doubles (or halves) the
amount of that gets in. It is important to remember
that f-stop numbers are the reverse of the aperture
Adjusting the aperture also affects the Image’s
Depth of Field (DOF). DOF is the degree of level
or focus in your image for different subjects at
varying distance from the camera. A large DOF
means most of the subjects in your image will be
focus. On the other hands, a small or shadow DOF
means that only a portion of your image will be
sharp and rest will be out of focus.
Another factors that affects exposure is the
sensitivity of your sensor light, rated as ISO. The
higher the number, the more sensitive the sensor
will be. As a rule, lower ISO setting result in
sharper and more detailed images. Higher ISO
speeds result in “noise” or a grainy looking image.
If you are to specify your ISO speed for your digital
camera used the lowest ISO speed rating that the light
levels will permit. ISO 100 works well for normal shots
taken in daylight. On the other hand, if you want to
“freeze” action you would need to choose a higher ISO to
compensate a faster shutter speed.


STANDARDIZATION) is an international standard setting
body that develops, coordinates, and promulgates
industrial and commercial standards.
Use this for taking pictures of landscapes and other
sceneries. The camera focuses at infinity and uses
large depth of field.
Use to photographing people. It uses a large
aperture (small f-stop) to make subject clearer and the
background softer.
This uses slower shutter speed for shooting low
light scenes, but may cause image to blur. Use a tripod
or image stabilization device.
This is used to shoot portraits in low light with a
This is used for recording digital movies
with your digital camera.
This compensates for bright backgrounds
such as a beach or snow to avoid
underexposure of subject.
Use this if you need to shoot in low light
conditions without a flash. Increase ISO
causes noise to image.
Use this to photograph small objects,
such as flowers, droplets or insects. Uses
small f-stop (large aperture)
Lets you set the shutter speed and camera will adjust to the
best aperture possible. TV stands for time value.
Lets you set the aperture value and your camera will then
calculate the best shutter speed.
Evaluates all of the focus points and select an aperture that
will give enough DOF.
Lets you choose the ISO and camera will calculate the shutter
speed and aperture accordingly.
Allows you to shoot moving objects. It uses
faster shutter speed to “freeze” moving objects.
Makes color during sunsets more vivid – brilliant
or anges and red.
All setting are automatic. This is the most
commonly used mode . Don’t mind the setting, just
point and shoot.
Similar to auto but offers partial control over
some setting, such as ISO, focus, color, white
balance, exposure value, etc.
Turns off the flash

Used to photograph an action
sequence; like someone running to the
end of the finish line.

Search and Print in a short coupon bond the parts of
the parts of a DIGITAL CAMERA.

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