BACTERIOCIN in Hurdle Technology
BACTERIOCIN in Hurdle Technology
BACTERIOCIN in Hurdle Technology
antibacterial substance,such as colicin, produced by a strain of certain bacteria and harmful to another strain within the family. Bacteriocins are proteinaceous toxins produced by bacteria to inhibit the growth of similar or closely related bacterial strains. Bacteriocins were first discovered by A.Gratia in 1925.
Microbial load. Microbial diversitiy. bacteriocin sensitivity (gram type,genus ,species
strains. Physiological state.(growing resting starving or viable but non culturable cells, stressed or sub- lethally injured cells,endospores. Protection by physico chemical barriers. development of resistance /adaption
of food. (ph, temperature, nutrients,etc. ) Spontaneous loss in production capacity. Inactivation by phage of the producing strain. Antogonism effect of other microorganisms in foods. The effectiveness of bacteriocin activity in food is negatively affected by resistance development of pathogens to the bacteriocin. Inadequate environmental conditions for the biological activity. Higher retention of the bacteriocin molecules by food system components. Inactivation by other additives. Slower diffusion and solubility and or irregular distribution of bacteriocin molecules in the meat matrix.
status. Thermostability. Beneficial effects and improved safety. No adverse effect on quality and flavour. The bacteriocin should have a broad spectrum of inhibition.
produced in insitu. Use of food previously fermented with the bacteriocin producing strains as an ingredient in the food processing. Addition of purified or semipurified bacteriocins. The potential of bacteriocin producing LAB and their bacteriocins,especially lactococci, pediococci,lactobacilli, and enterococci
survival of microorganisms greatly decreased when they were confronted with antimicrobial factors. After exposure of a bacterial population to a single antimicrobial factor . It is a heterogenous response,depending on the intensity of treatment. A fraction of the population may receive a lethal dose of the antimicrobial factor ,leading to cell death.
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The remaining fraction may survive due to several
reasons. Receiving a sub lethal dose. Showing an increased resistance because of its physiological state. Cells naturally resistant to the antimicrobial agent.
with selected hurdles to increase microbial inactivation. The combination of hurdles to be applied will depend greatly on the type of food and its microbial compositions. Use of bacteriocins combined with other preservation methods to create a series of hurdles during the manufacturing process to reduce food spoilage by microorganisms.
The application of chemical preservatives,physical
methods (pulsed electric field,HHP,vaccum or modified atmospheric packaging). Which increase the permeability of cell membrane. Positively affects the activity of many bacteriocin.
I n so prov d n dd on pro on dur ng ood s or g g ns pro r on o ndospor s surv v ng h r m ns In ns y o h r m n s g ns b r ndospor s n b ow r d n omb n on w h n s n s w s w h n ro n ub- h h o s ns z Gr m-n g v b r o s v r b r o ns su h s n s n or p d o n, n ro n Ex nd ng h r sp rum o on H gh s s ns z on w s omb n d r m n s o b r o ns, h nd h ng g n s
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ns nd m d f d tm sph
p k g ng
Modified atmos ere packaging is sed in the food industr to prolong the shelf life of perishable food products MAP is defined as the enclosure of food products in gasbarrier materials, in which the gaseous environment has been changed It is based on retardation of intrinsic food changes and inhibition of spoilage microbiota. In a modified atmosphere, the dissolved O2, will determine growth inhibition of microorganisms. Gram-negative bacteria are generally more sensitive to O2, while lactic acid bacteria are much more resistant.
Sin e Gram-negative acteria are usually not sensitive to bacterio ins, MAP and bacterio ins are therefore two omplementary hurdles of a vantage to food spoilage.
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f l s
It is a non-thermal ro ess microbial inactivation is achieve y a lication of high-voltage ulses between a set of electrodes. The effects of PEF resemble acterial electroporation, but the higher intensity of this treatment causes were amage to the acterial cell membrane. This technology an only be a lie to food produ ts. Bacterio ins act on the acterial cytoplasmic membrane, the combine a lication of acterio ins. PEF is expecte to in rease acterici al effects. PEF treatments, su h as sub-lethally in ure cells or bacterial endospores.
PEF oul also be a lie to extend the antimicrobial spectrum of acterio ins, sin e PEF disrupts the acterial outer membrane allowing bacterio in molecules to reach the acterial cytoplasmic membrane target. Factors relate to the PEF treatment the food microbial loa , omposition and physiological stage, the a e acterio in, and other environmental factors.
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y ostat
High hydrostatic ressure is an innovative food pro essing and preservation method that causes in ury and killing of microbial cells. During pressurization, the isruption of H-bonds, ionic onds and hydrophobic interactions of the macromolecules a versely affects their stru tures and fun tions. The sub-lethal amage is initiate y membrane hase transitions affecting mainly ATP-generating and transport roteins. Cell eath ause y HHP in reases with pressure and so does the synergism with bacterio ins. Most acterio ins act on the acterial cytoplasmic membrane it can be hypothesize that the observe synergy between bacterio ins and HHP results from umulative amage to this stru ture.
HHP treatments indicating that cell eath o urs as a consequen e of multi le events or umulative cell amage. Sub-lethally in ure vegetative, ells surviving HHP treatment may develop pressure resistan e. The in rease cell amage cause y ombine treatments of HHP and bacterio ins oul revent the tailing effect, provi ing an a itional hurdle against selection of ressure-resistant vegetative cells.
The bactericidal effect of HHP increases along with the temperature,which determines the different modalities of treatment.e.g cold HHP pasteurisation. The food ph is also an influencing factor,and bacteria are usually more resistant to HHP in low acid foods. Bacteriocins could improve the efficacy of heat treatments in foods,compensating for the required increase in pressure or temperature. Bacteriocins are generally inactive on Gram negative bacteria Gram negative bacteria through outer membrane damage ,increasing the possibilities for application of bacteriocins in food preservation.
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HHP also induces a more persistent sensitisation of
Gram negativebacteria to small diffusible antimicrobial molecules bacterial endospores which may act synergestically with other hurdles. Bacterial endospores are resistant to HHP treatments applied to foods,HHP treatments can induce endospore germination. Addition of bacteriocins against surviving endospores could improve the safety and shelf life of HHP processed foods.
Reduction of nitrite content by addition of
bacteriocins may be benefical in the food industry. The combinations of nisin and nitrite delayed botulinal toxin formation in meat systems. It showed increased activity on clostridial endospores and outgrowth L.mesenteroides and L.monocytogenes. Addition of nitrite also inreased the anti-listeria activity.
Organic acid and their salts can potentiate the activity
of bacteriocins greatly,while acidifiction enhances the antibacterial activity of both organic acids and bacteriocins. The increase in net charge of bacteriocins at low ph might facilitate translocation of bacteriocin molecules through the cell wall. The solubility of bacteriocins may also increase at lower ph ,facilitating diffusion of bacteriocin molecules.
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Chelating agents permeate the outer membrane of
gram negative bacteria by extracting ca and mg cations that stabilize lipopolysacharide of this structure,allowing bacteriocins to reach the cytoplasmic membrane. The enhanced effect of chelators such as EDTA,disodiumphosphate,trisodium phosphate,hexametaphosphate or citrate and bacteriocins against gram negative bacteria. Chelating agents can also enhance the activity of bacteriocins on gram positive bacteria.
The use of bacteriocins and bacteriocin producing
strains of LAB are generally recognized as safe organisms and their antimicrobial products as biopreservatives. Understanding of the influences that environmental factors have on the implantation and survival of bacteriocinogenic strains and the activity of their bacteriocins. Quantitatively estimate their efficiency for future applications in food model systems and application of these biopreservatives.