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Think in multidirectional
Be technical to answer question
Exam is not this one !!! This helps you how to prepare your self
Read , read, read again and again
• Why EPI is necessary ?
• Write Live attenuated vaccine
• Write vaccine given at 6 and 14 weeks of neonate
• What is the Strategies of the EPI
• What is the difference between static and outreach delivery of vaccination
• Which immunization approach used to deliver only single dose vaccination in nomadic,
settlement areas ? A. outreach b. static c. mobile d. A and C
• In which condition vaccination of infant were contraindicated?
A. Recent or imminent surgery
B. Persistent crying for 3 hours without apparent cause
C. Malnutrition
D. History of jaundice at birth
• At which level keep vaccines for a maximum of 3 months ?
a.Regional b. national level c. hospital d. all
• Write the component of cold chain?
• Which of the vaccine most freeze sensitive OPV
A,Measles B, BCG C.TT D.Pentavalent
• Which Cold Chain Monitor Card responds to Temps. above +34ºC?
• How classify neonate in to has birth asphyxia or not?
• The jaundice was started within 24 hour of delivery and has yellowish palm
and sole? What is the possible classification?
• To say babies has some dehydration what is the possible sign?
• Which one of the following is different ?a. difficult breathing
b.Diarrhoea c.Fever d. unconscious
• Lelo is 4years old. She was brought to your health inistitution with
complaining of the cough and difficulty of breathing. You examine
lelo and found that 50bpm, chest indrawing, stridor and oxygen
saturation was 80%. Based on this answer the ff question
• - what is your possible problem of lelo?
• What is the first line drug for treatment
• you classify the problem as_________
• Which treatment plan was used to treat some dehydration ?
• Home treatment vs clinic treatment of Diarrhoea!
Doyo if 56 month old. He was come to mettu karl hospital in under
fiveOPD with his mother while you are in clinical attachment. He has
late in rolling over, sitting up, crawling. Also his mother said that he has
difficulty remembering things, cannot dress and feed himself. The GP
was was perfom IQ test for him and Doyo scored 30 from all question.
Based on this
What is the problem of Doyo?
What is grade of classification?
What normal range of Intellectual functioning?
What is the possible causes of problem?

1. Diphtheria , Hepatitis B and Measles

2. Pertussis, Pneumococcus pneumonia and Poliomyelitis
3. Tetanus ,Tuberculosis and Haemophilus influenza, and
 definition/ background
Risk factor
Clinical manifestation
Dx, ddx , management and prognosis for each
N.B. Submit on January 14. 2023, in word form topic

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