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Chemistry Report

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Atomic Model Timeline

Atomic Model Timeline

ACTIVITY 1: Flame Test
The Bohr Model
• Niels Bohr (1885-1962) was a Danish
physicist and a student of Rutherford’s.
• In 1913, Bohr introduced his atomic model
based on the simplest atom, hydrogen (only 1
–Bohr proposed that an electron is found only
in specific circular paths, or orbits, around
the nucleus. 5
Bohr Model

The Bohr Model
• Each electron has a fixed energy = an
energy level.
–Electrons can jump from one energy level to
• A quantum of energy is the amount of
energy needed to move an electron from one
energy level to another energy level.
The degree
to which they
move from
level to level
the frequency
of light they
give off.
Bohr Model
• To move from one level to another, the electron
must gain or lose the right amount of energy.
• The higher the energy level, the farther it is from
the nucleus.
–Gain energy to move to higher energy levels (away
from nucleus)
–Lose energy to move to lower energy levels (closer
to nucleus)
An Explanation of Atomic Spectra

–When the electron has its lowest possible energy,

the atom is in its ground state.
–Excitation of the electron by absorbing energy
raises the atom from the ground state to an excited
–A quantum of energy in the form of light is
emitted when the electron drops back to a lower
energy level.
of certain
The Quantum Mechanical Model
• Rutherford’s and Bohr’s model focused on describing the
path of the electron around the nucleus like a particle (like a
small baseball).
• Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961)
treated the electron as a wave.
– The modern description of the electrons in atoms, the quantum
mechanical model, comes from the mathematical solutions to
the Schrödinger equation.

The Quantum Mechanical Model

• The probability of finding

an electron within a certain
volume of space
surrounding the nucleus can
be represented as a fuzzy
–The cloud is more dense
where the probability of
finding the electron is high.

Atomic Orbitals
• (fuzzy cloud) = An atomic orbital is often thought of as a
region of space in which there is a high probability of
finding an electron.
Atomic Orbitals
• The numbers and kinds of atomic orbitals depend on the energy
Energy Level, n # of sublevels Letter of # of orbitals # of electrons Total electrons
sublevels per sublevel in each orbital in energy level
(atomic orbital)

1(K) 1 s 1 2 2

s 1 2
2(L) 2 8
p 3 6

s 1 2
3(M) 3 p 3 6 18
d 5 10

s 1 2
4(N) 4 p 3 6 32
d 5 10
f 7 14
Atomic Orbitals

• The number of electrons

allowed in each of the
first four energy levels
are shown here.
–A maximum of 2 electrons
per orbital

Electron Configurations
• The ways in which electrons are arranged in
various orbitals around the nuclei of atoms are
called electron configurations.
• S,p,d,f
• Orbital notation
–Three rules—the aufbau principle, the Pauli
exclusion principle, and Hund’s rule—tell you how
to find the electron configurations of atoms.
Electron Configurations
• Aufbau Principle
– According to the aufbau principle, electrons occupy the orbitals of
lowest energy first. In the aufbau diagram below, each box represents
an atomic orbital.
• Pauli Exclusion Principle
– According to the Pauli exclusion principle, an atomic orbital may
describe at most two electrons. To occupy the same orbital, two
electrons must have opposite spins; that is, the electron spins must be
• Hund’s Rule
– Hund’s rule states that electrons occupy orbitals of the same energy in
a way that makes the number of electrons with the same spin direction
Filling Diagram for Sublevels

Aufbau Principle
Electron Configurations
• The electron configuration of
an atom is a shorthand method
of writing the location of
electrons by sublevel.
• The sublevel is written followed
by a superscript with the number
of electrons in the sublevel.
– If the 2p sublevel contains 2
electrons, it is written 2p2
Writing Electron Configurations
• First, determine how many electrons are in the atom. Iron
has 26 electrons.
• Arrange the energy sublevels according to increasing energy:
– 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d …
• Fill each sublevel with electrons until you have used all the
electrons in the atom:
– Fe: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d 6
• The sum of the superscripts equals the atomic number of iron
Electron Configurations
and the Periodic Table
• The periodic table can be used as a guide for electron
• The period number is the value of n.
• Groups 1A and 2A have the s-orbital filled.
• Groups 3A - 8A have the p-orbital filled.
• Groups 3B - 2B have the d-orbital filled.
• The lanthanides and actinides have the f-orbital filled.
Blocks and Sublevels
• We can use the periodic table to predict which
sublevel is being filled by a particular element.
Electron Configurations
• Orbital Filling Diagram or Orbital Notation
The Aufbau Principle
• Each electron occupies
the lowest energy orbital
• All orbitals related to an
energy level are of equal
energy. All equivalent
– Ex. The three 2p orbitals
are the same energy level.
Pauli Exclusion Principle
• A maximum of two electrons
may occupy a single orbital, but
only if the electrons have
opposite spins.
– Spin -- Electrons has an
associated “spin,” either one way
or the other, like a top.
– These spins are called “spin up”
Box = orbital
and “spin down.”
Arrow = electron – See example on board.
Hund’s Rule
• Single electrons with Ex. Nitrogen:

the same spin must 1s2 2s2 2p3

occupy each equal-

1s2 2s2 2p3
energy orbital before NOT

additional electrons
with opposite spins 1s2 2s2 2p3

can occupy the same

Electron Configuration Practice
• Write the electron configuration and orbital notation of
the following:
– Ne

Activity 2: Electron Configuration


Organizing the Elements
• In the late 1800s, Dmitri
Mendeleev searched for a way
to organize the elements.
–He arranged all of the elements
known at that time in order of
increasing atomic mass and
discovered a pattern.
–The father of the periodic table of
Organizing the Elements
• All of the elements of the
same color show similar
Organizing the Elements
• Because this pattern repeated, it was
considered to be periodic.
• Periodic Table: a table that arranges the
elements by increasing atomic number and
by changes in physical and chemical
Organizing the Elements
• Mendeleev’s table was not perfect.
–Some elements on the current periodic table
show decreasing atomic mass from left to
• Henry Moseley arranged the elements
based on atomic number instead.
–We still use this method today!
The Periodic Table
• Vertical columns of elements are called
groups or families.
–Elements in the same group have similar
chemical properties.
• Horizontal rows of elements are called
–Atomic number increases across a period.
How do you read the
• Elements can be classified into:



–Metalloids (semimetals)
Valence Electron,
Ionization Energy and
Valence Electrons
• the outermost electrons which
are directly involved in
chemical bonding
• Example:the valence electron of
C-6 is 4
Valence Electron
• Write the electronic configuration
–1s2 2s2 2p2
• Draw the atomic orbitals and write the
maximum number of electrons per orbitals


• Determine the valence electrons of the given

•The general tendency

of an atom to attract
electrons towards
• The elements in the periodic table
are arranged in such the
eletronegativity increases fro the left
to the right of a period and decreases
from top to bottom within the
Ionization Energy
• is the energy required to remove an electron
from the outermost energy level of an atom
• The higher ionization energy means that the
atom is less susceptible to give electrons away,
thus making atom more stable and less reactive
• the lower the ionization energy the easier it is
to remove it valence electrons
• Metals have low electronegativity and
ionization energy, thus they tend to
transfer or loose electrons. Non-metals
have high electronegativity and
ionization energy. They have a greater
tendency to attract electrons towards
themselves. Thus non-metals tend to
gain electrons.
Activity 3: Mapping the Periodic

Identify the Valence Electrons of the following elements

1.Potassium (K)
2.Strontium (Sr)
3.Oxygen (O)

Lewis Dot Symbol

For each group, give 2 symbols
of elements and ask them to
put circles (made of cartolina)
at the sides of the symbols to
represent valence electron.
What is Lewis
Dot Symbol?
• Lewis Dot Symbol consists of the
symbol of an element and one dot
for each valence electron in an atom
of an element.
• American chemist Gilbert Lewis
• Remember that except for helium, the
number of valence electron each atom has is
the same as the group number of the element.
Elements in the same group have similar
valence electrons and Lewis Dot Symbol.

How to draw the
Lewis dot symbol?
How to draw the Lewis dot symbol?
1. Write the symbol of the element.
Your element is NITROGEN
Its symbol is N
2. Determine the valence electrons of the element. You may
use the Periodic Table of Elements.
  CLUE: The group number of the element is the valence
electron of that element.
Group V-A
Valence electron is 5 57
Remember: Lewis dot symbol only show
the valence electrons, not all the electrons
in an atom
3. Starting on the right moving counter
clockwise around the element’s symbol,
draw dots to represent the valence
electron. 58
Activity 4: Lewis Symbol

Illustrate the Lewis symbol of the
following noble gases:
1. Neon (Ne)
2. Argon (Ar)
3. Krypton (Kr)
Chemical bond is the force
that hold the atoms of
different elements together to
form a compound.
why atoms form compounds?
• Atoms always strive to attain the most stable
arrangement of electrons.
• Atoms are stable if their electrons have the same
kind of arrangement as that of noble gases, where
the s and p orbitals are filled with electrons
except for helium, where only the s orbitals are
filled up.
• All the noble gases except for helium have 8
valence electrons. 65
• The Octet Rule tells you that elements
gain or lose or share electrons to
achieve the electronic configuration of
the nearest noble gas, thus after
chemical bonding, elements become
isoelectronic with the nearest noble gas
in the periodic table. 66
What is

• The ionic bond is formed by the
attraction between oppositely
charged ions.
• bond formed between two ions by
the transfer of electrons
• Ionic bonds are formed between metals
and non-metals
• When a metal atom loses, electrons it
forms a positive ion or cation(+).
• When a non-metal atom gains one or
more electrons it forms a negative ion
or anion(-).
1). Ionic bond – electron from Na is transferred
to Cl, this causes a charge imbalance in each
atom. The Na becomes (Na+) and the Cl
becomes (Cl-), charged particles or ions.
Na +
Cl -

Show the complete transfer of electron from
the reactions of the following metals and non-
1. Magnesium and chlorine
2. Aluminum and oxygen
3. Calcium and oxygen
Give examples of ionic
compounds found in your
home and give their uses
Activity 5: Bonding by Transfer
of Electrons

• A covalent bond is formed between
non-metal atoms.
• The non-metals are connected by a
shared pair of valence electrons.
• bond formed by the sharing of
Classifying the Type of
Chemical Bonds
Type of Electronegativity Common
Chemical Bond Difference Examples

Ionic >1.9 NaCl

Polar Covalent 0.5- 1.8 H2O
Non-polar 0 – 0.4 Cl2
Show the sharing of electrons of the following

Activity 6: Bonding by Sharing
of Electrons

Very strong “bond” between
two metals atoms
Metallic Bond
• Formed between two or more atoms of
metallic elements
• Electron “cloud” around the metal atoms
–Sometimes called a “sea of electrons”
–Electron Sea Model: metal atoms contribute
their valence electrons to form a “sea” of
A Sea of Electrons
Metallic Bonding
• Between Metals bound in a “Lattice”
– An interlaced structure or pattern… but in 3D! 

» 

• Many metal ions occupy a “fixed” space and electrons

float in- between
– A “sea of electrons” flows between each of the metal
Metals Form Alloys
• Metals do not actually “bond” with metals
• They form Alloys
• An Alloy is a solution of a metal in a metal
• Examples are steel, brass, bronze and
Metallic Bonding  Alloys
• Metallic bonding accounts for many physical properties of metals:
– Strength
– Ductility
– Electrical conductivity
– Luster
• Alloys are strong materials!
• The atoms in metals have a strong attractive force between them.
A lot of energy is required to break the bonds
– This gives most metals very high melting and boiling points
– And, this means metals have a poor solubility!
What are some Alloys?
• Bronze = copper + tin
• Brass = copper + zinc
• Pewter = tin + another metal (such as antimony, silver,
lead or bismuth)
• Steel is an alloy of iron + another metal (used to
produce housewares, buildings, power tools, weaponry
and even jewelry…)
What do we use Alloys for?
• Magnets in loudspeakers
• Dental fillings • Heavy-duty cookware
• Friction-reducing coating • Automobile and aircraft body
in machine bearings parts
• Door locks and bolts • Military equipment
• Musical • Guns
instruments, central • Nuclear Reactors
heating pipes • Medical Tools
• Metal structures such • And more!
as bridges 
Properties of metals - Melting Point

• metals have high melting points

–mercury is a liquid at room temperature
•used in barometers and thermometers
–tungsten has a melting point of 3422
•used in light bulbs and spacecraft parts
Properties of metals - Boiling Point

• in general metals have high boiling

• it takes a great deal of energy to separate
the cations and electrons
Properties of metals - Malleable

• metals can be hammered into sheets

• mobile parts of metallic bonds allow cations
and delocalized electrons to slide past each
other so metals are malleable and ductile
• delocalized electrons can shift allowing
metallic bonds to remain intact
Properties of Metals - Durable
• metals are durable because the metallic cations
are mobile within the metal, but strongly attracted
to the electrons
–not easily removed
• strength and durability increase as the number of
delocalized valence electrons increases
Properties of Metals - Conductors

• metals are good at conducting heat

and electricity
–charged electrons are able to
move heat and charge from one
place to another quickly
Properties of Metals - Luster

• delocalized electrons can interact

with light so they reflect light
–absorb and release photons
(particles of light) and appear

• Carbon atoms have special abilities: carbon atoms can
form chemical bonds with other carbon atoms and
other non-metal atoms in many ways.
• They can form single, double, and triple bonds.
• These abilities of carbon atoms are the reasons why
there are some many kinds of organic compounds.

• Organic compounds are compounds that are primarily
composed of carbon atoms, which are chemically
bonded with hydrogen and other elements such as
oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen.
• Organic compounds are naturally produced by living
organisms, but can also be produced artificially.

• Organic compounds such as gasoline, kerosene, ethyl
alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, formaldehyde, acetic acid,
acetone, and lubricating oil have important uses.
• These uses are based on their specific chemical

Properties of Organic Compounds
• Odor is the smell of the compound. Every compound
has its own specific odor.
• Viscosity is a measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow.
• Volatility is the measure of the tendency of a
compound to evaporate or turn into gaseous state.
• Flammability is the measure of how a material easily

• Hydrocarbons are a specific group
of organic compounds which
contain carbon and hydrogen only.
• Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes are
the three (3) basic groups of
hydrocarbon compounds.
• Alkanes are hydrocarbons that have single
bonds between carbon atoms.
• Alkenes are hydrocarbons that have
double bonds between carbon atoms and
• Alkynes have triple bonds between carbon
• Calcium carbide (CaC2) is a compound that is
commonly known as kalburo.
• Fruit vendors use this substance to speed up ripening of
fruits like mangoes and bananas in just a couple of days.
• When calcium carbide reacts with water such as
moisture in the air, ethyne gas is produced.
• Ethyne or commonly known as acetylene is a kind of
• Alcohols are another group of organic compounds.
• These organic compounds also have very important
• Some alcohols are used as antiseptic or disinfectant,
some are used as cleaning agents, others are used as
components of liquors and a few alcohols are used as
fuel for portable stoves or other types of burners.

• Acetone and formalin are examples of simple
carbonyl containing compounds which have
common uses.
• Carbonyl containing compounds are organic
compounds that contain carbonyl functional
group, which is composed of a carbon atom
double bonded to an oxygen atom: C=O.

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