Simple Future Tense

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Introduction :-

 The future tense expresses what will happen

or what the subject will do at some time in
the future. The future tense is also used after
conjunctions of time to refer to future
 It is used to refer the actions that have not
happened yet but will happen sometime in future.
 The Future Simple tense is often called the "will
tense" because we make the Future Simple with the
modal auxiliary will.
Structure of simple future
 Subject + WILL/SHALL + root form of verb
 Example:
 I will run to the bank
 It will rain tomorrow
 He will help us later
The Negative Version

 If you need the negative version, you can use

the following word order:
"will not“ + base form of verb

 Example:
1. The Moscow State Circus will not perform in
Cheltenham next year.
2. We won't celebrate our anniversary by flying to
New York.
The Question Version

 If you need to ask a question, you can use the

following" word order for a yes/no question:
 will" + [subject]+ base form of verb

• Example:
1. Will the Moscow State Circus perform in
Cheltenham next year?
2. Will we celebrate our anniversary by flying to New
Uses of Simple Future Tense
The simple future uses:-
Intentions :-I’ll work much harder from now on.
Offers:- Ali will find some books for you.
 Predictions I’ll get better grades next

 Promises :- I’ll do a better job next time.

Requests :- Will you help me with my work?

USE: To say that an action will be in progress
at a certain time in the future.
The following expressions are used in the
future Continuous.
at (by) 3:00 (noon, midnight, etc.)
The day after tomorrow
 at (by) this time tomorrow.
Simple Future Tense Quiz
 He _____ a business next month.
a. will start
b. Started
 . I ________ to Spain.
a. Shall not go
b. Not go
 I ________ an English course soon
a. Will launch
b. launch
 The football match __________ after an hour.
a. Will begin
b. Beginning

 Jon __________ the German Language Course

next month.
a. Will join
b. joining
Future Continous Tense :-
 The future continuous normally describes
actions that will be in progress in the future.
The following expressions are used in the
future Continuous.
 ▪ at (by) 3:00 (noon, midnight, etc.)
 The day after tomorrow
 at (by) this time tomorrow.
 Some Examples :-
 I will be studying all week end.
 It will be working by noon.
 We will be taking the exam on Monday.
 This time tomorrow, I’ll be lying on the

beach in the sun.

 Don’t phone me between 7 and 8 as we’ll be

having dinner then.

Affirmative statements:-
1. I will be studying all week end.
2. It will be working by noon.
3.We will be taking the exam on Monday.
Negative statements:-
1.I will not be studying at week end.
2.It won’t be working by noon.
3.We will not be taking the exam on Monday.
In the interrogative form, the future
continuous can be used to askpolitely for
information about the future.
 Examples:
 Will you be bringing your friend to the pub

 Will Jim be coming with us? Will she be going

to the party tonight?

Future Continuous Tense Quiz
1. I ________ during rush hour.

 a. will be driving
 b. will have drive
 c. will be drive

 2. He will not be _____ the bus today.

  a. take
 b. taken
 c. taking
3.They ________ the cottage that weekend.
a. using
  b. 'll be using
  c. 're be using

4. Nigel _____ be coming to the picnic.

a. won't
b. won't not
c. willn't

5. Where ________ sleeping?

 a. you be
 b. will you
 c. will you be

 The Future Perfect Tense talks about “PAST IN THE


 It is a verb tense used for actions that will be

completed before some point in the FUTURE.

Action 1)-before a “ specific time” in the

Will future.
Completed 2)-before another action in the
HE (v-3)
Examples -
 By 3 o’clock ,he will have given his

 It will not have finished tomorrow if you are

not going to start now.

 Will you have finished shopping by that time ?

Correct /Incorrect ?

 1)- By Monday, he will have start his new job.

 2)-You will have finished shopping by that

time ?

 3)- By next month, we will have planned the

Future Perfect Tense Quiz

Q1. By this Friday, they __________ the YouTube collaboration.

a) had finished
b)will have finished
c) finished
d)will finish

Q2. We _________ (not/do) the examination tomorrow.

e) Have done
f) Do
g)Will do
h)Will not have done
Q3. Call me at 4 PM, I __________ (do) the English online
class then
a) Will do
c) Will have done
d)Would do

Q4. We _________ (do) an English online class after this

pandemic situation.
e) Will have done
f) Do
g)Have do
h)Have did
Q5. She __________ (resolve) her problem by this afternoon.
a) Could resolve
b)Will resolve
c) Resolves
d)Will have resolved

Q6. We _________ (avoid) the spreading of hoax in our country

if we selectively choose the information.
e) Will have avoided
f) Avoid
h)Have avoided
Q7. My teacher _________ (stop) to give the quiz after this online
a) Stops
b)Will have stopped
c) Stop
d)Is stopping

Q.8 He _________ (not/forget) this quiz until he will have

another quiz after this class
e) Forgets
f) Doesn’t forget
h)Won’t have forgotten
Q.9 Our teacher have sent a new schedule for English online
class. Therefore, we _________ had an English class at this time
next week.
a) Will have
c) Have

Q.10 We will never _________ (know) our English teachers real

characteristic by meeting them after this pandemic situation.
e) Have known
f) Knew
Future Perfect continuous

usage: It is use to describe an “ongoing

action in the future(with duration)”
subject + will have been
+ verb(+ing)
Example With Timeline

By August, Arun will have been saving money

for six months.

More Examples

 When I turn thirty, I will have been playing piano for

twenty-one years.
 At five o’clock, I will have been waiting for thirty
 By 2030, I will have been living in London for sixteen
 Next year I will have been working here for four
 He will have been studying this book for three hours.

Activity: write 2 sentences in the chatbox

Questions on future perfect tense
Future perfect tense {structure:will +have+been+the
verb present participle(+ing)

1. My mom ________ for two days by the time I see

 has been travelling
 will have been travelling
 will has been travelling

2. They'll be exhausted by dinner. They will have

been _____ hockey for seven hours.
 playing
 played
 play
3. Will you ________ here for ten years by the time
of the Christmas party?
 have been worked
 have to work
 have been working

4. It's a 24-hour relay. They'll only have been

________ for half the time by 6pm.
 ran
 run
 running
5. We ________ been waiting long.
 will not have
 have not will
 will have not

6. I ________ working for two years.

 willn't have been
 won't have been
 not have been
5. We ________ been waiting long.
 will not have
 have not will
 will have not

6. I ________ working for two years.

 willn't have been
 won't have been
 not have been
7. Won't they ________ travelling for two weeks by
 have been
 had been
 has been

8. The teachers will ________ for a month by the

time the deal is made.
 have been striking
 will strike
 will be striking
9. The films run all night. We ________ movies for
six hours by the time the feature comes on.
 watched
 will have been watching
 will watch

10. She'll still be groggy. She ________ undergoing

surgery for three hours.
 will has been
 will have been
 will be have
Another few questions

 1.By the time we reach Niagara

falls,we________________(drive) for eight hours

 2.when returns next

year,he_______________(teach) for 25 years.

 3.Next month,you
______________________(write) this book for
two years .you_______________(not research)
any other subject.
 4.Next week, she ________________(not eat)
meat for one year.

 5.By 1.00 p.m, the athletes will have been

running for four hours
how long_____________________________?
difference between future continuous, future perfect, and
future perfect continuous.

To understand the differences,

We have to understand the
usage of each tense because
each tense has its separate and
unique use case.
Future Continuous
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous
 The End

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