The Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2

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CQ Press

Lecture Spark
M AR C H 1 , 2022

Connecting current events to your

International Relations classroom
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
After weeks of denying a possible invasion of
Ukraine, on Thursday, February 24th Russia invaded.
The Russian incursion remains fluid with the civilian
death toll already in the hundreds and projected to
rise. Russia has targeted civilian sites within Ukraine
which included a strike on a nuclear power plant.
Even though the reactors weren’t damaged, and
radiation at the plant is at normal levels it
nonetheless underscored how volatile the situation
remains in Ukraine. While the Ukrainian military has
fought valiantly, they are no match for the much
stronger and larger Russian forces.
What did Russia do?

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
As a result of the fighting, it has led to a massive
exodus of Ukrainians attempting to flee the
violence. The humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe
is expected to only worsen as the combat continues.
While the world watches in horror, there has been
widespread criticism of Russian President Vladimir
Putin and his government for waging war. Western
nations have railed around Ukraine and sent
weapons and ammunition to help in the fight
against Russia. Experts believe Putin is committed
to expanding Russia’s sphere of influence on those
countries that have strong historic ties to his.

What is the impact of Russia’s invasion?

Background and Key Concepts
• Russia recently invaded Ukraine sparking a humanitarian crisis. Whether it is refugees attempting to
cross international borders, or a lack of necessities, the situation in Ukraine is dire. While many
women and children have or hope to evacuate the country, men between the ages of 18-60 are not
allowed to leave Ukraine so they can fight the Russians.
• Russia increasingly is going after soft targets by bombing hospitals, schools, and residential areas.
The international community seems to have united in their contempt for Russia and President Putin.
European nations along with the U.S. have imposed sanctions on Russia, which already are having an
impact on the country's economy.
• Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to win high praise for his leadership during the
crisis and is asking for more assistance in his country’s fight for survival. While Ukrainian officials have
asked for NATO to establish and enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine, it seems unlikely this will occur
because of NATO’s fear that if it were to do so it could accelerate tensions with Russia and potentially
lead to nuclear war.
Writing: What humanitarian concerns have arisen in Ukraine?
Debate: What is best way to deter Russia from doing something similar in the future?
Poll: Should the international community be doing more to help Ukraine?
Short Answer: What are the ramifications of Russia invading Ukraine?

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