Math Investigation

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Department of Education

Lala National High School

Maranding Lala Lanao del Norte

Steffany A. Suaner
Joshiah Mae P. Cuaton
Ana Leah J. Bacus
Cydee S. Enad

Submitted to
Jhan Mark M. Opamen
Basic-Cal Teacher

January 2022
A polynomial isn’t as complicated as it sounds,because it’s just
an algebraic expression with several terms. Usually,
polynomials have more than one term, and each term can be
variable, a number or some combination of variables and

Deziel (2018) emphasized that in Algebra, many algebraic

expressions are polynomials, but not all of them. While a
polynomial can include constants variables, which are often
denoted by letters and exponents,there are two things
polynomials can’t include.
The first is division by a variable, so an expression that
contains a term like 7/y is not a polynomial. The second
forbidden element is a negative exponent because it
amounts to division by a variable. There are a lot of ways
in dividing polynomials.
Some of the common methods we used were long and synthetic
division. But through this investigation, we could actually use and
formulate another way to solve polynomials with and without
remainders. One of the easiest methods to find the quotient when
dividing polynomials both with and without remainder was

the use of dot method.


In dividing polynomials,each numerical coefficient in

the dividend was represented by dot and each term of the
dividend was separated by vertical line. On the other hand,the
numerical coefficient in the divisor served as the
guide on how many dots being connected.
Objectives :
This mathematical investigation would like to establish patterns that
could be used to find the quotient when dividing polynomials with
and without remainders.
Specifically,this mathematical investigation sought to
answer the following questions:

1. What is the quotient when dividing

polynomials with no remainder using dot
2. What is the quotient when dividing
polynomials with remainder using dot method?
Mathematical Analysis
For instance,we have 1,331 divided by 11 .By using the dot method we
have the illustration :

From above, we need to arrange the dividends from thousands to oness

eparated by columns.The number of dividor must be the number of
connecting dots. Since 11 as our divisor contains one dot for ones and one
dot for tens therefore
only one dot must be connected to another column .
Mathematical Analysis
Then count the number of the
orginal dot which you have conneted
to another dot found in other
column.Column 1 has 1 connected circle,second
column has 2 connected circles and column
3 has 1, therefore the answer is 121.
Proving Conjecture 1; Dividing Polynomials with no

When finding the quotient of (x5+3x4+3x3+3x2+4x+2) /

(x2+2x+1).First ,the polynomial oequation must be in
standard form,meaning the exponents were arranged in
ascending order.
The values of the numerical coefficients
of the divisor were used as
the pattern in connecting dot/s in
the dividend. Meaning,the first column
in the divisor has one (1) dot
which was connected to the second
column having two 920 dots and
to the third column with one (1) dot.
On the other hand,arrange the
numerical coefficients in each column from the
dividend. Draw a dot/s from one
column to another column just follow
the patterns in connecting dots in
the divisor. Then,count the number
of the original dot which you have
connected to other dot found in
other column,Column 1 has one (1) connected
circle,second column has one (1) connected
circle and column 3 has zero(0), column 4
has two (2) connected circles and column 5
and 6 has none.To find the exact
exponent of the first literal coefficien ,
just subtract the highest exponent of
the dividend and divisor.Therefore,the
answer is x3+x2+2.
Proving Conjecture 2; Dividing Polynomials with remainder

When (2x5+x6+3x4+2x3+x+x2+2) is divided by (x+1),

the same patterns were used in the solutions.
Make sure that the polynomial equation was in
standard form,therefore it must be arranged first,
so we have (x6+2x5+3x4+2x3+x2+x+2) / (x+1).
Column 1 and 2 has one (1) connected circle,
column 3 has two (2) connected circles,column 4 has
none,column 5 has one (1) connected circle and
column 6 has none respectively.

Moreover, in column have remaining two (2) dots that

were not connected,meaning it serves as
the remainder of the quotient.
Therefore the answer is x5+x4+2x3+ x + 2/x+1.
Based on the results and findings
of the above said modelling using
dot method in dividing polynomials with
and without remainder, the following
recommendations were suggested :
• There must be parallel study where the signs of the dividend and
divisor are both negative and unlike signs.
• It is also highly recommended to consider the coefficients of the
dividend and dividor that are fractions.
• Using the same method,other researchers may pursue parallel study
considering the numerical coefficients of the dividend are more one
• This method is not applicable for mathematical polynomial
equations specially if the quotient has negative or fraction from
Deziel (2018).Everyday Use of Polynomials.Retrived on November 7,
2019 from
Thank You.

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