Hope Module 1Q3

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HOPE2 Class

With Teacher Nimfa

Describes the role of physical activity
assessments in managing one’stress
• Explain stress and its causes;
• Discover the role of sports in managing stress;
• Recommend sports-related activities to manage
MELC Describe the role of
physical activity
assessments in
managing one’s
stress (PEH11FH-
PRE-TEST Read carefully and
understand each
item. Write your
answer on the space
Read carefully and understand each item. Write your
answer on the space provided.

1 2________It is a reaction
________ It helps the
body relax, makes you of the body and mind to
feel happy, and block unkind or challenging life
any feeling of pain. incidents such as tense
feelings, worry, and
Read carefully and understand each item. Write your
answer on the space provided.

3 4
___________it is _______ It is an
the harmful event or situation that
physical causes stressful
consequence of
Read carefully and understand each item. Write your
answer on the space provided.

________5. The
capacity to respond and
recover from something
Lesson For
The Day
Stress is a reality of life that people
encounter every day. In this
unpredictable world, working under

STRESS pressure has become the rule rather than

an exception. As a consequence, it
becomes one of the common problems
that we face and directly affect our
ability to stay well.

is a reaction of the body and mind to unkind or

challenging life incidents such as tense feelings,
worry, and discomfort. Stress as the mental,
emotional, and physiological response of the body
to any situation that is new, threatening,
frightening, or exciting.
The enhancing influence on
our productivity and
EUSTRESS satisfaction is called

Eustress or positive stress promoted

growth and accomplishments and
stimulates you to go on.
On the other hand, the
harmful physical
DISSTRESS consequence of stress is
called “distress.”

Distress or negative stress often causes poor

performance. The perception of stress as positive
or negative varies from person to person. One
event might elicit a positive response to someone
while it could be negative to another person.
is an event or a situation
that causes stressful
Stressor situations, which are seen
as risks to the well-being
of a person.
The body responds to stress by
secreting hormones that prepare It leaves the body feeling
the body to respond to the weak, tired, and impairs the
situation, the stress response is immune system. These cause
not harmful to the body; however, anxiety that affects an
frequent activation of the stress
individual’s health, behavior,
response has negative
consequences on the body. and life.
Cause of Stress

1 2 3

Major Life Everyday Physical

Changes Problems Surroundings.
Major Life

The majority of These stressful changes threaten one’s sense

stressors are key life of security and self-esteem. Changes due to
changes that stressful events in life endanger an
influence an individual’s sense of safety and confidence.
individual’s family Some examples include the death of a loved
and social life one, losing a job, etc.

The stress or
Examples of these stressors include dressing
“hassles” we concerns, misplacing or losing things, too
encounter everyday many things in mind, or physical appearance.
or occasional petty These may be insignificant but they
incidents are part of
this group. accumulate as it happens daily.
• Crowded transportation in going to school or workplace
The immediate • Street walks with foul odors
surroundings • Unbearable weather conditions
affect the level of • Noise especially if you are residing near airports, train
rail tracks, or factories with loud machines
day-today stress • People in depressed, dangerous, or polluted areas
• People are exposed to calamities, tragedies, armed
conflicts, and other disasters.
Other Stressors

• Being late in class, exams, assignments, and
Other stressors reports, issues on body image, conflicts in
involving relationships and peer pressure
teenagers • Worrying about their future
include: • Conflicts and disagreements with family
members, friends, and other people,
among others.
Strategies Coping is defined as the
“capacity to respond and
recover from something
useful” (WHO 1999). Coping
is a conscious response to
psychological stress in an
attempt to balance mental and
emotional conditions.
Strategies Both positive and negative
incidents need coping skills that
will accommodate these
changes in life. These include
how to behave, thinking of
ideas, and controlling emotions
to minimize or tolerate stressful
The Role of
Managing Stress
Thank you
See you next time.

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