HACCP Implementation

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By:- SQC Management Sdn. Bhd.

• Food Safety Procedure
• Food Safety Manual
GMP Content
• Housekeeping, Cleaning & Sanitation • Store Management
• Waste Management • Supplier Control
• Chemical Control • Preventive Maintenance
• Personnel Hygiene • Calibration
• Disease Control • Training
• Visitor Control • Customer Compliant
• Water Control • Corrective & Preventive Action
• Foreign Material Management • Product Recall
• Pest Management • Contingency Plan
• Identification and Traceability • Allergen Management
Housekeeping, Cleaning & Sanitation
• Base on Cleaning Schedule – Building, Machine, Facility, Utility etc
• Cleaning with detergent ( dirt and oil ) Sanitation ( control microbial level)
• Cleaning – daily, weekly, monthly, half year, yearly.
• Cleaning equipment need to be keep in specific area. Not in production
• Cleaning equipment need to be clean
• Cleaning Inspection
• Yearly surface Swap Test.
Waste Management
• Waste disposal schedule – production daily
• Dispose of main disposal bin
• Cleaning of dustbin
• Hand free and covered Dustbin
• Effluent Water control
Chemical Control
• Chemical used that may come in contact with product shall be Food Grade
• Chemical shall be review and approve before use
• Chemical shall be store in locked specific area
• Chemical MSDS shall be obtain
• Personnel shall be train for chemical dilution
• Chemical shall be properly label.
Personnel Hygiene
• Personnel shall wear proper attire in production
• No wearing jewelry, watch, ring, cosmetic etc. in production
• No eating, drinking, chewing gum in production
• No personnel belonging in production
• Proper handwashing
• Periodical personnel hygiene inspection
Disease Control
• Health Screening for food handler
• Personnel suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, stomach-ache, visible skin
lesions, having discharge from the ear, eye or nose, or coughing not allow
in production.
• All cuts / wounds must be completely protected
• Anti- typhoid injection every 3 years.
Visitor Control
• Visitor shall declare health and obtain permission before enter production
• Visitor shall wear proper attire to enter production
• Visitor shall not come into contact with product and machine
• External subcontractor shall be guided in production
Water Control
• Water used for product shall be filtered before use.
• Filter shall be subject to preventive maintenance
• Water bacteriological and chemical test yearly that comply to 25th
Schedule Malaysia Food Act & Regulation
Foreign Material Management
• Glass and brittle plastic breakage shall be reported and recorded.
• Breakages shall be properly clean
• Cleaning equipment shall be disposed or properly clean.
• Glass shall be laminated.
• Lighting shall have plastic cover.
• No wood policy in production
Pest Management
• Rodent, flies, cockroaches external treatment – monthly
• Spraying in production shall be carry out only when there is no production
• Internal periodical checking of pest infestation.
Identification and Traceability
• Incoming material identify with supply label and receiving date
• Store material with proper FIFO and FEFO identification
• Finished product label with batch no and production date.
• Proper traceability to related, production, QC, HR, raw material ,
machine, calibration process.
• Material label – RELEASE, ON-HOLD, REJECT
Supplier Control
• Purchase of raw and packaging material shall be from Approved Supplier
• Potential shall be evaluated in terms of food safety and quality before
• Yearly supplier performance evaluation
• Supplier audit shall be carry out if necessary
• Incoming inspection shall be carry out against product specification
• COA shall be verified.
Store Management
• Transportation vehicle shall be inspected for cleanliness and pest.
• Store shall be protected from contamination and well ventilated.
• Store shall be segregated to On-hold and Reject Area
• Proper stock control – Stock Card
Preventive Maintenance
• Plant machine and equipment shall be schedule for preventive
• Lubricant for maintenance shall be Food Grade.
• After maintenance, cleaning shall be carry out and inspected.
• Maintenance shall be recorded in the Maintenance Record
• Equipment use for inspection, monitoring and testing shall be Calibrated.
• Calibration against Internal Standard
• Calibration schedule
• Calibration Laboratory shall be accredited
• Calibration Label – Calibration date and Next Calibration Date.
• If it is out of accuracy the equipment shall be repair and previous QC
results shall be review
• Food Handler shall be train for Food Handling Training
• Yearly training need evaluation
• HACCP and Quality Re-training every 3 years.
• Training effectiveness evaluation after 3 months from training.
• Yearly Training Plan
Customer Compliant
• Customer complaint shall be investigated promptly.
• Nonconformance Report
• Correction and corrective Action
• Follow up Action
Corrective & Preventive Action
• Corrective Action – Action taken to prevent reoccurrence of
- Nonconformance has happen
• Investigation of Root Cause
• Preventive Action – Action taken to prevent occurrence of
• - Nonconformance has not happen
Product Recall
• Product Recall Team
• Recall shall be activated :-
- health shall be effected
- against government act and regulation
- Government directive
 Product recall reconciliation
 Government agency shall be inform
 Product disposal.
Contingency Plan
• Water shortage, power failure, machine breakdown, fire, flood, natural
• Product that is effected shall be on-hold
• After machine repair need to be recalibrated.
Allergen Management
• Peanut, Dairy, Seafood, Fungus, Egg, Soya, Gluten
• Storage of allergen at specific area
• Machine and tools for allergen product shall not be swap with non-
• Product Allergen Label
Food Safety Procedure
Food Safety Procedure Content
• Document Control • Verification
• Record Control • Validation
• Supplier Control
• Communication
• Improvement
• Internal Audit
• Management Review
Document Control
•Documents required by the FSS shall be controlled.
• review and approval of documents prior to issue
• review, update and re-approve documents
• identify changes and current revision status of documents
• documents are available at points of use
• legible and readily identifiable
• identify documents of external origin and control distribution
• Prevent deterioration or loss of documents
• *identify obsolete documents, retained at least a copy of obsolete document.
Record Control
 records shall be maintained to provide evidence of conformity to
requirements & of the effective operation of the FSS.
 records are legible, identifiable & retrievable
 documented procedure on identification, storage, protection,
retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.
 Retention of record according to retention period
Supplier Control
Process Person-in-Charge (PIC)
Submit purchase requisition of the preferred supplier for Requester
approval (if applicable) through email
Purchasing to request for Quotation/Price Listing Purchasing
Upon selecting suitable supplier, raise PO/email and send to Purchasing, Director
Prepare payment voucher and request for cheque issuance / Account/Finance
IBG for payment
Upon delivery, copy of DO/Invoice keep for reference Purchasing
Update list of supplier Purchasing
• Potential supplier to be evaluated before qualify as supplier
• Periodical supplier reevaluation.
• To communicate with Food Safety Team during Food Safety Meeting for
any product modification and improvement information.
• External communication for external parties;-
 supplier
• Corrective Action for:-
Customer complaint
Internal Audit
Supplier Quality Problem
Product Nonconformance and Quality Problem
 Continual improvement - make use of the quality policy, quality objectives, audit results, analysis
data, corrective and preventive action and management review to continually improve the effectiveness of
company management system.
Internal Audit
 conducted at planned intervals
 audit program shall be planned
 define audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods
 Selection of auditors
 auditors shall not audit their own work
 management is responsible for area audited
 action taken immediately on detected nonconformities and their causes
 verification on actions taken and reported
 maintain records
Management Review
•Periodical meeting to evaluate the suitability, adequacy, effectiveness  Review updating activities of food safety management system including
and improvement for FSS
process/ product modifications and HACCP Plan improvement
Review Food Safety Policy and objectives  Review whether all the requirement stated in FSSC and its pre-requisite have

Review audit results and status of corrective actions been met

 Review customer and statutory & regulatory requirements

Review customer feedback/ complaints
 Review new product introduction and projects for continuous improvement
Review CCPs monitoring and CLs performance
 Changes that could affect the food safety management system
Review CLs and operational limits validation and re-validation  Food safety issues and matters arising
Review analysis of results of verification activitiesReview  Review provision of resources i.e. training needs and general sanitary needs
handling of emergency situations, accidents and product recall  Review internal and external communication processes
 Follow-up actions from previous management reviews
i. Internal audit
ii. Checking on OPRP & PRP
iii.Review records
iv.Calibration of monitoring and measuring devices
v. In house QC inspection and testing
vi.End products testing (external laboratory verification)
vii.Management review
Food Safety Team meeting (including review on changes related to the FSMS)

ix.Re-validation of CCP critical limits & OPRP control limits

• Initial validation is demonstrated through literature review or scientific report, pass
records and testing reports, reference standards (Food Act and Regulations, Codex
Guidelines and Standards, Codes of Practice) and common industrial GMP practices.

• Validation is to be carried out if changes in the system, Product and Process or Intended
uses by consumers are noted.
Food Safety Manual
Food Safety Manual Content
• Food Safety Policy
• Food Safety Objective
• HACCP Analysis
• HACCP Plan
Food Safety Policy
• To be communicate to all personnel
• To be display in office and meeting room.
• GMP Foods Industries Sdn Bhd is committed in providing quality and safe food products to our
customers through:

 Consistently producing safe food and meeting customer’s requirements with the implementation of Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and the adoption of HACCP System.

 Consistently reviewing our Food Safety System to ensure compliance with HACCP and statutory &
regulatory requirements
Food Safety Objective
Production  To provide food product that  Buying from reliable and      
100% meeting chemical and approved suppliers Yearly Approved Supplier Production
microbiological requirement  Incoming inspection of List/Incoming Manager/Supervisor
(Attached Appendix A) material Inspection Checklist/
 Samples of raw materials External Lab Test
send to lab test on yearly Report
 To achieve ≤ 5 cases of  Daily Personal hygiene Daily  
employee unhygienic checking on production Personal Hygiene
practices per month for the employees Checklist
next 12 months
Admin/Account  To provide at least 5 hours  Training to be conducted Yearly   Admin/Account Clerk
training per employee within according to yearly training Training
12 months plan and training record Schedule/Training
taken after every training Record
Purchasing  To achieve ≤ 3 cases of  Inspect every raw material Yearly Approved Supplier Purchasing Executive
supplier non-conformance in delivered through incoming List/Supplier
term of product quality for inspection Evaluation Record
the next 12 months.
Sales / Marketing • To secure at least 3 new  Cold Yearly Sales Target Sales Executive/
  customers per month for the Calling/Advertisement/Sales Marketing Manager
next 12 months visit
 To ensure customer  Inspection and Testing on Yearly Production
complaint on quality finish products before record/Complain Log
problems less than 5 cases delivery to customer Sheet/NCR
per month for the next 12  
Biological Hazard

Chemical Hazard

Physical Hazard
HACCP Analysis
Is this process step a
Potential Hazards CCP/ OPRP?
(B: Biological, C: Chemical, Rationale for inclusion or What measures can be applied to
No Process step Severity Likelihood Is this a significant hazard?
P: Physical, R: Radiological exclusion as a Hazard control this significant hazard? CCP/
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
substances) OPRP

1.   Receiving B: Microbial growth due to cross In : 2 D 12 ● Conduct incoming

1 (Raw Material/ contamination Cross contamination due to No inspections to ensure no
Packaging E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus improper handling and poor damage to materials
Material) Salmonella hygiene practice ● Ensure workers handle item
with care and prevent any No
breakage - - - -
● Practice Good Personnel
Hygiene in the receiving
C: Cross-contamination with Ex. 2 D 12 ● Incoming inspections will
cleaning chemicals and non-food Cross contamination is not No be done to ensure no mix up
chemicals likely to occur as non-food with non-food items
items and food items are ● Implement Good Hygienic
received separately Practice (GHP) in the - - - - No
processing area
● Receive food and non-food
items separately
P: Pest Infestation and foreign In: 3 D 17 ● Ensure production
materials contamination, such as Due to poor pest control, poor No personnel are competent
soil, sand, dirt, plastic fragment, housekeeping practices and in handling material
oil leaking etc. improper handling ● Housekeeping and
cleaning must be carried
- - - - No
out as scheduled
● Pest Control Program
must be in place
R: Nil Ex: - - - -
N/A   - - - - No
HACCP Analysis
• HACCP Analysis – raw material & process
• To review HACCP Analysis when there is changes:-
• - Product
• Raw Material
• Process Flow
• Machine
Microbial Control
• Chemical presentive control
• Moisture Level Control
• pH Control
• Heat Treatment
• Temperature Control
• Oxygen Control
Chemical Control
• Control of chemical dozing
• Chemical Rinsing
• Food Grade
Physical Control
• Metal Detector
• Food X- ray Inspection
• Filter
• Seal Inspection
Hazard Control - Monitoring
• Monitoring Critical Control Point
• At a set frequency
• Against Critical Limit – base on scientific study or test study
• To be recorded
Hazard Control – Corrective Action
• Actions to adjust the process so that it is returned to the critical limits specified
• Actions to manage the materials produced when the process was out of control
HACCP Control
OPRP No Significant Hazard(s) Action Criteria Monitoring Corrective Action Verification Records

What How When Who

OPRP 1 P: Pest infestation and 1. No broken/ damage sieve Sieve Visual Every Week Operator Corrections ▪ QA personnel to Production
Filtration foreign materials   integrity Inspection   If broken strainer verify on the Record
contamination, such as production records
soil, sand, dirt, plastic 2. No foreign material traps on ● Stop or do not start the unloading daily
fragment etc. the sieve Foreign   Maintenance
● Record the type and extent of
materials Record
In case there is sieve   damage ▪ Maintenance
damage or   ● Change / replace the broken personnel carry out
contamination found, strainer sieve preventive
the particles are likely maintenance
to slip through the ● On-hold the batch since the last
sieve. satisfactory inspection
● Inform QA and/or Food Safety
Team Leader
If found contaminations:
▪ Stop the unloading
▪ Record the foreign bodies found
on the sieve
▪ Clean and run maintenance on the
▪ On-hold the batch since the last
satisfactory inspection
▪ Inform QA and/or Food Safety
Team Leader
▪ Filter through the strainer and
randomly pick at least 3 samples
to check on the presence of
▪ Find better supplier for better
quality strainer
OPRP No Significant Hazard(s) Action Criteria
HACCP Control Monitoring Corrections & Corrective Action Verification Records
What How When Who
OPRP 2 B: Microbial growth due to 100% No Leaking Seal Integrity Visual Every Batch Operator Auto Sealing  Production Supervisor Production Record
cross contamination inspection to verify the production
Sealing    Stop the production Preventive
E. coli, Staphylococcus Maintenance
 QC to identify affected product.
aureus  Preventive maintenance Record
 Affected product shall be segregated. for sealer (refer
Preventive Maintenance
 Production Supervisor to check on
capping machine condition. Reset if
 If due to capping machine malfunction,
Production Supervisor to inform
Production Manager and call for
service/ repair the machine.
 Repack and recap after repair
 If both machine breakdown and cannot
be repaired within ½ day, work in
progress shall be contained in clean
intact container
Manual Sealing
 Stop the production
 QC to identify affected product.
 Affected product shall be segregated.
 Production Supervisor to check on
manual sealing practice.
 If due to poor practice, Production
Supervisor shall retrain and evaluate
competency of workers / replacement
of personnel.
 Repack and recap after retrain/
replacement of personnel

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