Assessment SHS Common Topic On BRYANTenhanced

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Academy of

National Training of Trainers

for Grade 11 Teachers
Classroom Assessment for the
K to 12 Basic Education
Program (D.O. # 8, s. 2015)
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, the
participants will be able to :
 explain the general principles of
classroom assessment in the K to 12
Basic Education Program
 discuss the different types of
assessment and their uses
National Training of Trainers
2 for Grade 11 Teachers
Learning Objectives:
 explain how learners are graded and how
their progress is reported and used for
decisions on instruction, promotion and
 propose a mechanism for evaluating
his/her own knowledge and skills in
constructing a wide variety of
assessment instruments that s/he
uses in day to day classroom
teaching 3 National Training of Trainers
for Grade 11 Teachers
Picture Analysis

1. What animals are in the picture?

2. What task is being given them to do?
3. Which animal will require less preparation
for the task?
Picture Analysis

4. Which animal will require more preparation for the task? Why?
5. Would (some) animals be able to do the task if they are
given the proper training and enough time? Why?
6. What do you think is being assessed here?
Picture Analysis

7. Is the goal of the assessment clear?

8. Are the criteria for assessment clear?
9. Is the assessment method chosen by the assessor
appropriate in this case? Who else can help determine
what assessment method or strategy can be
1. Based on the discussion, what do we
mean by fair assessment? What are
our guiding principles in making
assessments fair?
2. In what way is assessment a tool to
help learners succeed?
Think about this picture!

National Training of Trainers

8 for Grade 11 Teachers
Linking Assessment to Learning
Standards and Pedagogies

K to 12 Learning


Pedagogies Assessment
What is Classroom Assessment?
What is Classroom Assessment?
It is an ongoing process of
i________ gathering,
organizing, & i_______
o_______ interpreting
information about what
the learners know
k____ ,
understand, and can
u_________ do .
c__ d__
DO #8,s.2015
Principles of Assessment
1. Assessment should be aligned with
objectives, learning standards, and
2. Assessment should be more like
3. Assessment should recognize the
diversity of learners, hence, varied
methods appropriate to the type
of learners are utilized.
Principles of Assessment
4. The Formative Assessment should
scaffold the learners in Summative
5. Assessment results should be
used by teachers to help students
learn better.
6. Assessment involves both
teachers and learners.
Principle 1. Assessment should be aligned with
objectives, learning standards and competencies
Content Learning

What to
Learning Performance
Competencies assess in the Standards

Principle 1. Assessment should be aligned with
objectives, learning standards and competencies

Content Standards (CSs) refer to the

What to
essential knowledge
Learning and understanding
assess in the
should be learned.classroom? Standards

Content Standards answer

“What shouldContent
the learners know?
Principle 1. Assessment should be aligned with
objectives, learning standards and competencies

Performance StandardsContent
(PSs) describes the
abilities and skills that
learners are
Learning expected
Competencies in assess
demonstrate in the
relation to Standards
the CSs and integration of
21st-century skills
Principle 1. Assessment should be aligned with
objectives, learning standards and competencies
Competencies (LCs)
refer to the knowledge,
understanding, skills, and
What to that students need to
Learning Performance
assess in the
Competencies demonstrate
classroom? in every lesson
and/or learning activity
Principle 1. Assessment should be aligned with
objectives, learning standards and competencies
Progressions of Concept
Content Development are
reflected in the learning standards .These
progressions are operationalized using the
Processes Dimensions
What to (CPDs)
adapted assess in the
from Anderson and Krathwohl
Competencies Standards(2001),
which provides a scheme for classifying
educational goals, objectives, and standards.

Processes Lesson Development
(CPDs) Formulation of Assessment
Tasks and Activities
• Creating
• Evaluating
• Analyzing
• Applying
• Understanding
• Remembering
Cognitive Process
Dimensions Descriptors

Recalling information and retrieving relevant

knowledge from long-term memory
Constructing meaning from oral, written, and
graphic messages
Using information to undertake a procedure in
familiar situations or in a new way
Distinguishing between parts and determine how
Analyzing they relate to one another, and to the overall
structure and purpose
Evaluating Making judgments and justifying decisions
Putting elements together to form a
Creating functional whole, create a new product
or point of view
Cognitive Process
Dimensions Sample Objectives
Identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate, list,
memorize, repeat, reproduce
Interpret, exemplify, classify, summarize, infer,
compare, explain, paraphrase, discuss
Execute, implement, discover, demonstrate,
dramatize, convert, interpret, solve, use, illustrate,
Differentiate, distinguish, compare, contrast,
organize, outline, attribute. deconstruct
Coordinate, measure, detect, defend, judge, argue,
debate, critique, appraise, evaluate
Generate, hypothesize, plan, design, develop,
Creating produce, construct, formulate, assemble,
design, devise
Principle 2: Assessment should be more
like instruction

Unity of instruction and assessment

What is Skills too difficult to master What is
known for a child on his or her not
own, but can be done known
with guidance and
encouragement from a
knowledgeable person
National Training of Trainers
Source: Magno, 2015 22 for Grade 11 Teachers
Some Assessment Practices to be avoided
• A tendency for teachers to assess quantity
and presentation of work rather than
quality of learning.
• Greater attention given to marking and
grading, much of it tending to lower self
esteem of students, rather than providing
advice for improvement.

National Training of Trainers

23 for Grade 11 Teachers
Some Assessment Practices to be avoided

• A strong emphasis on
comparing students with each
other, which demoralizes the
less successful learners.

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24 for Grade 11 Teachers
Principle 3: Assessment should recognize diversity of learners
Where would you place your assessment practice
on the following continuum?
What is your main focus?
Quantity of work
Quality of learning
Advice for improvement
Comparing Identifying individual
students progress
National Training of Trainers
25 for Grade 11 Teachers
Principle 4: The Formative Assessment should
scaffold the learners in Summative Assessment

Balanced Assessment

Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment Provides achievement evidence to
Formal and informal certify student competence or
processes teachers program effectiveness
and students use to Formative uses of summative data:
gather evidence to Use of summative evidence to
inform what comes next for
directly improve the individuals or groups of
learning of students. students
National Training of Trainers
26 for Grade 11 Teachers
The Garden Analogy

If we think of our learners as plants …

How do
Summative we call the
Assessment plants of simply measuring
of theprocess
the plants? This process might be interesting to
compare and analyze measurements but these DO
NOT affect the growth of the plants.

How do weAssessment
Formative call the process that
of the plants
is equivalent of feeding and watering
the plants appropriate to their
needs—directly affecting their growth?
National Training of Trainers
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 27 for Grade 11 Teachers
Easy distinction between formative and
summative assessment


Assessment FOR Learning

Formative Provides feedback that helps ensure quality
assessment future achievement by improving teaching
and learning

Assessment OF Learning
Summative Used to measure, record and report on a
assessment student's level of achievement in regards to
specific learning expectations

National Training of Trainers

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 28 for Grade 11 Teachers
Interconnectedness of Formative and
Summative assessment

Formative Summative

 Formative  Summative assessment

assessment prepares assesses the outcomes of
learners for teaching and learning that had
been strengthened by careful
summative formative assessment.
National Training of Trainers
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 29 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are learners assessed in the classroom?

Formative Assessment
Individual Collaborative
Check-up quizzes Discussions
Written Exercises Role Playing
Performances Games
Models Other Group Activities
Electronic presentations

National Training of Trainers

30 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are learners assessed in the classroom?
Formative Assessment
Before the Lesson During the Lesson After the Lesson
Agree/Disagree Multi-media
activities Presentations
Games Observations Discussions
Interviews Quizzes Games
Inventories/ Checklists Recitations Practice
KWL Activities
(What I know, want to Simulation activities Performance Tasks
know, and learned)
Open-ended Questions Short quizzes
Practice Exercises Written Work
National Training of Trainers
31 for Grade 11 Teachers
Principle 4: The Formative Assessment should scaffold the
learners in Summative Assessment
Balanced Assessment

Formative Assessment

Assessment as Assessment for

learning learning
Use to help students Use to inform
assess and adjust their teacher’s decisions
own learning

National Training of Trainers

32 for Grade 11 Teachers
Formative assessment = assessment FOR learning

Summative assessment = assessment OF learning

What is assessment AS learning?

Assessment AS Learning is assessment as a

process of developing and supporting students’
active participation in their own learning.
Self-assessment! 33 National Training of Trainers
for Grade 11 Teachers
How are learners assessed in the classroom?
Purpose of Before the Lesson
Formative Assessment
For the Learner For the Teacher
Get info about what the learner
Know what s/he knows about the
already knows and can do about
the new lesson
Understand the purpose of the
Share learning intentions and
lesson and how to do well in the
success criteria to the learners
Identify ideas or concepts s/he
Determine misconceptions
Identify barriers to learning Identify what hinders learning

National Training of Trainers

34 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are learners assessed in the classroom?
Purpose of During the Lesson
Formative Assessment
For the Learner For the Teacher

Identify one’s strengths and Provide immediate feedback to

weaknesses learners
Identify barriers to his/her learning Identify what hinders learning
Identify factors that help in learning Identify what facilitates learning
Knows what s/he knows and does Track learner progress re FA result
not know given beforehand
Monitor his/her own progress Identify learning gaps
Decision making: proceed to next lesson, reteach using new strategy

National Training of Trainers

35 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are learners assessed in the classroom?
Purpose of After the Lesson
Formative Assessment
For the Learner For the Teacher
Have I met learning objectives and Are the learning ojectives met for
success criteria? a specified duration?
Do I seek support in the form of Do I have to reteach with a new
remediation, enrichment or other strategy? remediate? or give
strategies? enrichment?
Are learning intentions and and
success criteria met?

National Training of Trainers

36 for Grade 11 Teachers
Formative Assessment

• Teachers ( as well as students) should know

where students are in terms of their learning,
where they want to be, and what next teaching
(learning) steps can help them to achieve their
• Instructional steps must not be too hard to
frustrate the learners and not too easy to bore
and disengage them from the learning process.

National Training of Trainers

37 for Grade 11 Teachers
Formative Assessment

• Assessment should boost student motivation to

want to make the effort and be willing to keep
on engaging, even when they find learning

• To sustain motivation for learning, progress

and achievement should be emphasized, not

National Training of Trainers

38 for Grade 11 Teachers
Formative Assessment

Effective assessment for learning requires teachers

 have deep knowledge of the content to be
taught and how students learn it
 understand the curriculum, its goals and how
students can progress towards them
 have the capability to interpret their
observations and act on those interpretations
to enhance learning

National Training of Trainers

39 for Grade 11 Teachers
Formative Assessment

Thus, when the majority of the

students failed to acquire the
desired knowledge or develop
the skills, this is a clear indication
of a teaching problem.

National Training of Trainers

40 for Grade 11 Teachers
Teachers can prevent learning gaps!

 The teacher should analyze what went wrong

and address it accordingly.
 Ignoring the results of formative assessment
will lead to learning gaps.
 It will be futile for the teacher to continue
teaching unless the learning deficiencies are

National Training of Trainers

41 for Grade 11 Teachers
Teachers should evaluate for judgment only when
formative assessment results are satisfactory
• When the teacher decides to take action on the
results of the assessment by modifying or changing
his/her strategies, the teacher shall continue to track
the students’ progress until he/she is satisfied with
the results.
• The outcome of instruction is then evaluated and
judgment is made on the performance of students.
This judgment is often expressed in the form of
National Training of Trainers
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 42 for Grade 11 Teachers
Components of Summative Assessment

At the end of a

Assessment (QA)

At the end of a lesson At the end of topic

focusing on a
e Basis for or unit
nc Wr
topic or skill a
m T) Grad-
Wo itte
e rf s (P ing rk
P ask
T W)

National Training of Trainers

43 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are learners assessed in the classroom?
Individual Individual/Collaborative

• Unit Test • Performance Task

• Quarterly Assessment • Transfer Task

• What document do you design

beforehand to prepare for a Lesson
conduct of instruction? Plan
• How about if you prepare for a
conduct of summative
National Training of Trainers
44 for Grade 11 Teachers
Assessment Matrix (Summative Test))
How will I assess? Multiple Choice Test
What will I assess? How will I score? One point each
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Represent point, line, and plane

  13, 14, 15   8, 25    
using concrete and pictorial models
Illustrate subsets of a line   2 6, 7 12, 16    
Use a compass and straightedge to
          37, 38, 39, 40
bisect line segments
Classify the different kinds of
Derive relationships of angle pairs    
using measurements and by
inductive reasoning
3, 18, 19, 20, 23,
(supplementary angles,   4, 17  
complementary angles, congruent 24
angles, vertical angles, adjacent
angles, linear pairs)
Use a compass and straightedge to
  11      30, 31 26, 27, 28, 29,
bisect angles
Derive relationships of    
perpendicular and parallel lines
using measurements and by
inductive reasoning
Derive relationships among angles  36  
formed by parallel lines cut by a
transversal using measurement and
      10, 21, 22
by inductive reasoning
Use a compass and straightedge to   32, 33, 34, 35,
construct perpendiculars and        

National Training of Trainers

45 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are learners assessed in the classroom?
Purpose of Summative Assessment
Written Work Performance Task
• Assess • Students’ being involved in • Synthesize
learners’ the learning process all the
understanding • Demonstration and learning
of concepts and integration of knowledge, skills,
applications of understanding, and skills in concepts,
skills in written real-life situation by and values
form performing/producing learned in an
• Prepares evidence of learning entire quarter
learners for • Freedom to express
quarterly learning in appropriate and
assessments diverse ways
• Encouraging student inquiry 46 National Training of Trainers
for Grade 11 Teachers
Principle 5: Assessment results should be used by
teachers to help students learn better
Think about these...
 Are our current approaches to
assessment improving student
 How can we use assessment to help all
our students want to learn?
Principle 5: Assessment results should be used by
teachers to help students learn better
Think about these...
 How can we help them feel that they
are able to learn?
 How can we be sure that our
assessment instruments, procedures,
and scores serve to help learners
want to learn and feel able to learn?
Principle 6: Assessment is a joint process that
involves both teacher and learners

Think about this:

Do my learners and I share
agreements about how success
is determined and measured?
What is the Grading System?

• Standards and competency-

• Based on the learner’s
weighted score on
summative assessments

5050 National Training of Trainers

for Grade 11 Teachers
What is the Grading System?

Learners from Grades 1 to 12 are

graded on:
• Written Work
• Performance Tasks
• Quarterly

5151 National Training of Trainers

for Grade 11 Teachers
How is learner’s progress recorded and computed?

• For Grades 1 to 12
– No required number of written work and
performance task but these must be
spread out over the Quarter and used to
assess learner’s skills after each unit has
been taught

5252 National Training of Trainers

for Grade 11 Teachers
How to compute students’
Quarterly Grades (QG)?

Step 1: Get the Total Score (TS) for Written Works and Performance Tasks. For
Quarterly Assessment, record the Raw Score (RS).
Step 2: Solve the Percentage Score (PS) by dividing the TS or RS by the highest
possible TS or RS, then multiply the result by 100.
Step 3: Convert Percentage Score (PS) to Weighted Scores (WS) by multiplying
the PS by the decimal form of the percent weight equivalent.

National Training of Trainers

59 for Grade 11 Teachers
Weights of the Components for SHS
Multiply the Percentage Score by the weights of the components

6060 National Training of Trainers

for Grade 11 Teachers
How to compute students’
Quarterly Grades (QG)?

Step 1: Get the Total Score (TS) for Written Works and Performance Tasks. For Quarterly
Assessment, record the Raw Score (RS).
Step 2: Solve the Percentage Score (PS) by dividing the TS or RS by the highest possible
TS or RS, then multiply the result by 100.
Step 3: Convert Percentage Score (PS) to Weighted Scores (WS) by multiplying the PS
by the decimal form of the percent weight equivalent.
Step 4: Compute for the Initial Grade (IG) by adding the Weighted Scores(WS) in
all components.
Step 5: Determine the Quarterly Grade (QG) by transmuting the IG using
Transmutation Table. QG will be reflected in the Report Card. National Training of Trainers
61 for Grade 11 Teachers
Initial Grade Transmuted Initial Grade Transmuted Initial Grade Transmuted
Grade Grade Grade
100 100 52.00 – 55.99 73
98.40 - 99.99 99 77.60 – 79.19 86 48.00 – 51.99 72
96.80 – 98.39 98 76.00 – 77.59 85 44.00 – 47.99 71
95.20 – 96.79 97 74.40 – 75.99 84 40.00 – 43.99 70
93.60 – 95.19 96 72.80 – 74.39 83 36.00 – 39.99 69
92.00 – 93.59 95 71.20 – 72.79 82 32.00 – 35.99 68
90.40 – 91.99 94 69.60 – 71.19 81 28.00 – 31.99 67
88.80 – 90.39 93 68.00 – 69.59 80 24.00 – 27.99 66
87.20 – 88.79 92 66.40 – 67.99 79 20.00 – 23.99 65
85.60 – 87.19 91 64.80 – 66.39 78 16.00 – 19.99 64
84.00 – 85.59 90 63.20 – 64.79 77 12.00 – 15.99 63
82.40 – 83.99 89 61.60 – 63.19 76 8.00 – 11.99 62
80.80 – 82.39 88 60.00 – 61.59 75 4.00 – 7.99 61
79.20 – 80.79 87 56.00 – 59.99 74 0 – 3.99 60

National Training of Trainers

62 for Grade 11 Teachers
What is the Grading System?

• Minimum initial grade to pass a

learning area is 60, which is
transmuted to 75 in the Report card
• The lowest quarterly grade that can
appear in the Report Card is 60,
which is a non-passing mark.

6363 National Training of Trainers

for Grade 11 Teachers
How is the learner’s progress reported?

• The summary of learner progress is shown

quarterly to parents and guardians through a
parent-teacher conference, in which the
Report Card is discussed. Remarks are given
at the end of the grade level.

National Training of Trainers

64 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are grades computed at the end
of the school year?
• For SHS:
The two quarters determine the
Final Grade in a semester.

National Training of Trainers

65 for Grade 11 Teachers
When a learner’s raw scores are consistently below
expectations in Written Work and Performance Tasks,
the learner’s parents or guardians must be informed
not later than the fifth week of that quarter.

This will enable them to help and guide their child to

improve and prepare for the Quarterly Assessment.

A learner who receives a grade below 75 in any

subject in a quarter must be given intervention
through remediation and extra lessons from the
teacher/s of that subject.
Logbook 66 National Training of Trainers
for Grade 11 Teachers
How are Grade 11 or 12 learners
promoted or retained?

Final Grade of at
least 75 in all
Can proceed
learning areas to the next
in a semester semester
Must pass remedial
Did not Meet
classes for failed
in a prerequisite competencies in the
subject in a learning subject before being
area allowed to enroll in the
higher level subject

How are Grade 11 or 12 learners
promoted or retained?

Did not Meet

Expectations in Must pass remedial classes for failed
any subject or competencies in the subject s or
learning area at learning areas to be allowed to enroll in
the end of the the next semester. Otherwise the
semester learner must retake the subjects failed.
Must pass all
subjects or
learning areas Earn the Senior High School
in Senior Certificate
High School

How are Grades 11 or 12 learners
promoted or retained?
If the Recomputed Final Grade
is 75 or better:
For subjects that Student is able to
are pre-requisites enroll in the higher
for other subjects level learning area

National Training of Trainers

69 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are Grades 11 or 12 learners
promoted or retained?
If the Recomputed Final Grade
is below 75:
For subjects that Student will not be
are pre-requisites allowed to enroll in
for other subjects the higher level
learning area

National Training of Trainers

70 for Grade 11 Teachers
For Grades 11-12
• Learners who fail a unit/set of
competencies must be immediately
given remedial classes.

• They should pass the summative

assessments during remediation to
avoid a failing grade in a learning

National Training of Trainers

71 for Grade 11 Teachers
Summative Assessments
• Summative assessments are also
given during remedial classes.
• These are recorded, computed,
weighted, and transmuted in the
same way as the Quarterly Grade.
• The equivalent of the Final Grade for
the remedial classes is the Remedial
Class Mark (RCM).
National Training of Trainers
72 for Grade 11 Teachers
Summative Assessments
• The Final Grade at the end of the school year
and Remedial Class Mark are averaged. This
results in the Recomputed Final Grade.
• If the Recomputed Final Grade is 75 or higher,
the student is promoted to the next level.
However, students will be retained in the grade
level if their Recomputed Final Grade is below

• . 73 National Training of Trainers

for Grade 11 Teachers
How are Core Values of the Filipino
child reflected in the report card?

National Training of Trainers

74 for Grade 11 Teachers
National Training of Trainers
75 for Grade 11 Teachers
National Training of Trainers
76 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are Core Values of the Filipino child
reflected in the report card?

• Schools may craft additional

indicators for the behavior
• Schools must ensure that these are
child-centered, gender-fair, and
age- and culture-appropriate.

National Training of Trainers

77 for Grade 11 Teachers
How are Core Values of the Filipino
child reflected in the report card?
• A non-numerical rating scale will be used to
report on learners’ behavior demonstrating the
Core Values. The Class Adviser and other teachers
shall agree on how to conduct these observations.
They will also discuss how each child will be

National Training of Trainers

78 for Grade 11 Teachers
Sample Class Record for English

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total PS WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total PS WS

Highest 20 25 20 20 25 30 20 160 100 30% 15 15 25 20 20 25 120 100 50%


Learner A 18 22 20 17 23 26 19 145 90.63 27.19 12 13 19 15 16 25 100 83.33 41.67

Learner B 19 15 15 9 13 14 9 94 58.75 17.63 15 15 23 15 18 23 109 90.83 45.42

Learner C 9 11 5 8 8 9 4 54 33.75 10.13 10 6 7 12 10 18 63 52.50 26.25

(20%) GRADE


Highest 50 100 20% 100 100


Learner A 40 80 16 84.86 90

Learner B 48 96 19.20 82.25 88

Learner C 29 58 11.60 47.98 71

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79 for Grade 11 Teachers
Sample Certificate of Recomputed Final Grade
Certificate of Recomputed Final Grade

Name of Student: ____________________

Grade Level: ________________________
School Year: ________________________

Learning Final Grade Remedial Recomputed Final

Area Class Mark Grade

Prepared by: ________________________ Date: _____________

Remedial Class Teacher
Noted by: __________________________ Date: _____________
School Principal
Received by: ________________________ Date: _____________
Division Office

National Training of Trainers

80 for Grade 11 Teachers
Sample of e-class record
Grade 10 Science



Initial Grade

Quarterly Grade



    1 2 3 4   100.00 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   100.00 40% PT 100.00 20% 100.00 100


  10 10 10 10 200 100.00 40.00 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 200 100.00 40.00 60 100.00 20.00 100.00 100

1           0 0.00 0.00               0 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00 60

2           0 0.00 0.00               0 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00 60

3           0 0.00 0.00               0 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00 60

4           0 0.00 0.00               0 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00 60

5           0 0.00 0.00               0 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00 60

6           0 0.00 0.00               0 0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00 60

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81 for Grade 11 Teachers
Sample of e-Grading Sheet
Grading Sheet
Subject Teacher:
Grade and Section
  NAMES 1st 2nd 3rd 4th FINAL
1 0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
2 0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
3 0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
4 0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
5 0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
6 0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
7 0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00

National Training of Trainers

82 for Grade 11 Teachers
Formative or Summative?
profiling learner Pointing out learner
performance strengths
B Identifying learning I Basis for remedial and
needs enrichment programs
C Self-assessment J Finding out the best
T-L strategies
D Basis for grading M
Adjustment of track student progress in
T-L strategies
N the attainment of standards

F O Self-reflection
G Pre-assessment P 83 National Training of Trainers
for Grade 11 Teachers
From the CG of a Grade 11 subject that you will be
handling, choose a learning competency and list down
appropriate assessment strategies and tools. Use the
worksheet provided.
Formative Assessment
Before the Lesson During the Lesson After the Lesson

Formative Assessment
Individual Collaborative

National Training of Trainers

84 for Grade 11 Teachers
“When a teacher teaches, no matter how
well he or she might design a lesson, what a
child learns is unpredictable. Children do not
always learn what we teach. That is why the
most important assessment does not
happen at the end of the learning-it
happens during the learning when there is
still time to do something with the
information”. – Dylan William, 2011

National Training of Trainers
87 for Grade 11 Teachers

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