Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Types Of Learning In Artificial Intelligence
Types Of Artificial Intelligence Systems
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Performance Metrics In Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Challenges
Recently survey papers
History of AI
1956 : John McCarthy coined the term
‘artificial intelligence’ and had the first AI
1969 : Shakey was the first general-purpose
mobile robot built. It is now able to do things
with a purpose vs. just a list of instructions.
1997: Supercomputer ‘Deep Blue’ was
designed, and it defeated the world champion
chess player in a match.
History of AI
2002 : The first commercially successful robotic
vacuum cleaner was created.
2005 – 2019 : speech recognition, robotic process
automation (RPA), a dancing robot, smart homes,
and other innovations make their debut.
2020 : Baidu releases the LinearFold AI
algorithm to medical and scientific and medical
teams developing a vaccine during the early
stages of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
pandemic. The algorithm can predict the RNA
sequence of the virus in only 27 seconds, which
is 120 times faster than other methods.
Four school of in AI
Four school of in AI
(Four views of AI)
Vacuum-cleaner world
Percepts: location and contents, e.g., [A,Dirty]
Actions: Left, Right, Suck, NoOp
Deterministic vs Stochastic
When a uniqueness in the agent’s current state
completely determines the next state of the agent,
the environment is said to be deterministic.
The stochastic environment is random in nature
which is not unique and cannot be completely
determined by the agent.
Chess – there would be only a few possible moves
for a coin at the current state and these moves can
be determined.
Self-Driving Cars- the actions of a self-driving
car are not unique, it varies time to time.
Competitive vs Collaborative
An agent is said to be in a competitive environment
when it competes against another agent to optimize the
The game of chess is competitive as the agents compete
with each other to win the game which is the output.
An agent is said to be in a collaborative environment
when multiple agents cooperate to produce the desired
When multiple self-driving cars are found on the roads,
they cooperate with each other to avoid collisions and
reach their destination which is the output desired.
Single-agent vs Multi-agent
An environment consisting of only one agent is
said to be a single-agent environment.
A person left alone in a maze is an example of
the single-agent system.
An environment involving more than one agent
is a multi-agent environment.
The game of football is multi-agent as it
involves 11 players in each team.
Dynamic vs Static
An environment that keeps constantly changing
itself when the agent is up with some action is
said to be dynamic.
A roller coaster ride is dynamic as it is set in
motion and the environment keeps changing
every instant.
An idle environment with no change in its state
is called a static environment.
An empty house is static as there’s no change in
the surroundings when an agent enters.
Discrete vs Continuous
If an environment consists of a finite number of actions
that can be deliberated in the environment to obtain the
output, it is said to be a discrete environment.
The game of chess is discrete as it has only a finite
number of moves. The number of moves might vary
with every game, but still, it’s finite.
The environment in which the actions are performed
cannot be numbered i.e. is not discrete, is said to be
Self-driving cars are an example of continuous
environments as their actions are driving, parking, etc.
which cannot be numbered.
Episodic vs Sequential
In an Episodic task environment, each of the
agent’s actions is divided into atomic incidents or
episodes. There is no dependency between current
and previous incidents. In each incident, an agent
receives input from the environment and then
performs the corresponding action.
Example: Consider an example of Pick and Place
robot, which is used to detect defective parts from
the conveyor belts. Here, every time robot(agent)
will make the decision on the current part i.e.
there is no dependency between current and
previous decisions.
Episodic vs Sequential
In a Sequential environment, the previous
decisions can affect all future decisions. The next
action of the agent depends on what action he has
taken previously and what action he is supposed
to take in the future.
Example: Checkers- Where the previous move
can affect all the following moves.
Known vs Unknown
In a known environment, the output for all
probable actions is given. Obviously, in case of
unknown environment, for an agent to make a
decision, it has to gain knowledge about how the
environment works.
Agents Types
Simple Reflex Agents
Model-Based Reflex Agents
Goal-Based Agents
Utility-Based Agents
Goal-based agents
These kinds of agents take decisions based on
how far they are currently from their goal
Their every action is intended to reduce its
distance from the goal.
This allows the agent a way to choose among
multiple possibilities, selecting the one which
reaches a goal state.
Utility-based agents
The agents which are developed having their
end uses as building blocks are called utility-
based agents.
When there are multiple possible alternatives,
then to decide which one is best, utility-based
agents are used.
They choose actions based on a preference
(utility) for each state.
a utility agent chooses the action that
maximizes the expected utility.
Types Of Learning In Artificial Intelligence
Reactive AI
The most basic type of artificial intelligence
This type of AIs can’t function beyond the tasks they were initially designed for
is programmed to provide a predictable output based on the input it receives
it always respond to identical situations in the exact same way every time
and it is not able to learn actions or conceive of past or future
Deep Blue, the chess-playing IBM supercomputer that bested world champion Garry Kasparov
Spam filters for our email that keep promotions and phishing attempts out of our inboxes
The Netflix recommendation engine
Types Of Artificial Intelligence Systems
Limited Memory AI
It can make informed and improved decisions by studying the past data from its memory
learns from the past and builds experiential knowledge by observing actions or data
This type of AI uses historical, observational data in combination with pre-programmed
information to make predictions and perform complex classification tasks
Ex: Self-driving cars are Limited Memory AI, that uses the data collected in the recent past to
make immediate decisions
self-driving cars use limited memory AI to observe other cars’ speed and direction, helping them “read
the road” and adjust as needed.
Types Of Artificial Intelligence Systems
Theory Of Mind AI
Machines will acquire true decision-making capabilities that are similar to humans
Have the ability to understand and remember emotions, then adjust behavior based on those
emotions as they interact with people.
The Theory of Mind AI has not yet been fully developed but rigorous research is happening in
this area.
The Kismet robot head, developed by Professor Cynthia Breazeal, could recognize emotional signals on
human faces and replicate those emotions on its own face.
Humanoid robot Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong, can recognize faces and
respond to interactions with her own facial expressions.
Types Of Artificial Intelligence Systems
Self-aware AI
Is the most advanced type of artificial intelligence
Machines can be aware of their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others around them
This type of AI will have desires, needs, and emotions as well
We haven’t developed this type of sophisticated AI yet and don’t have the hardware or
algorithms to support it.
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
is a highly demanding branch of Artificial
is the science that enables machines and
computer systems to process, analyze and
interpret data with the aim of providing
solutions for real-life challenges
Machine Learning algorithms and techniques
help in training a model with data presented
which will then predict and adjust to future
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
web search, speech recognition and automatic
vehicles are results of Machine Learning
Three major categories under Machine
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Supervised Learning
It is defined by its use of labelled datasets to
train algorithms that to classify data or predict
outcomes accurately.
As input data is fed into the model, it adjusts its
weights until the model has been fitted
appropriately, which occurs as part of the cross
validation process.
Naive Bayes Classifier, support vector
machine, and decision tree are the most
common supervised learning algorithms
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Decision Tree
is a support tool with a tree-like structure that
models probable outcomes, cost of resources,
utilities, and possible consequences.
The flowchart structure includes internal nodes
that represent tests or attributes at each stage.
Every branch stands for an outcome for the
attributes, while the path from the leaf to the
root represents rules for classification.
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning is a machine learning
approach in which models do not have any
supervisor to guide them. Models themselves
find the hidden patterns and insights from the
provided data.
K-means clustering, Hierarchical Clustering,
and principle component analysis are the
most common unsupervised learning
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
K-means clustering
is a method used for clustering analysis, especially in data mining and statistics.
It aims to partition a set of observations into a number of clusters (k)
Step-1: Select the number K to decide the number of clusters.
Step-2: Select random K points or centroids. (It can be other from the input dataset).
Step-3: Assign each data point to their closest centroid, which will form the predefined K clusters.
Step-4: Calculate the variance and place a new centroid of each cluster.
Step-5: Repeat the third steps, which means reassign each datapoint to the new closest centroid of each cluster.
Step-6: If any reassignment occurs, then go to step-4 else go to FINISH.
Step-7: The model is ready.
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Hierarchical Clustering
also known as hierarchical cluster analysis, is
an algorithm that groups similar objects into
groups called clusters.
The endpoint is a set of clusters, where each
cluster is distinct from each other cluster, and
the objects within each cluster are broadly
similar to each other.
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Neural Network
Also called Deep Learning
Neural Networks use the architecture of human
neurons which have multiple inputs, a
processing unit, and single/multiple outputs.
There are weights associated with each
connection of neurons.
By adjusting these weights, a neural network
arrives at an equation which is used for
predicting outputs on new unseen data.
This process is done by backpropagation and
updating of the weights.
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
This branch focuses on the design and
development of robots
Robotics is a field of science and engineering
incorporated with mechanical engineering,
electrical engineering, computer science, and
many others.
The aim of deploying robots is to help humans
with tedious and bulky tasks
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Major of robotics tasks involved
line for automobile manufacturing
moving large objects in space by NASA
AI researchers are also developing robots using
machine learning to set interaction at social
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems
It is an Artificial Intelligence (AI-based) system
that learns and imitates a human being’s
decision-making ability.
The effectiveness of the expert system
completely relies on the expert’s knowledge
accumulated in a knowledge base
The more the information collected in it, the
more the system enhances its efficiency
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems
Expert system provides suggestions for spelling
and errors in Google Search Engine.
It is mainly used in the medical field to operate
medical facilities and detect virus infections.
It is also used in the banking sector for loan and
investment analysis.
examples of expert systems.
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy Logic
Is the technique of modifying and representing
uncertain information by analyzing the degree
to which the hypothesis is true.
Fuzzy Logic helps to offer a certain level of
reasoning flexibility when faced with
Fuzzy logic is used in the medical fields to
solve complex problems that involve decision
making. They are also used in automatic
gearboxes, vehicle environment control and so
Branches of Artificial Intelligence
Grid search
Random Search
Bayesian Optimization
Gradient Descent
Optimization In
Artificial The idea behind this technique is to try out
Intelligence different values and then pick the value that gives
the best score.
Grid Search If we had to select the values for two or more
we would evaluate all combinations of the sets of
values thus forming a grid of values.
Models : Machine Learning
Optimization In Random search is a method in which random
Artificial combinations of hyperparameters are selected and
Intelligence used to train a model.
The best random hyperparameter combinations
Random Search are used.
This technique allows us to control the number of
attempted hyperparameter combinations. Unlike
grid search, where every possible combination is
Models : Machine Learning and Neural Networks
Optimization In
is an approach that uses Bayes Theorem to direct
Bayesian Optimization the search in order to find the minimum or
Models : Machine Learning and Neural Networks
Optimization In
Intelligence the most popular optimization strategy used in
machine learning and deep learning at the moment
Gradient Descent A gradient simply measures the change in all
weights with regard to the change in error.
The higher the gradient, the steeper the slope and
the faster a model can learn. But if the slope is
zero, the model stops learning.
Optimization In BATCH GRADIENT DESCENT: calculates the
Artificial error for each example within the training dataset,
but only after all training examples have been
Intelligence evaluated does the model get updated.
Gradient Descent updates the parameters for each training example
one by one. Depending on the problem, this can
make SGD faster than batch gradient descent.
The frequent updates, however, are more
computationally expensive than the batch gradient
descent approach.
Optimization In
Artificial Types of Gradient Descent
MINI-BATCH : It simply splits the training dataset
Intelligence into small batches and performs an update for each
of those batches. This creates a balance between the
Gradient Descent robustness of stochastic gradient descent and the
efficiency of batch gradient descent.
Performance Metrics In Artificial Intelligence
Confusion Matrix
Performance Metrics
In Artificial
The accuracy metric is one of the simplest
Accuracy Classification metrics to implement
it can be determined as the number of correct
predictions to the total number of predictions.
A confusion matrix is a tabular representation of
Performance Metrics prediction outcomes of any binary classifier
In Artificial It describes the performance of the classification
Intelligence model on a set of test data when true values are
Confusion Matrix Ex:
The precision metric is used to overcome the limitation
Performance Metrics of Accuracy.
In Artificial The precision determines the proportion of positive
Intelligence prediction that was actually correct.
It can be calculated as the True Positive or predictions
Precision that are actually true to the total positive predictions
True Positive(TP): the prediction outcome is true, and it is
true in reality.
True Negative(TN): the prediction outcome is false, and it
is false in reality
False Positive(FP): prediction outcomes are true, but they
are false in actuality.
False Negative(FN): predictions are false, and they are
true in actuality.
Performance Metrics
In Artificial
Intelligence It is also similar to the Precision metric.
it aims to calculate the proportion of actual positive that
Recall or Sensitivity
was identified incorrectly.
It can be calculated as True Positive or predictions that
are actually true to the total number of positives, either
correctly predicted as positive or incorrectly predicted as
negative (true Positive and false negative).
Performance Metrics
In Artificial F1 Score is a metric to evaluate a binary
Intelligence classification model on the basis of predictions
that are made for the positive class.
AUC-ROC curve. It is one of the popular and important
metrics for evaluating the performance of the
Performance Metrics classification model.
In Artificial ROC represents a graph to show the performance of a
Intelligence classification model at different threshold levels.
The curve is plotted between two parameters, which are
AUC-ROC True Positive Rate and False Positive Rate
Artificial Intelligence Challenges
Energy Consumption
Some learning algorithms, including deep
learning, utilize iterative learning processes.
This approach results in high energy
Deep learning is similar to the human brain in
the decision-making process but it requires a
high computational power of GPUs
Accordingly these models are costly to train
and develop from financial and energy
consumption perspectives.
Artificial Intelligence Challenges
Energy Consumption
To mitigate this problem four solutions were
Investing in new systems with low energy
Finding modern mathematical frameworks to
find learning models with lower calculations,
which leads to lower energy consumption
Sharing models to prevent energy consumption.
If there is no way to decrease the load of
computations of learning processes, energy
harvesting techniques can be used to return the
wasted energy
Artificial Intelligence Challenges
Data Issues
Cost is one of the main issues of data. Major
sources of cost are gathering, preparing, and
cleaning the data
The huge amount of data leads to a new
concept, called big data. Analyzing big data in
an online fashion via machine learning
algorithms is a very challenging task
Data heterogeneity, data insufficiency,
imbalanced data, untrusted data, biased data,
and data uncertainty.
Artificial Intelligence Challenges
Data Issues
Incomplete data leads to inappropriate learning
of algorithms and uncertainties during data
This issue should be handled during the pre-
processing phase
Or developing learning algorithms to predict
missed values
Artificial Intelligence Challenges
AI systems such as self-driving drones and
vehicles will act autonomously in our world.
In these systems, a challenging question is
“who is liable when a self driving system is
involved in a crash or failure?”.
Artificial Intelligence Challenges
Storage (Memory)
In many situations, learning abilities can be
improved via more data.
Information may be stored in short-term or
long-term memory units, leading to several
problems in different domains, including
reading, computing, and writing.
Some studies suggests the cognitive
computation to overcome this problem.
Recently survey papers
Mukhamediev, R. I., Popova, Y., Kuchin, Y., Zaitseva, E., Kalimoldayev, A., Symagulov,
A., Levashenko, V., Abdoldina, F., Gopejenko, V., Yakunin, K., Muhamedijeva, E., &
Yelis, M. (2022). Review of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies:
Classification, Restrictions, Opportunities and Challenges. Mathematics, 10(15),
Saghiri, A. M., Vahidipour, S. M., Jabbarpour, M. R., Sookhak, M., & Forestiero, A.
(2022). A Survey of Artificial Intelligence Challenges: Analyzing the Definitions,
Relationships, and Evolutions. Applied Sciences, 12(8),