The Power of Feminism by Slidesgo
The Power of Feminism by Slidesgo
The Power of Feminism by Slidesgo
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Contents of This Template
01 03
Introduction Analysis
You could describe the topic of You could describe the topic of
the section here the section here
02 04
Presentation Conclusion
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the section here the section here
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone
important said and can make
the reader get inspired”
—Someone Famous
Whoa! Girl
Woman Empowerment
The meaning of Woman
Women's empowerment (or female empowerment) is the
viewpoints or making an effort to seek them, raising the status of women through education,
awareness, literacy, and training. Women's empowerment equips and allows women to make life-
determining decisions through the different problems in society. They may have the opportunity to
redefine gender roles or other such roles, which in turn may allow them more freedom to pursue
desired goals.
2 Significant topic of Discussion.
Economic empo
Nations, businesses, communities and groups may
Women empowerment helps in
benefit from the implementation of programs and
boosting the status of women through
policies that adopt the notion of female
literacy, education, training and awareness
empowerment. Empowerment of women enhances the
creation. Furthermore, women's
quality and the quantity of human resources available for
empowerment refers to women's ability to
development. Empowerment is one of the main
make strategic life choices which had been
procedural concerns when addressing
previously denied them.
human rights and development.
Maybe You Need Three Columns
Jupiter is the biggest planet
of them all
Saturn is a gas giant and has
several rings To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the
data and paste the resulting graph here, replacing this one
Review the Concepts
Jupiter Venus
Jupiter is the biggest planet Venus is the second planet
of them all from the Sun
A Comparison Is Always Good
Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter is the biggest planet Neptune is the farthest planet
of them all of them all
Venus Earth
Venus is the second planet Earth is the third planet from
from the Sun the Sun
Saturn Mars
Saturn is a gas giant and has Despite being red, Mars is
several rings actually a cold place
This Is an Infographic
Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest planet Saturn is a gas giant and has
of them all 25% 45% several rings
Venus Neptune
Venus is the second planet
from the Sun
15% 5% Neptune is the farthest planet
from the Sun
How about Including Percentages?
zzzzzz z 02 < 03
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
02 Venus is the second planet
from the Sun
Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
This Is a Table
1915 1980
1884 1967
Despite being red, Mars is Jupiter is a gas giant and
actually a very cold place the biggest planet of them
Our Team
Here you could talk a bit Here you could talk a bit Here you could talk a bit
about this person about this person about this person
You can enter a subtitle
here in case you need it
Mobile Mockup
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with your own work. Just delete this one,
add yours and center it properly
Tablet Mockup
You can replace the image on this screen
with your own work. Just delete this one,
add yours and center it properly
You can replace the image on this screen
with your own work. Just delete this one,
add yours and center it properly
You can use bullet points to talk about the
concepts. It is much more visual than a large
● Feminism composition with hand drawn fist
● People holding blank placard collection
● Hands with placards concept
● Women doing things
● Touch screen technology
● Positive women showing muscles
● Smiling young african woman hugging her caucasian female friend against grey background
● People holding their fists in the air
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