B - Kelompok 1 - RECOGNITION

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Kelompok 1 :
- Bagas Abdurrafi
- Rahma Nadya
- Tarisa Dwi Rachmawati
- Razisky Fathahillah
TOXICOLOGY is the science that studies :
- Poisonous or Toxic

A n y substance contacting or entering the body is

injurious at an excessive level of exposure a n d
theoretically c a n b e tolerated without effect at
lower exposure.
A t ox ic effect is a n y re v e r si b l e o r
i r re v e r s i b l e n o x i o u s e f f e c t o n t h e
b o d y — a n y ch e m ic al ly i n d u c e d
tumor or any mutagenic or
t e r a t o g e n i c ef fec t o r d e a t h — a s a
re s u l t o f c o n t a c t w i t h a s u b s t a n c e
v i a t h e re s p i r a t o t y t r a ct , s k i n , e y e ,
m o u t h , o r a n y o t h e r rout e. To x i c
effects are undesirable
disturbances of physiological
function caused by an
to chemical or physical agents.
M a n y c h e m i c a l s e s se nt i a l f o r h e a l t h i n s m a l l
quantities are highly toxic in larger quantities.

The responsibility of the industrial toxicologist

is to define h o w m u c h is too m u c h and to
prescribe precautionary measures and
limitations so that normal, re c o m m e n d e d use
does not result in the absorption of too m u c h
of a particular material.
A distinction m u s t b e M a n y factors
made between contribute to
determining the
toxicity a n d hazard.
degree of hazard—
r o u t e o f entry,
generally consider dosage,
toxicity as the ability physiological state,
of a substance to environmental
produce an v a ri a b l e s ,- a n d
u n w a n t e d effect other
fac to rs
A chemical stimulus can be considered to have pro duced
a toxic effect w h e n it satisfies the following criteria:

The stimulus has
An observable changed normal
The observed
or measurable physiological
change can be
physiological processes in such a
duplicated from
deviation h a s way that a protective
animal to animal
been produced mechanism is
even though the impaired in its
in any organ or
dose-effect defense against
organ system.
relationships other
vary. adverse stimuli
The chemical properties of a
c o m p o u n d are often one of the
main factors in its hazard
potential. Vapor pressure (an
Chemical injury can
indicator of how quickly a liquid be local or
or solid evaporates) determines
w h e t h er a substance h a s the
potential to pose a hazard from

Bo ation
3. dy
Skin 5. 4.
Absorp Injec Inges
tion tion tion
In discussing toxicity, it is necessary to describe how a material gains
entrance into the body and then into the bloodstream.

C o m m o n routes of entry are inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, and


example :
such as inhaling a solvent that can also
penetrate the skin. Where absorption
into the bloodstream occurs, a substance may elicit general effects or, most
likely, the critical injury will be localized in specific tissues or organs.
For industrial exposures to chemicals, the most important route of
entry is usually inhalation. Nearly all materials that are airbome can
be inhaled.

The respiratory system is composed of two main areas: the upper respiratory
tract airways (the nose, throat, trachea, and major bronchial tubes leading to the
lobes of the lungs) and the alveoli, where the actual transfer of gases across thin
cell walls takes place. Only particles smaller than about 5 g m in diameter are
likely to enter the alveolar sac.
Skin Absorption

A n important route of entry is absorption through either intact or

abraded skin. Contact of a substance with skin results in four
possible actions: The skin can act as an effective barrier, the
substance can react With the skin and cause local irritation or tissue
destruction, the substance can produce skin sensitization, or the
substance can penetrate to the blood vessels under the skin and
enter the bloodstream.
Anything swallowed moves into the
intestine and can be absorbed into
the bloodstream and thereafter prove toxic. The problem of ingesting
chemicals is not widespread in industry; most workers do not
deliberately swallow materials they handle.

example :
Workers can ingest toxic materials as a
result of eating in contaminated work areas; contaminated fingers and
hands can lead to accidental oral
intake when a worker eats or smokes on the job.
A material can be injected into some
part of the body. This can
be done directly into the bloodstream, the peritoneal cavity, or
the pleural cavity. The material can also be injected into the skin,
muscle, or any other place a needle can be inserted.

The effects produced valy with the location of

administration. In
industrial settings, injection is an infrequent route of worker
chemical exposure.
Dose - Response Relationship

All toxicological considerations are based on the dose—mals and,

depending on¯the outcome, is increased or animals die and, at the lower
end, all animals survive. The data collected are used to prepare a dose—
response curve.

The dose—response relationship can also be expressed as the product of

a concentration (C) multiplied by the time duration (T) of exposure. This
product is proportional more or less to a constant (K) ; or mathematically,
C x T— K.
Threshold Concept
A small amount of most chemicals is not harmful; there is a
threshold of effect or a no-effect level. The most toxic
produces no measurable effect. It can damage kidney
dysfunction, will result. As the dose is increased, there is a point
at which the first measurable effect is noted. The toxic potency
of a chemical is defined by the relation-ship between the dose
(the amount) of the chemical and the response produced in a
biological system. Thus, a highconcentration of toxic substance
in the target organ causes a severe -reaction and a low
Threshold concepts and sustainability: features
of a contested paradigm
2. 4.
Acute Expos
Effects ures

The toxic action of a substance can be arbitrarily divided into acute

and chronic effects.
In addition to acute and chronic toxicity, we can distinguish acute and
chronic exposures. Factors other than immediate effects often
determine the
type and severity of a chemical adverse effects.
example substances:
Acute Effects

Acute exposures and acute effects generally involve shonterm high

concentrations and immediate results of some kind (illness,
irritation, or death). Acute occupational exposures are often related
to an accident.
Acute exposures typically are sudden and severe and are characterized
by rapid absorption of the offending material. For example, inhaling
levels of carbon monoxide or swallowing a large quantity of cyanide
compound produces acute toxicity very rapidly.
Chronic Effects

In contrast Vo acute effects, chronic effect or illness is characterized by

symptoms or disease of long duration or frequent recunence. Chronic effects
often develop slowly. The meaning of each- term conforms to its derivation—
the Latin word acutus (sharpened) for acute and the Greek word chronikos
(time) for chronic.
Levels of exposure to air contaminants
can also be referred to in terms
of acute and chronic exposure. Acute exposure generally refers to
exposure to very high concentrations during very short time periods;
chronic exposure involves repetitive or continuous exposure during
long time periods.

Chronic effects of air contaminants are not necessarily l ess

serious than acute effects simply because they result from
exposure to lower concentrations
Exposure to Air
(Paparan Udara) 4.
Central Nervous System Depressants


2. 3.
Irrita Asphy
tion xiants

Air contaminants can be classified on the basis of physiological

action into irritants, asphyxiants, central nervous system (CNS)
depressants, ancl others not fitting into these three groups.
Physiological responses to toxic materials depend on the
concentration and duration or exposure.

Irritation is an inflammation or
aggravation of the tissue the material
contacts. Contact of some materials with the face and upper
respiratory system affects the eyes, the cells lining the nose, and the

Asphyxiants interfere with oxygenation

of the tissues and the affected
individual may suffocate. This class is generally divided into simple
asphyxiants and chemical asphyxiants.
Asphyxiants deprive the body of the needed oxygen that must be
transported from the lungs via the bloodstream to the cells.
Central Nervous System Depressants

Central nervous system depressants (CNSDs) can produce

unconsciousness and m a n y of the same symptoms that
asphyxiants cause. They prevent the central nervous system
(brain and spinal cord) from doing its normal job.
Other Effects

There are many other substances with a variety of

toxicological actions that do not fit into any of the
groups described previously.

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