Steam and - Leaf Display

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Steam-and leaf-display

Stem-leaf-display organizes data in to groups. It help

us to understand how the values are distributes and
clustered over the range of observations in the data
set. The basic idea of this display is based on the
analogy of plants. first digit are listed in the column
and called steam and leaf values are recorded for each
stem in the row to the right of the steam.
Form a steam leaf display for the midterm exam score of
88 ,78, 78 , 73 , 91 , 78, 85
First of all arrange the above data is ascending order as
73 78 78 78 85 88 91
Stem leaf display for above data is as follows
Stem Leaf
7 3888
8 5 8
9 1
1. The marks obtained by 20 students in a business statistics test are
given bellow:
84 17 38 45 47 53 76 54 75 54 72 22 66 65 55 54 51
33 39 19
Develop the ordered array
Construct the stem-and-leaf display.

2.Construct a stem and leaf display for the following data.

555 490 64 8 832 710 576 627
Frequency and frequency distribution
Frequency: The number of times that a variate value
occurs is known as frequency. For example, if a variate
value 7 repeated for 10 times , then 10 is the frequency
of variate 7.
[ Value taken by the variable = variate]
Frequency distribution
List of variable value and its corresponding frequency
is known as frequency distribution
Types of frequency distribution
1.Individual frequency distribution: list individual data
set is individual frequency distribution.For eg
Marks obtained by the student in statistics:
2.Discrete frequency distribution: list of value of discrete variable with
corresponding frequency is discrete frequency distribution. For eg

Marks 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

No.of 2 4 5 8 3 5 1

3.Continuous frequency distribution: List of continuous variable value

with corresponding frequency is continuous frequency distribution.
For eg
Marks 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90

Number 2 4 6 9 10 3 2
General guidelines
Determine for construction
the number of Continuous
of no overlapping frequency
classes. By using distribution
the formula
Number of class= k= 1+ 3.3222 logN
N=Number of individual classes
Determine the width of each class. R ange
Approximate class width (w) = N u m b e r o f c la s s

Range= Smallest item- largest item
Determine the class limits or boundaries

Construct a frequency distribution.

Class Example: The following are the incomes ( in 00 Rs.) of 20 employees in a day.
12 14 19 18 15 15 18
17 20 27 22 23 22 21
33 28 14 18 16 13
Construct the frequency distribution of the above data.
Types of Class interval:
There are two types of class interval
 Inclusive type class interval: If upper limit and lower limit both are
included in the same class interval then such class interval is called
inclusive type class interval. For eg

X 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69

f 3 5 7 4 3 1

Exclusive type Class interval: If upper limit of Class interval is not included
in the respective class interval and included in the next class interval then
such class interval is called exclusive type class interval. For eg.
X 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
f 3 5 6 8 4 2
Generally we prefer exclusive type class intervals for
Conversion of Inclusive Class interval into exclusive Class interval
statistical analysis.To convert inclusive type class
interval into exclusive type find correction factor as
Lower limit of next c.I-Upper limt of previous C.I
Correction factor:

Lower limit for exclusive type C.I= Lower limit of inclusive type -C.F
Upper limit of exclusive type C.I= Upper limit of inclusive type+ C.F
Relative and percentage frequency
Relative frequency: proportion of the observation
belongs to the class with total frequency.i.e
Relative frequency= Frequency of the class
Total frequency

Percentage frequency= Relative frequency* 100%

Cumulative frequency distribution
Less Than Cumulative frequency Distribution: Less
than cf distribution is constructed by cumulating
given frequencies from top to bottom.
More than Cumulative frequency distribution: It is
prepared by cumulating given frequencies from
bottom to top.
For eg……………
Graphical representation of
numerical data
Ogive( Cumulative polygon)
Histogram: It is a graphical representation of
grouped data where class intervals are placed in the
horizontal axis and frequencies are placed in the
vertical axis. In the histogram rectangular bars are
used where height of the bars represents frequency
and width of bars represents Class width.
It is also the graphical presentation of frequency
distribution or relative frequency distribution or
percentage frequency distribution. In this case,
phenomenon of interest of class midpoint is displayed
along the horizontal axis and Frequency or Relative
frequency or Percentage in the vertical axis and
consecutive midpoints are connected by a series of
straight lines. Polygons are also three types.
Frequency polygon
Relative frequency polygon
Percentage polygon
Cumulative Polygon (Ogive)

A graph of cumulative distribution is called an ogive.

In this case, characteristics of interest of the variable
with the values “less than” or “more than” are plotted
in horizontal axis and their corresponding frequency
or relative frequency ( or proportion) and percentage
are plotted in the vertical axis.
Time plots:
It is a graphical presentation of data according to time.

year Number of student

2001 30
2002 45
2003 46
2004 50
2005 60
2006 68
2007 65
2008 70
 Summary
Tables and Charts for Table:
categoricalA summary
table indicates the
frequency, amount, or percentage of items in a set of
categories .
Fund risk level Number of funds Percentage of funds
Low 202 23.27
Average 311 35.82
High 355 40.89
Total 868 100
Contingency Table
To show relationship between given variables data are
presented in contingency table. For eg. Following
table represents smoking habit of student according to
their sex
Smokers Non-Smokers Total

Boys 60 50 110

Girls 20 70 90

Total 80 120 200

Class work
In a survey of 200 boys, 75 were intelligent of which 40
had skilled father. Where 85 unintelligent boys had
unskilled father. Present the given information on
contingency table.
Bar Chart
It is graphical representation of data having different
categories. Here length of the bar shows amount,
frequency or percentage of value of variable. For eg
Risk level Number of institution

High 211

Low 300

Medium 500
Pie chart- is a graphical device for presenting the
summary (or frequency) table based on subdivision
of a circle into sections. In this method all the given
values are converted in terms of angles and sum of
these angles equal to 3600.
Suppose T is the total value and R is magnitude of
component then angle at centre for any valu is given by
 A= 3 6 0  R
Risk level Number of institution Angle at the centre

High 211 =75.13

Low 300 106.82

Medium 500 178.08

Class work

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