Steam and - Leaf Display
Steam and - Leaf Display
Steam and - Leaf Display
Marks 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
No.of 2 4 5 8 3 5 1
Number 2 4 6 9 10 3 2
General guidelines
Determine for construction
the number of Continuous
of no overlapping frequency
classes. By using distribution
the formula
Number of class= k= 1+ 3.3222 logN
N=Number of individual classes
Determine the width of each class. R ange
Approximate class width (w) = N u m b e r o f c la s s
Range= Smallest item- largest item
Determine the class limits or boundaries
Exclusive type Class interval: If upper limit of Class interval is not included
in the respective class interval and included in the next class interval then
such class interval is called exclusive type class interval. For eg.
X 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
f 3 5 6 8 4 2
Generally we prefer exclusive type class intervals for
Conversion of Inclusive Class interval into exclusive Class interval
statistical analysis.To convert inclusive type class
interval into exclusive type find correction factor as
Lower limit of next c.I-Upper limt of previous C.I
Correction factor:
Lower limit for exclusive type C.I= Lower limit of inclusive type -C.F
Upper limit of exclusive type C.I= Upper limit of inclusive type+ C.F
Relative and percentage frequency
Relative frequency: proportion of the observation
belongs to the class with total frequency.i.e
Relative frequency= Frequency of the class
Total frequency
Boys 60 50 110
Girls 20 70 90
High 211
Low 300
Medium 500
Pie chart- is a graphical device for presenting the
summary (or frequency) table based on subdivision
of a circle into sections. In this method all the given
values are converted in terms of angles and sum of
these angles equal to 3600.
Suppose T is the total value and R is magnitude of
component then angle at centre for any valu is given by
A= 3 6 0 R
Risk level Number of institution Angle at the centre