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Good Morning!

Prepared by: Robert John M. Bumagat


Direction: In playing the game, the class will be divided into
two groups. Representatives from each group will be chosen
and will serve as the Guesser. The guesser will choose from
the set of words and will ask series of questions to identify
what the word is. Other members of the group will only
respond by saying “Oo, Hindi, at Pwede” to answer the
Guesser’s questions. The group who can guess the pictures
the fastest in two minute will be declared as the winner.





In the late 1700s, an early connection between
cancer and chemical was discovered. An English
doctor noted that due to exposure to soot (a black
substance formed by combustion or separated from
fuel during combustion), which contains chemicals
known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a
significant reason for cancer of the scrotum .

The known causing
compound are

Are you going to have cancer if you
come into with a carcinogen?

It depends on what you have been

exposed to, how much you have been
exposed and among other aspects, how
often you have been exposed with.
“International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) Standard : Classification
of Carcinogens
“ Group 1 Carcinogenic
• Sufficient evidence of
carcinogenicity. These includes 128
agents such as smoking, exposure to
solar radiation, alcoholic beverages
and processed meats.
Group 2A Probably

“ carcinogenic.
• Limited evidence of carcinogenicity
in humans and sufficient evidence of
carcinogenicity in experimental
Group 2A Probably

“ carcinogenic.
• This includes emission from high
temperature, frying, steroids,
exposures working in hairdressing
and red meat.
Group 2B Possibly

“ carcinogenic.
• Limited evidence of carcinogenicity
in humans and less than sufficient
evidence of carcinogenicity in
experimental animals.
Group 2B Possibly

“ carcinogenic.
• These includes 285 agents. Including
coffee, gasoline, gasoline engine
exhaust, welding fumes and pickled
Group 3 Carcinogenicity

“ Not classifiable.
• Inadequate evidence of
carcinogenicity in human and in
Group 3 Carcinogenicity

“ Not classifiable.
• This includes 505 agents such as tea,
static magnetic fields, fluorescent
lighting, and polyethene.
Group 4 Probably Not

“ carcinogenic.
• There is no evidence of
carcinogenicity in experimental
human or in animals.
Group 4 Probably Not

“ carcinogenic.
• only one chemical ever placed in this
group of all substances assessed.
Caprolactam which is used in the
manufacture of synthetic fibers.

Our body has defense or metabolism to
protect in any kinds of harmful
exposure. Depending on how a
chemical processed or metabolized, in
the body, there are three types of
carcinogens exist.

1. Direct acting carcinogens are chemicals that can
cause cancer.
2. Procarcinogens are chemicals that do not cause
cancer unless they are changed when they are
3. Cocarcinogens are chemicals that do not cause
cancer by themselves but act with another chemical
to cause cancer.

Tools in Finding or
Diagnosing Cancer

1. Biopsy is a sample of tissue taken
from the body in order to examine it
more closely.

2. Ultrasound imaging
This tool uses sound
waves to produce pictures
of the inside of the body.

2. Ultrasound imaging

It is used to help diagnose the

causes of pain, swelling and
infection in the body’s internal

Ultrasound is safe, non-
invasive, and does not use
ionizing radiations.

3. X-ray or radiograph

This is a non-invasive medical

test that helps physicians
diagnose and treat medical

4. Mammography
It is specialized medical imaging that
uses a low-dose-x-ray system to see
inside the breasts. Mammogram aids in
the early detection an diagnosis of
breast diseases in women.

5. Pap smear

It is also called as Pap Test. It is a

procedure to test for cervical cancer in

6. HPV DNA test

This test look for DNA from cancer-

causing HPV types in cervical cells.

7. Fecal occult blood tests
Test for blood checking in stool.
Sigmoidoscopy is a test examines the
lower colon and colonoscopy which
examines the entire colon.

8. Computed tomography
It is the use of x-ray to produce cross
sectional picture of body parts.

9. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI)
It is use of magnetic fields and radio
waves to show changes in soft tissues
without the use of x-rays.

Ultrasounds, X-ray, Ct and MRI are all
painless and non-invasive; however having
too many CTs or X-rays can increase the
risk of developing cancer because they
expose you to radiation.

Task Prompt: Classify Me!
Direction: Classify the following carcinogens
according to its carcinogenicity. Write the
correct answer in the box.

-traffic, ice coffee, fluorescent lamp, kimchi

and atchara, donuts, potato fries, spam fried
rice, smoking cigarettes, milk tea, gamma rays,
playing e-games, crispy chicken skin.
Group 1 Group 2A


Group 2B

Group 3
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Guide Questions:
1.Which of the following groups of
carcinogens is 100% carcinogenic? Why?
2.What are the carcinogens that have
limited evidence of carcinogenicity in
humans and sufficient evidence of
carcinogenicity in experimental animals?
3.How does cancer relate to carcinogens?
4.What are the different ways to reduce
carcinogens in meals?
5.What happens to the body when you eat
fried foods and processed meat every day?
What have you learned
today class?
Why is it important
to be mindful of what
we eat?
1. What is a chemical or physical
agent that has the potential to cause
A. Carcinogen
B. Cocarcinogens
C. Carcinoma
D. Sarcoma
2. Which classifications of carcinogens
do tocino and longganisa?
A. Group 1
B. Group 2A
C. Group 2B
D. Group 3
3. What are the chemicals that do
not cause cancer unless they are
A. direct acting carcinogens
B. indirect acting carcinogens
C. cocarcinogens
D. procarcinogens
4. What is the tool used to diagnose
cancer cells in the entire colon of a
A. biopsy
B. sigmoidoscopy
C. colonoscopy
D. ultrasound
5. Which classification of carcinogens do
coffee and gasolines?
A. Group 1
B. Group 2A
C. Group 2B
D. Group 3
Direction: Select 3 tools or test from the list below and
explain how it finds and diagnoses cancer. Write your answer in
½ crosswise. To be submitted on Monday.

• Biopsy • Ultrasound
• Pap test • HPV DNA test
• Mammogram • Colonoscopy
• Computed tomography • Fecal occult blood test
• Sigmoidoscopy • Magnetic resonance

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