Manufacturing Process 1 (Surface Finish (B.eng) - 02092014
Manufacturing Process 1 (Surface Finish (B.eng) - 02092014
Manufacturing Process 1 (Surface Finish (B.eng) - 02092014
- direction in which the cutting tool moves
Types of irregularities
(i) Due to misalignment of centres -
(ii) Due to non-linear feed motion -
(iii) Due to tool feed rate - Roughness
(iv) Due to tool chatter - Roughness
Main Measurement Methods of
Surface Roughness
• Inspection and assessment of surface
roughness of machined workpieces can be
carried out by means of different
measurement techniques. These methods
can be ranked into the following classes:
1) Direct measurement methods
2) Comparison based techniques
3) Non contact methods
4) On-process measurement
1. Direct Measurement Methods
• Direct methods assess surface finish by means
of stylus type devices. Measurements are
obtained using a stylus drawn along the surface
to be measured: the stylus motion perpendicular
to the surface is registered. This registered
profile is then used to calculate the roughness
parameters. This method requires interruption of
the machine process, and the sharp diamond
stylus may make micro-scratches on surfaces.
Stylus Equipment
Basically this technique uses a stylus that
tracks small changes in surface height,
and a skid that follows large changes in
surface height. The use of the two
together reduces the effects of non-flat
surfaces on the surface roughness
measurement. The relative motion
between the skid and the stylus is
measured with a magnetic circuit and
induction coils.
The actual apparatus uses the apparatus hooked to other
instrumentation. The induction coils drive amplifiers, and
other signal conditioning hardware. The then amplified signal
is used to drive a recorder that shows stylus position, and a
digital readout that displays the CLA/Ra value.
The paper chart that is recorded is magnified in height by
100000:1, and in length by 82:1 to make the scale suitable to
the human eye.
Where the scan is stopped might influence the Ra value. This is especially true if the
surface texture varies within a very small section of the surface
• (a) A skid or shoe drawn slowly over the surface and
following its general contours, thus providing a datum.
• (b) A stylus or probe which moves over the surface with the
skid, and vertically relative to the skid due to the roughness
of the surface.
• (c) An amplifying device for magnifying the stylus
• (d) A recording device to produce a trace or record of the
surface profile. It should be noted that all such traces are
distorted, i.e. the vertical and horizontal magnifications
differ, to enable significant vertical features to be observed
on a trace of reasonable length. If a sample length of 0.8
mm was magnified 5000 times the resulting trace would
need to be 4 m long!
• (e) A means of analysing the profile thus obtained. This may
be incorporated in the instrument or done separately.
Instruments satisfying these characteristics can be
produced with mechanical or electronic systems of
2. Comparison Based Techniques
• Comparison techniques use specimens of
surface roughness produced by the same
process, material and machining
parameters as the surface to be
compared. Visual and tactile senses are
used to compare a specimen with a
surface of known surface finish. Because
of the subjective judgment involved, this
method is useful for surface roughness
Rq>1.6 micron.
3. Non Contact Methods
• Here is an electronic speckle correlation method
given as an example. When coherent light
illuminates a rough surface, the diffracted waves
from each point of the surface mutually interfere to
form a pattern which appears as a grain pattern of
bright and dark regions. The spatial statistical
properties of this speckle image can be related to
the surface characteristics. The degree of
correlation of two speckle patterns produced from
the same surface by two different illumination
beams can be used as a roughness parameter.
• The following figure shows the measure principle. A rough surface is
illuminated by a monochromatic plane wave with an angle of
incidence with respect to the normal to the surface, multiscatterring
and shadowing effects are neglected. The photosensor of a CCD
camera placed in the focal plane of a Fourier lens is used for
recording speckle patterns. Assuming Cartesian coordinates x,y,z, a
rough surface can be represented by its ordinates Z(x,y) with
respect to an arbitrary datum plane having transverse coordinates
(x,y). Then the rms surface roughness can be defined and
4. On-process measurement
• Many methods have been used to measure surface
roughness in process. For example:
1) Machine vision. In this technique, a light source is used
to illuminate the surface with a digital system to viewing the
surface and the data being sent to a computer to be
analyzed. The digitized data is then used with a correlation
chart to get actual roughness values.
2) Inductance method. An inductance pickup is used to
measure the distance between the surface and the pickup.
This measurement gives a parametric value that may be
used to give a comparative roughness. However, this
method is limited to measuring magnetic materials.
3) Ultrasound. A spherically focused ultrasonic sensor is
positioned with a non normal incidence angle above the
surface. The sensor sends out an ultrasonic pulse to the
personal computer for analysis and calculation of roughness
where = sum of areas above and below the mean line in inches
Before making such a measurement it is
necessary to position the mean line so that
the areas above and below it are equal to
within 5 %. This can be done by:
(a) Estimating its position by eye.
(b) Measuring the total areas above and
below the estimated line.
(c) Correcting the position an amount equal
to the difference in areas divided by the
trace length.
Root Mean Square (R.M.S.) Value
Defined as the square root of the mean of
the squares of the ordinates of the surface
measured from a mean line.
• If equally spaced ordinates are erected at
1, 2, 3, 4, ... n, whose heights are h1, h2,
h3, ... hn, then
Roughness Average
Micrometers µm
(Microinches µ in.)
50 25 12.5 6.3 3.2 1.6 0.80 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.012
Process (2000) (1000) (500) (250) (125) (63) (32) (16) (8) (4) (2) (1) (0.5)
Flame Cutting
Planing, Shaping
Chemical Milling
Electron Beam
Boring, Turning
Barrel Finishing
Electrolytic grinding
50 25 12.5 6.3 3.2 1.6 0.80 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.012
Process (2000) (1000) (500) (250) (125) (63) (32) (16) (8) (4) (2) (1) (0.5)
Roller Burnishing
Sand Casting
Hot Rolling
Perm Mold Casting
Investment Casting
Die Casting
50 25 12.5 6.3 3.2 1.6 0.80 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.012
Process (2000) (1000) (500) (250) (125) (63) (32) (16) (8) (4) (2) (1) (0.5)
Average Application
Less Frequent Application
Basic symbol : only be used alone when its meaning is explained by a note
Indication of Surface Roughness
This symbol may also be used in a drawing, relating to a production process , to indicate that
a surface is to be left in the state ,resulting from a preceding manufacturing process,
whether this state was achieved by removal of material or otherwise
Position of the Specifications of the Surface Texture in the Symbol - The
specifications Of surface texture shall be placed relative to the symbol as
shown in figure.
symbol Interpretation
Parallel to the plane of projection
of the view in which the symbol is