Lecture 06

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Zuse’s Plankalkül – 1945

• Never implemented
• Had advanced data types and structures
• Floating point, arrays, records, nesting in records
• No explicit goto statements
• Iteration
• Selection without else part
• Invariants and assertions
• Problems Zuse Solved
• Sorting
• Graph connectivity
• Integer and floating point arithmetic
• Expressions with operator precedence
• Chess playing
• Terse Notation
Assemblers and Assembly Language

• Problem with machine code?

• Poor readability
• Poor modifiability – addition and deletion of instructions
was difficult
• Expression coding was tedious
• Machine deficiencies--no indexing or fl. pt. operation

• Speedcoding; 1954; IBM 701, Backus

• Pseudo ops for arithmetic and math functions
• Conditional and unconditional branching
• Auto-increment registers for array access
• Interpreted – Slow!
• After loading the interpreter, only 700 words left for user
The First Compiler
Laning and Zierler System - 1953

• Implemented on the MIT Whirlwind computer

• First "algebraic" compiler system
• Subscripted variables, function calls, expression
• Never ported to any other machine
FORTRAN I – John Backus
• First implemented version of FORTRAN
• (FORTRAN 0 - 1954 - not implemented)
• FORmula TRANslating system
• First compiled high-level language
• Designed for the new IBM 704, which had index registers
• Environment of development:
• Computers were small and unreliable
• Applications were scientific
• No programming methodology or tools
• Machine efficiency was most important
• No need for dynamic storage
• Need for good array handling and counting loops
• No string handling and decimal arithmetic
Fortran IV (1960)

• Fortran IV
• Explicit type declarations
• Logical IF statement
• Passing subprogram as parameters
• ANSI standard in 1966
Fortran I (continued)

• Names could have up to six characters

• Formatted I/O
• User-defined subprograms
• No data typing statements
• No separate compilation
• Compiler released in April 1957, after 18
man months of effort
• Programs larger than 400 lines rarely compiled
• Code was very fast
• Within one year, 50% of the code written for IBM
704 machine was being developed in FORTRAN.
Fortran I – 1957
Influence of HW on Language Design
• All statements of FORTRAN I were based
on 704’s instruction set
• 3 way branch
– computed if  If (EXPRESSION) L1, L2, L3
• Posttest counting loop
– DO L1 I = N, M
Fortran 77 and 90

• FORTRAN 77 – 1977
• Structured Programming
• Character string handling
• Logical loop control statement
• IF-THEN-ELSE statement

• FORTRAN 90 – 1990
• Modules
• Dynamic arrays
• Pointers
• Recursion
• CASE statement
• Parameter type checking
Functional Programming
LISP – McCarthy 1959
• LISt Processing language
• AI research lab at MIT
• Linguistic, psychology, and mathematics
• Needed a language that:
• Process data in dynamically growing lists (rather than arrays)
• Symbolic computation (rather than numeric)
• Only two data types: atoms and lists
• Syntax is based on lambda calculus
• Pioneered functional programming
• No need for assignment
• Control via recursion and conditional expressions
• It is still the dominant language for AI
• COMMON LISP and Scheme are contemporary dialects of
• ML, Miranda, and Haskell are related languages
ALGOL 58 – 1958
• ALGOrithmic Language
• Search for a “Universal Language”
• Environment of development:
• FORTRAN had (barely) arrived for IBM 70x and was owned by IBM
• Many other languages were being developed, all for specific
• No portable language; all were machine-dependent
• No universal language for communicating algorithms

• Goals of the language:

• Close to mathematical notation
• Good for describing algorithms
• Machine independent, algorithmic language for use on all kinds of
Algol 58 (Continued)
• Language Features:
• Concept of type was formalized
• Names could have any length
• Arrays could have any number of subscripts
• Lower bound could be defined
• Parameters were separated by mode (in & out)
• Subscripts were placed in brackets
• Compound statements (begin ... end)
• Semicolon as a statement separator
• Assignment operator was :=
• ‘if’ had an ‘else-if’ clause

• Never implemented
• IBM was initially enthusiastic but vested interest in
FORTRAN resulted in taking back all support by mid-1959
Algol 60 - 1960
• New Features:
• Block structure (local scope)
• Two parameter passing methods – value and name
• Subprogram recursion
• Stack-dynamic arrays – run time size definition and space
• No I/O
• Syntax was defined in BNF
Algol 60 (Continued)

• Successes:
• It was the standard way to publish algorithms for over 20 years
• All subsequent imperative languages are based on it
• First machine-independent language
• First language whose syntax was formally defined in BNF
• Had impact on hardware design
• Failure:
• Never widely used, especially in U.S.
• Reasons:
• No I/O and the character set made programs non-portable
• Too flexible, so hard to understand and implement
• IBM’s interest in FORTRAN
• Formal syntax description – at that time BNF was considered
strange and complicated!
Algol 68 - 1968

• Continued development of ALGOL 60 was released as

Algol 68 in 1968, but it is not a superset of that
• Design is based on the concept of orthogonality
• Contributions:
• User-defined data structures
• Reference types
• Dynamic arrays (called flex arrays)

• Had even less usage than ALGOL 60

• Had strong influence on subsequent languages, especially
Pascal, C, and Ada

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