Unit 1 Basics of DBMS E

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Basics of DBMS

 Database Management System

 Term Database requires understanding of

data and information
Difference between Data
and Information?
• Database Management System
Term Database requires understanding of data and
• Data: It can be anything like name, place or number, etc.
Data usually refers to raw data, or unprocessed data.
•Information: It is organized or classified data so that it
has some meaningful values to the receiver.
– Information is the processed data on which decisions and
actions are based.
•Is the following text data or information?
INT 306
a) Data
b) Information
•Course code- INT 306
a) data
b) Information
 The related information when placed in an
organized form makes a database.
 The organization of data/information is
necessary because unorganized
information has no meaning.
Operations on Databases

 To add new information

 To view or retrieve the stored information

 To modify or edit the existing

 To remove or delete the unwanted information

 Arranging the information in a desired order etc.

Manual database and its problems

•Wastage skills intelligence of human beings on

repetitive and
•Error prone.
Database and Computers
•Large storage capacity
•It has high speed
•Computer is more accurate.

•There are two approaches for storing data in computers such

as File based approach and Database approach.
File Based Approach

A file system is a method for storing and organizing

computer files
File systems may use a storage device such as a hard disk or
CD-ROM and involve maintaining the physical location of
the files.
Programmers used programming languages such as COBOL,
C++ to write applications that directly accessed flat files to
perform data management services and provide information
for users.
Limitations of the File-Based
 Data Redundancy and inconsistency
 Difficulty in Accessing data
 Data Isolation
 Integrity problem
 Atomicity problem
 Concurrent Access anomalies
Database Approach

 A database is a computer based record keeping

system whose over all purpose is to record and
maintain information. The database is a single,
large repository of data, which can be used
simultaneously by many departments and users.
Database Management System
 DBMS A database management system is the
software system that allows users to define, create and
maintain a database and provides controlled access to the
 A database management system (DBMS) is basically a
collection of programs that enables users to store,
modify, and extract information from a database as per
the requirements.
Who created the first DBMS?
• Edgar Frank Codd
• Charles Bachman
• Charles Babbage
• Sharon B. Codd
What was first database invented by
Charles Bachman with his team?
• Integrated Data Store
• Oracle
• Ques- Tuple is another name for
a) Row
b) Column
Examples of Database Applications

The following are main examples of database

Computerized library systems

Automated teller machines

Flight reservation systems

Computerized parts inventory systems

Commercially available Database management
systems in the market are dbase, Foxpro, IMS and
University Database in File Based
University Database in Database
based System
Which of the following is latest version of
Advantages of DBMS
Controlling redundancy

 Data redundancy is a condition created within

a database or data storage technology in
which the same piece of data is held in two
separate places.
Integrity can be enforced

 Integrity of data means that data in database

is always accurate, such that incorrect
information cannot be stored in database.
Inconsistency can be avoided
 When the same data is duplicated and changes are made at
one site, which is not propagated to the other site, it gives rise
to inconsistency and the two entries regarding the same data
will not agree.
Other Advantages

 Data can be shared

 Providing Backup and Recovery
 Restricting unauthorized access
Disadvantages of DBMS

 Complexity
 Size
 Performance
 Higher impact of a failure
 Cost of DBMS
 Additional Hardware costs
Applications of DBMS

•Banking: all transactions

•Airlines: reservations, schedules
•Universities: registration, grades
•Sales: customers, products, purchases
•Online retailers: order tracking, customized
•Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders,
supply chain
•Human resources: employee records, salaries,
tax deductions
Components of the DBMS Environment
Hardware: Computer system used for keeping and
accessing the database
Software: The actual DBMS
•Allows user to communicate with the database
•The mediator between database and users
Data: Most important component from end users point
of view
Procedures: Instructions and rules that govern design
and use of the database
•Log on to the dbms
•Start and stop the dbms
•Make backup copies of the database

Users: Who can access or retrieve data on
demand using applications interfaces provided
by DBMS. The users can be:

•Naïve users
•Application programmers
•Sophisticated users
•Database designers
•Database administrators
Naive / Parametric End Users
Parametric End Users are the unsophisticated who don’t have any DBMS knowledge
but they frequently use the database applications in their daily life to get the desired

Application Programmers
 Application Programmers also referred as System Analysts or simply Software
Engineers, are the back-end programmers who writes the code for the application
programs. They are the computer professionals.

Sophisticated Users
Sophisticated users can be engineers, scientists, business analyst, who are familiar with
the database. They can develop their own database applications according to their
requirement. They don’t write the program code but they interact the database by
writing SQL queries directly through the query processor.
Database Designers
Data Base Designers are the users who design the structure of database which includes
tables, indexes, views, triggers, stored procedures and constraints which are usually
enforced before the database is created or populated with data. He/she controls what
data must be stored and how the data items to be related.

Database Administrator (DBA)

Database Administrator (DBA) is a person/team who defines the schema and also
controls the 3 levels of database. The DBA will then create a new account id and
password for the user if he/she need to access the database. It is also responsible for
providing security to the database.
Ques: While performing a transaction at ATM, You
belong to which category of users?
A. Naïve user
B. Application Programmer
C. Sophisticated user
D. Database administrator

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