Week 25 - Prepositions Day 2

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Prepositions function within phrases to modify

main verbs, nouns, or adjectives.
They also express spatial and temporal
relationships between parts of a sentence.
For Example…
1. Location: at, on, in: Prepositions differ according to the
number of dimensions they refer to. We can group them
into three classes using concepts from geometry: point,
surface, and area/volume.
a. Point: (at) Prepositions in this group indicate that the noun that
follows them is treated as a point in relation to which another
object is positioned.
b. Surface: (on) Prepositions in this group indicate that the position
of an object is defined with respect to a surface on which it rests.
c. Area/Volume: (in) Prepositions in this group indicate that an
object lies within the boundaries of an area or within the confines
of a volume.
For Example…
2. Direction: to, on(to), in(to): These prepositions express
movement toward something. To, into, and onto correspond
respectively to the prepositions of location at, in, and on. Each
pair can be defined by the same spatial relations of point,
line/surface, or area/volume.

3.Temporal relations: Prepositions also express how objects relate

temporally. Prepositions can express a point in time or an
extended time.
a. On, at, and in are each used to express similar relations as their spatial
b. Since, by, for, and from-to are used to express extended time.
Exercise 1
at the house ____
1. We arrived ____ in in the window.
8. A light appeared ____
the afternoon. 9. The cattle will graze ____
on the open
at our table
2. The waiter was ____ for the whole summer.
range ____
immediately. on the
10. Three hockey players are ____
3. We have not seen our waiter ice.
since we arrived. 11.The cowboy rode _____into the setting
to the
4. The soccer player leaped ____ sun.
ball. 12. Three boxers are ____
in the ring.
5. The tiger jumped _____
onto my face. 13. The play from
ran _____ September
6. The tiger jumped _____
into the trap. ____
to November.
7. I went ____
to the store today. 14. The water spilled
onto_____ the

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