Group 3: The Traditional Marriage in Anomabo

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According to the people of Anomabo,

Marriage is a sacred union between two families.
In the traditional land, they have three (3) types of marriage
 Aware tsin (Pure Marriage)
 Bekomedo (Cohabitation Marriage)
 Nwewe (Dating Marriage)
According to the tradition of the People of Anomabo, a marriage is pure and
accepted if couples undergo the various processes involved in their tradition.
Marriage Process
 In Anomabo’s tradition, a pure marriage takes some steps.
 Finding a suitable match
 This is usually done through a network of family and friends who know the family well.
 Background Check
 One a potential match is identified, a background check is done to ensure that, the person
is suitable in terms of social status, family background and other criteria that are important
to the family.
 Family consultation
 If the potential match meets the criteria of the family, the families of the bride and
groom then meets to discuss the proposal. This helps the both families know each
other and also ask questions about their potential match.
Marriage Process Cont.
Marriage proposal
 If both families are satisfied with the match, a formal marriage proposal is made by
the groom’s family to the bride’s family.
 The bride’s family will then decide whether to accept or reject the proposal.If
proposal is accepted, the bride’s family will then proceed to then give the groom’s
family a marriage list so payment of dowry is done.
 When then the remaining traditional marriage rites follows.
Merits of Pure Marriage
Cultural Preservation
Respect and adhere to their norms and traditions and as such helped in
preserving their long routed marriage rites.
 Example, paying of bride wealth and not have any sexual affair with his bride until
he finishes the necessary process.
This in relation to the development of Ghana has helped in making
marriage last long in the traditional land by reducing fornication and
reducing the rate at which STDs are spread.
Merits of Pure Marriage
Social Integration
It brings families and communities together, promoting social cohesion
and development because marriage is highly valued.
 For example, during the background check process, one of the family’s criteria is to
get a partner who is well-integrated into the community.
It also foster social connections and relationships of other families in
Ghana and allows couples to contribute to the community in meaningful
ways which helps strengthen the community as a whole.
Merits of Pure Marriage
Longer lasting Marriage
Since their tradition regarded marriage as sacred, the processes involved in
the marriage isn’t swift. This is because thorough background check had been
made by both families before they proceed with the rest of the marriage rite.
Some of these background check includes; health issues, history of the family
and other generational curses that might have risen from the practices of their
Due to this, couple hardly divorce or separated. They learn to settle issues
amicably hence marriage lasted long.
Demerits of Marriage
Limited Options
It limits the choice of partners can prevent people from marrying for love.
The bride may have little say in who she untimely marries, as the decision is often made by
her family. This can lead to feelings of powerlessness and lack of control over her own life
Leads to a sense of obligation or duty to marry within a predetermined group. This can
result in the bride feeling pressure to marry someone whom she may not necessarily be
attracted to or interested in, simply because it is expected of her.
It can also lead to a lack of compatibility between couples. The bride may not have the
opportunity to meet and get to know a wide range of potential partners and as a result, may
end up marrying someone who is not well suited to her terms of personality, interest or
Demerits of Marriage
Gender inequality
This type of marriage can reinforce gender inequality and restrict women’s
opportunities for education and employment hindering their contribution to National
Traditional gender roles can create inequality in marriages, with women often having
less power and control over decision-making within the family. The husband holds
most of the power and decision-making authority. With this, opinions and concerns are
not taken into account in important family matters.
It can also limit the autonomy of women. With this, they may not have the freedom to
make decisions about their own health, or they may be restricted in their ability to
socialize with others or travel.
In conclusion, marriage plays an important role in the land of Anomabo as
it does in many other communities in Ghana. While it has merits, there are
also potential negative consequences that needs to be addressed to ensure
that, marriage is a positive force for social and economic development in
Ghana. The Anomabo Pure marriage is seen as a way to strengthen family
ties and build alliances between families. While some traditional customs
may have evolved over time, the cultural importance of marriage remains
a cherished part of Anomabo’s heritage.
 SS/BSS/20/0219
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