Image Classification: Supervised Classification

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Image Classification: Supervised Classification

• Image classification refers to the computer-assisted

interpretation of remotely sensed images.
• The objective of image classification procedures is to
automatically categorize all pixels in an image into
land cover classes or themes.
• For categorization, the spectral pattern present
within the data for each pixel is used as the
numerical basis.
• The term pattern refers to the set of radiance
measurements obtained in the various wavelength
bands for each pixel.
The family of classification procedures can be
categorized into
• Spectral pattern recognition
• Spatial pattern recognition
• Temporal pattern recognition
1. Spectral pattern recognition:-
• This procedure utilizes the pixel by pixel
spectral information as the basis for automated
land cover classification.

2. Spatial pattern recognition:-

• This procedure involves the categorization of
image pixels on the basis of their spatial
relationship with pixels surrounding them and
as per the tonal variation.
3. Temporal pattern recognition:-
• This procedure uses time as an aid in feature
identification. Data is analyzed from imagery
recorded on different dates.
• This is particularly relevant in the case of crop
surveys as their imagery will go through changes
during the growing season.
• These procedures can be combined when the need
arises. Depending on the nature of the data being
analyzed, the computational resources available
and the intended application of the classified data,
the approach or the procedure can be arrived at.
1. Training stage in Supervised Classification

• The analyst identifies representative training areas

and develops numerical descriptions of the spectral
signatures of each land cover type of interest in the
scene. This is also called signature analysis.
• It also requires substantial reference data and a
thorough knowledge of the geographic area to
which the data apply.
• The quality of the training process determines the
success of the classification stage and thereby the
value of the information generated from the entire
2. Selection of Training Data

• Accurate selection of training data is crucial

for accurate supervised classification.

• There are many approaches to signature

collection and analysis, but all rely to a
certain degree on the experience of the
3. The output stage:-
• The typical forms of output products are
thematic maps, tables and digital data files,
which become input data for GIS.
• The figure given below shows the flow of
operations to be performed
Unsupervised classification

• This procedure examines the data and breaks it into the

most prevalent natural spectral groupings, or clusters,
present in the data.
• The analyst then identifies these clusters as land cover
classes through a combination of familiarity with the
region and ground truth visits. The logic by which
unsupervised classification works is known as cluster
• In contrast to supervised classification, where the system
needs to be told about the character (i.e., signature) of
the information classes we are looking for, unsupervised
classification requires no advance information about the
classes of interest.

• It is important to recognize, however, that the clusters

unsupervised classification produces are not information
classes, but spectral classes (i.e., they group together
features (pixels) with similar reflectance patterns).
• It is thus usually the case that the analyst needs to
reclassify spectral classes into information classes. For
example, the system might identify classes for Road and
Residential which the analyst might later group together,
creating an information class called Built-up.
• The quality of the classification will depend upon the
analyst’s understanding of the concepts behind the
classifiers available and knowledge about the land cover
types under analysis.
Classification accuracy assessment

• Classification accuracy assessment is a general term

for comparing the classification to geographical
data that are assumed to be true to determine the
accuracy of the classification process.
• Usually, the assumed true data are derived from
ground truth. It is usually not practical to ground
truth or otherwise test every pixel of a classified
• Therefore a set of reference pixels is usually used.
Reference pixels are points on the classified image
for which actual data are (will be) known. The
reference pixels are randomly selected.

• Once a classification exercise has been carried

out there is a need to determine the degree of
error in the end-product. These errors could
be thought of as being due to incorrect
labeling of the pixels.
• The basic idea is to compare the predicted
classification (supervised or unsupervised) of
each pixel with the actual classification as
discovered by ground truth.
The Confusion Matrix (Error Matrix)

• The most commonly-used method of representing the

degree of accuracy of a classification is to build a
confusion (or error) matrix.

• The analyst selects a sample of pixels and then visits the

sites (or vice-versa), and builds a confusion matrix. This
is used to determine the nature and frequency of errors.

• Overall map accuracy = total on diagonal / grand total

I would like to say thanks for paying attention in all my lectures and Labs
Hope you like the way I taught, If don’t….. then forget it……ha ha haaaa
The main thing is Lord Bless you, study more and more
Last but not the least
Best of luck for the finally examination

Keep in touch…………………Ayana A.

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