Creative Nonfiction #1

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Within the world of creative writing, the term
creative nonfiction encompasses texts about
factual events that are not solely for scholarly
purposes. Creative nonfiction may include memoir,
personal essays, feature-length articles in
magazines, and narratives in literary journals.
At the end of the lesson,

0 Distinguish the major literary

1 genres;
Compare and contrast the use of
0 literary elements in different
2 sample genres.
Lesson 1:
A Close look at the
Literary Genres
Literature Fiction

Poetry Key Words

Other literary
Drama genres
Directions: Let’s see how well you can recall some important facts about literature.
In your notebook, write AGREE if you think the statement is true and DISAGREE if it
is not.

1. Literature encompasses works of 6. Both poetry and fiction utilize

varying forms from student’s the same literary elements.
classroom essays to famous writers’ 7. There are various literary
masterpieces. genres.
2. Fiction is an imaginative work. 8. Journals and diaries are also
3. A poem could have an unusual considered literary genres.
shape on the page. 9. Any artistic literary work can
4. A drama is intended to be be considered literature.
performed before an audience. 10. Since nonfiction work is based
5. Speeches are not literary works. on truth, it makes use of different
literary elements when written.
Literary genres
A literary genre is a category that
authors use to describe the
primary content and tone of their
writing. The genre an author
chooses can help them determine
what type of plot, characters and
setting to create. Literary genres
typically describe writing styles such
as poetry, essays, novels, short
stories and plays.
Fiction refers to a literary work which comes from the

Fiction author’s imagination. Through the fictional narrative, a

writer may inform, entertain, inspire, or even persuade
(Littlehale, 2020). Fiction has three categories: realistic,
non-realistic, and semi-fiction. MasterClass (2019)
classifies fiction into 14 different forms including the
following: 8. Bildungsroman
1. Literary Fiction 9. Speculative
2. Mystery Fiction
3. Thriller 10. Science Fiction
4. Horror 11. Fantasy
5. Historical 12. Dystopian
6. Romance 13. Magical realism
7. Western 14. Realist Literature
Forms of Fiction

Fiction Mystery Thriller
It refers to literary works Also known as detective This fiction type is
with artistic value and fiction, mystery often characterized by dark,
literary merit. follows a plot with a mysterious and
detective as character or suspenseful plots.
someone playing
detective and tries to
solve a case
Forms of Fiction

Horror Historical
. Written to shock, Involves the creative use
startle, scare, and even of research to be able to
repulse the readers transport readers to
another time and plac
Created with a light-hearted,
oftentimes optimistic tone, and Stories of this type often
most often a satisfying portray characters and
conclusion, romantic fiction setting of the western
highlights love stories between frontier like cowboys,
people. outlaws, and settlers of
the American Old West.
Forms of Fiction
Bildungsrom Speculative
an Fiction
“a novel of education” or “a novel of a combination of different
formation,” this form highlights the fiction forms like dystopian,
transition or metamorphosis of a science fiction, and fantasy, or
character from youth into
any other combination.

Fiction Fantasy
Classified under speculative has imaginary characters and
fiction, sci-fi uses elements that worlds and may have influences
do not exist in the real world of mythology and folklore which
can be appealing to both
children and adults alike.
Forms of Fiction
Dystopian realism
depicts a society that
is worse than ours.
The world portrayed in
magical realism is
Dystopian fiction is
also another type of
similar to our real
world but with added
science fiction. magical elements portrays a world very
which are considered much like ours, with all
“natural” in which the the elements created
story takes place as truthful as it can be
as it happens in our
genres of
Short Shorter in length than a novel, a short story is a

01 story
fictional prose work which usually focuses on one
plot, one main character (with a few additional
minor characters), and one central theme.

A novel is a narrative prose work of considerable

02 Novel length that talks about significant human

Derived from the Greek mythos, which has a range

of meanings from “word,” through “saying” and

03 Myth “story,” to “fiction,” a myth is a symbolic narrative

of unknown origin and tells events which are partly
traditional and associated
with religious beliefs.

04 Legend A legend is traditional tale which is thought to

have historical bases.

is an instructive story about human social

05 Fable behaviour with personified animals or natural

objects as characters and always ends with an
explicit moral message.
Poetry is a means of sharing
experiences, telling a story, or
expressing feelings or ideas through
the use of language in a particular
way. As opposed to prose writing,
poetry in written form has a
distinct structure and words may
form patterns of sound, verse or
There are some distinctive characteristics of poetry
which sets it apart from prose:

A. B.
the visual patterning the frequent
of lines of unequal division into stanzas
and shorter length (verses)

C. D.
the possibility of the distinctive use of
unusual shapes, and white space which
draws our eye into
the compressed
essence of feelings
and ideas.
To make meaning out of poems, two broad
approaches can be used:
A. e Poem
It tells a story with an orientation, complication,
crisis, and resolution, or

Lyrical It conveys an experience, or ideas, thoughts or

B. Poem
feelings about a subject without necessarily
having ‘something happen.’
The Iliad by Homer
Sing, Goddess, Achilles' rage,

Black and murderous, that cost the Greeks

Incalculable pain, pitched countless souls

Of heroes into Hades' dark,

And left their bodies to rot as feasts

For dogs and birds, as Zeus' will was done.

Begin with the clash between Agamemnon-

The Greek warlord - and godlike Achilles.

T. E. Hulme, ‘Autumn’.

A touch of cold in the Autumn night—

I walked abroad,
And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge
Like a red-faced farmer.
I did not stop to speak, but nodded,
And round about were the wistful stars
With white faces like town children.
Different forms of Poetry
a five line poem that follows a
a narrative poem which pattern and does not rhyme.
tells a dramatic story in The cinquain consists of five
four-line stanza with a lines of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 2
regular beat. syllables respectively.

Acrostic Ballad Chant
is a poem of no fixed
a poem which form, but in which one
consists of vertical or more lines are
first letters name of repeated over and over.
the topic while the It is usually meant to
horizontal words be spoken aloud
describe the topic.
Different forms of Poetry
a seven line poem in which the first It is a long narrative
and last lines are opposites or poem on a subject
contrasts. It is written in the shape which is thought to be
of a diamond. great and serious.

Comic Diaman
Elegy Epic
a poem that a poem of mourning
involves humor and to someone’s death.
makes sense.
Different forms of Poetry Originated in Japan and often tells
about nature, it consists of three
a poem with a short unrhymed lines containing 17 syllables
inscription carved on a (5, 7, 5) and portrays a single idea or
tombstone (or written with feeling while having a strong visual
that context in mind) imagery.

Epigra Free
Epitaph Haiku
m verse
It is a short and pointed a poetry that does not conform to
poem, often a witty particular schemes or patterns of
statement in verse or rhyme, meter or form because it
prose which may be doesn’t follow strict rules it has
complimentary, satiric or flexibility.
Different forms of Poetry
It tells a story with an
is usually brief and orientation, complication
lends itself to comic and resolution eg nursery
effects. rhymes.

Light Limeric Narrativ

k e
a poem that is cheerful,
Concerned with feelings and thoughts rather
airy and light-hearted, it than action or narrative, it usually
often describes everyday represents and reflects on a single
events and uses language experience, is intensely personal, and its
of the speaking voice rhythms often have a musical flexibility.
Different forms of Poetry
It indirectly describes a
Usually having regular rhymes, person, place, thing or idea
strong rhythms and repetition, it and can be any length and
could be described as jingles for usually has a rhyming
children, scheme.

Nonsense Nursery
verse rhyme Ode Riddle
Categorized as light verse that Usually celebrating a person,
has structure and rhyme and animal or object, an ode is
invented words, it is often written without the
characterized by fantastic constraints of formal structure
themes, absurd images, artificial or rhyme.
language and humor. 18
Different forms of Poetry
a fixed form, usually containing
a lyric poem that five three-line stanzas and a four-
has fourteen lines of line stanza, with only two rhymes
five beats each. throughout.

Song Villanel
Sonnet Tanka
lyric le
a poem that has A type of Japanese poem similar to
been set to music. haiku, it consists of five lines with the
first and third lines usually having five
syllables and the others seven, making
it a total of 31.
is a composition in either
verse or prose presenting a
story through pantomime or
dialogue. It contains conflict
of characters, particularly
the ones who perform in
front of the audience on the
Four distinct types of Drama
A. B.
Comedy Tragedy
a type of dramatic One of the oldest
presentation which forms of drama,
intends to make the tragedy exposes the
audience laugh plight and suffering
through well-composed of humans to the
humorous elements. audience.
Four distinct types of Drama
Melodram D.
a Drama
This type of drama the story is told
uses a technique through acting and
marked by surge of dialogue, as well as
feelings since through dance and
melodrama music, as well. The
highlights story may be
exaggeration of comedic, though it
emotions. may also involve
serious subjects.
Other forms of Literary
Other forms of
Literary Journals
Genres both contain records
of experiences by its

2. Memoirs
an author’s narrative of his
or her experiences, which
makes it similar to an

3. Speeches
“the communication
or expression of
thoughts in spoken
Ms. Lyka Marie C. Cuachin - Creative Nonfiction
Does anyone have any questions?
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created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon,
and infographics & images by Freepik

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