Integrated Management System

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ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 45001:2018

4.Context Of The Organization

4.1. Understanding The Organization And its Context

The ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 these are standards determines internal
and external issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affects ability to achieve intended result
, but ISO 45001:2018 is not only determine internal and external issue but also used to establish,
implement ,maintain and continually improve its OH&S management system. These
Internal and external issues are as:

a) External issue, such as:

1) The cultural,social,political,financial,legal,technological,economical and

natural surrounding and marketing competition ,whether international,national,releginal or
2) Introduction of new competitors, contractors, subcontractors,suppliers,
partners and providers, new technologies,new laws and the emergence of new occupations.
3) New knowledge on products and their effect on health and safety.
4) Key driver and trends relevant to the industry or sector having impact on
an organization.
5) Relationship with, as well as perceptions and values of, its external 2
interested parties.
6) Change in relation to any of the above.
b) Internal issue, such as:

1) Governance ,organizational structure, roles and accountabilities.

2) Policies, objectives and strategies that are in place to achieve them.
3) The capabilities understood in terms of resources, knowledge and
e.g. capital ,time ,human resources,processes,system and technologies).
4) Information system, information flows and decision making(both formal
& informal).
5) Introduction of new product,materials,services,tools,software,premises
and equipment.
6) Relationship with, as well as perceptions and value of workers.
7) The culture in organization.
8) Standard ,guidelines and models adopted by an organization.
9) The form and extent of contractual relationship,including,for example,
outsourced activities.
10) Working time arrangement.
11) Working conditions.
12) Changes in relation to any of the above.
4.2. Understanding Needs And Expectation Of Interested Parties
1) In ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 interested parties
that are relevant to the management system.
2) Interested parties in ISO 45000:2018 includes: legal and regulatory
authorities, parent organization ,suppliers, contractors and subcontractors, workers
representative and employee organization, owners, shareholders, client, visitors, local
community,neighbours of association, general public ,non governmental
organization ,occupational health and safety organization ,occupational safety and health
care professionals.

4.3. Determining The Scope Of Management System

The management system of these three standards are same.
1) ISO 9001:2015,ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 these organizations shall
establish, implement, maintain and continually improve management system, including
the process needed and their interaction, in accordance with the requirement of the
international standard.
2)The standards determines input required and the output excepted from these
process. It also determines the sequence and interaction of their processes.
3) In ISO 45001:2018 retains the authority, accountability and autonomy to 4
decide how it will fulfil the requirement of this document, including the level of detail.
5.1. Leadership and commitment :
1) The leadership and commitment from the organization’s top management,
including awareness, taking accountability for the effectiveness, resource management,
ensuring policies and objectives, communication, effectiveness, responsiveness, active
support and feedback of the management system and achieve of its intended outcomes.
2) In ISO 9001:2015 is mainly focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is

5.2. Policy
The ISO 9001:2015,ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards are having
3 different policies: Quality policy , Environmental policy and OH&S policy.
The top management shall establish, implement and maintain an policies within
defining scope of management system:
1) It is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization, including
nature, scale and environmental impact of its activities, product and services.
2) It also provide framework for the organization to set objectives and then take
action to achieve the intended outcomes of management system.
3) Including commitment to satisfy applicable requirement and continual 5
improvement of management system.
4) The policies shall be maintained as documented information and to be available to
interested parties.
5) In developing OH&S policy, an organization should consider its consistency and
coordination with other policies.

5.3. Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities:

1) Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant
roles are assigned and communicated within the organization.
2 Management system conform to the requirement of this International Standards.
It ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended output.
3) It ensuring that the integrity of the management system is maintained.
4) Top management being accountable means being answerable for decision and
activities to the organizations governing bodies , legal authorities and more broadly it’s
interested parties.

5.4. Consultation and participation of workers

The consultation and participation of workers and where they exist, workers
representative can be key factor of success for an OH&S management system and should
be encouraged through the process established by an organization. 6
Consultation implies a two way communication involving dialogue and
exchange.Consulation involves timely provisions of the information necessary for
workers and where they exist ,workers representative ,to give informed feedback to be
considered by the organization before making decision.
Participation enables worker to contribute to decision making process on
OH&S performance measure and proposed changes.
Feedback on the OH&S management system is dependent upon workers
participation. The organization should ensure workers at all levels are encouraged to
report hazardous situation, so that preventive measures can be put in place and corrective
action taken.
The reception of suggestion will be more effective if workers do not fear the
threat of dismissal disciplinary action or other such reprisal when making them.

6. Planning

6.1. Action to address risks and opportunities

6.1.1. General
When planning for the management system ,the organization shall consider the
issue and requirement and determine the risk and opportunities that are need to be addressed :
1) It give assurance that the management system can achieve its intended results.
2) Prevent and reduce undesired effects can include work related injury and ill
health,noncompliances with legal requirements or other requirement.
3) Achieve continual improvement.
4) Planning considers the relationship and interaction between the activities and
requirement for whole management system.
Example of opportunities to improve management system p performance :
1) Inspection and auditing functions.
2) Job hazard analysis and task-related assessment.
3) Permit to work and other recognition and control methods.
4) Incidence investigation and corrective actions.
5) Improve facilities, process re-design, equipment, replacement of machinery, use
new technology.

6.1.2. Hazard identification and assessment of risk and opportunities
Conceptually similar to environmental aspect and impact – target of
management system. Much more detailed than the ISO 14001:2015 standard.
 Assessment much addressed:
1) Routine and non-routine activities.
2) All personal including contractors and visitors.
3) Facilities at workplace, whether provided by organization or by users.
 Methodology must be proactive:
1) In advance of process/equipment changes.
2) Allow engineering of hazard control during design.
3) Implementation of control as change occurs.
 Success required strong management of change procedure
1)Process review
a) Identification of hazards.
b) Evaluation of risk under current control.
c) Evaluation of tolerability of the residual risk.
d) Identification of needed additional controls.
2) People are involved
a) Significant risk must be controlled.
b) Individual behavior is a significant factors.

6.2. Objectives And Planning

Conceptually all the objectives and planning of three standards are same. The
organization shall establish objectives at relevant function, levels and processes needed
for the management system.
The objectives as following:
1) consistency,measurable,monitored,communication,updated as appropriately,
be relevant to conformity of products and services and to enhancement of customer
2) In ISO 45001:2018 consisting of three levels of objectives that are:
a) Strategic Objectives : It can be set to improve overall performance of
OH&S management system.
b) Tactical Objectives : It can be set at facility, project or process levels.
c) Operational Objectives : It can be set at the activity levels.
3) The measurement of OH&S management system is qualitative or quantitative. 10
When planning how to achieve its objectives, organization shall determines:
1) What will be done.
2) What resources will be required.
3) Who will be responsible.
4) When it will be completed.
5) How result will be evaluated.
In case of planning changes then organization shall consider:
1) The purpose of changes and their potential consequence.
2) The integrity, availability of resources and allocation of responsibilities and

7. Support
7.1. Resources
The resources include human,infrastructure,natural,technology and financial.

7.2. Competence
1) The organization shall determine necessary competency of workers that affect on
management system.
2) The workers are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training or experience.
3) The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of

7.3. Awareness
The organization control are aware of :
1) Management system policies and objectives.
2) Their contribution to the effectiveness of the management system including the
benefits of improve management system performance.
3) Incident, the outcomes of investigation,hazards,risks and actions determined that
are relevant to them.
7.4. Communication
The organization determines internal and external communications relevant to
management system.
1) The organization shall internal communicate information relevant to
management system among various levels and functions of the organizations including
changes in management system.
2) The organization shall externally communicate information relevant to
management system as established by organization’s communication process and taking
legal requirement and other requirement.

7.5. Documented Information

1) The organization’s management system shall include documented
information required by the international standards.
2) The documented information determined by organization is being
necessary for the effectiveness of the management system.
3) Documented information includes creating, updating and control of
documented information.
8. Operation
8.1.Operational planning and control
The organization shall maintain,implement,control the processes that are
needed to management system requirement and implement action determined by:
1) Establishing operating criteria for the processes.
2) Maintain processes for the elimination of hazards and reduction of risk.
3) Establish a processes for implementation and control of planned
temporary and permanent changes.
4) Determine resource needed to achieve conformity to the product and
service requirement.
5) maintain processes to control procurement of product and services.

8.2. to 8.7. Clauses are in only ISO 9001:2015 Standard

8.2. Requirement for product and services
1) In ISO 9001:2015 standards including communication with customer for
providing information relating to product ,services, handling enquiries,orders,including
changes, customer feedback related to service and product etc.
2) Also determining the requirement of product. 14
3) Reviewing the requirements for product & services.
4) Review and changes of the requirements for product and services.
5) The whole organization shall retain documented information.

8.3. Design and development of product and services

1) In ISO 9001:2015 standard organization shall maintain ,implement a design and
development process for the subsequent provision of product and services.
2) In this standard ,it determine the stages and controls for design and
3) Organization shall determine the requirements such as functional and
performance requirement, statutory and regulatory requirement etc.
4) Validation and verification can conducted to ensure that the design and
development output meet with input requirement.
5) Identify, review and control the changes in design and development.

8.4. Control of externally provided processes ,products and services

1) The product and service are provided directly to the customers by external
provider. The organization shall determine the control to be applied to externally provided
process, product and services.
2) The organization provide control to both external provider and those it intends
to apply to the resulting outputs.
3) The organization shall communicate to external providers. The organization shall 15
retain documented information.
8.5. Production and service provision
1) Organization shall implement production and service provision under
controlled condition.
2) The organization shall identify the status of output with respect to monitoring
and measurement requirement throughout production and service provision.
3) Organization shall identify,verify,protect an external provider property
provided for use into the product and service.
4) Organization shall ensuring preserving and post-delivering activities.
5) The organization shall review and control changes for production or service
provision, to extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with requirement.

8.6. Release the products and services

1) The organization shall implement planned requirement to verify that the
product and service requirement have been met.
2) The release of product and service to the customer shall not proceed until the
planned arrangement has not satisfactory completed, unless otherwise approved by a
relevant authority and as applicable by the customer.

8.7. Control of nonconforming outputs
1) The organization shall deal with nonconforming outputs such as
correction,segregation,informing the customer ,obtaining authorization etc.
2) The organization shall retain information in documented form such as
describes non-conformity, which actions taken , describe which concession
obtained,identify authority deciding the action etc.

8.8. Emergency preparedness and response

1) In ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards can include
natural ,technical and man-made events that occur inside and outside normal working

9. Performance Evaluation
9.1. Monitoring ,measurement ,analysis and evaluation
1) To achieve intended outcomes of the management system , the method for
monitored, measured ,analyzed and evaluation needed to ensure valid results.
2) The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as
evidence of the results.
3) Organization shall monitor customer perceptions of the degree to which their
needs and expectation have been fulfilled.
4) The organization shall maintain knowledge and understanding of its
compliance status.

9.2. Internal Audit

1) The internal audit programme should be based on the complexity and level of
maturity of the management system.
2) The organization shall conduct internal audit at planned interval to provide
information on whether the management system conform the requirement of the
international standards.
3) Organization shall define scope and audit criteria for each audit.
4) The organization shall select auditors and conduct audit to ensure objectivity. 18
5) Result of audits are reported to relevant management.
9.3. Measurement review
1) The management review should be understood suitability, adequacy and
2) Management review should consider the status of action from previous
management review.
3) Also consider changes in internal and external issue , needs and
expectations, risk and opportunities etc.
4) The output of the management review shall include conclusion, actions ,
decision, opportunities to improve integration etc.

10. Improvement
10.1. General
1) The organization shall consider result from analysis.
2) The organization shall include improving product and service to meet
requirement as well as to address future needs and expectations.
3) Correcting ,preventing or reducing undesired effects.
4) Improving performance and effectiveness of the management system.

10.2. Non-Conformity and corrective actions

1) The organization shall react to the nonconformity and as applicable to take
action to control and correct it.
2) The organization shall take action to eliminate the cause of nonconformity, in
order to does not recur.
3) Organization shall implement any action needed and also make changes in
management system.
4) In ISO 45001:2018 may exist for incident investigation including broken
leg ,hearing loss, damage to building or vehicles etc.

10.3. Continual improvement
1) The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the management system.
2) The continual improvement issue include new technology , good
practices ,internal and external organization , suggestion from interested parties, new
knowledge, changes in work process etc.

IMS Policy
Astec 's ambition is to reinforce its place among the world leaders in manufacturing of Organic Chemicals and Intermediates for
pharmaceuticals and Agrochemical Industries, and become a leader in all QHSE and Responsible Care aspects amongst its
peers. Astec’ s QHSE management system aims to ensure the Health and Safety of its personnel, its contractors and its
industrial site neighbours and to respect the Environment. This ambition is in line with the Godrej Group commitment, in
particular to its Sustainable Development and Health and Safety policies, aims to establish balanced and constructive
relationships with its customers and all stakeholders. All Astec companies and joint ventures under our full operational control
must manage QHSE in line with this policy.
For effective QHSE management, Astec is committed to:
Take care of people (employees, contractors, stakeholders) by preventing accidents, avoiding health risks and striving for
continuous improvement of the health and safety working conditions.
Comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to QHSE in force anywhere Astec develops and operates its activities
Prevent major industrial risks by maintaining full integrity of our facilities.
Minimize our environmental footprint through pollution prevention and limited natural resource consumption.
Treat our customers as equals and create innovative and performing products satisfying our clients’ demand.
Provide adequate resources to ensure a high level QHSE culture which is shared by all employees and contractors.
Communicate in a transparent way by favouring exchanges with stakeholders
Play a leading role in promoting best practices in our industries
Review and revise this QHSE policy statement at regular intervals as necessary
In this way Astec and its management aims to have a QHSE performance we can be proud of, to earn the confidence of
customers, shareholders and society at large, to behave as a good neighbour and contribute to Sustainable Development. Astec
encourages its partners and contractors to adopt its health, safety and environmental protection policies in line with this
Director Declaration:
The business success of Astec depends on our ability to continually improve the quality of our product and services while
protecting people and the environment. Emphasis must be placed on ensuring human health, industrial safety, environmental
protection, quality enhancement, and continual performance improvement. This policy is in the best interests of our employees,
our customers and subcontractors, our stakeholders, and the communities in which we live and work.
Date:02/05/2018 22

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