Parts of Speech: Presented By: Muhammad Ammar Abdullah 2023

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Muhammad Ammar Abdullah

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

The parts of speech indicates how the word
functions in meaning as well as grammatically
within the sentence. Understanding parts of
speech is essential for determining the correct
definition of a word when using the dictionary.

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

The Components of PARTS OF SPEECH
There are eight components of Parts of Speech :

Nouns Adverbs
Pronouns Prepositions
Verbs Conjunctions
Adjectives Interjections

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

A noun is a word that represents a person, thing, concept, or place.
Most sentences contain at least one noun or pronoun.
Types of nouns are:
Common nouns
Proper nouns
Countable nouns
Uncountable nouns
Singular nouns
Plural nouns
Possesive nouns

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

Pronouns is a word that is used to replace
a noun in order to avoid repetition or
repetition. There are 4 types of pronouns:

1. Personal pronouns
2. Demonstrative pronouns
3. Interrogative pronouns
4. Possesive pronouns

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

Verbs is a form of a verb that functions to describe an
action or situation directly or indirectly, seen or not seen.

There are 5 componens of verbs are:

1. Action verbs (are verbs in the form); run, swim, read
2. Stative verbs (are verbs that refer to a condition); love, know, want
3. Intransitive verbs (are verbs that dont decribe the direct object); lives, sounds
4. Linking verbs (are verbs to connects subjects and adverbs); be, become, seem
5. Modal verbs (are verbs that used to show ability, possibility); can, will, shall

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

Adverbs are verbs to explain or provide additional
information about adjectives, verbs, sentences, or the
adverb itself. However, adverbs never describe a noun.
The types of adverbs are :

Adverb of times
Adverb of manners
Adverb of degrees
Adverb of modalities
Adverb of places

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

The types of adjectives are :
Adjectives are adjectives to
 Absolute adjectives; dead, alive, starving.
explain, describe, or limit
 Attributive adjectives; fat, slim, handmade.
pronouns or nouns that are still
 Predicative adjectives; be, become, grow, look.
general. This adjective is usually
placed after the noun.  Appositive adjectives; tall, slim, strong.

 Compound adjectives; well-known, slowly.

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023


Preposition is a preposition Prepositions are divided into

that functions to show the five types, there are:
relationship in space or time • Preposition of times
between one thing and
• Preposition of places
another. Prepositions function
to connect nouns with  Preposition of movements
pronouns to form phrases that • Preposition of manners
modify other words.

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023


Conjunctions are words that are used to unite equivalent language units
(connecting words with words, phrases with phrases, clauses with
clauses, sentences with sentence).

The types of conjunction are:

Since, although,
A. Subordinate conjunctions

B. Coordinate conjunctions For, not, yet, so

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023


Interjection is a word For example :

to express emotions wow, hey, oops, oy,
for a situation. omg

WOWW !!!

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

Parts of Speech is a part of English
grammar in the form of a
So, whats
So, whats the
the classification of words which are
conclutions of
conclutions of divided into several categories based
on their role and function in the
Parts of
Parts of structure of a sentence.
Speech ??
There are 8 components of Parts of
Speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adverbs, adjectives, prepositions,
conjunctions and interjections.

Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023


Prepared by : Muhammad Ammar Abdullah, February 2023

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