What Do We Mean by Racism?

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•What do we mean by Racism? 

•Different forms or types of Racism

•The reasons why Racism still exist

•Where and when does Racism happen?

•How Racism affect our daily lives?

• Solutions and ways to prevent Racism

- it is the belief that group of humans possess
different behavioral traits corresponding to
physical appearance and can be divided based on
the superiority of one race over another.

Racism is
What are the Different types of racism?
•Individual or Internalized Racism
This is racism that exists within individuals. It is when one holds
negatives ideas about his/her own culture, even if unknowingly.
Xenophobic feelings or one’s internalized sense of oppression/privilege
are two examples of individual or internalized racism.
•Interpersonal Racism
This is the racism that occurs between individuals. It is the holding of negative
attitudes toward a different race or culture. Interpersonal racism often follows a
victim/perpetrator Model.
•Structural Racism
Structural racism to the ways in which the joint operation of institutions.
Indicators of structural racism include power inequalities, unequal access to
opportunities, and differing policy outcomes by race.
•Institutional Racism
It is refers to institutional and cultural practices that perpetuate racial
inequality. Benefits are structured to advantages powerful groups as the
expense of others.
Why Racism still exist? 
•Self interest
Many experts believes self-interest is the root or cause of racist beliefs.
•Good people who don’t challenge Racism
One of the main reason why racist ideas continue to flourish is that good
people don’t speak out against it.
•Media Representation
Media is a reflection of a culture large, it keeps racial stereotypes alive and
therefore fuels racism.
•Living in an echo chamber
Only interacting with people who share the same beliefs is an root cause
of racism for individuals.
•Failing to recognize racism in oneself
Many believes that racism can only look like slavery, segregation, or 
specifically-negative and blatant references to race.
•Quick Judgements 
People are very quick to judge others based on their appearance, their
clothing, how they talk, and other physical traits.
Where and when does racism happen? 
How Racism affect our daily lives?

Solutions and ways to prevent Racism
• Many individuals find racism to be a
sensitive and difficult topic to
discuss. However, it is important
that we all play a role in reducing
prejudice and making the a world a
better place.  
1. Make a Change in your
2. Promote Minority Rights
3. Address where Racism takes place
4. Educate yourself regarding to
To sum up, racism is a societal issue that
affects individual's mental health and well-being.
This act requires immediate action since racial
inequalities continue to divide generations. It
might also result in increased violence inside the
countries. Therefore, racism must be stop
because no race is superior to another. All races
have equal opportunities as other races. 

Have you ever been experienced racism or you have

been a racist? 

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