Fib and Binet

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Fibonacci Sequence,

Binet’s Formula, Golden

Ratio, & Golden Rectangle
Prepared by
Dr. Mayette L. Aromin
• Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci
(1170–1240 or 1250) was an
Italian number theorist. He
introduced the world to such
wide-ranging mathematical
concepts as what is now
known as the Arabic
numbering system, the
concept of square roots,
number sequencing, and
even math word problems.
• The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of
numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... 
• Each number in a sequence is a called a term
• Succeeding term is derived from adding the
number from its previous.
• e.g. 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8 ….
• But if the term to be obtained is already large or
farther from the initial it will be tedious to do it
manually, hence we need to subscribe to a
formula for an easier and faster way of
determining the value of a term.
• Thus, we have the Binet’s formula
Binet Formula
• The Binet’s formula is used in
determining the nth term in a
Fibonacci Sequence.
• The formula was published
by Jacques Philippe Marie
Binet in 1843 
Binet’s Formula
(Expanded and
Operating the Binet Formula

• How to operate the Binet’s Formula in a calculator.

Determine the 20th term
in a Fibonacci

The Golden Ratio
• Golden Ratio, also known as the golden
section, golden mean, or divine proportion, in
mathematics, the irrational number (1 +
Square root of√5)/2, often denoted by the
Greek letter ϕ or τ, which is approximately
equal to 1.618.
• The golden ratio of 1.618 is important to
mathematicians, scientists, and naturalists for
centuries which is derived from the Fibonacci
sequence. The essential part is that as the
numbers get larger, the quotient between
each successive pair of Fibonacci
numbers approximates 1.618, or its
inverse 0.618.
Golden Rectangle
• A golden rectangle is a
rectangle whose sides are
proportioned according to the
golden ratio, which is 1.618. In
other words, the long side is
1.618 times the size of the
short side.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Golden Rectangle
• It is a rectangle in which the ratio of the longer
sides to the shorter side is the golden ratio. This
rectangle is thought to be very pleasing thus
often been used by artists and architects.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

• Let us watch this short video clip discussing
Video Golden Ratio and Golden Rectangle
Watching •
• You need short bond paper and a ruler
• Work with a pair
• Choose 3 body parts.
Activity: • Measure the longer and the shorter part of it
Golden Ratio to determine the golden ratio of such body
• Submit the paper with the name of paired

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