1 Sam 22-31

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1 Samuel

1In 1Samuel 22 22, David left Gath and fled
Samuel Chapter
to the Adullam cave. His brothers as well as his
father’s relatives went to see him and David then
became their commander. He commanded
approximately 400 men.
He then went to Mizpah and asked the king if his
parents could stay until he learned what the Lord
would do for him. His parents were allowed to
stay. Gad, the prophet, told David to go to Judah,
Saul Confronts
Saul learnedAhimelek
about David and his men. The
king asked his own men why they had
conspired against him and why they were
not concerned about him. Doeg the
Edomite told Saul that Ahimelek had given
David not only provisions, but also
Goliath’s sword. Saul sent for Ahimelek
and also the men in his family.
Saul Confronts
Then SaulAhimelek
asked Ahimelek why he had
conspired against him. Ahimelek told him
not to accuse him or any of his family
because Saul did not understand the
situation. Saul told him that he would die
along with his entire family. Saul ordered
his guards to kill all of the priests because
they had sided with David.
Saul Orders a
Saul’s officials did not lift a
hand to harm God’s priests. Saul
told Doeg to kill them and he
did. Doeg killed 85 priests. He
also killed everyone in Nob plus
all of its sheep, donkeys and
cattle. Abiathar, Ahimelek’s son,
escaped and left to join David.
Saul Orders a
Abiathar told him that Saul had all of the
priests put to death. David told him he knew
that Doeg would tell Saul about him. He
then told him that it was his fault that
Abiathar’s family had died. David asked
him to stay and not to be fearful because the
man that wanted to kill him also wanted to
kill David, too.
1 Samuel Chapter
23starts with David
1 Samuel Chapter 23
saving Keilah when he found that the
Philistines were fighting against Keilah.
He was told that the place was being
David Prays for Help
David asked the Lord what he should do and
God told him to attack the Philistines and save
Keilah. However, his men told him that they
were already afraid in Judah and they were
even more afraid to face the Philistines in
Keilah. The Lord reassured David that he will
give the Philistines to his hand, and that they
should not be afraid. They went down and did
as the Lord said and they were able to save the
Saul Continues Pursuing
Saul found out that David went to Keilah
and tried to pursue him. He thought that
the Lord had sent David into his hands as
he was entering a place with gates and
bars. He told all his men to go down to
Keilah and capture David. However,
David found out that Saul was again
plotting against him.
David SeekstheGod’s
then sought Lord for Help
help. He was told
that the people of Keilah were going to surrender
him and his men to Saul, therefore he made his
escape. When Saul reached the destination,
David was already in the wilderness. He asked
around to find out where David was. He was told
that David was very crafty, but he was still
confident he could get information on his
David Seeks God’s Help
David and his men went to the Desert of Maon,
and soon Saul was on his tracks. Only one
mountain separated David and his men from Saul
and his men. As soon as Saul was closing in on
David, a messenger distracted him by saying that
the Philistines were raiding the land. He then
broke his pursuit of David and headed a different
1 Samel
Chapter 24
Saul was informed that David was in the En Gedi
Desert. Saul then took 3,000 young men to go and
look for David and all of his men. Along the way,
Saul went into a cave where David and his men
were hiding. David was able to sneak up
undetected and he cut off a part of Saul’s robe.
David Does
David then Not
felt guilty Harm
about this, andSaul
he told
his men that God did not want him to do this
to Saul, who was his master, because he was
anointed by God. He did not let his men
attack Saul, and so Saul left. As Saul was
leaving, David called to him. David bowed
before Saul and told him that he
acknowledged Saul has his master.
He Confronts
told Saul Saulhis life and
that he had spared
that he would not harm him. David told him
that he had only cut a part of his robe and
that proved that David was not guilty of
trying to kill him. David then asked Saul
why he was hunting him down. He told Saul
that God would judge them and also decide
Saul Breaks Down
Saul asked David to swear to him that he
would not wipe out his descendants or
remove his name from his father’s family.
David gave his promise to Saul. After that,
Saul went back home, and David, along
with his men, went to the stronghold.
Saul Breaks Down
After David was finished speaking, Saul
asked if that was really David’s voice he
was hearing. Saul wept and told David that
he was more righteous than him. He told
David that he had treated him well, better
than Saul had treated David. Saul then told
David that he knew he would be the king of
1 Samuel Chapter 25
Samuel died in the beginning of 1 Samuel
Chapter 25 and everyone in Israel mourned him.
He was buried in Ramah. David then moved to
the Desert of Paran. A Calebite named Nabal had
property there. He was married to Abigail who
was beautiful and intelligent. Nabal was a very
wealthy man who owned many sheep. He was
also a surly, unpleasant man.
David is Angry at Nabal
David had his men tell Nabal that all of his
shepherds were treated very well by his men
and to offer his greetings to him. Nabal asked
them who David was and why he should give
them any food. The men then told David what
Nabal had said. David ordered all of his men
to go with him to see Nabal. He was angry that
he had protected Nabal’s herd and had
Abigail Meets with
A servant of Nabal spoke with Abigail. He told her
how well-treated they had been by David and that
there could be problems if he was not treated with
respect. Abigail had her servants take food to
David without telling her husband. She followed
her servants and when she met David, she bowed
down before him.
Abigail Meets with
Abigail asked David to ignore her wicked
husband. She told him that the Lord would bless
him with success and to remember that she was
his servant. David blessed her for keeping him
from bloodshed. David told her if she had not
come to see him that none of Nabal’s males would
have lived. He then accepted the food she had
provided for him and told her to go in peace.
Nabal’s Heart Fails
When Abigail arrived back home, her husband
was very drunk. She did not tell him what she
had done until the next day. When he was
sober, she told him everything and then his
heart failed. Nabal died ten days later. When
David found out, he had his messengers ask
Abigail if she would become his wife. She
agreed to and went with the messengers to
become David’s wife. David was also married
1 Samuel
Chapter 26
Saul was at Gibeah when the Ziphites
came to him and asked if David was
hiding on Hakilah Hill facing Jeshimon.
Saul decided to take 3,000 Israelite
soldiers to the Desert of Ziph and look
David Hides from Saul
David thought Saul was there and remained
in hiding. He sent four scouts to be sure, and
once he knew Saul was there, he made for
Saul’s camp with the Hittite called Ahimelek
and Joab’s brother, Abishai. David asked
which one of them would accompany him
into the camp, and Abishai said he would.
David Spares Saul’s Life
David and Abishai entered the camp under
the cover of darkness and found Saul
sleeping. His spear was secured in the soil
beside his head. The soldiers, including
Abner, slept all around. Abishai said that
God had delivered Saul and his army to
David and that they should run Saul
through with one thrust of his own spear.
David Spares Saul’s Life
David did not want to do this because Saul
was said to be anointed by God, so the time
of Saul’s death should be left to God to
determine. He said they should just steal
Saul’s spear and jug of water and leave, so
that is what they did. They left the camp
undetected because the Lord had caused Saul
and all his soldiers to sleep deeply.
Once David and Calls to Saul
Abishai were well away
from the camp, David called out Abner’s
name loudly and Abner replied, wondering
who was calling. David questioned Abner
as to why he had not awakened when
someone was right there in the camp
stealing the king’s water jug and spear.
Saul heard David, recognized him and
David Calls to
David confirmed hisSaul
identity and asked Saul
why he was chasing him. He asked what he had
done wrong. David wondered if it was the Lord
or mere people who had urged Saul to pursue
him. He said that if it was the Lord, he would
make an offering. If it was people, they should
be cursed because now David was separated
from his home and his inheritance and was
Saul Apologizes to
Saul realized he had been foolish and sinned and
called to David to come to him. He was grateful that
David had spared his life; therefore, he swore not to
hurt him. David said that Saul should send a soldier to
come and get Saul’s spear. He said that he knew the
Lord would reward him for sparing Saul’s life by
protecting David’s life. Saul blessed David and
wished for him to accomplish great things and enjoy a
great deal of triumph. Following this, Saul returned
Samuel Chapter
of 1 Samuel Chapter 27
27 talks
about how David dealt with his
opposition. David felt that he was not
safe around King Saul and that Saul
may kill him one day. So he flew to the
king of Gath, Achish, who welcomed
him, and gave him a Ziklag to live in,
where he lived for one year and four
Saul Stops Hunting David
But David said to himself, “One day I shall be
killed by the hands of Saul. The wisest thing for
me is to take refuge in the territory of the
Philistines. Then King Saul will stop hunting me
down throughout the land of Israel, and I will flee
from him.” David and his men flew to Achish, the
king of Gath. They all settled in the land of Gath
with King Achish. When King Saul heard that
David had fled to the land of Gath, he stopped
David Asks for Land
David pleads with King Achish and asks for
a place to live if he has found favor in the
king’s eyes. He says that since he is simply
a servant of the king, he does not deserve to
live in the royal town, but rather a smaller
and more modest area.
David Asks for Land
Achish felt the propriety of David’s proposal and
thus appoints him a Ziklag on that day. David
and his men lived in Philistine land for one year
and four months. They looted the Girzites, the
Geshurites, and the Amalekites. Whenever he
raided a place, he would leave no one alive. He
would take camels, donkeys, sheep, cattle and
David’s Looting
When David comes back to Achish, he asked David
where he looted that day. David would respond with
the appropriate answer, such as the Negeb of Judah or
the Negeb of Kenites, or one of the other places that he
and his men looted.
He saved neither a man nor a woman alive to be taken
to Gath because he thought that they would tell others
about what he had done to them. Such was David’s
practice as long as he lived in the land of the
1 Samuel Chapter 28
The Philistines had gathered their army to
battle against Israel. Achish told David that
all of his men were to join his army. David
informed him that he would now see what
his faithful servant could do for him. Achish
then made David his bodyguard for life.
Saul Prepares for
Samuel was now dead and Saul had
expelled all of the spiritualists and the
mediums from the land. The Philistines set
up camp at Shunem and Saul set up his
camp at Gilboa. Saul became very afraid
when he discovered the Philistine army. He
then told his attendants to find a female
medium. They told him there was one in
Saul Consults with a
Saul then disguised himself by wearing other
clothes. During the night he went to see the
woman with two of his men. He told her to talk
to a certain spirit for him. But she told him that
Saul had cut off spiritualists and mediums from
the land. She asked him why he had set a trap
that would cause her death. He swore to her that
she would not be punished. He then asked her to
When The
she sawMedium’s Vision
Samuel, she yelled out asking
him why he had deceived her because she
then knew he was Saul. He told her not to be
afraid and he also wanted to know what she
had seen. She told him that she had seen a
ghostly figure that was wearing a robe. Saul
then realized it was Samuel. Samuel asked
Saul why he had disturbed him. Saul told
him about the Philistines and that the Lord
Samuel Speaks to Saul
Samuel told him that God had taken the land
away from him because he did not obey by
fighting against the Amalekites. Samuel told
him that God will give Israel to the Philistines.
Saul fell to the ground and the woman offered
him some food so he would have strength to
leave. Saul told her he would not eat and then
his men also urged him to eat. The woman
gave all of the men food and that night they
1 Samuel Chapter 29
The background of 1 Samuel Chapter 29 is on
the battle between the Philistines and the
Israelites. They encamp in different areas and
we learn that the captains of the Philistines
refused to allow David to join them in battle.
They were worried that he might betray them.
Achish, however, showed that he believed
Achish Trusts
Achish’s words David
in this chapter focus on
the fact that he found nothing wrong
with David or his actions. He was
willing to trust him. But in this case,
David was not being trusted by the
majority and thus he was not allowed to
fight against the enemies of the
Possible Outcomes of the
Had the Philistine lords accepted that David join them
in the battle against the Israelites, he would have ended
in a difficult situation. If he had fought for the
Philistines, he would have been fighting against his
own country and God.
However, if he had gone over to the Israelites, he
would have looked deceitful to Achish, who had been
very hospitable to him. Either way, David would have
been disgraced, which helps portray how God’s mercy
Achish Sends David
The leaders of the Philistine army are furious with
Achish for bringing David into their camp. Because he
has killed so many Philistines, they consider him their
enemy. They tell Achish to send him away, which Achish
David, however, questions why he cannot stay if, as
Achish says, he is guilty of no wrongdoing. Achish
simply tells him that the Philistine leaders do not want
him there, so he should take his men and go back to the
city that Achish gave him. Early the next morning, David
heeds those instructions and heads back to the land of the
1 Samuel Chapter 30
1 Samuel Chapter 30 opens with an
account of David’s own city being spoiled
by the Amalekites. While David and his
men were busy fighting with the Philistine
army, the Amalekites were plundering
Amalekites Pillaging
These raiders tookZiklag
all the cattle and
possessions, kidnapped their women and
children and burned the city. When David and
his men approached the city of Ziklag, they
were horrified to see that the city has been
destroyed and their families taken captive. The
men blamed David for this happening and even
thought of stoning him.
Pillaging Ziklag
It is possible that David’s return to Ziklag, and his
expedition to recover his wives and his property
took place at the same time when Saul made his
journey to Endor, and when the fatal battle of
Gilboa was raging.
David Consults with
At this awful moment, the mind of David was
visited by the blessed influence from above.
He derived strength from the thought of God
and asked his counsel, Abiathar, the priest,
about the course of action he should follow.
Leaving about a third of his troops behind due
to exhaustion, David set out in search of the
foe with his other 400 men.
Finding the Amalekites
During his expedition, he was helped by an
Egyptian slave, who having fallen sick, was
abandoned by his master. The slave quickly
led them to the camp of Amalekites. David
marched his army towards the celebrating
Amalekites, who were utterly helpless against
this ferocious attack David and his men
brought against them.
Reclaiming the Stolen
Every article stolen by Amalekites, and every
woman and child kidnapped by them was
recovered unhurt. Throughout this chapter,
David showed his generosity and shared the
goods he had stolen from Amalekites with rest
of the people in his neighborhood. If he had
been selfish, he might have kept it all for
1 Samuel Chapter 31
1 Samuel 31 talks about how the army of Saul is
routed by the Philistines on Mount Gilboa. His sons,
Jonathan, Malki-Shua, and Abinadab are brutally
murdered and Saul takes his own life.

The chapter finishes on the small note of courage as

the men of Jabesh-Gilead took their bodies after the
Philistines desecrate them and buried their remains in
Saul Takes His Life
The army of Philistines fought against the
Israelites and they prevailed. They were in
pursuit of King Saul as well as his sons. The
fighting became fierce, and when Saul was hit
by the archers, he was critically wounded.
Saul told his armor-bearer to draw his weapon
and run him through, so the uncircumcised
might not run him through and see him.
Saul Takes His Life
But the armor-bearer refused to do so
whereupon Saul grabbed the sword and
took his life. When the king’s armor-bearer
saw what had happened to the king, he also
fell upon his weapon and died. Therefore,
King Saul, his sons, and his army died on
that day.
TheThe News
following ofPhilistines
day the Saul’s came
Death to the
battlefield and found Saul’s body and his
sons’ bodies laying on the ground. They
chopped off Saul’s head and stripped his
armor off. Then they sent messengers across
their land to spread the news of the death of
Saul and his three sons. They placed the
armor of Saul in the temple of Ashtaroth and
impaled his body on the Beth-shan’s wall.
Giving the Bodies Proper
When the residents of Jabesh-Gilead received
this news, their men marched the whole night.
They recovered the bodies of King Saul and
his sons, Jonathan, Malki-Shua and Abinadab
and came to Jabesh where they burned them.
When they buried their bones under the tree in
Jabesh, they fasted for seven days.
● Books of the Bible - all the books in the New & Old Testament. Totally History. (2014, March 22).
Retrieved November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/biblical-history/books-of-the-bible/.
● 1 samuel chapter 22 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, October 4). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-22/.
● 1 samuel chapter 23 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, October 4). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-23/.
● 1 samuel chapter 24 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, October 4). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-24/.
● 1 samuel chapter 25 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, November 28). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-25/.
● 1 samuel chapter 26 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, October 4). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-26/.
● 1 samuel Chapter 27 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2020, November 21). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-27/.
● 1 samuel chapter 28 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, November 28). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-28/.
● 1 samuel chapter 29 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, October 4). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-29/.
● 1 samuel chapter 30 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, November 28). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-30/.
● 1 samuel Chapter 31 summary, Audio & Text (KJV). Totally History. (2013, October 4). Retrieved
November 6, 2021, from https://totallyhistory.com/1-samuel-chapter-31/.

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