In G4 Eng

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1 Nouns

pond cat


The pictures above show a pond, a cat, some girls and

some furniture. They are names of people, places, animals
and things. Such words are called nouns.

Nouns are also known as naming-words. They are actually

the names of people, places, animals and things.

Proper Nouns
Hello! My name
is Billy.

The picture shows a boy. His name is Billy. 'Billy' is known

as a Proper Noun.
It is the special name of a person.
Besides people, animals, things and pictures also have
special names. For example, Lassie, Colgate and Japan.

It is useful to note that Proper Nouns always begin with

capital letters.

Special names of people, animals, places and things are

known as Proper Nouns.

Exercise I NOUNS
Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box.

Medicine dress grass orange juice

Whale playground doctor beach
dog florist cats castle

1. I am sick. I need to see a ______________.

2. The ___________ is the largest mammal on Earth.
3. The ____________ is someone who sells flowers.
4. The children are playing on the swing in the _________.
5. Maria wore a beautiful _________to work.
6. I like to drink ___________.
7. The king lives in a ___________.
8.Tom loves building sandcastles at the __________.
9. __________ like to eat fish.
10. I need to take my _________ because I am ill.

Exercise 2 NOUNS
Fill in the blanks with nouns.

e.g. I went to London by

I went to London by plane.

1. They are playing football in the _____________.

2. The robber was chased by a ___________.
3. Please help me hang this ___________ on the wall.
4. We get milk from __________.
5. Peter's hobby is collecting ____________ .
6. He wrote a ___________ on the ground.
7. Pick up the ___________ on the ground.
8. The ____________ flew across the sky.
9. There are many ____________ in the pond.
10. My sister is riding on a ____________. 3
Exercise 3 NOUNS
Fill in the blanks with nouns.

1. That little girl is my ____________

2. He sells only tea in his ___________
3. The ____________ is very crowded on Sundays.
4. Please help me wipe the ____________.
5. ____________ are mammals.
6. I go to ____________ every day.
7. The ____________ went to the beach.
8. I went to the ____________ to watch a movie.
9. Father went to park his ___________.
10. The old woman washes __________ for a living.


Write down two special names for each of the following.
e.g. Countries: ____________ ____________
Countries: Malaysia Japan

1. Schools ______________ ______________

2. Boys ______________ ______________
3. Girls ______________ ______________
4. Authors ______________ ______________
5. Months ______________ ______________
6. Capital cities ______________ ______________

7 Oceans ___________ ___________
8 Books ___________ ___________
9. Mountains ___________ ___________
10. Authors ___________ ___________


Rewrite the following sentences using capital letters for Proper Nouns.

e.g. I brought my dog jerry to the park jurong.

I brought my dog Jerry to the park in Jurong.

1. michael went to switzerland last week.

2. I went to mr ben's house on Thursday,
3. He lives at 25 sunnie street.
4. My mother bought me a 'seiko' watch.

5. Have you read 'little women’?

6. This book is written by charles dickens.


7. John reads 'the new paper' every day.


8. I was born on the first of july.


9. My school is westview primary school.


10. bangkok is the capital of thailand.



a few children a few books

a few cats a few flowers

a little grass some milk in a glass

some flour plenty of water

Nouns can be classified into countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Can we count the nouns in A?
Yes, we can.
They are called countable nouns. (e.g. children, books, cats and

Can we count the nouns in B? No, we cannot.They are called

uncountable nouns. (e.g. flour, milk, grass and water)

Words like 'a few', 'many', 'a', 'an', 'a large number' and 'several'
go with countable nouns, while words like 'a little', 'much', 'plenty
of', 'a large amount of' and 'a great deal of' go with uncountable

Words like 'some', 'a lot of' and 'any' go with both countable and
uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted.

Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted.


Fill in the blanks with 'a' or 'an' only where necessary.

e.g. ________coin is made of _________ metal.

A coin is made of metal.

1. Marilyn is drinking __________ coffee.

2. I ate ___________ apple and _________ banana just now.
3. ___________ painter is one who paints.
4. Jenny's duck lays __________ egg every moming.

5. __________ cheese is made from __________ milk.
6. She has eaten __________ slice of _________ strawberry cake.
7. He wrote her phone number on __________ piece of
__________ paper
8. I want you to write in __________ blue ink.
9. My grandfather used to work on __________ farm.
10 __________ beef is the meat of __________ cow.


Fill in the blanks with 'some' or 'any.

e.g. They caught __________ fish in the river.

They caught some fish in the river.

1. There isn’t __________sugar left.

2. They did not find prawns in the sea.
3. Do you have __________ money?
4. June needs __________ more sugar in her tea.
5. Have you eaten __________ of these cookies?
6. They sowed __________ time looking for you.
7. My mother spent __________ time looking for you.
8. Zoe went shopping with __________ friends.
9. There aren’t __________ worms in the apple.
10. Have you met __________ wise people before?

In Picture A, there is only one dog.

The noun 'dog' is a singular noun.
Now look at Picture B. There are three dogs altogether. The
noun 'dogs' is a plural noun.
An 's' is added to the singular noun 'dog'.
However, there are other ways of forming plural nouns, for
by adding 'es', 'ies', 'en' etc.

A noun that stands for one person, animal, thing or place is known
as a singular noun. A noun that stands for more than one person,
animal, thing or place is known as a plural noun.

Here is a list of how plural nouns are formed. Study the list carefully.

1. By adding –s

son ..... sons farmer ..... farmers

goat ..... goats house ..... houses
Picture ..... Pictures banana ..... bananas
table ..... tables bicycle. ..... bicycles

2. By adding –es to nouns ending in –s, -sh, -ch and –x.

glass ..... glasses brush ..... brushes

class ..... classes bush ..... bushes
kiss ..... kisses dish ..... dishes
bus ..... buses thrush ..... thrushes
watch ..... watches box ..... boxes
inch ..... inches fox ..... foxes
match ..... matches tax ..... taxes
branch ..... branches sex ..... sexes

3. By adding –es to some nouns ending in –o.

buffalo ..... buffaloes mango ..... mangoes

potato ..... potatoes cargo ..... cargoes
echo ..... echoes volcano ..... volcanoes
hero ..... heroes negro ..... negroes
4. By adding –s to some nouns ending in –o.
bamboo ..... bamboos banjo ..... banjos
piano ..... pianos photo ..... photos
radio ..... radios dynamo ..... dynamos
5. By changing – y into –ies.
baby ..... babies cry ..... cries
lady ..... ladies lorry ..... lorries
story ..... stories city ..... cities
fly ..... flies army ..... armies

Here is a list of how plural nouns are formed. Study the list carefully.

6. By adding –s to some nouns ending in-y.

monkey ..... monkeys valley ..... valleys

way ..... ways boy ..... boys
day ..... days key ..... keys

7. By changing –f or –fe into –ves.

loaf ..... loaves half ..... halves
leaf ..... leaves wolf ..... wolves
thief ..... thieves life ..... lives
shelf ..... shelves wife ..... wives
calf ..... calves knife ..... knives

8. By adding –s to some nouns ending in –f or –fe.

chief ..... chiefs dwarf ..... dwarfs
hoof ..... hoofs safe ..... safes
roof ..... roofs reef ..... reefs
proof ..... proofs gulf ..... gulfs

9. By changing the inside vowels.

man ..... men .....
foot feet
goose ..... geese .....
woman women
mouse ..... mice .....
louse lice
tooth teeth
10. By adding –eg.
OX ..... oxen child ..... children

11. Some nouns have their singular and plural alike.

sheep ..... sheep deer ..... deer

cod ..... cod fish ..... fish(es)
..... .....
..... .....

12. Some unusual nouns form their plural in a different way.

brother-in-law ..... brothers-in-law

son-in-law ..... sons-in law
maid-servant ..... maid-servants
mouse-trap ..... mouse-traps
step-mother ..... step-mothers
step-son ..... step-sons
passer-by ..... passers-by

13. Some nouns are used only in the plural.

Scissors Spectacles Pliers trousers pincers

tongs shears shorts clothes measles

14. Some plural forms are commonly used in the singular. fun

news furniture fun luggage help poetry

Pronouns and adjectives form their plural in a different way. Study

the list given.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

i ..... we my ..... our

you ..... you your ..... your
he ..... they his ..... their
she ..... they her ..... their
it ..... they its ..... their
..... .....
me us mine ours
..... .....
you you yours yours
..... .....
hin them his theirs
..... .....
her them hers theirs
..... .....
it them this these
that those 13
Rewrite these sentences changing the nouns underlined into plural and
making any other necessary changes.

e.g. The baby had a toy.

The babies had toys.

1. The child asked for a pen.


2. The man cleaned the table.


3.The boy fell down from a chair.


4. The match belongs to Ivy.


5. I caught a fly and a bird yesterday.


6. The girl is eating an apple.


7. Our teacher told us a joke.


8. I have a cat and a dog.


9. I threw the leat away.
10. She was chased by a goose


Rewrite the following sentences making them plural.

e.g. The policeman is wearing his uniform.

The policemen are wearing their uniforms.

1. He came from a village.


2. My brother caught a big fish.


3. The baby slept in a big room.


4. The postman gave me a letter.


5. He went jogging in the garden.


6. I don't like you.


7. I saew him riding on a horse.

8. The child is playing with a knife.


9. There is a loaf of bread on the table.


10. Keep the can in the cupboard, please.



the lady's bag the sumei’s cat the dog’s tail

the police men's guns the children's balls

Read the words in the pictures. Can you see the

apostrophe s ('s)? The apostrophe s is added to the
nouns to show possession. (for e.g. 'lady's', 'dog's',

The words 'lady's', 'Sumei's' and 'dog's' are called

Possessive Nouns.
or singular nouns, the apostrophe (') is added before
the 's' to show possession. However, for plural
nouns, the apostrophe is added after the 's' to show
possession. (for e.g. 'the dogs' tails', 'the monkeys'

For non-living things, the apostrophe is not usually used to show

The words 'of the' are used.
For example, 'the legs of the chair' and 'the door of the house'.

Possessive Nouns are nouns that show possession. We form them

(a) by adding an apostrophe s to singular nouns and plural nouns
not ending with s,
(b) by adding an apostrophe to plural nouns ending with s and
(c) by using 'of the' with names of non-living things.
This is my
pencil. That is her dog.

The words 'my' and 'her' are adjectives. They are used with the words
'pencil' and 'dog' to show possession.
We call such adjectives Possessive Adjectives. Some other Possessive 18
Adjectives are 'your', 'his', 'our', 'its' and 'their'.
This is my ball.
It is mine.

The word 'mine' is a pronoun.

It replaces the words 'my ball’.
Since the word 'mine' shows possession, it can be called a Possessive Pronoun.
Some other Possessive Pronouns are 'theirs', 'ours', 'his' and 'hers'.

Possessive Adjectives are Adjectives that show possession. Possessive

Pronouns are pronouns that show possession.

Put in the apostrophe ( ‘ ) correctly.

e.g. The butchers knife is sharp.

The butcher's knife is sharp.

1. Andrews wallet is lost.

2. The government built a school for the workers children.
3. The soldiers guns are very powerful.
4. That pigeons eggs are blue in colour.
5. The pigs tail is curly.
6. What is the doctors name?
7. Our neighbours garden is bigger than ours.
8. Adrians bag is brown but his friends is black.
9. Those are not boys shoes.
10. The birds beaks are yellow.

Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjectives.

e.g. Rajoo found _________ eraser.

Rajoo found his eraser.

1. John was playing with __________ dog.


2. I help __________ mother to clean the house.
3. You must do _________ work now.
4. The dog is licking __________ paw.
5. She loves __________ baby sister very much.
6. They have __________ lunch at that restaurant.
7. Have you seen _________ pen? I have lost it.
8. We have to finish _________ work.
9. Michelle brought __________ doll to school.
10. Did Peter show you _________ new bag?

Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns.

e.g. Mary has a toy. It is __________.

Mary has a toy. It is hers.

1. Ali has a new bicycle. It is __________.

2. That big house belongs to the rich man. It is ____________.
3. My uncle gave me a pen. It is ____________.
4. That big dog is ___________ She loves it very much.
5. I have found my pen. But he cannot find __________.
6. Meihua has a ruler. It is __________.
7. Those chickens belong to the farmers. They are ___________.
8. This is our ball. It is __________.
9. Is this eraser __________, Susan?
10. 10. Ask Rajoo whether this is __________.

Nouns can be formed from adjectives, verbs and also other nouns.
There are many ways whereby nouns can be formed. We can form
Nouns by adding the letters ‘ness’ to cartain words.
For example , kind kindness
foolish foolishness

Other ways of forming nouns include adding ‘ty’, ‘ment’ ,’ship’,‘ry’,

‘ance’, ‘ion’ etc.

For example, honest honesty

enjoy enjoyment
friend friendship
poet poetry
appear appearance
instruct instruction

We can form nouns from adjectives , verbs as well as nouns.This

can be done by adding ‘ness’, ‘ty’, ‘th’, ‘ion’, ‘ry’, ‘ance’, ‘ment’, ‘dom’,
‘hood’, ‘ship’ etc.

Here is a list of how nouns can be formed from other words. Study
them carefully.


Absent Absence Angry Anger

Act Action Arrive Arrival
Add Addition Attend Attention
agree agreement bad badness


beautiful beauty friend friendship

begin beginning give gift
behave behaviour glad gladness
brave bravery good goodness.
breathe breath great greatness
bright brightness grow growth
broad breadth hate hatred
busy business heal health
choose choice high height
clean cleanliness honest honesty
collect collection imagine imagination
correct correction instruct instruction
cruel cruelty invent invention
dark darkness invite invitation
deep depth judge judgement
describe description kind kindness
die death king kingdom
divide division know knowledge
do deed laugh laughter
draw drawing lazy laziness
dry dryness lend loan
enjoy enjoyment like likeness
enter entrance live life
explain explanation long length
fail failure lose loss
fat fatness mad madness
feed food marry marriage
fit fitness mix mixture
foolish foolishness move movement
free freedom multiply Multiplication


Occupy occupation speak speech

permit permission strong strength
please pleasure succeed success
poet poetry teach teaching
proud pride tell tale
prove proof thick thickness
punish punishment think thought
ready readiness tight tightness
remember remembrance true truth
safe safety valuable value
see sight warm warmth
sell sale weak weakness
sharp sharpness wed wedding
sick sickness weigh weight
sit seat wide width
slow slowness wise wisdom
soft softness young youth


Make nouns from the following words.

e.g. choose - choice

1. King - __________________________
2. Mix - __________________________
3. Proud - __________________________
4. Laugh - __________________________

5. give - __________________________
6. Do - __________________________
7. Feed - __________________________
8. Cruel - __________________________
9. Succeed - __________________________
10. Tell - __________________________


Fill in the blanks with the nouns formed from the words in the

e.g. I will always remember your _____________ (kind)

I will always remember your kindness.

1. Paul is always filled with _________________. (curious)

2. I attended May’s __________________. (wed)
3.I could hear the boy’s __________________. (laugh)
4. He was caned for his bad __________________. (behave)
5. Mingli was given a reward for her ________________.(honest)
6. Please pay ____________ when I am talking. (attend)
7. The principal gave a long ______________. (speak)
8. His ____________ was really formidable. (strong)
9. This book is not for ______________. (sell)
10. He was praised for his good ____________.


I met her yesterday. Did you go to
the beach? She took his book.

can you pick out all the pronouns after reading the above sentences?
The pronouns are 'I', 'her', 'you', 'she' and 'his’.
We use pronouns in place of nouns.
They are known as Personal Pronouns.
Pronouns like 'T', 'you' and 'she' are used as subjects while Pronouns
like 'her' and 'his' are used as objects.

We use Personal Pronouns in place of nouns in a conversation. The two types

of Personal Pronouns are (1) those used as subjects and (2) those used as

He goes to school himself

I go to school myself.

'I' and 'he' are the subjects of what the two children are saying.
The words 'myself' and 'himself' are also pronouns.
They are known as Reflexive Pronouns.
Both 'I' and 'myself' refer to the same person just like 'he' and 'himself'.
The action done by the doer goes back to himself. Reflexive Pronouns always
end in 'self'.
The Reflexive Pronoun is used when the action done by
the doer goes back to himself. In other words, the
subject of the sentence is the same person as the

Exercise 1 PRONOUNS
Fill in the blanks with suitable personal pronouns. Remember that
they should agree with the nouns in the sentences. “
e.g. This cat is very greedy ______________ is eating again.
This cat is very greedy. It is eating again.

1. I met Jean just now.___________ invited me to__________ house.

2. I scolded Linda and Weimin when I saw ____________.

3. Paul has a dog. ____________ likes to play with _____________.

4. These are not Mary's. Are _____________ yours?

5. The dog sniffed at the biscuit and then ate ____________

6. Mr Thomas has a cat. ____________ loves his cat very much.

7. I met Judy and talked to _____________ yesterday.

8. Huimin screamed when ______________ saw a snake.

9. Rajoo did such a bad thing. I can never forgive _____________ .

10. She took _____________ coat from the cupboard.

Exercise 2 PRONOUNS
Replace the words underlined with suitable pronouns.

e.g. Ali does all his work. All is a hardworking boy.

Ali does all his work. He is a hardworking boy.

1. Mr and Mrs Lim are home. Mr and Mrs Lim are now resting.
2. Mary said, "Give Mary the book."
3. The boys are in the garden. The boys are playing with the ball.
4. Look at Peiming. Peiming is turning a cartwheel.
5. John is taller than Mary but John is lighter.
6. Limei is Lihua's sister. Limel is ten years old.
7. Mae lent me some books. The books were very interesting.

8. Muther's father has a shop. Muther helps his father.
9. Henry felt hot so Henry switched on the fan.
10. I told Rajoo, "I will help Rajoo."

Exercise 3 PRONOUNS
Fill in the blanks with suitable Reflexive Pronouns.

e.g. She bought _____________ a pair of earrings.

she bought herself a pair of earrings.

1. I will cook ______________ something nice to eat.

2. He can go to Malaysia _____________.

3. They found _____________ in a place they had never been to. will you?

4. Do It _____________, will you?

5. Ravi accidentally locked ____________ in the room.

6. We did all the work ______________.

7. June made _____________ some cakes.

8. He had injured _____________.

9. The dog found ______________ a bone.

10. We cleaned the house______________ before leaving for the camp.



A fish an apple

'A' and 'an' are very frequently used articles.

We use them before singular countable nouns.
Do you know when to use 'a' and when to use 'an'?
We use 'a' when the noun begins with a consonant sound. (for
example, fish', 'pen', 'book’))
'An' is used when the noun begins with a vowel sound. (for example, 'apple',
'eraser', 'ice-cream") 'A' and 'an' are called Indefinite Articles.

'A' and 'an' are indefinite Articles. We use either 'a' or 'an' before a
singular countable noun. 'A' is used when the noun begins with a
consonant sound. 'An' is used when the noun begins with a vowel sound
or a silent 'h' such as 'hour.

a. I saw a fish. The fish was swimming.

b. This is the book I borrowed from Anne.

'A' and 'the' are the articles used in the sentences

above. 'The' is known as the Definite Article.
Look at Sentence (a).
'A' is used before the noun 'fish' at first.

However, 'the' is used when 'fish' is mentioned again. Now look at Sentence (b).
The' is used before the noun 'book' because the book in the sentence refers to a
particular book and not any other one.

The is known as the Definite Article.

We use 'a' or 'an' when something is mentioned for the first time.
'The' is used when the same thing is mentioned again. We also use 'the' when referring
to a special or a particular thing.

There is only one sun around us.

In such a case, we must use the article 'the'".

We use 'the' when there is only one such thing.

The Mandai Zoo.

The Hyatt Hotel.
The Atlantic Ocean.
The Alps.
We also use 'the' when referring to special names of rivers, oceans,
mountain ranges and other particular places.

We also use 'the' before names of particular places. But we do not

use 'the' before names of roads and games or individual mountains
(for example Mt Fuji).
Fill in the blanks with 'a', 'an' or 'the'. Do not write anything if it
is not necessary.

e.g. There is _____________ orange on ______________ table.

There is an orange on the table.

1. Ahmad gave me _____________ present on my birthday.

2. Do you know where ______________ Jurong is?

3. This is ______________ book that I borrowed from Timmy.

4. _____________ Singapore Zoo is located in ______________ Mandal.

5. There is ______________ worm in _____________ apple.

6. ______________ stars in ______________ sky are shining bright.

7. What are ______________ consequences of your act?

8. What ______________ naughty boy!

9. There are ______________ apples in that tree.

10. What ______________ enormous durian!


Fill in the blanks with 'a', 'an' or 'the'. Do not write anything if it
is not necessary.
1. ______________ mynah is ______________ bird.

2. Emily has left ______________ chalet without her bag.

3. earth is bigger than ______________ moon.

4. I usually have __________ cup of coffee and cakes.

5. _________ pot of water that Mother put on the stove is bolling.

6. There is _________ dog and ________ cat fighting behind my house,

7. There isn’t _________ single drop of water left.

8. __________ young of __________ cow is ___________ calf.

9. I live in __________ apartment in __________Toa Payoh.

10. __________ writer is one who writes__________ books.


Fill in the blanks with 'a', 'an' or 'the'. Do not write anything if it is not

1. Switch off __________ lights, please.

2. It’s __________ pity that we cannot meet each other.

3. There was __________ accident at __________ corner of that street.

4. Ah Huat is __________ fisherman who saved the drowning boy.

5. My mother brings __________ basked to __________ market.

6. Do you know __________ shortest route to my house?

7.This is __________ expensive dress.

8.I have __________ aunt who lives in __________ south.

9.Tavi has __________big dog called __________ Mary.

10. I hate __________ weather in Singapore.



Do you want Yes, I want
don't have any I have two dogs. any tea? some please.

Read the sentences in the pictures.

Notice that the words 'some' and 'any' are used with the countable noun 'dogs
and the uncountable noun 'tea’.
We use some' for positive statements (for example what Qihui
is saying.)
We use 'any' for negative statements (for example what Limin is
saying) and questions (for example for Huiping is saying.)

‘Some’ is used in positive statements.

'Any' is used in negative statements or questions.
Both 'some' and 'any can be used with countable or uncountable nouns.

Would you like

some cakes?

Read what the girl is saying.
‘Some’, not ‘any’, is used.
We use ‘some’ when the question
is used as an invitation.

If the question is an invitation or a request we use 'some'.

Do you know that 'some' and 'any' can be joined with certain words to form
other words?
Some of these words are 'somebody', 'someone', 'anybody and 'anything'.
These words are called compound words.

'Some' and 'any can be joined with 'one', 'body' or 'thing' to

form compound words.


Make these sentences negative, changing 'some' into 'any'.

e.g. She took some cakes.

she did not take any cakes.

1. There is some water in the kettle.


2. I have some work to do today.


3. Rajoo wants some of these books.



4. My mother bought some meat from the butcher.



5. There are some birds here.


6. Marlene ate some biscuits just now.



7. There is some noodles in the pot.



8. I have something to give you.


9. There is someone at the door.


10. I want something that does not cost much.


Exercise 2 SOME AND ANY
Fill in the blanks with 'some' or 'any.

e.g. There isn’t _________ tea in the pot.

There isn’t any tea in the pot.

1. She has __________ money in her purse.

2. Do you have __________ idea how worried I was?

3. Can I have __________ more sugar in my tea?

4. Mrs ma has __________ beautiful flowers in her garden.

5. I cannot find __________ paper. I need to buy some now.

6. __________ of the oranges are really sour.

7. Has __________- of the boys been to America?

8. He drank __________ coffee after dinner.

9. Are __________ of the boys late today?

10. Mr lee brought __________ Books for us.

Exercise 3 SOME AND ANY
Fill in the blanks with 'a', 'an', 'the' or 'some' only if necessary.

e.g. Penny borrowed __________ books from__________ library.

Penny borrowed some books from the library.

1. John ate __________ apple after he had drunk __________ tea.

2. There is __________ man standing at your door.

3. There was __________ old man in __________ house.

4. On __________ way to __________ market, we met __________


5. I saw __________ caterpillars in __________ garden yesterday.

6. He laft __________ library in __________ big hurry.

7. ___________ Singapore Zoo has __________ penguins.

8. My mum bought __________ apples and pears from __________ store.

9. I bought __________ ice-crean for the picnice.

10. Pleaces switch on __________ fan.



the tall man the new dress

the beautiful fairy the small dog

The words 'tall', 'new', 'beautiful' and 'small tell us something about the nouns.

They are known as adjectives.

We also call them Descriptive Adjectives.

This is because they describe the nouns 'man', 'dress', 'fairy' and 'dog'.

Descriptive Adjectives are the most common of all adjectives.

Adjectives are words that tell us something about nouns,

Descriptive Adjectives tell us about the colour, shape, size

or condition of nouns.

There are also other types of adjectives.

Words like 'some, a little' and 'a lot of also tell us something about


They are also adjectives and are called Adjectives of Quantity.

Adjectives of Quantity tell us the amount or number of things and

answer the question 'How much?' or 'How many?"

Fill in the blanks with suitable Descriptive Adjectives.

e.g. The __________ boy could not run fast.

The fat boy could not run fast.

1. The __________ man had to bend down to get through the door.

2. All the girls at the beauty pageant are __________.

3. The clock is very __________ ; it tells time flawlessly.

4. The __________ man can lift weights much heavier than himself.

5. The __________ boy had not eaten for days.

6. There ar many ___________ students in the noisy classroom.
7. Can you help me carry these __________ books?

8.The ___________ stars glimmer in the dark.

9. Her mother bakes __________ cakes.

10.That __________ song enchanted all of us.

Choose the correct word. Then underline it.

e.g. (A few, One) girls were sick.

(A few, One) girls were sick.

1. How (much, many) water should I drink?

2. There are (two, one) chicks in the garden.

3. (A few, One) cars are on the road,

4. There are (five, one) people in the room.

5. Give me (some, many) money.

6. How (much, many) time do you need?

7. Get (any, some) food for me.

8. Is there (any, many) toy suitable for toddlers?

9. He wants (many, some) drinks.

10. There are ( two, one) mangoes on the table.

Fill in the blanks with suitable Adjectives.

e.g. (A few, One) girls were sick.

(A few, One) girls were sick.

1. There are __________ apples in the basket.

2. He is a very __________ boy who does very well academically.

3. The man has a __________ car in his front porch.

4. These __________ diamonds cost a bomb!

5. The __________ dog could not see properly because of its long

hair around its eyes.

6. She is very __________ and all the children are afraid of her.

7. The ink of this pen is __________ and cannot be washed away by


8. Time is __________, so use it well.

9. Here comes the __________ boy who thinks he is very clever.

10. The __________ sound almost deafened me.

Look at the pictures on the left.

There are three different forms of

the adjective bright. They are 'bright,

"brighter" and "brightest. "Bright' is

used in the first picture to compare two
lamps of the same brightness.

It is called the Positive Degree.

Brighter is used in the second picture to

compare the two lamps which have
different brightness.

"Brighter is called the Comparative

Degree of 'bright'. (formed by adding -
er). Three lamps are being compared in
the third picture.

We use the word 'brightest.

'Brightest is called the Superlative

Degree of bright. (formed by adding -

We use the Positive Degree when comparing two

equal things or people. We use the Comparative
Degree when comparing two unequal things or
people. Finally we use the Superlative Degree to
compare three or more things or people.

$200 $400 $800

expensive more expensive most expensive

Look at the pictures above.

The Comparative and Superlative of the adjective 'expensive
are formed by adding more' and 'most. Adjectives which are
formed in this way usually have three or more syllables. (for
example, 'beautiful', 'difficult') or they end in -ful (for
example, helpful", "careful")

There are some adjectives which form their Comparative

and Superlative with 'more' and 'most'. These adjectives
usually have 3 or more syllables or end with '-ful'.

as good as better than the best

as many as more than the most

as far as farther than the farthest

Look at the adjectives in the above table. The comparison of

these adjectives are irregular and are known as irregular
There are some adjectives that form their Comparative and
Superlative irregularly.

Here is list of the Comparison of adjectives. Study these words

Positive Comparative Superlative

as big as bigger than the biggest of

as black as blacker than the blackest of
as bold as bolder than the boldest of
as brave as braver than the bravest of
as bright as brighter than the brightest of
as busy as busier than the busiest of
as clean as cleaner than the cleanest of
as clear as clearer than the clearest of
as clever as cleverer than the cleverest of
as cold as colder than the coldest of
as cool as cooler than the coolest of
as dark as darker than the darkest of
as dear as dearer than the dearest of
as deep as deeper than the deepest of
as dirty as dirtier than the dirtiest of
as dry as drier than the driest of
as easy as easier than the easiest of
as fair as fairer than the fairest of
as fast as faster than the fastest of
as fat as fatter than the fattest of
as fine as finer than the finest of
as funny as funnier than the funniest of
as great as greater than the greatest of
as green as greener than the greenest of
as happy as happier than the happiest of
as hard as harder than the hardest of
as healthy as healthier than the healthiest of
as heavy as heavier than the heaviest of

as high as higher than thehighest of
as hot as hotter than the hottest of
as kind as kinder than the kindest of
as large as larger than the largest of
as late as later than the latest of
as lazy as lazier than the laziest of
as light as lighter than the lightest of
as long as longer than the longest of
as low as lower than the lowest of
as lucky as luckier than the luckiest of
as mad as madder than the maddest of
as merry as merrier than the merriest of
as narrow as narrower than the narrowest of
as naughty as naughtier than the naughtiest of
as near as nearer than the nearest of
as new as newer than the newest of
as noisy as noisier than the noisiest of
as old as older than the oldest of
as pale as paler than the palest of
as poor as poorer than the poorest of
as pretty as prettier than the prettiest of
as proud as prouder than the proudest of
as quick as quicker than the quickest of
as red as redder than the reddest of
as rich as richer than the richest of
as sad as sadder than the saddest of
as safe as safer than the safest of
as shallow as shallower than the shallowest of
as sharp as sharp than the sharpest of
as slow as slower than the slowest of
as small as smaller than the smallest of

as smooth as smoother than the smoothest of
as strong as stronger than the strongest of
as sweet as sweeter than the sweetest of
as tall as taller than the tallest of
as thick as thicker than the thickest of
as thin as thinner than the thinnest of
as tiny as tinier than the tiniest of
as ugly as uglier than the ugliest of
as warm as warmer than the warmest of
as wealthy as wealthier than the wealthiest of
as wet as wetter than the wettest of
as white as whiter than the whitest of
as wide as wider than the widest of
as wild as wilder than the wildest of
as wise as wiser than the wisest of
as young as younger than the youngest of

beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

careful more careful most careful
cheerful more cheerful most cheerful
comfortable more comfortable most comfortable
dangerous more dangerous most dangerous
difficult more difficult most difficult
enjoyable more enjoyable most enjoyable
expensive more expensive most expensive
foolish more foolish most foolish
forgetful more forgetful most forgetful
frightening more frightening most frightening
generous more generous most generous
helpful more helpful most helpful
important more important most important
intelligent more intelligent most intelligent

Interesting more interesting most interesting
powerful more powerful most powerful
Prosperous more prosperous most prosperous
Sensible more sensible most sensible
terrible more terrible most terrible
unusual more unusual most unusual
useful more useful most useful
valuable more valuable most valuable
Wonderful more wonderful most wonderful

as good as better than the best

as bad as worse than the worst
as little as less than the least
as much as more than the most
as many as more than the most
as far as farther than the farthest
as far as further than the furthest


Give the correct form of the adjective in the brackets.

e.g. a. She is as (short) as I am.

She is as short as I am.
b. She is (short) than I am.
She is shorter than I am.
c. She is the (short) of us all.
She is the shortest of us all.

1. He is the (clever) amongst us.

2. This ball is (big) than that ball.
3. That girl is as (pretty) as this girl.
4. This ruler is (long) than that ruler.
5. Are there any toys (cheap) than this?
6. There exist (long) snakes than these.
7. This dog runs (fast) than that dog.
8. He is the (strong) of us all.
9. This hammer is (heavy) than the other one.
10. That farmer is (hardworking) than this farmer.

Correct these sentences.

e.g. Ali's cat is more fiercer than mine.

Ali's cat is fiercer than mine.(corrected sentence)

1. This is the naughtier boy of all three.

2. Who lives more nearer to you, Jenny or Tom?
3. I am more stronger than you.
4. Whose ball is more bigger, Peter's or Ali's?
5. The whale is the most biggest animal on Earth.
6. Who is the most shortest of all?
7. Which method is more better?

8. Of the two girls, Judy is the most beautiful.
9. The giraffe is the most tallest animal.
10. Ravi is short than Mina.


Complete this table as shown.

1. Wise as wise as wiser than the wisest of

2. happy ____________________________________

3. black ____________________________________

4. warm ____________________________________

5. wealthy ____________________________________

6. heavy ____________________________________

7. cheerful ____________________________________

8. fair ____________________________________

9. hot ____________________________________

10. shallow ____________________________________


Read what the people are saying.

Do you realise that the two statements in each picture are said
differently but have almost the same meaning?
The adjective in the first picture is 'poisonous'.
It is formed from the noun 'poison' by adding '-ous'. The
adjective in the second picture is 'forgetful'.
It is formed from the verb 'forget' by adding '-ful'.

Adjectives can also be formed by adding -ish', '-less', '-en', '-
some', '-ive' etc.

We can form adjectives from nouns and verbs. They are formed
by adding -ous', '-ful', '-ish', '-less', '-en' '-some', '-ive', etc.
Here is a list of adjectives. Study how the adjectives are formed.


accident accidental girl girlish
adventure adventurous gold golden
anger angry harm harmful
beauty beautiful hate hateful
boy boyish height high
care careful help helpful
caution cautious hero heroic
centre central hope hopeful
child childish imagine imaginary
choose choosy joy joyful
circle circular law lawful
collect collective length long
comfort comfortable love lovable
coward cowardly man manly
cruelty cruel mercy merciful
danger dangerous mine my
describe descriptive mischief mischievous
distance distant mountain mountainous
enjoy enjoyable music musical
faith faithful nation national
fame famous nature natural
father fatherly noise noisy
fool foolish north northern
forget forgetful obey obedient
fortune fortunate parent parental
friend friendly peace peaceful

person personal talk talkative
pity pitiful terror terrible
please pleasant thirst thirsty
poison poisonous thought thoughtful
pride proud trouble troublesome
prosper prosperous truth truthful
quarrel quarrelsome value valuable
science scientific victory victorious
sense sensible war warlike
silk silky water watery
skill skilful wave wavy
smoke smoky west western
sorrow sorrowful winter wintry
south southern wisdom wise
storm stormy wood wooden
strength strong wool woollen
study studious year yearly
success successful youth young
sun sunny


Correct these sentences.

e.g. Gold - golden

1. thirst - ___________ 2. year - ___________

3. Care - ___________ 4. choose - ___________
5. Length - ___________ 6. man - ___________
7. Pride - ___________ 8. please - ___________
9. Danger - ___________ 10. accident - ___________

Fill in the blanks with adjectives formed from the words in the

e.g. Gold - golden

1. A dog is a ____________ animal. (turth)

2. Don't touch this fish. It’s ____________ (poison)

3. I live in the __________ part of Singapore. (south)

4. It is not __________ to own a gun. (law)

5. It was too __________ for us to see anything. (smoke)

6. Minah looks very __________ (attract) today.

7. The __________ (skill) carpenter enjoys a good reputation.

8. This is the most __________(excite) chapter in the book.

9. Joan's hair is naturally __________ (wave).

10. The __________ (victory) team went to celebrate in a




I drink milk every morning I am

drinking milk now.
I drank milk yesterday.
I have already drunk my milk

Read the sentences in the speech balloon.

Do you realise that four forms of the verb 'drink' are used?
'Drink' is in the Simple Present Tense.
'Drank' is in the Simple Past Tense. As for the word
'drinking', it is known as the Present Participle of 'drink.

However, the word 'drinking' cannot stand on its own. It needs

a 'helping word' such as 'is', 'are' or 'am’.
The word 'drunk' also needs a 'helping word'. It is known as
the Past Participle of 'drink'.

A verb has four forms - the Present tense,

the Past tense, the Present Participle and
the Past Participle. Only the Participle of a
verb needs a 'helping word' like 'is', 'are',
'am', 'has' or 'have’.

Study the words in the table carefully.
Present Present Past Past
Tense Participle tense Participle
awake awaking awoke awakened
bear bearing bore borne
beat beating beat beaten
become becoming became become
begin beginning began begun
bend bending bent bent
bite biting bit bitten
bleed bleeding bled bled
blow blowing blew blown
break breaking broke broken
bring bringing brought brought
build building built built
buy buying bought bought
catch catching caught caught
choose choosing chose chosen
come coming came come
creep creeping crept crept
dig digging dug dug
do doing did done
draw drawing drew drawn
drink drinking drank drunk
drive driving drove driven
eat eating ate eaten
fall falling fell fallen
feed feeding fed fed
feel feeling felt felt
fight fighting fought fought
find finding found found
fly Flying flew Flown

Present Present Past Past
Tense Tense tense Participle
forget forgetting forgot forgotten
forgive forgiving forgave forgiven
freeze freezing froze frozen
get getting got got
give giving gave given
go going went gone
grow growing grew grown
hang (thing) hanging hung hung
hear hearing heard heard
hide hiding hid hidden
hold holding held held
keep keeping kept kept
kneel kneeling knelt knelt
know knowing knew known
lay laying laid laid
lead leading led led
leave leaving left left
lie lying lay lain
light lighting lit lit
lose losing lost lost
make making made made
meet meeting met met
pay paying paid paid
ride riding rode ridden
ring ringing rang rung
rise rising rose risen
run running ran run
saw sawing sawed sawn
say saying said said
see seeing saw seen
sell selling sold sold

Present Present Past Past
Tense Tense tense Participle
Send sending sent sent
sew sewing sewed sewn
shake shaking shook shaken
shine shining shone shone
shoot shooting shot shot
show showing showed shon
sing singing sang sung
sink sinking sank sunk
sit sitting sat sat
sleep sleeping slept slept
sow sowing sowed sown
speak speaking spoke spoken
spend spending spent spent
stand standing stood stood
steal stealing stole stolen
strike striking struck struck
swell swelling swelled swollen
swim swimming swam swum
take taking took taken
teach teaching taught taught
tear tearing tore torn
tell telling told told
think thinking thought thought
throw throwing threw thrown
wake waking woke woken
wear wearing wore worn
win winning won won
wind winding wound wound
Write writing Wrote Written

In this table the Past tense and Past Participle of the verbs both
end in '-ed'.
Present Present Past Past
Tense Participle tense Participle
add adding added added
advise advising advised advised
agree agreeing agreed agreed
allow allowing allowed allowed
appear appearing appeared appeared
arrange arranging arranged arranged
arrive arriving arrived arrived
behave behaving behaved behaved
breathe breathing breathed breathed
care caring cared cared
carry carrying carried carried
cause causing caused caused
change changing changed changed
close closing closed closed
compare comparing compared compared
complete completing completed completed
continue continuing continued continued
copy copying copied copied
cry crying cried cried
dance dancing danced danced
die dying died died
divide dividing divided divided
drop dropping dropped dropped
escape escaping escaped escaped
fit fitting fitted fitted
hand handing handed handed
hang (person) hanging hanged hanged
hope hoping hoped hoped
hurry hurrying Hurried hurried

Present Present Past Past
Tense Participle tense Participle
join joining joined joined
jump jumping jumped jumped
laugh laughing laughed laughed
live living lived lived
marry marrying married married
reply replying replied replied
show showing showed showed
stop stopping stopped stopped
study studying studied studied
talk talking talked talked
tie tying tied tied
try trying tried tried
use using used used
wait waiting waited waited

The Past tense and Past Participle of the verbs in this table do
change their form.
Present Present Past Past
Tense Participle tense Participle
burst bursting burst burst
cost costing cost cost
cut cutting cut cut
hit hitting hit hit
hurt hurting hurt hurt
let letting let let
put putting put put
read reading read read
set setting set set
shut shutting shut shut
split splitting split split
Spread spreading spread spread

Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past tense of the verbs in the
e.g. She __________ up at nine o'clock yesterday. (wake)
She woke up at nine o'clock yesterday. (wake)

1. I _________ really sad last week. (feel)

2. The bus __________suddenly, (stop)

3. The eagle __________away. (fly)

4. I __________ late last night. (sleep)

5. Mrs Chor __________ fish in the market. (sell)

6. Felicia __________ beautifully just now. (sing)

7. Peter __________ his ruler. (lose)

8. He __________ the ball into the basket. (throw)

9. I __________ for three minutes. (think)

10. She __________ in the sea last Friday. (swim)


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present tense or the Present
Participle of the verbs in the brackets.

e.g. This book __________ to Mindy. (belong)

This book belongs to Mindy. (belong)

1. June is __________ an apple. (eat)

2. The bird is __________ in the sky. (fly)

3. He __________ very carefully. (drive)

4. She __________ her nails when she is nervous. (bite)

5. Jack and Jill are __________ up the hill. (go)

6. The girls __________ to school every day. (walk)

7. I __________ milk every morning. (drink)

8. They are __________ to the music. (dance)

9. Molly __________ very hard. (study)

10. Leon __________ to me every night. (talk)


Fill in the blanks with the Past Participle of the verbs inf the

e.g. This book __________ to Mindy. (belong)

This book belongs to Mindy. (belong)

1. Mary has__________ to the library. (go)

2. The mouse has __________ up the piece of cake. (eat)

3. Have you __________ my pen? (find)

4. Mrs Tan has __________ the house. (clean)

5. I have __________ my homework. (do)

6. The birds have __________ over the fence. (fly)

7. The baby has __________ the milk. (drink) 63

8. The gardener has __________ the plants. (water)

9. We have __________ the police. (call)

10. Have you __________ your lunch? (take)


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past tense or the Past Participle
of the verbs in the brackets.

1. Mary __________ some milk to the coffee. (add)

2. The man __________ loudly as he was angry. (speak)

3. We have __________ the car. (wash)

4. Who __________ these bad apples to you? (sell)

5. Amos has been __________by a bee. (sting)

6. I __________ some fruits for grandmother. (buy)

7. They have ___________ each other for years. (know)

8. The teacher has __________ the headmaster about John.


9. We have ___________ before. (meet)

10, I __________ the telephone for Mother, (answer)

Forming Verbs

food feed

Loose loosen

'Feed' and 'loosen' are the verbs in the pictures.

Verbs are 'action words'.

We can form verbs from adjectives and nouns.

'Feed' is formed from the noun, 'food".

'Loosen' is formed from the adjective, 'loose'.

Verbs can also be formed from adjectives like 'dark' and 'black' and

nouns like 'knee' and 'tale'.

From nouns and adjectives, we can form verbs. Verbs are sometimes

formed by adding en-, -en, be-, -ize etc.

Fill in each blank with the verb formed from the word in the

e.g. Please __________this glass with milk (full)

Please fill this glass with milk. (full)

1. They __________ the two sheets of paper together .(fast)

2. I really __________ your company. (joy)

3. You had better __________ your skirt. (length)

4. To succeed, we must__________ (unity)

5. The medicine will __________ your pain. (less)

6. _________ your face properly. (clean)

7. I want you to __________ the pressure. (equal)

8. She __________ down when she prays. (knee)

9. The girls in my class __________ French well. (speech)

10. I __________ through my mouth when I swim. (breath)






Birds have Ducks quack.

The two sentences in the above pictures are facts. Hence we use the Simple

Present tense.

The Simple Present tense is used to show a truth or a fact.

He reads the newspaper They always play badminton.

every morning.

The verbs in these sentences are 'reads' and 'play’.

They are also in the Simple Present tense.
The sentences describe actions which happen regularly or
are done habitually.

The Simple Present tense is also used for regular or habitual actions.


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present tense of the verbs in the

e.g. Jim always __________ to church. (go)

Jim always goes to church. (go)

1. He __________ the piano very well. (play)

2. She can __________ (sing) very well.

3. When he hits me, I __________ (punch) him.

4. The athlete __________ (run) fast.

5. Not all the members of the band __________ (play) the violin.

6. Rabbits __________ (multiply) very fast.

7. My friend __________ (live) in Holland.

8. Dogs __________ (bark) when they see strangers.

9. A cat __________ (catch) mice.

10. The bus __________ (come) at this time every day.

Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present tense of the verbs.

1. The ruler __________ (lie) on the table.

2. Wind __________ (blow) through the window.

3. The ball __________ (roll) on the floor.

4. She __________ (cook) dinner for us.

5. The teacher ____________ (write) on the blackboard.

6. The children can ___________ (stand) on the table.

7. The glass

8. He __________ (write) on paper.

9. These pens __________ (dry) up when they are not capped.

10. The softball player __________ (throw) very well.


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present or Present Continuous

tense of the
e.g. She verbs
seldom in the brackets.
__________ (cry) but she __________(cry) now.

She seldom cries but she is crying now.

1. Look at the baby. It ________ now. (smile)

2. The sun ________from the east. (rise)

3. Bala always __________ very loudly. (talk)

4. Don't disturb me. I __________ now. (think)

5. Leda __________ the book now. (not read)

6. Jenny __________ to church every Sunday. (go)

7. The thief __________ away now. (run)

8. She seldom __________ her children stories. (tell)

9. The sun __________ brightly now. (shine)

10. John usually __________ Mandarin, not English. (speak)


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present or Present
Continuous tense of the verbs in the brackets.

1. Help! I __________ my grip. ( lose )

2. The florist always __________ her shop at nine o'clock.


3. Listen! Who __________ now? (talk)

4. It often __________ in December. (rain)

5. Look at Paul. He __________. very fast. (run)

6. June __________ a fever. (have)

7. She __________ a fever now. (have)

8. I __________ an orange now. (eat)

9. Look! That boy __________ on the fence. (stand)

10. The boys __________ to eat cheese. (like)


Mary is letting us know about her own

actions and also about what the others are
She is using the Present Continuous
tense 'am dancing' and 'are singing' to
show the actions.
She uses the Present Continuous
tense because the actions are still
taking place when she is speaking.

The Present Continuous tense is used

to show actions that are still taking
place at the time of speaking.

Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous tense of the verbs in

the brackets.
e.g. Lock! The bird __________ in the sky. (fly)
Look! The bird is flying in the sky. (fly)

1. Help! The dog __________ me. (bite)

2. The criminal __________ from a rope. (hang)

3. The people __________ to the king. (bow)

4. He __________ in the sea. (swim)

5. I __________ to read a book. (try)

6. The pace of the soccer game __________ (quicken)

7. Be quiet The Principal __________ . (speak)

8. The kite string broke. The kite __________ (fall) from the


9. The water in the pot __________. (boil)

10. The Sergeant

Exercise __________CONTINUOUS
2 PRESENT (lead) his men forward.
Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous tense of
the verbs in the brackets.

1. He sprained his ankle. It __________ (swell) up.

2. The sail __________ (tear) apart under the strong wind.

3. The soldiers _________ (tread) softly through the marsh. 72

4. I __________ (fill) up the application form.

5. They __________ (study) quietly in the library.

6. The servant __________ (mop) the floor.

7. The coffee __________ (brew) in the coffee-maker.

8. Many people __________ (work) in that building now.

9. The train __________ (move) at a high speed.

10. The party-goers __________ (dance) in the middle of the room.


Read the sentence in the picture.

Do you realise that it describes an action that has already taken place?
The verb used is 'have awakened.
It is in the Present Perfect tense.
'Awakened' comes from the verb 'awake.
Remember that indefinite time adverbs like 'just' and 'already' are
used with verbs in the Present Perfect tense.

The Present Perfect tense is used for an action that has already
happened but the exact time of the action is not known.

I have never seen an elephant.

Have you ever seen an elephant?
I have been absent for two days.
1I have been absent since last Friday.

Look at the sentences in the box above.

The verbs are in the Present Perfect tense.

The Present Perfect tense is also used with words like 'never", 'ever',
'for' and 'since'.

The Present Perfect tense is also used for an action which

happened in the past and continued into the present.


Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense of the verbs in the

e.g. I __________ already __________ do my homework.

I have already done my homework.

1. He _____________ never _____________ (be) to London.

2. My sister _____________ never _____________ (write) an essay.
3. The train _____________ not _____________ (arrive) yet.
4. He _____________ Just _____________ (walk) down the street.
5. Congratulations! You _____________ (pass) your driving test.
6. The balloon _____________ (burst). It is flat now.
7. You can eat now, I _____________ already _____________ (cook).
8. May _____________ ill (be) since last week
9. I _____________ all my money. (spend)
10. He _____________not (play) the piano for a long time.


Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense of the verbs in the

1. She _____________ (lost) her file.

2. The army _____________ (defeat) the rebels.

3. She _____________ (open) the letter.
4. The clock _____________ Been _____________ (spoil) since last year.
5. He _____________ (eat) already
6. The clothes _____________ (dry) long ago.
7. She _____________ (finish) her homework already.
8. The shop _____________ (close) for a day.
9. The accident area _____________ (clear) up.
10. He _____________ (complete) the project.


Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense of the verbs in the

1. They _____________ (fly) for fourteen hours.

2. Cars _____________ (change) our lives.

3. The ice-cream _____________ (melt).

4. They _____________ just _____________ (finish) their work.

5. She _____________ (sew) the dress.

6. He _____________ (repair) the machine.

7. The band _____________ (compose) a new song.

8. The marathoner _____________ (run) for two hours.

9. We _____________ (work) for five hours.

10. The students _____________ (write) their essays.



The boy is talking about an action which he did in the past.

The time period given is 'yesterday' and 'last week’.
Do you know what tense the verbs are in?
They are in the Simple Past tense.
He does not use the Present Perfect tense because a definite point of
time is given.

The Simple Past tense is used for a past

action when a definite point of time such as
'yesterday', 'last week', 'the month
before', etc. is given.

Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past tense of the verbs in the

e.g. I __________ my pencil yesterday. (Jose)

I lost my pencil yesterday. (lose)

1. She _____________ (eat) porridge for breakfast this morning.

2. He _____________ (play) the piano just now.
3. They _____________ (dance) in the hall last night.
4. The boy _____________ (sit) on the chair before you came.
5. The camel _____________ (spit) on the ground just now.
6. Dodos _____________ (die) out a long time ago.
7. He _____________ (sing) for the concert last night.
8. The Prime Minister _____________ (speak) on television last night.
9. The car _____________ (crash) into the lorry just now.
10. I _____________ (turn) down the radio's volume when the
telephone rang.


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past tense of the verbs in the
1. He _____________ (run) to the shop just now.
2. They _____________ (fight) in school yesterday.
3. Uncle Lee _____________ (fish) in the pond last week.
4. Mrs Tan _____________ (give) birth last Monday.
5. Mingpey _____________ (study) until twelve last night.
6. The motorcycle _____________ (break) down when the engine

7. The Maths exercises that we did just now _____________ (are) easy.
8. Mr Dahl _____________ (finish) his book yesterday.
9. Linda _____________ (go) out just now.
10. She _____________ (feel) guilty for not accompanying her mother to
the market yesterday.


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past tense or the Present Perfect tense
of the verbs in the brackets.

e.g. David ___________ (go) out just now. He ___________ (not return) yet.
David went (go) out just now. He has not returned (not return) yet.

1. The pen _____________ (leak). It cannot be _____________ (use).

2. She _____________ (practise) singing yesterday.
3. Mother _____________ (shut) the window just now.
4. The book _____________ not been _____________ (touch) since
5. The postman _____________ (deliver) the letter just now.
6. We _____________ (learn) a lot from our teachers over the years.
7. The washing machine _____________ (clean) all the clothes this morning.
8. She _____________ (write) in her diary last night.
9. I _____________ (recover) from my illness for one week.
10. Since last year, the government _____________ (build) more flats.


Weiming was sleeping when the telephone rang.

Read the sentence above.

You must have realised that two actions are shown.
However, one action happened while another was going on.
Weiming was sleeping at first.
But something happened when he was sleeping.
The telephone rang.
The Past Continuous tense is used for the first action.

We use the Past Continuous tense for an action that was going on
in the past when something else happened.

While Peilin was eating, I was singing.

The picture above shows two actions that are happening at the same
Peilin was eating.
I was singing.
Both verbs are in the
Past Continuous tense.

We also use the Past Continuous tense for

two actions that were going on at the same
time in the past.

I was dancing at noon last Monday.

The Past Continuous tense is also used in the case above. The verb was
dancing' shows an action that was going on in the past. The Past
Continuous tense is used because a given time is known

We use the Past Continuous tense to show

an action that was going on at a given time
or period of time in the past.

Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous tense of the verbs in the

e.g. While I _____________ (watch) television, the doorbell rang.

While I was watching television, the doorbell rang.

1. They ________________ (fight) when the teacher came.

2. The candles ________________ (burn) when the wind blew them out.
3. While he ________________ (work), 1. ________________ (sleep).
4. The dog ________________ (bark) last night.
5. The workers ________________ (connect) the wires yesterday.
6. The water ________________ (run) when I had my bath.
7. The workmen ________________ (repair) the car yesterday.
8. While the ice-cream ________________ (melt), she ________________
(read) a book.
9. The referee blew the whistle while he _____________ (kick) the ball.
10. The rope broke while he _____________ (climb) up the mountain.


Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous tense of the verbs in the

1. The firecrackers ________________ (explode) when the police came.

2. The ball ________________ (roll) when the boy kicked it.

3. Grandfather ________________ (tell) us about the war when it rained.

4. His heart ________________ (stir) when he was told of the news.

5. She ________________ (gasp) for breath while she ran

6. The door closed while everybody ________________ (stand) up.

7. She fell down while she ________________ (try) to clean the windows.

8. The gunshot rang out while he ________________ (run) away.

9. Police ________________ (investigate) when the suspect appeared.

10. The deejay ________________ (load) the disc when the phone rang.


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past or Past Continuous tense of the
verbs in the brackets.
e.g. While I ____________ (play) the piano, the telephone ____________
While I was playing the piano, the telephone rang.

1. While I ________________ (press) the lift button, a dog ________________

past me. (run)

2. Yesterday, the gardener ________________ (weed) the grass.

3. My brother ________________ (play) with a balloon when my mother

________________ (come).

4. The driftwood ________________ (float) in the sea when a bird

________________ on it. (land))

5. While she ________________ (make) coffee, I ________________ tea.


6. The ship ________________ (sail) when the pirates

________________(attack) it.

7. The plane ________________ (fly) when it ________________ an air



8. While we ________________ (watch) television, a bird ________________

in. (fly)

9. The ball ________________ (bounce) when it ________________ (burst)

10. They ________________ (dive) when they ________________ a shark.

(see) c



Julie is saying what she did yesterday.

First, she did her homework.
After that, she watched television.
The verb 'had done' is used for the first action.
It is in the Past Perfect tense.
The Simple Past tense is used for the second action.

We use the Past Perfect tense for an action that was completed
before another took place. It is usually used together with words
ike 'when', 'after' etc.

The boy is telling the girl what Linda had told him.
He is using Indirect Speech.
The verb he uses is 'had found' and it is in the Past Perfect tense.

We also use the Past Perfect tense in Indirect or Reported Speech


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past or Past Continuous tense of the
verbs in the brackets.

e.g. I ________________ (eat) my dinner when the show started.

I had eaten my dinner when the show started.

1. He ________________ (reach) school by the time she woke up.

2. The bus driver ________________ (close) the door before we could board

the bus.
3. When we reached home, Mum _______________ (cook) dinner.
4. By the time the artist ________________ (complete) his painting, it was
already sunset.
5. When she ________________ (finish) her bath, they ________________
already ________________ (complete) the puzzle.
6. The dog ________________ (jump) over the fence by the time the
hunters arrived.
7. After Ali ________________ (perform), he went backstage and changed.
8. After James ________________ (reach) the chalet, he cooked some
9. They were admitted into the concert after they ________________
(display) their VIP passes.
10. The miners went home after they ________________ (switch) off the
ventilator fans.

Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past or Past Continuous tense of the
verbs in the brackets.

e.g. "I have done my work." Ali said that ________________ .

Ali said that he had done his work.

1. "I have bathed." Ali said that _____________________________________.

2. "I have eaten lunch." Miss Sim said that __________________________ .


3. "We have done our work." The students said that _________________ .
4. "Why was the door open?" Teacher asked us that _________________ .
5. "They have gone out." He said that ______________________________ .

6. "Mr Li have taught us this." The boys said that ___________________ .

7. "Inflation has caused much damage." The Economist said that
8. "Scientific investigation has improved our lives." The Scientist said
that ______________________________.
9. I have drunk the water." The soldier told us that ___________________ .

10. She has not sewn her dress." He said that _________________________


The boy is speaking about future actions.

The time expressions tomorrow' and 'next month' refer to the future.
The verbs used are 'shall visit and will go.
They are in the Simple Future tense.
We use 'shall with T and we', and 'will with other nouns and pronouns.

When we want to show future action, we use the Simple Future tense.

Besides using 'will' and 'shall, there are other ways of showing future

(a) I am going to school.

(b) It is going to rain soon.

Look at Sentence (a).

The action is a planned action".
Now look at Sentence (b).
The action is something that is certain to happen.
It would not be appropriate to use 'will' or 'shall'. The 'going to form is
used instead.

We use the 'going to form for future actions especially when plans
have been made. We also use the 'going to form when something is
certain to happen.


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Future tense of the verbs in the

e.g. Lily ________________ (return) the book tomorrow.

Lily will return (return) the book tomorrow.

1. I ________________ (be) seventeen in December.

2. When ________________ I ________________ (meet) you again?
3. If I ask Rajoo, he ________________ (help) me.
4. Christmas ________________ (fall) on a Tuesday next year.
5. If he studies, he ________________ (pass) his exam.
6. All the shops ________________ (be closed) tomorrow.
7. ________________ you ________________ (forget) to call me?
8. She ________________ (come) home in an hour's time.
9. The doctor says that he ________________ (get) well soon.
10. She ________________ (miss) her family if she stays away too /long.

Fill in the blanks with the Simple Future tense of the verbs in the

1. She ________________ definitely ________________ (agree) to help.

2. He ________________ (free) the prisoners tomorrow.
3. Lena ________________ (quicken) her pace if you ask her to.
4. I ________________ (prove) to be right.
5. This ________________ (deepen) my hatred for you.
6. I ________________ (accompany) you to the post office.
7. She ________________ (criticize) you if you do that.
8. We ________________ (save) our money for the time being.
9. Petrina ________________ (obey) your commands.
10. You ________________ (know) what to do at that time..


Write out the sentences using the 'going to form of the verbs in

e.g. Margaret (buy) a dress tomorrow.

Margaret is going to buy a dress tomorrow

1. Miss Lim (fly) to London next week.

2.They (swim) in the pool this afternoon.

3. Help! The dog (bite) me.
4. We (paint) the ceiling next month.
5. I (visit) my grandmother tomorrow.
6. My aunt (buy) me a shirt for my birthday.
7.They (watch) a movie tonight.
8. I (help) Limin to draw the curtains.
9. Miss Lim (teach) us Maths next year.

10. The car (stop) at the traffic light.



Do you know what is my purpose in going to school?

I go to school to learn new things.
The verb I use is 'to learn".
It is known as the to-infinitive.
It is also very important to note that 'learn' is in the Simple Present
The infinitive never changes its form.

The infinitive does not change its form and is always in the Simple
Present form. The to-infinitive is used to show purpose.

I use my pen to write.

I want you to help me.
I am happy to see you.
I am sad to let her go.

Read the sentences in the box. The infinitives used are "to write", "to
help', "to see' and 'to let'.
For the first two sentences the to-infinitive is used after a noun and a
pronoun respectively.
For the third and fourth sentence, the to-infinitive is used after

We may use the to-infinitive after nouns, pronouns and adjectives.

Read what each boy is saying. The infinitives are 'run', 'sing', 'try'
and 'call.
They are known as infinitives without 'to'.
As for the words, 'can', 'will', 'must' and 'heard', they are called
Special Finites.
They are used with infinitives without "to".
Other Special Finites include 'shall', 'may', 'could' etc.

We use the infinitive without 'to' after

Special Finites like 'can', 'may, 'must’.
etc. and also verbs like 'let', 'hear and

Fill in the blanks with the Simple Future tense of the verbs in the

e.g. Diane has a book __________ (give) you.

Diane has a book to give you.

1. She has something ________________ (tell) Peater.

2. I have some work for you ________________ (do).
3. Here is a cup ________________ (pour) the milk in.
4. The lonely prince has no one ________________
5. He asked me ________________ (play) with.
(wait) for him.
(arrange) the flowers.
6. I want you ________________ (help) Alan.
7. Please help me ________________ (arrange) the flowers.
8. Give me the morning ________________ (finish) up.
9. Let me know how ________________ (jump) higher.
10. Give me a pen ________________ (write) my letter.

Fill in the blanks with any suitable to-infinitive.
e.g. The teacher has given us some work ________________.

The teacher has given us some work to do.

1. The artist has something ________________.

2. The police have ________________ criminals.
3. He has ________________ the flowers away when they dry up.

4. The basketball player has ________________ before time runs out.
5. The cleaner has ________________ pork chop.
6. Candles are used ________________ light.
7. Pork can be sliced ________________ the toilet.
8. The table has ________________ wiped.
9. Do we have ________________ up all this mess?
10. How do we know when ________________ dinner?

Fill in the blanks with any suitable infinitive without 'to'.

e.g. I heard them ________________ in the next room.

I heard them talk in the next room.

1. The teachers will ________________ the naughty children.

2. She will ________________ the cake after the candles are blown.

3. Shall we ________________ Ian umbrella, in case it rains?

4. I must ________________ my work before time is up.

5. Can I ________________ from your water bottle?

6. She will ________________ dinner for us.

7. They can ________________ the mountain easily.

8. The bicycle will ________________ if you don't lean it against the wall.

9. Pens will ________________ up if you do not cap them up.

10. You must ________________ hard if you want to get good results.

Write out each sentence changing the verb in brackets into a to-infinitive

or an infinitive
e.g. without
I want (tell) you the'to'.

I want to tell you the news.

1. The teachers will ________________ the naughty children.

2. She will ________________ the cake after the candles are blown.

3. Shall we ________________ Ian umbrella, in case it rains?

4. I must ________________ my work before time is up.

5. Can I ________________ from your water bottle?

6. She will ________________ dinner for us.

7. They can ________________ the mountain easily.

8. The bicycle will ________________ if you don't lean it against the wall.

9. Pens will ________________ up if you do not cap them up.

10. You must ________________ hard if you want to get good results.


Minghua uses 'if' in his sentence.

The clause with 'If' is called a Conditional Clause.

We know that it is highly likely, if not definitely, that Minghua will not go
swimming if it rains.
Therefore the Simple Present tense is used.
However, the Simple Future tense is used in the other clause.

"if is used in Conditional Clauses. The Simple Present tense is used

in Conditional Clauses to show that things are likely to happen.
We use the Simple Future tense in the other clauses.

Is it likely that what the student thinks will come true?


Since it is unlikely to happen, the Conditional Clause is in the Simple
Past tense.
The Present Conditional tense is used in the other clause. (‘would“ or
'should + an infinitive).

The Simple Past tense is used in Conditional Clauses to show that

things are unlikely to happen. The Present Conditional tense is used
in the other clauses.


Fill in the blanks with the Simple Future tense of the verbs in brackets.

e.g. f it is sunny, we ________________ go to the zoo.

If it is sunny, we shall go to the zoo.

1. I________________ (go) to school if I’m not sick.

2. She ________________ (be) happy if she sees you.

3. They ________________(come) if you ask them to.

4. Alice ________________ (talk) to you if you talk to her.

5. Your English ________________ (improve) if you do your work.

6. Ida ________________(remember) if she writes it down.

7. If you study, you ________________ (pass) the test.

8. She ________________ (swim) if it is not cold.

9. If you tell on her, I ________________ (let) her know.

10. If you hurry, you ________________ (catch) the last bus.

Change each Conditional sentence into the type shown in the example. Put
the verbs underlined into the Simple Past or the Present Conditional tense.
('would' or 'should' + an infinitive.)

e.g If she sees the cockroach, she will kill it.

If she saw the cockroach, she would kill it.

1. If she wants the book, she will buy it.


2. If she needs money, she will ask from her mother.


3. If Meihua misses me, she will come home.


4. If my father is angry, he will scold me.


5. If the apple is bad, Mr Lim will not eat it.


6. If the train arrives late, you will tell me.


7. If she reads the book, she will not sleep.


8. If I fall down, I will cry.

9. If the bridge is repaired, it will no longer be dangerous.


10. If he goes abroad, I will miss him.



Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in the brackets.
Use the Simple Past or the Present Conditional tense ('would' or 'should' +
an infinitive.)

e.g. If Sumei __________ (ask) you, __________ help her?

If Sumel asked you, would you help her?

1. If she ________________ (give) you a present, you ________________

2 (keep) it.
2. What would you do if I ________________ (ask) you for help?
3. If you ________________ (walk) up the stairs, you ________________ (see)

4. If I ________________ (are) a millionaire, I ________________ (not work).
5. We would be rich if we ________________ (sell) everything.
6. If I ________________ (have) the money, I ________________ (help) you.
7. I would cut the grass if it ________________ (need) cutting.
8. If I ________________ (are) you, ________________ (sleep).
9. If Patricia ________________ (say) it was true, he ________________

(believe) it.
10. If John ________________ (play) truant, his mother
________________(scold) him.
Time is divided into a. present time
b. past time and
c. future time

We use different tenses for different time divisions. But it is not true
that the Present tense only refers to present time and the Future tense
only to future time.

Read the sentences below:

I shall go to school tomorrow.

I am going to school tomorrow.

Do you realise that the tenses are different?

In the first sentence, the Simple Future tense is used.
In the second sentence, the Present Continuous tense is used.
Two or more different tenses may be used to refer to the same time.

We can divide time into the present. past

and future time. Tenses are used to refer to
time but two or more different tenses may
be used to refer to the same time.

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in the

e.g. She always __________ (wait) for me at the bus-stop.

She always waits for me at the bus-stop.

1. Before June ________________ (leave) for Malaysia, she called

2. She ________________ me tomorrow morning. (visit)
3. The twins ________________ alike. (look)
4. While I ________________ the house, Ali visited me. (paint)
5. Dawn, you must ________________ in my new car. (ride)
6. I ________________ a great dislike for dogs. (have)
7. The ship ________________ in the middle of the ocean. (sink)
8. ________________ he ________________ you the news? (tell)
9. Jinyuan ________________ a lot of fish yesterday. (catch)
10. We ________________ her since last year. (not see)


Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in the

1. I ________________ John when I was at the supermarket. (meet)

2. If you ask her, she ________________ you the truth. (tell)

3. Don't you ________________ to be fatter? (wish)

4. I watched the workers ________________ the heavy sacks of rice.
5. ________________ you ________________ any money to the poor? (donate)
6. The train ________________ in two hours. (leave)
7. Mary ________________ the letter from her uncle two weeks ago.
8. He ________________ in England next year. (study)
9. Lihua ________________ us her photograph an hour ago. (show)
10. We ________________the classroom just now. (clean)


Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in the

1. Huiming ________________ for a movie with John tomorrow. (go)

2. John ________________ my pen to write the letter yesterday. (use)

3. I ________________ some more sugar in my coffee. (need)

4. We ________________ our trip to Japan two years ago. (enjoy)

5. Someone ________________ my bicycle. (steal)

6. I saw a dog ________________ across the road. (run)

7. The principal ________________ us a speech this morning. (give)

8. The maid ________________ the floor twice a day. (sweep)

9. They ________________ the concert two days later. (attend)

10. He ________________ his toys in a big box when he was young. (keep)



Read what the boy is saying.

He describes how it is raining by using the word 'heavily’.
"Heavily adds more meaning to the verb 'raining’.
It is called an adverb
We put the adverb after the verb in a sentence.
Since 'heavily answers the question, 'How is it raining?", we call it
an Adverb of Manner.

We use an adverb to add more meaning to a verb, an adjective or

another adverb.

Look at the picture above.

Yesterday' answer the question 'When'?
It adds more meaning to the verb 'came.
We call it an Adverb of Time.
It is placed at the beginning or end of the sentence.

we use an Adverb of Time to answer the question ‘When? It is placed either

at the beginning or the end of a sentence.

1. She always comes to my house.

2. I climbed up the tree.
3. Mary runs very fast.

Read the sentences in the box.

Are you able to pick out the adverbs?
In the first sentence, 'always' is the adverb.
It is placed before the verb 'comes.
It answers the question 'How often?"
We call 'always' an Adverb of Frequency or a Mid-position Adverb.

In the second sentence, the adverb is 'up’.

This adverb answers the question ‘Where?".
It is called an Adverb of Place.

In the third sentence, the adverb is 'very’.

This adverb answers the question 'To what degree?".
It is called an Adverb of Degree.
Other Adverbs of Degree include 'enough' and 'too'.

An Adverb of Frequency or Mid-position Adverb answers the question 'How often?

It is usually placed before the verb. An Adverb of Place answers the question
'Where?'. It is placed after the verb. An Adverb of Degree answers the question
'to what degree?". It is usually placed before the adjective and the adverb except
'enough' which is placed after them.

Exercise 1 ADVERBS
Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs.

e.g. The girl is dancing __________.

The girl is dancing gracefully.

1. The children are playing _______________.

2. Mary likes to read _______________.
3. We must not speak _______________ in the library.
4. I waited _______________ for Alan.
5. Tortoises move very _______________.
6. That ballerina can dance very _______________.
7. She thanked me _______________.
8. Please check your work _______________.
9. It is too dark for me to see _______________.
10. Susan cried _______________ when her cat passed away

Exercise 2 ADVERBS
Include the adverb correctly in each sentence.

e.g. (angrily) She scolded the children.

She scolded the children angrily.

1. (noisily) They were talking in the next room.


2. (safely) Judy arrived in Singapore.


3. (slowly) They were jogging on the track.


4. (quietly) Ahmad did all the work by himself.


5. (neatly) Please fold the clothes.


6. (lightly) She tapped me on my shoulder.


7. (loudly) Everyone could hear Jean singing in the hall.


8. (smartly) Dress in the proper attire.


9. (gently) Mother rocked the baby to sleep.


10. (nicely) Speak to her and she will help you.

Exercise 3 ADVERBS
Include the adverb correctly in each sentence.

e.g. (very) I am pleased with your work.

I am very pleased with your work.

1. (always) I fold my clothes neatly.


2. (sometimes) Leela loses her temper.


3. (usually) Paul is late for school.


4. (still) I walk to school every day.


5. (never) My brother has seen a toad.


6. (seldom) I jog in the field.


7. (enough) Do you have money?


8. (already) Cindy has gone home.


9. (very) She is angry with you.

10. (ever) Have you been to London?


Exercise 4 ADVERBS
Include the adverb correctly in each sentence.

e.g. (last Wednesday) We went to the zoo.

We went to the zoo last Wednesday.

1. (yesterday) My aunt visited me.


2. (last week) She went to the Bird Park.


3. (tomorrow) Jenny is going to Thailand.


4. (next year) Christmas falls on a Tuesday.


5. (a month ago) He was expelled from school.


6. (at all) She does not like apples.


7. (just) Ali has left my house.


8. (a while ago) The teacher scolded the naughty boy.


9. (for two years) Pingli went to America to study.


10. (last Tuesday) Pahang lost the match against Kedah.


Forming Adverbs hurriedly
roughl y

Adverbs can be formed from nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Look at the words in the thought balloon.

The adverb 'noisily' comes from the noun 'noisy'.

The adverb 'roughly comes from the adjective 'rough’.

The adverb 'hurriedly' comes from the verb 'hurry’.

Notice that the adverbs are formed by adding '-ly'.

We can form adverbs from nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Most adverbs end in '-ly. 110

Here is a list of adverbs. Study them carefully.

accident accidentally fatal fatally

actual actually fear fearfully
angry angrily fierce fiercely
annual annually first firstly
attention attentively foolish foolishly
bad badly forget forgetfully
beauty beautifully free freely
boast boastfully fright frightfully
brave bravely general generally
brief briefly glad gladly
bright brightly grace gracefully
busy busily gradual gradually
careful carefully happy happily
careless carelessly hard hardly
cheer cheerfully hate hatefully
clean cleanly heavy heavily
clear clearly help helpfully
clever cleverly hope hopefully
comfort comfortably horror horribly
complete completely hurry hurriedly
continue continually infect infectiously
cruel cruelly joy joyfully
dangerous dangerously kind kindly
day daily know knowingly
dear dearly last lastly
dim dimly late lately
dirty dirtily lazy lazily
double doubly light lightly
dull dully loud loudly
easy easily luck luckily
enjoy enjoyably mad madly
entire entirely magic magically
faith faithfully merry merrily


month monthly ready readily

natural naturally rough roughly
near nearly sad sadly
neat neatly safe safely
needless needlessly shake shakily
nice nicely shame shamefully
night nightly silent silently
noise noisily simple simply
obey obediently sincere sincerely
one once skill skilfully
open openly sleep sleepily
pain painfully slow slowly
part partly sound soundly
patient patiently special specially
peace peacefully success successfully
please pleasantly sudden suddenly
polite politely sweet sweetly
pretty prettily swift swiftly
proud proudly terrible terribly
pure purely true truly
quick quickly truthful truthfully
quiet quietly wise wisely
rare rarely year yearly


Fill in the blanks with adverbs formed from the words in brackets

e.g. Leona always talks very __________ (loud).

Leona always talks very loudly.

1. Everything just happened so _______________ (nature).

2. The responsibility lies very _______________ (heavy) on him.

3. The princess shook her head _______________ (sad).

4. We must read _______________ (silent) in the library.

5. They look at each other _______________ (know).

6. He stopped the car _______________ (sudden).

7. He lifted the heavy stone _______________ (easy).

8. I _______________ (accident) broke my mother's favourite vase.

9. He listened to the teacher _______________ (careful).

10. He runs as _______________ (swift) as a deer.


Fill in the blanks with adverbs formed from the words in brackets.

1. Miss Jones dresses very _______________ (smart).

2. I pushed her away _______________ (rough).

3. Belle always does everything I ask her to _______________(obey).

4. I want you to do this _______________ (continue).

5. She spoke to me _______________ (patient).

6. She went to do her work _______________ (cheer).

7. He shouted _______________ (joy) when he heard the good news.

8. Everything just happened so _______________ (magic) that it was


9. That runner can run extremely _______________ (quick).

10. I go to the theatre _______________ (night).


In Unit 10, we compared adjectives.

There is not much difference between the comparison of adverb

and the comparison of adjectives.

Adverbs also have three degrees of comparison.

Can you guess what they are?

Yes. They are the Positive, the Comparative and the Superlative

The sun is shining The sun is shining more

brightly in this room. brightly in this room.

The sun is shining most brightly in this room.

Read the three sentences above.

'More' and 'most' are added before the adverb 'brightly' to form the

Comparative and the Superlative..

There are three degrees of comparison of adverbs- the Positive, the
Comparative and the Superlative. Most adverbs that end in -ly form
the Comparative with 'more' and the Superlative with 'most.

The word 'hard' is a one-syllable adverb.

Do we still add 'more' and 'most to form the Comparative and the
The Comparative is formed by adding er Le. "harder and the
Superlative is formed by adding -est i.e. 'hardest’.

For one-syllable adverbs, we form the Comparative and the

Superlative by adding -er' and 'est' to them.

much more most

bad worst than the worst
well better best

Read the words in the box above.

The adverbs 'much', 'bad' and 'well have no regular way of forming
their Comparative and Superlative.

The Comparison of some adverbs is irregular.

angrily more angrily most angrily
beautifully more beautifully most beautifully
bravely more bravely most bravely
brightly more brightly most brightly
busily more busily most busily
carefully more carefully most carefully
cheerfully more cheerfully most cheerfully
clearly more clearly most clearly
cleverly more cleverly most cleverly
comfortably more comfortably most comfortably
cruelly more cruelly most cruelly
dearly more dearly most dearly
dimly more dimly most dimly
easily more easily most easily
fiercely more fiercely most fiercely
foolishly more foolishly most foolishly
freely mare freely most freely
gladly more gladly most gladly
happily more happily most happily
heavily more heavily most heavily
horribly more horribly most horribly
kindly more kindly most kindly
lazily more lazily most lazily
lightly more lightly most lightly
loudly more loudly most loudly
merrily more merrily most merrily
neatly more neatly most neatly
noisily more noisily most noisily
patiently more patiently most patiently

pleasantly more pleasantly most pleasantly
politely more politely most politely
proudly more proudly most proudly
quickly more quickly most quickly
quietly more quietly most quietly
roughly more roughly most roughly
sadly more sadly most sadly
safely more safely most safely
silently more silently most silently
skilfully more skilfully most skilfully
slowly more slowly most slowly
soundly more soundly most soundly most
sweetly more sweetly sweetly
swiftly more swiftly most swiftly
terribly more terribly most terribly
wisely more wisely most wisely

fast faster fastest

hard harder hardest
late later latest
long longer longest
near nearer nearest
soon sooner soonest

badly worse worst

well better best
early earlier earliest
little less least
much more most
far farther farthest
far further furthest

Write down the comparative and the superlative of these adverbs.

e.g. Sweetly – more sweetly – most sweetly

1. 1 angrily - _________________________ - _________________________

2. soundly - _________________________ - _________________________

3. terribly - _________________________ - _________________________

4. lazily - _________________________ -


5. beautifully - _________________________ -


6. happily - _________________________ - _________________________

7. merrily - _________________________ - _________________________

8. politely - _________________________ - _________________________

9. sadly - _________________________ -


10. skilfully - _________________________ - _________________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adverb in the brackets.
e.g. She danced__________ (gracefully) of all.
She danced the most gracefully of all.

1. Rajoo talked very _______________ (politely) to the teacher.

2. Mr. Chan offered me help _______________ (readily) than Mr Wong.

3. This is the _______________ (hard) of all.

4. The snail moves even _______________ (slowly) than a tortoise.

5. This baby sleeps the _______________ (soundly) of all.

6. Which river is the _______________ (long) one in the world?

7. He came _______________ (soon) than I expected

8. I'll help you _______________ . (gladly).

9. Rajoo does his work _______________ (carefully) than Dina.

10. Mrs Lee scolded me _______________ (angrily) than Mrs Wong.


I asked the girl who
was passing by.


Read what Mary is saying.

The word 'who' refers to the noun 'girl' which is just before it.
It is known as a Relative Pronoun.
We place it before the clause 'who was passing by.
This clause is known as an adjective clause
It tells us about the girl.

We use a Relative Pronoun to begin an adjective clause. It refers to

the noun directly in front of it.

Read the following sentences:

This is the dog which bit me.

Mary is the girl who won the prize.
This is the bag that he gave me.
The boy whom you met yesterday is here.
The girl whose wallet is gone is crying.

Are you able to pick out the relative pronouns? They are 'which’, 'who',
'that', 'whom' and 'whose'.

We use different pronouns for people and animals and things.
The pronouns 'who, whom' and 'whose' are used for people.
The pronouns 'which' and 'that are used for animals (things).
Whose is used as a possessive.
"Whom' is used as the object of the sentence.

We use 'who', 'whom' and 'whose' for people, and 'which' and that
for animals or things. We use 'whose as a possessive, and 'whom’
only as the object of a sentence.


Fill in the blanks with who' or 'which'.
e.g. The girl __________ fell down went to see a doctor.
The girl who fell down went to see a doctor.

1. This is the dog _______________ barked at Ann.

2. This is the type of book _______________ she likes best.

3. The bracelet _______________ she gave me is too long.

4. Ali is the boy _______________ saved me.

5. The book _______________ you lent me is interesting.

6. The green apples _______________ we bought were sour.

7. Do you know the boy _______________ lives here?

8. Is this the ball _______________ Ahmad gave you?

9. Where is the shop _______________ sells apples?

10. That shirt _______________ you are wearing is too baggy.

Fill in the blanks with who, which' or 'whose".
e.g. Gina __________ mother is a nurse, is my best friend.

Gina, whose mother is a nurse, is my best friend.

1. Neil Armstrong is the first man _______________ landed on the moon.

2. This is the boy _______________ mother is a lawyer.

3. The toys _______________ you see in the shop are not for sale

4. That car _______________ is blue in colour belongs to Tom.

5. Where is the girl _______________ spoke to me just now?

6. Is this the shop _______________ sells only ladies' wear?

7. The man _______________ found the wallet is gone.

8. The child _______________ parents are not here, is crying.

9. The tiger _______________ killed the boy is finally caught.

10. The girl _______________ book you borrowed is here.

Fill in the blanks with who, whom, whose' or 'which'.

e.g. The man to __________ you spoke just now is Mr Lee.

The man to whom you spoke just now is Mr Lee.

1. Linda. _______________ brother is a pilot, has gone home.

2. I hate smoking _______________ is bad for health.

3. Miss Ravi, _______________ is in charge of us, is sick.

4. The man _______________ I talked to just now is my uncle.

5. Do you know the girl _______________ dog just died?

6. She is the girl _______________ I am staying with now.

7. My uncle _______________ is an engineer is a bachelor.

8. This is the monkey _______________ escaped from the zoo.

9. Linda, _______________ you met at the ball, is my good friend.

10. That is the boy _______________ parents are killed in the accident.



A dog barks. Dogs bark.

He was sad. They were sad.
The banana is rotten. The bananas are rotten.

Read the sentences above.

Do you know what the subjects are?
The nouns and pronouns such as 'dog', 'they' and 'bananas' are the

In Picture A, all the subjects are singular (e.g. 'dog', 'he', 'banana').
In Picture B, all the subjects are plural (e.g. 'dogs', 'they', 'bananas").

How about the verbs?

They are 'barks', 'was', 'is', 'bark', 'were' and 'are'.
The verbs in Picture A are singular (e.g. 'barks', 'was', 'is’).
But those in B are plural.

The verb in a sentence agrees with its subject in number. A singular verb
goes with a singular subject. A plural verb goes with a plural subject.

Exercise 1 AGREEMENT
Fill in the blanks with 'is' or 'are".
e.g. He __________ smiling.
He is smiling.

1. The cats _______________ hungry.

2. Christopher _______________ swimming in the pool.
3. A baby cow _______________ called a calf.
4. _______________ that a train?
5. They _______________ singing in the church.
6. The girls _______________ very noisy.
7. _______________ Rajoo in the hall?
8. What _______________ friends for?
9. We _______________ planning to go to the zoo.
10. Meimei _______________ an intelligent girl.

Exercise 2 AGREEMENT
Fill in the blanks with 'was' or 'were'.

1. The boys _______________ hurt in the accident.

2. He _______________ getting up the bus.

3. It _______________ a sunny day yesterday.

4. All the books _______________ torn by him.

5. Only one girl _______________ absent.

6. The monkeys _______________ in the trees.

7. The dog _______________ barking at the postman.

8. Some boys _______________ playing football in school just now .
9. The postman _______________ late yesterday.
10. He _______________ very lazy in the past.

Exercise 3 AGREEMENT
Fill in the blanks with 'has' or 'have'.

1. Alan _______________ a brown dog.

2. They _______________ many flowers.

3. 1 _______________ no friends.

4. Cats _______________ tails.

5. The men _______________ a lot of work to do.

6. He _______________ finally found out the truth.

7. We _______________ not eaten yet.

8. What _______________ you found?

9. Our cat _______________ long hair.

10. She _______________ finished doing her homework.

Exercise 4 AGREEMENT
Fill in the blanks with 'does' or 'do'.

1. The boy _______________ housework every day.

2. Dogs _______________ not like cats.

3. They _______________ not want to watch television.

4. Mary _______________ most of the work.

5. What _______________ he do in the evening?

6. We _______________ not know him.
7. If it _______________ not rain, we will go swimming.
8. What _______________ you want from me?
9. This _______________ not mean we forgive you.
10. _______________ you want to go home?

Exercise 5 AGREEMENT
Underline the correct answers.
e.g. Leela (like, likes) to eat sweets.
Leela (like, likes) to eat sweets.

1. My sister (go, goes) to school every day.

2. He (runs, run) like a deer.

3. My father (looks, look) very young.

4. Limei (works, work) at the hawker centre.

5. Wendy (sleep, sleeps) all the time.

6. The rich man (drive, drives) a big car. 7. He (lives, live) in Bedok.

8. I(walks, walk) to school.

9. Children ( love, loves) toys.

10. He only (speaks, speak) Malay.

More On Agreement

We already know that a singular verb is used with a singular subject and a
plural verb is used with a plural subject.

Many of the
children are nick

les .
Both of us want app

Can you pick out the plural subjects?

They are many of the children' and 'both of us'.
They take the plural verbs 'are' and 'want’.

Subjects with words like 'many', 'all', 'both' and 'some take a
plural verb.

When there are two or more subjects joined by 'and' we use a

plural verb.
Read the sentences below:

Every girl has her own pen.

Each boy is doing his own work.
Nobody wants to play.

The subjects are 'every girl, each boy' and 'nobody’.

They are used with singular verbs.
Other examples of such subjects include 'everyone', 'anyone. no one', etc.

Uncountable nouns (for example; hair, flour, grass, used with singular
Uncountable nouns never go with plural verbs.

Subjects with words like 'each', 'every', 'any' and 'no' take singular
verbs. Uncountable nouns always take singular verbs too.


Underline the correct answers.

1. Bread (is, are) made from flour.

2. Every boy and girl here (play, plays) basketball well.

3. Robert, like his father, (is, are) very tall.

4. There (is, are) a lot of rice on the floor.

5. Peter, as well as Paul, (like, likes) swimming.

6. There (isn't, aren't) any more water in the cup.

7. Every child (want, wants) to go to the zoo.

8. None of the apples (was, were) green.

9. Each boy (was, were ) given a ball to play with.

10. One or the other (has, have) to be there.



I am sitting under a tree.

I reached the airport at night
Ho went into the house.

Read the three sentences above.

Do you know the functions of the words 'under', 'at' and 'into’?
Under is used to show position,
Ar is used to show time.
Into' is used to show direction.
These words are called Prepositions.
They are usually placed before nouns and pronouns.
Other examples of prepositions include 'on', 'from', 'of", "above
near, after, etc.

we use Prepositions to show time, position and direction.

Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes. Use each word only once.

near after in without from on

1. Mr Lim lives very _______________ me.

2. My father comes home _______________ work at five o'clock.
3. Look at the man _______________ heir.
4. Don't come too early. Come _______________ nine o'clock.
5. The boys are swimming _______________ the pool.
6. Ahmad is riding _______________ a horse.

for into off from at to

7. She is not a local. She comes _______________ Indonesia.

8. Please come _______________ exactly ten o'clock.
9. She went _______________ the car and drove away.
10. Please switch _______________ the lights, I want to sleep.
11. Let's go _______________ the zoo tomorrow.
12. She talked non-stop _______________ half an hour.

Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes. Use each word only once.

past by about with under up

1. I agree thoroughly _______________ him.

2. She came to see me _______________ the job.

3. I found my pen _______________ the table.

4. The cat climbed _______________ the tree before I could catch it.

5. I walk _______________ this shop every morning.

6. Father wants to see you home _______________ eight o'clock.

Over up on in through at

7. The little girl is sitting _______________ the fence? this small hole?“
8. Can you jump _______________ the fencer?
9. Can you crawl _______________ this small hole?
10. I ran _______________ the stairs, two steps at a time.
11. You can keep this _______________ my bag.
12. I can meet you _______________ two 0” clock.

Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes. Use each word only once.

Beside to for by down against

1. Don’t lean _______________ the wall. It’s dirty.

2. I go _______________ church every Sunday.

3. I sat _______________ Rajoo during the concert.

4. Be careful when you go _______________ the stairs.

5. I go to school _______________ bus.

6. Please wait _______________ me, will you?

off in over up on about

7. Please forget _______________ what happened yesterday.

8. He is playng _______________ the field right now.

9. He turned _______________ the fan because it was too cold.
10. What time do you wake _______________ every day?
11. Don't' sit _______________ the floor. It's wet.
12. Please come _______________ to my house tomorrow.

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

e.g. He hides ___________ the tree so that we cannot see him.

He hides behind the tree so that we cannot see him.

1. The dog is sleeping _______________ the tree.

2. A horse lives _______________ a stable.

3. Please give this _______________ Ravi.

4. I'll meet you again _______________ the afternoon.

5. I paid a dollar _______________ this pen.

6. Can you pour me a cup _______________ coffee?

7. What is _______________ that envelope?

8. I received a letter _______________ Meimei.

9. Don't ever give _______________.

10. He found a beetle ______________ his pocket.

28 I have an uncle My
uncle works in a

Are you able to join the two sentences the girl is saying and ma them into
one sentence?

It can be done this way:

I have an uncle My uncle works in a hospital

We can use words like "who', 'whom', 'which' and 'whose' to join
We know that these words are called Relative Pronouns from an
earlier unit.
When the sentences are joined, the words which the Relative Pronouns
replace, for example, 'my uncle', are left out.

We can use Relative Pronouns to join sentences. Certain words are left

out when we join the sentences.

Join these sentences with who' or 'which. Leave out any unnecessary
e.g. I must write to my pen-pal. She lives in England.
I must write to my pen-pal who lives in England.

1. That is the expressway. It leads to the airport.



2. The girl fell down. She had hurt her leg.



3. I must talk to the lady. She is wearing a red dress.



4. Margaret plays the violin well. She is only ten years old.



5. This is the rat. It stole the cheese.



6. These are the two workers. They work for Mr Lim.



7. Look at the big bird, it is flying in the sky.



8. The boy was scolded. He broke the plates.



9. I read a book. It was very boring.



10. Wenzhao has an uncle. His uncle went to Australia.




Join these sentences with 'who', which, whose' or 'whom'. Leave out any
unnecessary words.

1. This is the letter. I wrote it just now.


2. We saw the girl. Her hands were swollen,



3. These are the toys. She wants them.



4. Molly has watched the movie. You met her yesterday.



5. That is the lady. Her diamond ring is stolen.



6. This is the lady. She met her last night.



7. The fish is still fresh. It is on the table.



8. That is the vase. Her sister wanted it.


9. The butcher has a son. We buy meat from him.



10. This is the cat. It gave birth to five kittens.




oin these sentences with the Relative Pronouns in brackets. Leave out any
unnecessary words.

e.g. We saw the cat. It had only three legs. (which))

We saw the cat which had only three legs.

1. They heard some news. The news surprised them. (that)



2. Lihua is the pretty girl. She is a prefect. (who)



3. Lila has gone to Britain. Her ambition is to be a nurse. (whose)



4. The knife was very sharp. I used it to cut meat. (which)



5. We saw All. We had not seen him for years. (whom)



6. Have you returned the plate? You took it from the kitchen (which)



7. The boy was late for school. His father's car broke down. (whose)



8. Is that the policeman? My dog barked at him. (whom)



9. My aunt would be coming tomorrow. She is my mother's sister. (who)



10. Where is the cup? It was here just now. (that)


I had an apple. I had an orange.
I had an apple and an orange.
Do you want coffee? Do you want tea?
Do you want coffee or tea?
I am not well. I want to go to school.
I am not well but I want to go to school.

Besides using Relative Pronouns to join sentences, we may also use words
like 'and, or, but, because', 'so', etc.
These words are known as Conjunctions.
Like Relative Pronouns, some words are also left out when we use
Conjunctions to join sentences.

We can join words, phrases and sentences together using Conjunctions.

Join these sentences with 'and' or 'but'.
e.g. I am tall. She is short.
I am tall but she is short.

1. She likes coffee. She likes tea.


2. Mary is clever, Mary is lazy.
3. I am hungry. I am thirsty.
4. My grandmother is thin. She is strong.
5. I love cats. My sister loves cats.
6. We have fish for dinner. We have soup for dinner.
7. Mrs Li is weak. Mr Li is strong.
8. Peter goes jogging every Sunday. He goes fishing every Sunday.
9. I take a bus to school. My brother takes a bus to school.
10. I love reading. I love listening to music.

Join these sentences with 'or', 'so’ or 'because'.
e.g. He was very tired. He went to bed.
He was very tired so he went to bed.

1. She was happy. She had won the prize.

2. Is this a ruler? Is this a pencil?
3. It was raining. We cancelled the match.
4. Mother was angry. I broke her vase.
5. Do you want coffee? Do you want tea?
6. Is your car blue? Is your car red?
7. I have finished my work. I watched television.
8. Meiling cried bitterly. She failed her examination.
9. We must talk softly. The baby is sleeping.
10. Is this a dog? Is this a cat?

Fill in the blanks with the words 'and', 'but, because", "or, 'so or
e.g. He cried __________ he had hurt himself.
He cried because he had hurt himself.

1. _______________ Mr Lim is sick, he comes to work.

2. He drinks a lot of water _______________ he is thirsty.

3. The baby cried _______________ he was hungry.

4. He did not attend the party _______________ he was sick.

5. My grandmother is old _______________ strong.

6. I have two sisters _______________ a brother.

7. I like to go to either the library _______________ the cinema.

8. Mary gave me a present _______________ it was my birthday.

9. _______________ I was angry, I did not tell anyone.

10. I had some work to do _______________ I did not attend his party.
Join these sentences with the words in brackets.

e.g. We will try again and again. We succeed. (until)

We will try again and again until we succeed. (until)

1. I am free. I will visit you tomorrow. (if)


2. He broke his arm. He fell from the tree. (because)


3. The soup is hot. I cannot drink it. (so)


4. You must finish your work. It is ten o'clock. (before)


5. We were having dinner. John came. (while)


6. John goes to the library. He borrows some books. (and)


7. Peter was late. Peter missed the bus. (because)

8. I am rich. I will donate money to the poor. (If)


9. I will not leave the school. I finish my work. (unless)


10. Will you wait? I return. (till)



What Mary and Meifeng are saying are Positive Sentences.

Lina's sentence has 'not’ added to it and Betty's sentence has 'no' add to
Their sentences are known as Negative Sentences.

A Negative Sentence is one with 'not' or 'no' added to it. A Positive

Sentence is one without these words.

The children are not playing."

The verb in the sentence above is 'are not playing’.
It is made up of more than one word.
The word 'not' is placed after the first word. 146
we place 'not' after the first word when the verb is made up of more than
one word.

The verb of the sentence is 'like’.

It is an ordinary verb.
The negative of this verb is formed by adding 'to do' + 'not' to this verb.
In speaking, short forms are often used (for example don’t)

We use 'to do' with ordinary verbs to form negative sentences. In

speaking, we often use short forms.

She saw someone in the field.

→ She didn't see anyone in the field.
The show has begun already.
→ The show hasn't begun yet.

In negative sentences we often use 'any' in place of 'some' and yet' in

place of 'already'.


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