The Crew System

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Crew Name

* This represents the characteristics, the values and

the standard of the Crew. Names should be related
to the area of interest or specialization.
Crew Flag

* This should be symbolic of everything that the

Crew stands for. The style and color of the flag is
dependent on the desire and creativity of the
Crew Totem

* This is representative of the Crew Name and is

placed on top of the pole of the Crew Flag.
Crew Song

* This is the anthem of the Crew. It may be a hymn

or a march. What is important is, it represent the
Crew and everything that the Crew stands for. . .
it’s tradition . . . it’s culture.
Crew Yell

* A shout that identifies the Crew and ignites the

excitement of all it’s members. When sounded all
members can easily regroup.
Crew Signature

* A secret signature known only to the members of.

Used for identification of members in their
Crew Medallion

* A medallion used to by the Crew members and is

representative of the Crew and what it stands. The
shape of the medallion is particular to the Crew.
Crew Corners

* A place where the Crew places and puts on display

their projects and their achievement awards and
other recognition. This is also where the Crew
gathers and conduct their meetings. It is their
How Small Crew System Work
Senior Crew Leader

Is the principal boy leader with great responsibility in operating an

Outfit. He is the chairman or presiding officer of the Crew Leader’s
Council. He is the direct link of the boys to the Outfit Advisor. He is
both a Crew and Outfit officer because he helps the other Crew
Leaders with their responsibilities. His leadership ability and
achievement in advancement over all the Scouts, makes him the
highest boy leader of the Crew. He plans and implement the
activities of the Crew.
His Responsibilities
1. Serves as leaders of the Crew at all Crew Meetings, Scout events and
2. Presides at all meetings of the Crew Leader’s Council. He is also responsible
for planning and implementation of Outfit activities.
3. Assumes leadership during Outfit formations and activities, especially during
outdoor activities like camping, hiking, outing, etc.
4. Appoints a Outfit scribe, Outfit Quartermaster, and other Crew officers in
consultation with the Outfit Advisors.
5. Encourages and assists the Crew Leaders in their Crew Meetings and outdoor
activities and keep himself well – informed on what goes on in every Patrol.
Outfit Scribe/Treasurer

1. The Outfit/Scribe Treasurer keeps a record of all Outfit activities in the Outfit
“Logbook” and a record of the attendance during the Outfit activities.
2. He keeps a record of the decisions made by the Crew Leaders’ Council as
well as the activities/projects planned by them.
3. He keeps a record of each member of the Outfit name, age, advancement
badges earned, office, length of service, attendance in Scout meetings,
activities and special events, etc.
4. He collects dues from the Crews, records contributions received and turns
over all funds received to the Outfit treasurer- a member of the Outfit
5. At the request of the Outfit Advisor, he writes letters to Scouts, parents, new
boys when necessary.
Outfit Quartermaster
1. The Outfit Quartermaster takes charge of all Outfit equipment
including the Outfit flags, literature, tents, cooking gear and tools.
2. He keeps an inventory of the above equipment, provides proper
recording on items borrowed/returned by the Crews, He sees to it
that the Outfit equipment is maintained and in good order.
3. He is responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the
Outfit meeting room.
4. He encourages the Scouts and the Crew to make their own,
equipment, e.g. first aid kit, camp tools and equipment,
5. In camp, he works with the Assistant Outfit Advisor in charge of
supplies and physical arrangements such as food, fuel, etc.
Crew Leader

Is the head and spokesman of the Crew. He heads

the Crew not only in the following its own interests
but also in contributing to the success of the entire
Outfit. He represents the Outfit in the Outfit Council.
His Responsibilities

1. He leads his Outfit by his initiative and personal example in Scoutcraft

knowledge as well as in Scout Spirit.
2. Together with the members of his Crew; he plans the Crew’s activities,
meetings, hikes, Good Turns, special projects, and other special events in
accordance with the Outfit’s plans/activities.
3. Trains the Assistant Crew Leader to lead the Crew in his absence.
4. Takes charge of planning community service projects which the Crew will
5. Distributes the other responsibilities among the Crew members in
consultation with the Outfit Advisor.
His Responsibilities

6. Encourages his Scouts to advance and earn their advancement

7. Makes special effort to know each Scout of the Crew, his home, his parents,
his school, so that he may be able to help them individually.
Assistant Crew Leader

The Assistant Crew Leader is next in rank to the

Crew Leader in authority, responsibility, and
experience. He takes over the leadership of the
Crew whenever the Crew Leader is absent or not
Crew Scribe

He keeps the record of activities and achievements

of the Crew.
Crew Treasurer

He keeps Crew finances, collects the weekly dues

and turns them over to the Outfit Scribe/Treasurer
Crew Grubmaster

He takes charge of Crew property

and equipment and is responsible for
transportation facilities needed
during Crew hikes and camps.
Crew Cheer Leader

He improvises the songs and the yells which the

Crew renders during meetings and inter – Crew
competitions. From time to time, he teaches
everyone songs and yells and personally leads the
Crew in these performances.
Crew Hike Leader

The outdoor specialist of the Crew. He leads in the

planning and the implementation of all Crew outdoor
activities and projects to be undertaken and/or
participated in by the Crew such as adventure hikes,
expeditions, camps, rallies, tournaments, picnics,
river explorations, air shows, etc.
* Make the following:
* Crew Flag
* Crew Yell
* Crew Song
* Crew Totem
* Crew Signature
* Crew Medallion

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