Presentaion Essentials

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Basics of Public

Speaking & Presentation

Division C (2018)
What will you learn in this
Real world context
 Organizing & preparing presentation content and
making PPTs)
 Creating effective visuals
Oral Communication – ‘Speaking’:
 Delivering the presentation – Prepared
 Handling questions - Extempore
 Preparing and delivering presentations as a TEAM
Dealing with fear of speaking & other tips
‘Low authority, High conflict’

 You communicate to inform, persuade & ‘influence

 About 30,000,000 power point slides are displayed per
 Corporate Recruiter’s survey 2011 (GMAC):
86% communication skills
67% Strategy Skills
66% Experience
63% Knowledge
61% Change Management
59% Tech & Quants skills
How to work on a Presentation?
1.Planning Communication

 Do not jump to Power Point slides first

 Develop communication Strategy by analysing the

Why are you presenting?

Who is your audience
How will you present?

 Brain storm for ideas – select 3-5 ideas

 Organize the flow by weaving a story
 Make PPTs to help visualize the contents
2. Analyzing a communication
 Purpose: ‘Inform/Describe/Explain;
i. Why
persuade (think, feel, Act); & get work done
i.e. ‘influence action’

ii. Who  Audience: Their needs, attitude, knowledge

level -> how to excite them to do what you
want them to do

iii. How  Message: The content, mode and style for

communicating with the audience
2 (ii) Exercise: ‘Getting to Know the Audience’
Radhika wants to convince her boss that he should replace some
members of a project team that he assembled. As a member of the
team, she thinks it has a good mix of personalities but not the skills
needed to complete the project. Given these circumstances, which of
the following characteristics of the boss should Radhika consider in her
communication to improve her chances of convincing him?

1. The boss has close ties to some of the team members.

2. The boss is a leader who likes to let others sort their problems on
3. The boss values quantitative evidence more than qualitative evidence.
4. The boss isn’t sure if Radhika is an astute observer of team dynamics.
5. The boss has worked for the company for many years.
3. Structure: Rule of 15:75:10
 Positioning: PALS – Park yourself, Anchor, Look at
every one & Smile. Introduce yourself .
 Beginning (15%): Introduction (catchy start – a joke,
anecdote to connect with your topic), Topic sentence;
thesis sentence; & Road map of flow of presentation
Preview sentence: what you are going to tell
 Middle (75%): background information, main
arguments, climax. (Harvard ICAA format). Focus I,
Review sentence: reinforce what you told them
 Conclusion (10%): leave audience with a concise
memory, striking image or emotional appeal; Call for
action – catchy phrase; Acknowledgement, Thank you
4. Steps to Presentation
1. Analyze your audience
2. Develop ‘Position – Action- Benefit’
3. Brain storm Ideas – Main idea & sub idea – Create a story
4. Organize content – Decision, Evaluation, Diagnosis
ICAA Model (Issue, Conclusion, Argument, Action,)
5. Develop introduction & Conclusion –
6. Preview (problem)/Review (Solution) Sentence – ‘’Tell them what you
are going to tell them, Tell them, Then tell them what you told them’’
7. Slides & Visual aids
8. Hand outs
5. Some Slide Rules
 Use slides to focus attention, not to impress or avoid
 Reinforce verbal message, not to repeat it
 Illustrate factors that are hard to visualize
 Do not present simple ideas that are easily stated orally
 Make slides appealing, branded - pictorial
 Use graphs rather than tables
 One point per slide - One title, one picture, one bottom
line. Animation limited
 Visual bigger, text smaller - legible & visible (44, 28, 24
font) - Rule of 6 x 6
 Use color carefully – not too many
 Use pointer
Public Speaking:
(A) Blending Oral communication
(prepared & extempore) with
(B) Non verbal
CODE: Content, organize,
delivery, effect
‘Prepare, Practice, Perfect’
 Know your subject
 Plan opening and closing
 Use humor
 Pander to your audience
 Do not read from the card
 Capture first 10 minutes
A1. Powerful openings: hook,
line, sinker (15%)
 A Quote/a Poem/a Song; tell a Story; Ask a Riddle; Pop a
Question; Give Statistics or Shocking facts about your topic;
Give an Analogy ; Play a game as ice breaker – never force

 Introduce your self

 Give Subject statement;
 Thesis statement
 Sign posting – the session plan
A 2. Main Body (75%)

 Background Information
 Main Argument – maintain logical flow (choose the sequence of ICAA)
 Climax
 End: Conclusion
(a) A call for action
(b) Acknowledgement
(c) Thanks
A 3. Handling Q & A (extempore)

 Keep your energy up – Q&A is part of public speaking

 It is fine to say “I do not know the answer”. Follow it up with an
action and promise and fulfill it.
 Watch out for similar type of questions
 Never enter into a debate
 Listen to the text and the sub-text of the question
 Repeat the question to check whether you have understood
correctly. After replying, ask if the answer is satisfactory.
 Never dismiss the questioner.
 Keep the answers short – involve the audience. Look at the
questioner briefly, then include everyone.

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