Nat Philo Reviewer

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National Achievement Test Reviewer

1. Human beings are endowed with free will and intellect,
hence making them free. Which of the following positively
illustrates the relationship between one’s action and its

A. Human beings are accountable for any consequences of their

B. Human beings can do whatever they want to do without any
C. Human beings are free; and therefore, they hold no
responsibility for their actions.
D. None of the above.
2. Sartre claimed that “ Man is what he is not,” as
reference to man’s elusive identity. Identity CANNOT be
fixed due to man’s radical________.

A. Being
B. Deviance
C. Existence
D. Freedom
3. Which virtue did Socrates recommend so that a person
may be able to anticipate and avoid possible negative
events and consequences in the future?

A. Being
B. Freedom
C. Existence
D. Prudence
4. Myca is following Aristotle’s Virtue of the Mean in her
diet. How is it reflected on her eating habits?

A. She eats everything she wants.

B. She eats only a small amount of food.
C. She eats nothing, only the word of God.
D. She is eating what is only needed and sufficient to
her capacity.
5. A mining company started an exploration for a large-scale copper mining in your
island province. There is an on-going signature campaign to oppose this because of the
dangers of large-scale mining operations especially on islands. On the other hand, you are
also aware that it will generate jobs for the local residents. Now, you are contemplating
whether or not you will join the signature campaign. Which of the following is NOT part
f the actions of a person who thinks critically?

A. You make your own research about the company’s reputation.

B. You try to know who are the people behind the signature campaign.
C. You ask the opinions of anyone who has heard of the mining
D. You ask the lead engineer of the company if their exploration would
be safe.
6. It is said that one of the main reasons why our environment is being exploited and
destroyed is because of human-centered attitude towards nature. This tends us to reflect and
to consider that all living things are worthy of respect because it is right to do so. Natural
beings and objects have intrinsic value, regardless of their practical value to humans. In this
new perspective, we are challenged to identify ourselves as part of nature and define our
place in it. We have the right to use natural resources for our consumption, but it is also our
duty to preserve and protect it. What moral obligation does humanity have with regard to the
preservation and care of the environment?

A. All things are equally created by God according to their purpose.

B. Social hierarchies are directly connected to behaviors that lead to
environmental destruction..
C. The needs of current generations can be met without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet theirs.
D. Environment deserves direct moral consideration and not consideration
that is merely derived from mere interests.
7. Von is very helpful student. Whenever there is an opportunity, he would
always volunteer to serve. He says that he is doing it because it is the right thing
to do. He believed that helping others regardless of social status and situation is
always desirable. Which of the following views reflect the importance of Von’s
A. Pleasurable
B. Universality
C. Duty to action
D. Consequence
8. On his way home, Dodong met a Badjao native begging for food and money.
If you were Dodong, what do you think is the most appropriate thing to do?

A. Ask a police officer to arrest them.

B. Give money so that they can buy something to eat.
C. Give them food since money might be used for
D. Ignore them since it is against the law to give alms for
the beggar.
9. Which of the following is the most appropriate explanation of Nietzsche’s “
will to power”?

A. Love of self-preservation
B. Manifestation of man’s brute nature.
C. Instinct for physical or military power.
D. Fundamental psychological force in man.
10. Daoism upholds that man should live in accordance with nature. Following
the Daoist concept of Wei Wu Wei (action by non-action), which could be the
best way to follow nature?

A. Insisting on what one thinks is correct.

B. Sleeping in the middle of praying the rosary.
C. Taking this exam confidently even without studying.
D. Swimming back to the shore without going against
the waves.
11. It is argued that in this age of consumerism, producing and selling things and services
should be within the context of modern capitalism. The more things and services are
produced and purchased, the more we attain progress and prosperity. The single most
important measure of economic growth is the sum total of goods and services produced by a
given society in a given year. However, the production, processing and consumption of
commodities require the extraction and use of natural resources. Hence, this leads to pollute
and destroy part of the natural environment. Which of the following statements do you think
is the root cause of this moral upheaval in the environment?

A. Human depends upon nature for their survival.

B. The belief that environment is just there for human use and
C. Since human population has increased, the growing demands of food
and housing also increased.
D. The traditional western ethical perspectives known as human-centered,
that is man alone has an intrinsic value.
12. In Heidegger’s Being and Time, the concept of ‘Dasein’ was introduced. Dasein, as he
argued states that all experiences are grounded on “care”. Which of the statements
demonstrate Heidegger’s principle of showing care towards the world?

A. The global under-five mortality rate has declined by more than half.
B. As of 015, 95% of the world’s population is covered by mobile
cellular signal.
C. Ninety-eight percent of the ozone-depleting substances were
eliminated since 1990.
D. In 2015, member states of the United Nations developed the UN
Sustainable Development Goals or SDG 2015-2030.
13. Nowadays, we commonly hear about the term “sustainability.” it is development concept
which means that we should not compromise the needs of the future generation as we meet
the needs of the current generation. For Martin Heidegger, the human person is a “being-in-
the world,” the attitude of the human person towards the world is essentially to show care.
Which of the Millennium Development Goals(MDG) best demonstrates the meaning of
sustainability and Heidegger’s philosophy?

A. Ensure Environmental Protection

B. Achieve Universal Primary Education
C. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
D. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases.
14. Which of the following demonstrates recognition of the human person as an embodied

A. It is an absolute truth that a human being is composed of matter, soul

and spirit.
B. Gabriela is a Roman Catholic, and she simply follows everything the
Church teaches.
C. Although he follows a particular religion, Josie strives to know more
about his spirituality.
D. None of the Above.
15. In the Ambisyon Natin 2040, the Duterte Administration lays down long term vision that
by 2024, “Filipinos enjoy a strongly rooted, comfortable and secure life,”. Which
philosophical principle could best used as a framework to achieve the long-term vision?

A. All individuals in a given situation get wha they truly deserve.

B. All individuals must have equal rights and inequalities must be
addressed to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged
C. All individuals must at all times prioritize empathy, harmonious and
healthy social relationships, care for one another and avoid harm.
D. All individuals are expected to question practices and rules, listen and
follow their inner convictions and think about what is right and
16. For Sartre, what is importance of freedom?

A. To protect individuals against the abuses of established institutions

and people in authority.
B. To guarantee individuals’ inalienable rights to liberty, property,
equality and all other human rights.
C. To recognize the role of conscience in moral decision-making and
ensure individuals moral autonomy.
D. To give individuals the capacity to identify their goals, determine the
means to achieve them, and finally to produce anticipated results.
17. Mike is a hustler DOTA player and his favorite hero id Leviathan. Incidentally,
Leviathan is also a book that deals on freedom, determinism and civil government. Who
among the following philosophers authored this book?

A. John Locke
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. Jean Jacques Rousseau
18. For Aristotle, which is the highest among the following intellectual activities?

A. Daydreaming about your crush

B. Understanding a friend even if you think he is stupid.
C. Choosing between vinegar or garlic ranch for salad dressing.
D. Realizing that it is impossible to go home since the flood is already
above the waist
19. Based on Jhon Paul II’s book, “Theology of the Body”, human beings are equal and
one because they are created in the image and likeness of God. What is thw implication
of this idea?

A. That the human person is spiritual

B. That the human person is a citizen of heaven
C. That the human person is born filled with grace
D. That the human person is corporal and transcendental
20. If I agree with Plato, which will I choose to learn?

A. Reading books
B. Doing recreation and play
C. Recalling what I know from the past
D. Recording my experience in a journal
21. John Locke is known for his dictum” Taguam Tabularasa” which means that the
human mind is a blank slate. Which philosophy of knowledge did Jhon Locke advocate?

A. Empiricism
B. Idealism
C. Rationalism
D. Realism
22. A government official who disseminates fake news through the social medial says
that he/she ha the freedom of expression. In the government official’s perspective, to
criticize the posting of fake news is to restrict freedom of expression. Which of the
following explains why this is a questionable explanation?

A. Freedom entails responsibility

B. Freedom always involves choosing.
C. Freedom means you can do what you like to do.
D. All of the above.
23. Who wrote “The Second Sex” which declares “one is not born a woman, one
becomes a woman’?

A. Judith Butler
B. Julis Kristeva
C. Donna Harraway
D. Simone de Beauvior
24. Which of the following is an opinion?

A. Materialism degenerates us.

B. The human person is dignified.
C. Human emotions may be roused.
D. Human intellect strives toward the truth.
25. A criticism went viral on the internet against the organizers of an event where Apo
Whang-Od from Kalinga, the oldest Mambabatok in the country who follows traditional
tattoo technique was featured. According to the netizens, she was tattooing non-stop for a
long period of time. This may be viewed in what existential theme?

A. Freedom and Responsibility

B. Primary and secondary reflection
C. Human person in the environment
D. Human persons and intersubjectivity
26. Which among the following best manifest an ability to communicate information?

A. A student make use of multiple techniques during his/her paper

B. A group of student conducted interviews with some members of a
community as part of their course requirements.
C. A teacher randomly divides his/her students into groups
D. A teacher considers the multiple intelligences of his/her students
during the teaching learning process thereby providing a variety of
learning activities and assessment tools.
27. Buber’s notion of intersubjectivity is best seen in which kind of situation?

A. A firefighter who risked his/her life to save the lives of the kittens
trapped in a burning building.
B. A teacher who passed a graduating working student who has
insufficient funds to support his/her studies.
C. A security guard who greeted a student suffering from depression and
made him/her change mind of committing suicide.
D. A president of a powerful country who donated a huge number of
arms to reinforce the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
28. Who has aspired to arrive at clear and distinct ideas using the strategy of “methodic
doubt” whichh cast doubt on all claims to ascertain which truths cannot be doubted?

A. John Locke
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Rene Descartes
D. Thomas Hobbes
29. Which among the following conveys a cosmocentric attitude?

A. To doubt the existence of God

B. To claim that there is no reason behind things
C. To speculate on things through natural evidence
D. To make a leap of faith and accept that God died for humanity.
30. In Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology, it is stated that we have to take off our biases
and prejudgements and stand on neutral grund in order to understand the things around
us. Report says that there are thoudans of Filipinos who are victims of Extra Judicial
Killings (EJK). If you will be asked to investigated if indeed there is EJK in the country,
what is the first step that you will do based on Husserl’s idea of phenomenology?

A. Ask for the report from the Philippine National Police

B. Ask for the number of cases filed in the Department of Justice.
C. Ask for more data and information about killings in the Philippines
D. Ask the opinion of the Catholic Church and other human rights
31. The New People’s Army adheres to the principle of communism which emphasizes
equalit in terms of resources and opportunities. According to this principle, the society is
composed of two opposing groups: the proletariat which represents the masses and
workers and the bourgeoise which represents :”those who have”. Which of the following
does NOT belong to the second group?

A. Capitalist
B. Elite
C. Peasants
D. Land Owners
32. According to Sartre in his play “NO EXIT”, humanity’s freedom is threatened by
other human’s capability to neglect and discriminate. The play, therefore, concludes that
epitome of suffering, or Hell, is__________.

A. Self
B. Other
C. Hotel
D. Desire
33. Butch is a student-athlete and is also the President of the Student Council. Despite his
busy schedule, he still finds time to be with his sibling and helps his parents in doing
household chores. He believes that life should always be balanced and too much on
something is not good. What ethical principle does Butch adhere to?

A. Give and take

B. An eye for an eye
C. Virtue of the Mean
D. What is pleasurable is good
34. In order to philosophize effectively, it is important tht one can distinguish between a
statement o fact and as statement of opinion. Among these, which is a statement of

A. God exists.
B. Some people believe in God
C. Some people do not believe in God
D. Religions have different conceptions about God.
35. Which is a common characteristic of philosophical questions?

A. They purely metaphors

B. They are hinged to understanding life
C. They are based on empirical evidences.
D. They are related to fundamental principles that every human person
thought about.
36. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Philosophy does not make decision for you.

B. Philosophy is a science of making decision
C. Philosophy is the love to speak about the obvious
D. Philosophy is an art of being tricky in argumentation.
37. When Randy was a boy, he lived in an area exposed to criminality which involves his
family. When he grew up, he became known in the country as a respected businessman
and a philanthropist. Unlike many close to him, Rnady’s businesses are all legal. For
Sartre’s notion of freedom, what does Randy’s story imply about human person?

A. Influenced by his past

B. Responsible for his actions
C. Reacting to his environment
D. Determined by human nature.
38. Which theory in Ethics assumes the inability of man to comprehend moral truths and
relies on a being with higher intelligence for guidance of moral actions?

A. Duty Ethics
B. Pragmatism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Divine Command Theory.
39. In Plato’s Divided Line, which among these states of the mind generate genuine

A. Doxa (Opinion)
B. Noesis (direct intuition)
C. Eikasia (common sense)
D. Pistis (percept and imagination)
40. The Pythagorean Theorem is philosophically settled through the second degree of
abstraction. What best justifies this designation?

A. It is a metaphysical issue.
B. It is mathematical principle
C. It is a principle linked to theology
D. It is a physical entity subjected to scientific methods.
41. In K to 12 curricular revisions, the Humanities are gradually replaced by technical
courses that bear practical consequences. To what philosophy is this curriculum directed

A. Positivism
B. Pragmatism
C. Subjectivism
D. Consequentialism
42. Socrates is famous for his ethical principle which states that the “unexamined life is
not worth living for men,”. How then should we examine our life?

A. By recalling the mistakes that we have committed and learning from

B. By reflecting regularly on the virtues that can make us better and
wiser in our day to day life.
C. By examining our conscience based on the moral standards that we
know so that we will remain a good person
D. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses in terms of knowledge and
skills so that we will remain competitive and updated
43. Which of the following best explains the concept of dualism?

A. It affirms the mortality of the soul

B. It affirms the existence of the human body
C. It affirms that God is in control of the soul and body.
D. It affirms the relationship between the human and soul.
44. Which of the following is NOT consistent woth David Hume’s philosophy of man?

A. Man is nothing.
B. Man does not have soul.
C. Man is a bundle of emotion
D. Man is composite of body and soul,.
45. Which of the following best describes Aristotle’s thought about the “soul”?

A. The soul is the only reality in life.

B. The soul is a non-existent reality
C. The soul is not separable from the body
D. The soul separate from the body at death.
46. Which of the following is NOT consistent with Plato’s statement about the “soul”?

A. The soul is changing.

B. The soul is pre-existent
C. The soul is directing force of the person
D. The soul can be divided into reason, emotion and desire.
47. Based on Heidegger’s philosophy, death is the end of possibility and living in this
world is free of possibility. What is the implication of this idea?

A. While we are living, we have to find God.

B. While we are living , we have to live to the fullest.
C. While we are living, we have to prepare for death
D. While we are living, we have to work hard to realize our ambitions.
48. Karl is in a dilemma regarding the college program he will take. He approached his
father and he was advised that “in choosing a career, the most important thing is when
you die, your ashes should be spread and scattered in the different parts of the world.”
what is the implication of this statement?

A. One should solely be thinking of one’s own family affairs

B. One should dedicate one’s life to persona gain and interest
C. One should study well and get a high grade to eventually land a good
D. One should be dedicated towards social change in considering life’s
important decisions.

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