Qualities of A Good Research

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1. Good research is anchored
on a sound research question.
Most important step in doing a research project. It
details exactly what a researcher wants to learn and
defines a study’s scope. By formulating a good
research question, researchers can ensure that they
stay on track during the course of their study. In most
cases, the research question influences the rest of the
steps a researcher takes during his or her study as well.
FINER criteria is usually used to create or
evaluate a research question. A good
research question is:

F – feasible
I – interesting
N – novel
E – ethical
R – relevant
3 Steps to Writing a Good Research

1. Ask interesting questions.

2. Choose the best question for research.
3. Turn the question into a testable
2. Good research follows a systematic,
appropriate research methodology.

Determines the overall quality of a research. Choosing

an appropriate research methodology helps ensure that
researchers can collect relevant data and use the right
data analysis techniques. research questions and
objectives play a significant role in defining the most
appropriate research methodology to use.
Research methodology refers to the systematic
procedures or techniques a researcher uses to
ensure that his study achieves valid, reliable
results. It is classified into qualitative research,
quantitative research, and mixed-methods
Qualitative research methodology involves
collecting and analyzing non-numerical data,
such as language to interpret subjects’ beliefs,
experiences, and. These technique include
interviews, focus groups, and case studies.
Quantitative research methodologies involve
the collection and analysis of numerical data to
discover patterns, test relationships, and make
predictions. In doing quantitative research,
surveys, experiments, and systematic
observation can be used to collect accurate
Mixed-methods research methodologies
combine quantitative and qualitative methods.
In combining quantitative and qualitative
research methodologies “permits a more
complete and synergistic utilization of data
than do separate quantitative and qualitative
data collection and analysis.”
3. Good research acknowledges
previous research on the topic.
This leads to discovery of new knowledge, and can
ensure that there is no duplicating of existing work.
Related literatures can also shed light on obstacles
and issues that researchers may encounter during
their studies.
4. Good research uses relevant, empirical
data and proper data analysis methods.

Empirical data is data that has been collected by

researchers themselves through observation,
experience, or experimentation. This is crucial in
doing good research because empirical data is
considered objective, unbiased evidence.
5. Good research is
representative and generalizable.
Criteria of good research include being
representative. In research, representativeness
refers to a sample’s ability to represent a larger
group. This means the characteristics of the
subjects (people) being studied closely match
those of the study’s target.
In most cases, representativeness can be
achieved through population sampling. By using
proper methods to create a representative
sample, researchers can ensure that their
findings can be generalized to the larger
population represented.
6. Good research is guided by
Being guided by logic throughout the research
process also helps researchers spot fallacies
and inconsistencies in their claims and findings.
Logic aids researchers by helping them arrive at
valid conclusions. It makes the research more
7. Good research has
external validity.
Research has external validity and reliability if
its results or findings can be applied to the real
world. If the research findings can be
generalized to other situations or applied to a
broader context, your study has high external
Two types of external validity: (1) population
validity and (2) ecological validity.

Research with findings that can be generalized

from the sample to the larger population has a
high population validity. Meanwhile, ecological
validity can be achieved when the study or
research is applied to real-world situations and
8. Good research is replicable,
reproducible, and transparent.
The replicability of a research study is important
because this allows other researchers to test
the study’s findings. Replicability can also
improve the trustworthiness of a research’s
findings among readers
Though replicability and reproducibility are often
used interchangeably, research is reproducible
if researchers achieve consistent results using
the same data and analysis methods
For research to be replicable or reproducible, it
must also be transparent or available to other
researchers. It must follow proper research
paper formatting or be written or presented in
such a way that it provides comprehensive
details on how data was collected and analyzed
and how conclusions were reached
9. Good research acknowledges its limitations
and provides suggestions for future research.

Good research also opens doors for future

research on the topic. Researchers can provide
details on unexpected study findings or suggest
techniques for exploring unaddressed aspects
of the research problem or research question
Researchers must acknowledge their study’s
limitations and potential flaws and present these
along with the study’s findings and conclusion.
A meaningful presentation of a research study’s
limitations includes implications of these
limitations and potential alternative approaches.
10. Good research is ethical.
Good research is carried out according to
research ethics. This provide academic
research standards for conducting studies and
help protect the rights and dignity of research
participants while ensuring that researchers
practice values, such as honesty, objectivity,
integrity, and accountability in their work
Some of the most common violations of research
ethics include:

Falsification – This involves the manipulation or

omission of data or findings.
Fabrication – This involves making up data or
results and presenting these as accurate.
Plagiarism – This refers to the use of another
person’s work without giving due credit.
Qualities of Good Research:
1. Anchored on a sound research question.
2. Follows a systematic, appropriate research
3. Acknowledge previous research on the topic.
4. Uses relevant, empirical data and proper data
analysis methods.
5. Representative and generalizable.
Qualities of Good Research:
6. Guided by logic.
7. External validity.
8. Replicable, reproducible, and transparent.
9. Acknowledges its limitations and provides
suggestions for future research.
10. Ethical


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