Evolution of Philippine Constitution

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Evolution of Philippine



 The Philippines has had a total of six constitutions
since the Proclamation of Independence on June 12,
Terms and Definitions

Constitution -
 Prime Minister - the head of government in a country with a parliamentary or semi-presidential political
 Cabinet - the committee of senior ministers responsible for controlling government policy.
 Commonwealth - an independent country or community, especially a democratic republic.
 Parliamentary Government - a system of government having the real executive power vested in a cabinet
composed of members of the legislature who are individually and collectively responsible to the
 Treaty of Paris - The Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish-American War, and forced Spain to cede the
Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico to the United State.
 Unicameral - A legislature is unicameral if it consists of only one house
 Bicameral - one that contains two separate assemblies who must both agree when new laws are made.
 Tricameral - having three branches, chambers, or houses, as a legislative body.
 National Assembly - an assembly composed of the representatives of a nation and usually constituting a
legislative body or a constituent assembly.
 Presidential Right to Rule by decree - Rule by decree is a style of governance allowing quick,
unchallenged creation of law by a single person or group, and is used primarily by dictators and absolute
 Promulgation - the public announcement of something, especially a new law
Highlight of 1897 Constitution

 Biak na Bato Constitution
 On November 1st, 1897, it was signed. The Biak-na-
Bato Constitution called for the creation of a Supreme
council, which would act as the republic's highest
governmental body. It also listed some fundamental
human rights, including the freedoms of religion, the
press, and education.
 President Emilio Aguinaldo was the elected president.
 Was never fully implemented since it is just a truce.
Highlight of 1899 Constitution

 Malolos Constitution
 First Philippine Republic.
 The “Political Institution” of 1899 was written and
promulgated by Aguinaldo.
 US and Spain secret agreement or called Treaty of
 Peace pact of Spanish and Philippines.
 Separation of State and Church.
 Unicameral Constitution.
Highlights of 1935 Constitution

 Commonwealth Constitution/Formal Constitution
 Bill of Rights
 4 year term for presidency
 Tydings McDuffie
 National Election
 Commonwealth
 Wikang pambansa, Sukatan ng lupang titirhan.
 4 year term for both Pres. And VP w/o reelection.
 Bicameral Constitution.
 Though this Constitution is starting from its feet it was then
interrupted when the Japanese came.
Highlight of 1943 Constitution

 Constitution made by Japanese Government
 This constitution was not a voluntary act by Filipinos
but the Japanese ordered the Filipinos to replace the
1935 Constitution and fulfill Japanese-promised
 The government requires to develop the Tagalog
Language or known as Filipino Language.
 The short-lived constitution ranging only from 1943-
Highlights of 1973 Constitution

 Marcos Administration
 FEM elected on 1965 and re-elected on 1969.
 Established a modified parliamentary government with a
prime minister and a President.
 Rather than democratic type, this is more on Dictatorial.
 Change the 1935 constitution.
 Martial Law declaration in 1972.
 President’s term last up to 6 years and can be re-elected
on and on.
 Presidential right to rule by decree.
Highlight of 1987 Constitution

 Freedom Constitution
 The 1987 Constitution, which serves as the basis for governing, lays out the
people's right to elect their representatives or exercise their right to vote, and
it includes procedures for determining who is eligible to run for office and
who will be chosen.
 Power is distributed equally and not unicameral.
 It maintained many provisions of the 1973 Constitution, including in
rewritten form the presidential right to rule by decree.
 Democratic governance and preventing of dictatorship.
 3 Legislative Bodies.
 Respect for Human Rights and civil liberties.
 Aquino vested legislative and executive on herself and established Interim
Constitution but she promised to restore democracy under a new democracy.
The 3 Branches of Government

 Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of
the House of Representatives and Senate)
 Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice
president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)
 Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other


 Economic development – how to ensure  Poor law enforcement and an ineffective

that economic growth also benefits the justice system
poorer classes?  Lack of transparency and accountability
 Minority rights – how to ensure multi- in public office
ethnicity and pluralism for religious and
 Polarization between the few who are
ethnic minorities?
wealthy and the many who are poor
 De-concentration of power – how to reduce
the considerable power of the political and  Weak actual protection of the human
economic elites and give more actual power rights of vulnerable groups (women,
to the people? children, minorities, journalists, political
 Better governance – how to make activists)
government more effective in meeting the  Involvement of the military in political
nation’s aspirations? questions
 Spreading growth – how to have more even  Ending the Muslim insurgency in
regional development? southern Mindanao
What is the highlight of the assigned
topic to you ?

 The highlight of our report is how the Philippine
Constitution evolved over time, how it changes over
time and even having a six versions of it.
 It also shows that even time comes there is always a
law that will exist to protect the rights of human as
well as their freedom as citizen living in a country.
 The highlight of our report is also to show how and
what happened during those Constitution(Years)
What is the relevance of the topic to
you as a criminologist student ?

 As a criminology student, we must know every laws and rights we have.
Learning this constitutions teaches us our rights and freedom as an
individual. Also it is a simple respect to those people who offered their
blood, sweat and tears creating these constitutions in order to create an order
in the society. Understanding these Constitution is learning history as well
about how it worked and function back then, Also, learning these
constitutions we can understand how our society is being ruled. Even if we
are still students, we still need to know these basic rights that we have in our
society because these rights are for everybody and not just for chosen people.
 Our history is full of flaws, misinterpretation, and misconduct but we, as a
student, the relevance of these topics to us is that it is in our hands whether
we shall continue those flawed past or to be a better one that can resolve and
find a solution somehow to redefine our future because we believe that we,
the youth, will be the key to end endless problems in our country.
What is your learning insight
after your presentation ?

 We have learned many things throughout this presentation,
the hardships of every leader in creating constitutions the way
they preserve it and the way they will scatter it to the people.
Also, as mentioned these constitutions contains the rights and
freedom of people, their limitations together with their duty as
an individual.
 Constitution benefits the state as well as it’s people.
 The constitution has been present for almost centuries and
changes as time passed by but it was never abolished and
though it went through many ups and downs we still did not
neglect it, rather we kept it and exercised as time passed by.
Quiz Time

1. What is the other name of the 1987 Constitution ?
a. Freedom Constitution
b. Anti-Marcos Constitution
c. Constitution for All
2. What branch of the government carries out law ?
d. Legislative branch
e. Executive branch
f. Consecutive branch
g. Judicial/Judiciary branch

3. What branch of the government creates law ?
a. Legislative branch
b. Executive branch
d. Consecutive branch
e. Judicial/Judiciary branch
4. What branch of the government evaluates the law ?
a. Legislative branch
b. Executive branch
d. Consecutive branch
e. Judicial/Judiciary branch

5. What is the name of 1899 Constitution ?
a. Freedom Constitution
b. Marcos Constitution
c. Constitution made by Japanese
d. None of the Above
6. Who is the President during Biak na Bato and Malolos Constitution ?
e. Andres Bonifacio
f. Fernando Amorsolo
g. Apolinario Mabini
h. Emilio Aguinaldo
i. Emillio Aguinaldo
j. I don’t know

7. Who replaced the 1973 Constitution ?
a. Imelda Aquino
b. Cory Marcos
c. Ferdinand Aquino
d. Benigno Aquino
e. Mel Tianco
f. Cory Aquino
8. What was declared in 1972 ?
g. Tydings McDuffie
h. Treaty of Paris
i. My Birthday
j. Martial Law
k. Christmas Party
l. Cordillera Day, Yehey !!!

9. In 1943 what was the Language that the government wants to develop
during the Japanese stay ?
a. Japanese
b. English
c. Ilocano
d. Bisaya
e. Spanish
f. Korean
g. Chinese
h. Jejemon Language
i. None of the Above

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