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What is Error…?
• Error is the difference between the true result (or accepted true
result) and the measured result. If the error in an analysis is large,
serious consequences may result. As reliability, reproducibility and
accuracy are the basis of analytical chemistry.
Error= measured mean value – true value /true value
• And the difference between the experimental value and true value is
termed as absolute error.
• Errors that may be broadlydivided into two heads,
namely : (i) Determinate (systematic)Errors
(ii)Indeterminate (random) Errors
1. DETERMINATE (SYSTEMATIC) ERRORS -These are errors that possess
a definite value with a reasonable cause and these avoidable errors
may be measured and accounted for rectification. Determinate
error can be additive or they can be multiplicative . It depends on
the error & how it enters into the calculation of the final result. The
most important errors belonging to this particular class are :
(a) Personal Errors : They are exclusively caused due to ‘personal
equation’ of an analyst and do not due to either on the prescribed
procedure or methodology involved.
(b) Instrumental Errors : These are invariably caused due to faulty and
uncalibrated instruments, such as : pH meters, uv-spectrophotometers,
potentiometers etc.
(c) Reagent Errors : The errors that are solely introduced by virtue of the
individual reagents, for instance : impurities inherently present in reagents ;
high temperature volatalization of platinum (Pt) ; unwanted introduction of
‘foreign substances’ caused by the action of reagents on either porcelain or
glass apparatus.
(d) Constant Errors : They are observed to be rather independent of the
magnitude of the measured amount ; and turn out to be relatively less
significant as the magnitude enhances.
(e) Proportional Errors : The absolute value of this kind of error changes
with the size of the sample in such a fashion that the relative error
remains constant. It is usually incorporated by a material that directly
interferes in an analytical procedure.
(f) Errors due to Methodology : Both improper (incorrect) sampling and
incompleteness of a reaction often lead to serious errors. A few typical
examples invariably encountered in titrimetric and gravimetric analysis
(g) Additive Errors : It has been observed that the additive errors are
independent of the quantum of the substances actuallypresent in the
Examples : (i) Errors caused due to weights,
2. INDETERMINATE (RANDOM) ERRORS- As the name suggests,
indeterminate errors cannot be pin-pointed to any specific well-defined
reasons.. These errors are mostly random in nature and ultimately give rise
to high as well as low results with equal probability. They can neither be
corrected nor eliminated.
Salient Features of Indeterminate Errors-
(1) Both unpredictable and imperceptible factors are unavoidably
incorporated in the results what generally appear to be ‘random fluctuations’
in the measured quantity.
(2) Recognition of specific definite variables which are beyond anyone’s
control lying very close to the performance limit of an instrument, such as :
temperature variations, noise as well as drift from an electronic circuit.
How are determinate errors identified and
• One is to analyze the sample by a completely different analytical
procedure that is known to involve no systematic errors called as
“standard methods”. they have been evaluated extensively by many
laboratories & shown to be precise and accurate.
• If the results from two analytical methods agree, it is reasonable to
assume that both analytical procedures are free of determinate
• The 2nd method is to run several analyses of a reference material of
known, accepted concentration of analyte. The difference between
the known concentration and that measured by analysis should reveal
the error.
• If the results of analysis of a known reference std. are consistently
high or low, then a determinate error is involved in the method.
• Determinate error can arise from uncalibrated balances, improperly
calibrated volumetric flasks or pipettes, malfunctioning instruments,
impure chemicals, incorrect analytical procedures or techniques and
analyst error.
• Analyst error : They may be the result of inexperience, insufficient
training. An analyst may use the instrument incorrectly, Perhaps by
placing the sample in the instrument incorrectly each time. Setting
the instrument to the wrong conditions for analysis. Misreading a
meniscus in a volumetric flask as high( or low)
• Mechanical loss of materials in various steps of analysis.
Underwashing or over washing of precipitates. Ignition of ppts at
incorrect temperatures. Carelessness Transcription errors, i.e. copying
the wrong information into a lab notebook or onto a label.
• Proper training, experience, and attention to detail on the part of the
analyst can correct these types of errors
• Reagents and instrumentation : Contaminated or decomposed
reagents can cause determinate errors. Prepared reagents may also
be improperly labeled. Impurities in the reagents may interfere with
the determination of the analyte, especially at the ppm level or below
• Numerous errors involving instrumentation are possible, including
Faulty construction of balances, Incorrect instrument alignment,
Incorrect wavelength settings, Use of uncalibrated or improperly
calibrated weights. These problems can be eliminated by a systematic
procedure to check the instrument settings and operation before use.
Such procedures are called std. operating (SOPs) in the many labs.
• Calibration of instruments, apparatus and applying necessary
corrections: Instruments commonly used in lab, such as
spectrophotometer, electrical balance etc must be calibrated before
use. Pipettes, burettes, volumetric flasks, thermometers must be
• Performing a parallel control determination : Performing a separate
estimation under almost identical experimental parameters with a
quantity of a standard substance that consists of exactly the same
weight of the components as is present in the unknown sample.
• blank determination:To determine the effect of impurities present in
the reagents & vessels used and where it is necessary to locate the
exact end point. It may be accomplished by performing a separate
parallel estimation, without using the sample.
• Cross – checking results by different methods of analysis: In certain
specific cases the accuracy of a result may be cross linked by
performing another analysis of the same substance by another
• ACCURACY: An accurate result is the one which matches very nearly
with true value of a measured amount. Accuracy is inversely
proportional to the error i.e. the greater the accuracy, smaller is the
• PRECISION: Agreement among a cluster of experimental results
however it does not imply anything with respect to their relation to
the true value. Precision designates reproducibility of a measurement,
whereas accuracy the correctness of a measurement.

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