Lesson 3 Artists and Artisans
Lesson 3 Artists and Artisans
Lesson 3 Artists and Artisans
Ar t A pp re ci at io n
At the end of the session, the learners will be able to:
• As a craft, tailoring dates back to the early Middle Ages, when tailors'
guilds were established in major European towns.
• Tailoring had its beginnings in the trade of linen armorers, who skillfully
fitted men with padded linen undergarments to protect their bodies against
the chafing of chain mail and later plate armor.
Other People Involved in the Market or Art
Artist and Artisans cannot rely on themselves alone if it will involve purchasing or
even promotion of their creative works or products. Art world needs professionals
who have expertise in their fields like curators, managers, art dealers or even art
• Both artist and artisans have their own managers. Managers control the
activities, promotions and business dealings. Visual artist nowadays have
their own managers to take care of all the schedules of art exhibitions and
promotions online
• Artisans have their own manager also who maybe the owner of the whole
productions process and the products or she or he can hire a separate
manager for promotion and business dealings regarding the products.
• An art curator is an is the overseer or manager of cultural heritage
institutions like museum, galleries, archives, and even libraries.
• Art curator should have passion for the arts to survive in his/her multi-
tasking job.
His/her task includes the following:
• According to Zulueta, artists think, feel, and give shape to their visions
and concepts in terms of their materials the quality and the utilitarian
function rely solely on the materials used.
• Postproduction or the completion stage – Once an artwork is finished
it will be out in the art market, it will be exposed for public display, or
it will be performed for the audience.
Medium and
• Medium is the essential to art. In a general sense, medium denotes the
material used the artist or substance to communicate his ideas, new
visions, values, and even institutions. Medium is the mode of
expression in which the artist transform his feelings and thoughts into
something tangible and intangible art that the artists audience may take
inspiration and deep appreciation for the arts.
Medium and
• Technique is the actual doing of something. It refers to the familiarity
of the artists to his materials and how he manipulates or controls it. It
has to do with the technical ability of the artists to handle the medium
in the most possible preferred way.
• The artists has the total control over his medium to come up with the
desired effect for his artwork.
Graphic Organizer of Story
• A graphic organizer uses visual symbols to express knowledge,
concept, thoughts or ideas and the relationship between them. Graphic
organizer is the most effective visual learning tools and instruction like
concept map, mind map, knowledge map or story.
Art Engagements and Exhibit
• Art exhibition is an arrangement of art pieces or
array of any art collection in an exhibition spaces
like galleries, exhibition halls, world fairs and
• Art Exhibitions from any major museums
showcases not only artworks or masterpieces but
artifacts which reflects the history of a particular
• Many museums and any other national museums
with its collection of artworks and artifacts aim to
bring history closer to the audience.
Awards and recognition for artist
and artisan
• •Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan Awards or GAMABA is an
award that acknowledges folk and indigenous artists who,
despite the modern times, remain true to their traditions. It is
administered by the National Commission for Culture and the
Arts (NCCA) through Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan