AQA Biology Required Practical Science Revision

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AQA GCSE Biology Required Practical Revision

1. Microscopy 3. Osmosis 4. Food Tests 5. Enzymes

6. Photosynthesis 7. Reaction Ti 9. Field Invest Home
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AQA GCSE Triple Science Biology Required Practical Revision

2. Microbiology 8. Plant Respons 10. Decay


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1. Microscopy – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
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Aim: To use a microscope to observe cells and sub-cellular structures
• Light microscope
• Lamp
• Microscope slide/Glass slide
• Coverslip
• Methylene blue stain/Iodine
• Pipette
• Paper towel Safety:
• Wooden toothpick/ Cocktail • Take care when handling slides and microscope
stick • Anything that you have put into your mouth should
• Onion bulb be placed in disinfectant after use
• Disinfectant • Wear gloves if using stains
• Knife & White Tile • Wear eye protection
• Tweezers • Methylene blue is an irritant
• Forceps

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Microscopy – Quick Questions
1. Draw a labelled diagram of the onion peel cell.

2. A student is observing an ant using a digital microscope. The length

of the image is 33mm. The ant's actual length is 3mm. Calculate the
magnification of the image.

3. What is 3mm in micrometers?

4. If an earthworm is 19 mm long and it is photographed and the

picture is magnified 2.5x how long will it be in the picture?

5. Which has a higher magnification: an electron microscope or a light

Microscopy – Exam Style Question

6 Marks
Microscopy - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Microscopy – Quick Questions - Answers
1. Draw a labelled diagram of the onion peel cell.

2. A student is observing an ant using a digital microscope. The length of the image
is 33mm. The ant's actual length is 3mm. Calculate the magnification of the image.
3. What is 3mm in micrometers?

4. If an earthworm is 18 mm long and it is photographed and the picture is magnified

2.5x how long will it be in the picture? Give your answer in cm. 4.5cm

5. Which has a higher magnification: an electron microscope or a light microscope?

Electron Microscope
Microscopy – Exam Style Question - Answers

6 Marks
2. Microbiology (Triple) – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
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2. Microbiology (Triple)
Aim: Investigate the effect of antiseptics or Apparatus:
antibiotics on bacterial growth using agar plates  a nutrient agar plate
and measuring zones of inhibition.  a Bunsen burner
 a heatproof mat
 a disposable plastic pipette (sterile)
 a culture of bacteria (E. coli– K12 or B strain)
 a sterile glass spreader
 filter paper discs.
 three antiseptics (such as mouthwash, TCP, and
antiseptic cream or any other suitable antisept)
Safety:  1% VirKon disinfectant
 Ensure that your work spaces and hands are  forceps
thoroughly cleaned before and after the  clear tape
 hand wash
 Care must be taken when handling microorganisms
such as bacteria. You will use techniques called  a wax pencil
aseptic techniques during this experiment to avoid  access to an incubator (set to maximum of
contamination. 25°C).
Microbiology (Triple)

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Microbiology – Quick Questions
1. What is the name of the glass or plastic dish we grow the
microorganism in?

2. What is it called when we kill all unwanted microbes when culturing a


3. To ensure no microbes from the air can’t contaminate inoculated

Petri dishes, they must be what?

4. What is the name given to the jelly-like material contained in a Petri

dish and used to grow bacteria for antiseptic or antibiotic testing?

5. How can contamination occur?

Microbiology – Exam Style Questions

7 Marks
Microbiology (Triple) - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Microbiology – Quick Questions - Answers
1. What is the name of the glass or plastic dish we grow the microorganism in?
Petri / Petri dish / Agar plate / Agar dish
2. What is it called when we kill all unwanted microbes when culturing a
Sterilising / Sterilisation
3. To ensure no microbes from the air can’t contaminate inoculated Petri dishes, they
must be what?
4. What is the name given to the jelly-like material contained in a Petri dish and used
to grow bacteria for antiseptic or antibiotic testing?
Agar / Nutrient agar / Agar jelly / Agar gel
5. How can contamination occur?
Contamination can occur when microorganisms from:
• The surroundings get into your experiment and spoil your results
• Your experiment get into the surroundings and cause a potential health hazard
Microbiology – Exam Style Questions - Answers
1. Spraying the bench where you are working with disinfectant spray. Then wipe with paper
2. Mark the underneath of a nutrient agar plate (not the lid) with the wax pencil
as follows (make sure that the lid stays in place to avoid contamination):
 divide the plate into five equal sections and number them 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 around the edge
 place a dot into the middle of each section
 around the edge write your initials, the date and the name of the bacteria (E. coli)

3. Wash your hands with the antibacterial hand wash.

4. Put different antiseptics onto the five filter paper discs. This can be done by either soaking
them in the liquid or spreading the cream or Level
A coherent
5. Carefully lift the lid of the agar plate at an angle. Do notmethod
open itis fully.
described with relevant detail, which demonstrates a broad
understanding of the relevant scientific techniques and procedures. The steps in
6. Use forceps to carefully put each disc onto one of the dots
the method drawn on
are logically with the
ordered. Thewax pencil.
method would lead to the collection of valid
7. Make a note of which antiseptic is in each of the three numbered sections of the plate.
8. Secure the lid of the agar plate in place usingLevel
two 2small
(3–4 pieces
marks):of clear tape.
The bulk of a method is described with mostly relevant detail, which demonstrates
9. Do not seal the lid all the way around as thisacreates anaerobic
reasonable conditions.
understanding Anaerobic
of the relevant techniques and procedures. The
conditions will prevent the E. coli bacteria from growing
method may and can
not be in aencourage
completely some
logical other
sequence and may be missing some
very nasty bacteria to grow. detail.
10. Incubate the plate at 25 °C for 48 hours. Level 1 (1–2 marks):
Discrete relevant points are made which demonstrate some understanding of the
relevant scientific techniques and procedures. They may lack a logical structure
Why there is no growth: and would not lead to the production of valid results.
11. Antiseptics diffuse / pass (into agar) and will 0kill / prevent growth of bacteria or destroy cell
7 Marks wall / bacteria
No relevant content.
3. Osmosis – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
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Aim: Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions
on the mass of plant tissue.
 Potato
 Cork borer or potato chipper/ vegetable stick
 Ruler
 10 cm3 measuring cylinder
 Labels
 Three boiling tubes
 Test tube rack
 paper towels
 knife
 White tile Safety:
 Range of sugar solutions Take care when handling the knife
 Distilled water Do not drink any of the solutions or eat
 Balance the potatoes

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Osmosis – Quick Questions
1. What is the independent variable in the osmosis investigation?

2. What are the control variables?

3. Why is it important to have control variables in this


4. What is the dependent variable?

5. Is osmosis a type of active transport or a type of diffusion?

6. Draw a table that you could use to record results for 0.25M,
0.5M, 0.75M and 1.0M concentrations of sugar solution.
Osmosis – Exam Style Question

6 Marks
Osmosis - Answers

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Exam Style Question - Answers

Osmosis – Quick Questions - Answers
1. What is the independent variable in the osmosis investigation?
Concentration of sugar solution

2. List two control variables in this investigation?

Initial length of potato/Initial mass of potato/Type of potato/
Amount of solution in boiling tube/Temperature/Length of time
potato is left in solutions

3. Why is it important to have control variables in this investigation?

To keep the investigation fair

4. What is the dependent variable?

Final length of potato/Final mass of potato

5. Is osmosis a type of active transport or a type of diffusion?

Type of diffusion
Osmosis – Quick Questions - Answers
6. Draw a table that you could use to record results for 0.25M, 0.5M, 0.75M
and 1.0M concentrations of sugar solution.
1.0 M sugar 0.75 M sugar 0.5 M sugar 0.25 M sugar Distilled
solution solution solution solution water
Initial length (cm)      

Final length (cm)      

Change in length
Initial mass (g)

Final mass in (g)

Change in mass in
Osmosis – Exam Style Questions - Answers

6 Marks
4. Food Test – Topic Menu

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Food Tests
Aim: To use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and
• Eye protection
• Water
• Measuring cylinder
• Spatula
• Powdered foods
• Test tubes, racks & bungs
• Stirrer
• Iodine solution
• Benedict’s solution
• Potassium Hydroxide solution Safety:
• Copper sulfate solution • Wear eye protection
• (Or Biuret’s Test) • Wash any splashes from skin quickly
• Ethanol • Do not taste any of the food substances
• Cold water • Potassium hydroxide can be harmful to the skin and eyes
• Water bath • Take care when using hot water bath to avoid scalding
Food Tests

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Food Tests – Quick Questions
1. What is the chemical test for starch?

2. A red colour forms when a solution is heated with Benedict's

reagent. What could this solution contain?

3. Biurets reagent is used to test for proteins, what colour

changes will take place if protein is present?

4. What test is carried out to test for the presence of fat?

5. List two safety precautions that should be taken when

carrying out food tests.
Food Tests – Exam Style Question

6 Marks
Food Tests - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Food Tests – Quick Questions - Answers
1. What is the chemical test for starch?
Iodine test, will turn from an orange colour to a blue-black in the presence of starch.

2. A red colour forms when a solution is heated with Benedict's reagent. What could
this solution contain?

3. Biurets reagent is used to test for proteins, what colour changes will take place if
protein is present?
Biurets reagent, will turn from blue to purple in the presence of protein.
4. What test is carried out to test for the presence of fat?
Emulsion test, where ethanol is added to the test sample, if fat is present the
sample will turn from clear/colourless to cloudy white.
5. List two safety precautions that should be taken when carrying out food tests.
Safety goggles should be worn when carrying out the tests / Wash off spills on skin
immediately / No eating or drinking during testing / Care should be taken when handling hot
Food Tests – Exam Style Question - Answers

6 Marks
5. Enzymes – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
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Aim: To investigate the effect of pH on the rate of digestion of starch by
• Test tubes
• Test tube rack
• Water baths (electrical or Bunsen burners
and beakers)
• Spotting tiles
• 5 cm3 measuring cylinder
• Syringes or 10 cm3 measuring cylinders
• Glass rod
• Stop watch
• Starch solution
• Amylase solution
• Buffered solutions covering a range of pH, Safety:
each with a labelled syringe/ plastic pipette • Safety goggles should be worn
• Iodine solution throughout.
• Thermometers • Take care with boiling water.

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Enzymes – Quick Questions
1. What is an Enzyme?

2. What happens to an enzyme when its active site changes shape irreversibly?

3. A student is asked to investigate the effect of pH on the enzyme amylase,

which variables should be controlled in order to ensure that this investigation is

a) What is the dependent variable in this investigation?

b) What will be the independent variable?

4. What substance is used to test for the presences of starch in this


5. Draw a table to record your results.

Enzymes – Exam Style Question

6 Marks
Enzymes - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Enzymes – Quick Questions - Answers
1. What is an Enzyme?
A protein molecule that acts as a biological catalyst

2. What happens to an enzyme when its active site changes shape irreversibly?

It becomes denatured
3. A student is asked to investigate the effect of pH on the enzyme amylase,
which variables should be controlled in order to ensure that this investigation
is fair?
Enzyme Concentration / Temperature

a) What is the dependent variable in this investigation?

The time taken for the starch to break down

b) What will be the independent variable?

The pH
Enzymes – Quick Questions - Answers
4. What substance is used to test for the presences of starch in this

5. Draw a table to record your results.

Time taken for amylase to

pH of solution completely break down the starch in
seconds (s)

Enzymes – Exam Style Question - Answers

6 Marks
6. Photosynthesis – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
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Aim: To investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis
using an aquatic organism such as pondweed.

 a boiling tube
 freshly cut 10 cm piece of
 a light source
 a ruler Safety
 a test tube rack Care should be taken:
 a stop watch  when handling glassware
 0.2% solution of sodium  with the use of lamps that may get hot
hydrogen carbonate solution  with the presence of water and the electrical power
 a glass rod. supply for the lamp.

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Photosynthesis – Quick Questions
1. Write down the word and symbol equation for

2. What name is given to a factor which prevents an increase

in the rate of photosynthesis?

3. What variables must be controlled in this investigation?

4. What is the independent variable in this investigation?

5. What is the dependent variable in this investigation?

Photosynthesis – Exam Style Questions

6 Marks
Photosynthesis - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Photosynthesis – Quick Questions - Answers
1. Write down the word and symbol equation for photosynthesis.
Carbon Dioxide + Water -> Glucose + Oxygen
CO2 H 2O C6H12O6 O2

2. What name is given to a factor which prevents an increase in the rate of

photosynthesis? Limiting Factor

3. A student wants to investigate the affect of light intensity on the rate of

photosynthesis on pondweed, what variables must be controlled in this
Amount of pondweed / Temperature / Carbon dioxide concentration / Time

4. What is the independent variable in this investigation?

The distance away from light intensity

5. What is the dependent variable in this investigation?

Number of oxygen bubbles produced
Photosynthesis – Exam Style Question - Answers

1. Set up a test tube rack containing a boiling tube at a distance of 10 cm away from the light

2. Fill the boiling tube with the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.
Level 3 (5–6 marks):
A coherent method is described with relevant detail, which demonstrates a broad
3. Put the piece of pondweed into the boilingunderstanding
tube with the cutrelevant
of the end at the top.and
techniques Gently pushThe
procedures. thesteps in the method are
pondweed down with the glass rod. logically ordered. The method would lead to the production of valid results.
4. Leave the boiling tube for 5 minutes. Level 2 (3–4 marks):
The bulk of the method is described with mostly relevant detail, which demonstrates a
reasonable understanding of the relevant scientific techniques and procedures. The
5. Start the stopwatch and count the numbermethod
of bubbles
may notproduced in onelogical
be in a completely minute.
order and may be missing some detail.
6. Record the results in a table Level 1 (1–2 marks):
Simple statements are made which demonstrate some understanding of some of the
7. Repeat the count twice more. Then use relevant
the datascientific techniques
to calculate theand
number Theofresponse
bubblesmay lack a logical structure
and would not lead to the production of valid results.
per minute.  
0 marks:
8. Repeat steps 1‒7 with the test tube rack and boilingcontent
tube at distances of 20 cm, 30 cm and
6 Marks
No relevant
40 cm from the light source.  
7. Reaction Time – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
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Reaction Time
Aim: Plan and carry out an investigation into the effect of a factor on human
reaction time.
Ruler measurements in cm Reaction times in seconds
Apparatus: Drop test
 a metre ruler Person 1 Person 2 Person 1 Person 2

 a chair
 a table 3        

 a partner 4        







 Care should be taken to avoid injury from the
falling ruler.
Reaction Time

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Reaction Time – Quick Questions
1. What is a reflex reaction and why are they important?

2. What are effectors?

3. A student is asked to investigate whether practice

reduces human reaction times, what variables should be
kept the same to ensure the investigation is fair?

a) What is the dependent variable in this investigation?

b) What is the independent variable?
Reaction Time – Exam Style Question

6 Marks
Reaction Time - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Reaction Time – Quick Questions - Answers
1. What is a reflex reaction and why are they important?
A fast reaction that bypasses the brain / to protect you from harm

2. What are effectors?

Muscles & Glands

3. A student is asked to investigate whether practice reduces human reaction

times, what variables should be kept the same to ensure the investigation is
The height the ruler is dropped from/Hand used

Reaction time
a) What is the dependent variable in this investigation?
b) What is the independent variable?
The number of attempts
Reaction Time – Exam Style Question - Answers

1. use decaffeinated coffee as control
2. control volume of coffee
3. blind trial or do not tell students which coffee they are drinking
4. left for standard time between drink and test
5. at least 10 minutes
Level 3 (5–6 marks):
6. control start position of ruler A coherent method is described with relevant detail, which demonstrates a broad
understanding of the relevant scientific techniques and procedures. The steps in the
method are logically ordered. The method would lead to the collection of valid results.
7. control other factors such as light in the room  
Level 2 (3–4 marks):
8. same person for different concentrationsThe bulk of a method is described with mostly relevant detail, which demonstrates a
reasonable understanding of the relevant techniques and procedures. The method may
9. repeat for each caffeine concentration not be in a completely logical sequence and may be missing some detail.
10. use a range of caffeine concentrations Level 1 (1–2 marks):
Discrete relevant points are made which demonstrate some understanding of the relevant
11. start with lowest concentration of caffeine scientific techniques and procedures. They may lack a logical structure and would not
lead to the production of valid results.
12. use caffeine solution instead of coffee to control for other ingredients
0 marks:
No relevant content.
13. repeat investigation with more people and calculate means
6 Marks  
8. Plant Responses (Triple) – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
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8. Plant Responses (Triple)
Aim: Investigating the effect of light intensity on the growth of mustard seedlings

 white mustard seeds
 petri-dishes
 cotton wool
 a ruler
Height of seedling in full sunlight in mm
 water Day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mean

 access to a light windowsill and a 1                  

dark cupboard 2                  



Safety: 6                  

 Wash hands after handling seeds 7                  

Plant Responses (Triple)

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Plant Responses – Quick Questions
1. What term is used to describe a growth movement in plants?

2. What chemicals control growth movements in plants?

3. What is the name of the hormone that controls phototropism and


4. When investigating the effect of light intensity on the growth of

mustard seedlings, list two variables that need to be controlled to
make this investigation fair.

5. What would be the dependent variable in this investigation?

Plant Responses – Exam Style Questions

6 Marks
Plant Responses (Triple) - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Plant Responses – Quick Questions - Answers
1. What term is used to describe a growth movement in plants?
2. What chemicals control growth movements in plants?
Auxins / Plant hormones / Growth hormones
3. What is the name of the hormone that controls phototropism and

4. When investigating the effect of light intensity on the growth of

mustard seedlings, list two variables that need to be controlled to
make this investigation fair.
Type of seed / Nutrients / Volume of water given / Number of seeds
5. What would be the dependent variable in this investigation?
Height of seedlings
Plant Responses – Exam Style Questions - Answers

Level 3 (5–6 marks):

A coherent method is described with relevant detail, which demonstrates a broad
understanding of the relevant scientific techniques and procedures. The steps in the
method are logically ordered. The method would lead to the collection of valid results.
Level 2 (3–4 marks):
The bulk of a method is described with mostly relevant detail, which demonstrates a
reasonable understanding of the relevant techniques and procedures. The method may
not be in a completely logical sequence and may be missing some detail.
Level 1 (1–2 marks):
Discrete relevant points are made which demonstrate some understanding of the
relevant scientific techniques and procedures. They may lack a logical structure and
would not lead to the production of valid results.
0 marks:

6 Marks
No relevant content.
9. Field Investigations – Topic Menu

Aims, Apparatus & Sa Required Practical T Quick Questions Exam Style Que
fety utorial stions

Field Investigations
1. Investigating the population size of a plant species using random sampling.
2. Investigating the effect of a factor on plant distribution using a transect line.

Apparatus: Safety:
 a 25cm x 25cm quadrat • Consider the safety
aspects of your
 2 x 30 m tape measure chosen site, such as
 a clipboard poisonous plants,
animal faeces or
 a pen open water and
take appropriate
 Paper precautions while
 Optional: Identification working.
• Wash hands after
charts and pencil investigation.
Field Investigations

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Field Investigations – Quick Questions
1. Environments are sometimes sampled along a straight line.
What is such a line called?

2. Two students visited two locations and measured the lichens on nine trees
in each place. Their results are below.
Location Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 4 Tree 5 Tree 6 Tree 7 Tree 8 Tree 9
London 4 6 11 13 4 2 6 2 4
N. Wales 21 13 18 7 16 2 5 19 1

Calculate the mean for each location. Give your answer to one decimal place.

3. A student wants to investigate the population size of daisies in trampled

and un-trampled parts of a school field, what variables should be controlled in
this investigation?
Field Investigations – Exam Style Questions

7 Marks
Field Investigations - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Field Investigations – Quick Questions - Answers

1. Environments are sometimes sampled along a straight line.

What is such a line called? Transect Line

2. Two students visited two locations and measured the lichens on nine trees
in each place. Their results are below.
Location Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 4 Tree 5 Tree 6 Tree 7 Tree 8 Tree 9
London 4 6 11 13 4 2 6 2 4
S. Wales 21 13 18 7 16 2 5 19 1

Calculate the mean for each location. Give your answer to one decimal place.
London mean = 5.8 South Wales mean = 12.9
3. A student wants to investigate the population size of daisies in trampled
and un-trampled parts of a school field, what variables should be controlled in
this investigation?
Type of species / Size of quadrat
Field Investigations – Exam Style Questions - Answers
How quadrats should be used:

 (placed) randomly
 sufficient number (of quadrats) used
 count (daisies) in each quadrat
 use mean number of daisy, area of quadrat and area of field to estimate

accept (area of field / area quadrat) × mean number of

daisies per quadrat
Factors that may be considered:
competition for resources including:
• light
• water
• space
• mineral ions (allow nutrients / salts / ions from the soil) 1
Level 3 (5-7 marks):
A very detailed and coherent description is given as to how quadrats are used and an
Why growth may be limited:
explanation is given which makes logical links between clearly identified relevant points
as to why• daisy(light) energy
growth may for
be photosynthesis
• water as a raw material for photosynthesis / support
Level 2 (3–4 marks):
• surface area exposed to light
A detailed and coherent explanation is given. Logical links between clearly identified
relevant •pointssugar / glucose
are made produced
to explain why in photosynthesis
daisy growth may be limited.
• (space) to grow bigger
Level 1 (1–2 marks):
made. of The
root logic
may be unclear.
0 marks: • (mineral ions) for growth

7 Marks
• content
No relevant (mineral ions / sugar) for production of larger molecules or named
example 2
10. Decay (Triple) – Topic Menu

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10. Decay (Triple)
Aim: Investigating the effect of Apparatus:
temperature on the rate of decay of fresh  a small beaker containing full fat milk or single cream
milk by measuring pH change.  a small beaker containing sodium carbonate solution
Note: The natural process  a small beaker containing lipase solution
of decay in milk is to slow
to monitor in normal class  250 cm3 beakers, to be used as water baths
time. Therefore this  test tubes
procedure should serve as  a test tube rack
a model for the
investigation of decay in  a marker pen
milk.  10 cm3 plastic syringes
 a stirring thermometer
 a stop clock
 Sodium carbonate solution is an irritant
above certain concentrations  Cresol red or Phenolphthalein indicator
 There is an allergen risk with all  an electric kettle, for heating water
enzymes for some individuals, care  ice, for investigating temperatures below room
should be taken when handling. temperature.
Decay (Triple)

Click on link below for video
Decay – Quick Questions
1. An experiment into decay was carried out at three different
temperatures: 10°, 15° and 20°. At which temperature would you expect
the rate of decay to be fastest?

2. True or false? Decay happens fastest in the absence of oxygen.

3. Microorganisms digest waste material faster in conditions that are

aerobic, warm and what else?

4. When investigating the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of

fresh milk by measuring pH change, list two variables that must be kept
the same to ensure the experiment is fair.

5. What is the dependent variable in this investigation?

Decay – Exam Style Questions

6 Marks
Decay (Triple) - Answers

Quick Questions - Answers

Exam Style Question - Answers

Decay – Quick Questions - Answers
1. An experiment into decay was carried out at three different temperatures: 10°, 15° and
20°. At which temperature would you expect the rate of decay to be fastest?
2. True or false? Decay happens fastest in the absence of oxygen. False

3. Microorganisms digest waste material faster in conditions that are aerobic, warm and
what else?
Moist / Damp

4. When investigating the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by
measuring pH change, list two variables that must be kept the same to ensure the
experiment is fair.
Volume of milk / amount of lipase enzyme added / volume of sodium carbonate

5. What is the dependent variable in this investigation?

Time taken for the solution to change colour indicating decay
Decay – Exam Style Questions - Answers

Level 3 (5–6 marks):

A coherent method is described with relevant detail, which demonstrates a broad
understanding of the relevant scientific techniques and procedures. The steps in
the method are logically ordered. The method would lead to the collection of valid
Level 2 (3–4 marks):
The bulk of a method is described with mostly relevant detail, which demonstrates
a reasonable understanding of the relevant techniques and procedures. The
method may not be in a completely logical sequence and may be missing some
Level 1 (1–2 marks):
Discrete relevant points are made which demonstrate some understanding of the
relevant scientific techniques and procedures. They may lack a logical structure
and would not lead to the production of valid results.
0 marks:
No relevant content.

6 Marks
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