Bearing Habits of Fruit Crops
Bearing Habits of Fruit Crops
Bearing Habits of Fruit Crops
Principal Scientist (Hort.)
SKLTSHU, Hyderabad
1. Shoot bearing –
i) Terminal flowering – Mango, litchi, pine apple, banana, loquat, avacado etc
1. On current season growth – Guava, orange, papaya, sapota, aonla, phalsa, fig,
karonda, coconut, loquat, ber, mulberry, grape, bael
2. On old season growth – Mango, litchi, apple, pear, plum, peach, jack fruit, cocoa
Classification according to bearing habit:
Fruit buds Terminal Fruit bud lateral
Flower bud containing IV – Flower buds produce laterally , contain flower parts only
flower parts only Inflorescence without leaves, if – with reduced size
Eg: Peach, plum, apricot, cherry, almond, date, coconut,
citrus, walnut and pecan nut (staminate)
Fruit buds lateral
Flower bud mixed V – Fruit buds borne laterally, unfloding to produce leafy
shoots that terminate in flower clusters.
Shoot with terminal Eg: litchi, black berry, rasp berry, grape, cashew nut, blue
inflorescence berry
But lateral flower buds
Cashew nut
Flower bud mixed, VI – Fruit borne laterally, unfloding to produce leafy shoots
flowering shoot with with flower clusters in the leaf axils
lateral inflorescence Eg: Ber, fig, mulberry, pistachio nut, star apple, avocado,
1. Unproductiveness
2. Cv. Old
3. Cv. poor growth
4. Cv. Susp. to diseases and insects
3. Methods –
4.Heading back
6. Budding