Circuit Theorems - CH4 - 1112867166

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Circuit Theorems

Chapter 4
4.3 Superposition
• Voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit
is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or currents through)
that element due to each independent source
• We consider one independent source at a time while all other
independent sources are turned off/ deactivated/ killed
• We replace every voltage source by 0 V (or a short circuit), and
every current source by 0 A (or an open circuit)
• Voltage source Short Circuit / 0V
• Current source Open Circuit / 0A
• Dependent sources are left intact because they are controlled by
circuit variables
4.3 Steps for Superposition
1. Turn off all independent sources except one source. Find the
output (voltage or current) due to that active source.
•Voltage source Short Circuit / 0V
• Current source Open Circuit / 0A
2. Repeat step 1 for each of the other independent sources.
3. Find the total contribution by adding algebraically all the
contributions due to the independent sources.
Example 4.3: Use the superposition
theorem to find in the circuit
• Two independent sources 6V and 3A.
• Have to do the problem TWO times.
1. First set the 3A current source to zero (open circuit) and find
• New circuit has one loop. 8Ω and 4Ω in series.
• VDR:
Example 4.3: Use the superposition
theorem to find in the circuit
2. Then set the 6V voltage source to zero (short circuit) and find
• 8Ω and 4Ω in parallel.
• CDR:
• Ohm’s Law:
• Superposition theorem:
Example 4.3: Do the same problem with nodal
or mesh analysis.
Practice Problem 4.3: Use the superposition
theorem to find in the circuit
• Two independent sources 12V and 5A.
• Have to do the problem TWO times.
1. First set the 5A current source to zero (open circuit) and find
• New circuit has one loop. 2Ω, 3Ω and 5Ω in series.
• VDR:
PP 4.3: Use the superposition
theorem to find in the circuit
2. Then set the 12V voltage source to zero (short circuit) and find
• 5Ω and (3Ω + 2Ω) in parallel.
• CDR:
• Ohm’s Law:
• Superposition theorem:
Example 4.4: Use the superposition
theorem to find in the circuit
• Two independent sources 20V and 4A.
• Can’t do anything with dependent source, which must be left
• Have to do the problem TWO times.
1. First set the 4A current source to zero (open circuit) and find
2. Then set the 20V voltage source to zero (short circuit) and find
3. Finally: Superposition
current source to zero (open
voltage source to zero (short circuit)
4.4 Source Transformation
• Source transformation: process of replacing a voltage source
in series with a resistor by a current source in parallel with a
resistor , or vice versa
• Voltage source + Series Resistance Current source + Parallel
• Resistance will be SAME
4.4 Source Transformation
• Source transformation also applies to dependent sources
• Voltage source + Series Resistance Current source + Parallel
• Resistance will be SAME

• Arrow of the current source is directed toward the positive

terminal of the voltage source
Example 4.6: Use source transformation to
find in the circuit 4Ω & 2Ω in series =
Example 4.7: Find in the circuit
4.5 Thevenin’s Theorem ( & )
• Any complex circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit
consisting of a voltage source in series with a resistor
• the open-circuit voltage at the terminals
• equivalent resistance at the terminals when the independent
sources are turned off
Ex 4.8: Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the circuit,
to the left of the terminals. Then find the current through

1. Remove from the circuit

2. Find at terminal
3. Find at terminal
4. Draw Thevenin Equivalent Circuit. Put in Thevenin Equivalent
Ex 4.8: Finding
1. Thevenin Resistance: at terminal
I. Turn off ALL the INDEPENDENT sources ( V-source: SHORT,
I-source: OPEN)
II. Find at terminal 𝑎−𝑏

V-source: SHORT
Ex 4.8: Finding
• Thevenin Voltage: at terminal
• : No Effect
• Mesh Analysis: 2 mesh (Left and middle). Right mesh:
• Left mesh:
• Middle mesh:
• Finally,
Ex 4.8: Drawing Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
3. Draw Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
• and series
• Put in Thevenin Equivalent Circui
4.5 Thevenin’s Theorem ( & )
• Check terminal OR Load Resistance ()
• Remove from the circuit
1. Thevenin Resistance: at terminal
I. Turn off ALL the INDEPENDENT sources ( V-source: SHORT,
I-source: OPEN)
II. Find at terminal 𝑎−𝑏
2. Thevenin Voltage: at terminal
• : No Effect
• Find at terminal
3. Draw Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
• and series
Vth RL
• Put in Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
Ex 4.9: Find the Thevenin equivalent voltage () of
the circuit
• Find at terminal
• : No Effect
• 2Ω resistance: No effect = Shorted
Ex 4.9: Finding
• Mesh Analysis: 3 mesh (Left and middle). Right mesh:
• Left mesh:
FIG. 9.32
Example 9.7.

FIG. 9.33 Establishing the terminals of FIG. 9.34 Determining RTh

particular interest for the network in Fig. 9.32. for the network in Fig. 9.33.

No Effect

FIG. 9.35 Determining ETh

for the network in Fig.

FIG. 9.36 Substituting the Thévenin

equivalent circuit in the network external
to the resistor R3 in Fig. 9.32.

4.5 Thevenin’s Theorem ( & )
with Dependent source
• Check terminal OR Load Resistance ()
• Remove from the circuit
1. Thevenin Resistance: at terminal
I. Turn off ALL the INDEPENDENT sources
II. Find at terminal 𝑎−𝑏
III. Apply OR at terminal 𝑎−𝑏
IV. If is used, find

I. If is used, find

• Example: 4.10 Determine & of the circuit

• = 0V. As there is NO independent source in the circuit.

• Apply OR at terminal 𝑎−𝑏

+¿ 𝑰 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 =𝟏 𝑨
𝑽 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕

If is used, find
4.6 Norton’s Theorem ( & )
• Check terminal OR Load Resistance ()
• Remove from the circuit
1. Norton Resistance: at terminal
I. Same process as
2. Norton Current: at terminal
• : No Effect
• Find at terminal
3. Draw Norton Equivalent Circuit
• and parallel
• Put in Norton Equivalent
• Circuit
• Example: 4.11 Find the Norton equivalent circuit of the circuit
• = 0V. As there is NO

current source: open circuit

voltage source: short circuit
at terminal
• Example: 4.11
: No Effect

• = 0V. As there is NO

There is TWO MESH. 5Ω Resistor No effect (Short).

. Don’t ADD 5
Thevenin’s and NORTON’S THEOREM
Converting between Thévenin and Norton equivalent

Use Source Transformation

4.8 Maximum Power Transfer
What load should be applied to a system to ensure that the load is
receiving maximum power from the system? (4.23)

FIG. 9.78 Defining the conditions for

maximum power to a load using the
Thévenin equivalent circuit.
: variable
Maximum power:

Thevenin Resistance
Example: 4.13: Find the value of for maximum power
transfer in the circuit. Find the maximum power.

𝑹 𝑳=¿

Thevenin Resistance

Need BOTH and

Example: 4.13
Practice Problem: 4.10 Find & & of the circuit

• = 0V.
• As there is NO independent source in the circuit.
• Apply OR at terminal 𝑎−𝑏
Practice Problem: 4.10

𝑰 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 =?

𝒊𝟏 𝒊𝟐 +¿

𝑽 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 =𝟏𝑽


. find
Example: Find , and at terminal a-b.
𝑽 𝒕𝒉
𝑰 𝑵= =𝟐 𝑨

and series.
𝑹 𝑵 ¿ 𝑹𝒕𝒉 =𝟐 . 𝟒 Ω

IN=𝑽_ 𝒕𝒉/ 𝑹_ 𝒕𝒉= 𝟐𝑨

=𝑹_ 𝒕𝒉= 𝟐. 𝟒Ω
Example: Find , and at terminal a-b.
Find and for maximum power transfer.
𝑽 𝒕𝒉
𝑰 𝑵= =𝟏 . 𝟐 𝑨

Practice Problem 4.11: Find , and at terminal a-b.
Find and for maximum power transfer.
Practice Problem 4.11: Find , and at terminal a-b.
Find and for maximum power transfer.
Exercise 4.39: Find , and at terminal a-b.
Find and for maximum power transfer.
Exercise 4.39: Find , and at terminal a-b.
Find and for maximum power transfer.
Exercise 4.43: Find , and at terminal a-b.
Find and for maximum power transfer.
Exercise 4.43: Find , and at terminal a-b.
Find and for maximum power transfer.
Exercise 4.64: Find , and at terminal a-b.

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