TYPES OF ADVERTISING CLassification of Advertising

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Advertising may be classified according to:

1. Geographical Spread (National/Local/Global)

2. Target Audience (Consumer/Trade/Industry)
3. What is being advertised
4. The Objective Sought (Stimulation of
Primary/Secondary Demand, Direct, Indirect Action,
Cooperative Advertising, Public Service Advertising)
5. Others
1. National Advertising: National advertising refers to
the fact that a company has a national target market and
does not imply that the advertisement per se is
nationwide. The company, thus, selects media with a
countrywide base. Generally large, established firms
belong to this category. Products like Lux soap, Sunsilk
shampoo, Taj Mahal Tea, Colgate toothpaste etc. are
nationally advertised.
2. Local Advertising: Small firms may like to restrict their
business to State or regional level. Some firms first localize
their marketing efforts and once success has been achieved,
they spread out to wider horizons. A classic example is
Nirma washing powder, which initially was sold only in
Gujarat and subsequently entered the other markets. Retail
stores also undertake local advertising. The area to be
covered would generally be a city or a town and media
would be selected which participated related to that area.

For eg, a store of Big Bazaar in Gurgaon may give its ad in

a newspaper which has its circulation in Delhi and NCR.
Sometimes large firms may also go in for local advertising,
e.g. When they undertake pretesting of a product especially
consumer products in selected areas before embarking
promotional campaign on a national level.
3) GLOBAL ADVERTISING: Multinational firms treat the
world as their market. Firms such as IBM, Sony , Pepsi, Coke etc.
advertise globally, i.e. In different media categories across the
world. The Coca-Cola company rolled out its global integrated
campaign ‘Open Happiness’ in late January 2009, in the US.
Following this, it decided to roll out the campaign in India.

Following this, it decided to roll out the campaign in India. The

sub-continent was among the first few strategic markets for the
campaign. 2009 saw Coca Cola’s long time brand endorser,
Aamir Khan ‘Opening Happiness’ for the brand in India. Aamir
Khan, who has been endorsing Coke for a decade, was seen as a
messenger of optimism in the campaign, where a bottle of Coke
brought people together in their joy. Taking the message further,
in 2010, Bollywood actor, Imran Khan, joined his uncle, Aamir
Khan as an endorser for Coca Cola.
KHAN (2009)
After creating stories under the “Open Happiness” brand
positioning , Coca Cola launched the “Taste the Feeling” campaign
in 2016 as its first global campaign in seven years. The brand has
united Coca Cola, Diet Coke and Coca Cola Zero under the iconic
Coca Cola brand positioning in one global creative campaign.
“Taste the feeling” brought to life the idea that drinking a Coca
Cola-any Coca Cola-is a simple pleasure that makes everyday
moments more special.

While Coke’s award winning “Open Happiness” campaign leaned

heavily on what the brand stands for over seven years, “Taste the
Feeling” which featured Universal storytelling with the product at
the heart to reflect both the functional and emotional aspects of the
Coca Cola experience. Later, in 2018, Coca Cola launched ‘Share a
Coke’ campaign in India as part of the global campaign.
In India, Coke chose to take an emotional route to promote the
campaign. The Indian version of the campaign was reinvented to
connect with the Indian consumers, taking ‘relationships’ as the
concept. With the theme ‘Har Rishta Bola, Mera Naam Ki Coca
Cola’, the narratives were based on the significance of
relationships for Indians. As part of ‘Share A Coke’ campaign,
Coca-Cola India conducted a survey amongst its target audience
of 18-29 years old to identify what the campaign should be about.

Out of the five concepts shared with the participants (name,

designations, relationships, film dialogues and film names), most
of them picked relationships. Participants were also asked to list
their top 20 relationships and the most popular ones made heir
way to the labels on bottles and cans. The process helped Coca
Cola understand the relationships that are most significant to
today’s youth.
Labels were created in 12 languages- English, Hindi,
Tamil, Telegu, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Oriya,
Assamese, Gujarati, Punjabi and Marathi. Each relationship
is accompanied by an exciting descriptor such as Grandad
(Old School, Yet Cool), Grandma (Scolds me, spoils me),
Daddy (My Teacher, My Friend), Mom (above the rest),
Son (My devil, My angel).

In 2019, Coca Cola rolled out ‘Say it with Coke’ ad

campaign as an extension to its ‘Share a Coke’ campaign.
The ad film features Ranbir Kapoor and Paresh Rawal.
When Paresh Rawal, the landlord, enters Ranbir Kapoor’s
(the tenant) house to collect the rent, Ranbir hands over a
bottle of Coca Cola to him. When the landlord asks him the
reason for the drink, the tenant RK responds that the bottle
of Coke for all those times the former has had an eye on his
 The landlord looks confused until RK reveals the ‘Jaadu
Teri Nazar’ label on the bottle which is also a Bollywood

The labels also feature songs like “You are my Soniya”,

“Chak de India”, “All iz Well”, “Kar Har Maidan Fateh”
inspired from Bollywood.
1) Consumer Advertising: Consumer advertising is
one which is directed to end consumers. This type of
advertising takes place for those products which are
used by the consumers. Advertisements of soaps,
detergents, tea, coffee, soft drinks, washing
machines, televisions, refrigerators, cosmetics are all
examples of consumer advertising. Such type of
advertising generally appears in mass media like
television, radio, magazines and newspapers.
2) TRADE ADVERTISING: This refers to consumer-
product advertising designed to stimulate wholesalers
or retailers to purchase products for resale to their
customers. An example of trade advertising would be a
Coca Cola advertisement placed in a trade magazine
such as ‘Franchising’, in order to promote Coca Cola to
food store managers. The primary objective of trade
advertising is to promote greater distribution of the
advertised product. An important form of trade
advertising is retail advertising.
Retail advertising: Retail advertising may be defined
as all advertising by the stores that sell goods directly
to the consuming public. It includes, also advertising
by establishments that sell services to the public, such
as beauty shop, petrol pumps and banks.

Retail advertising has a number of objectives. The

primary one is to build store traffic, and advertising
does that by emphasizing a reduced price on a popular
item or by promoting the store image by focussing on
unusual or varied merchandise, friendly and
knowledgeable clerks, or prestige brands, other
objectives are:
Build store brand awareness.

Sell a variety of products and brands by creating

consumer understanding of items or services offered.

Deliver sales promotion messages

Create and communicate a store image or personality.

Create consumer desire to shop at this particular

advertising is directed at business firms and other
organisations which purchase and use industrial
products such as raw material, machinery, tools and
equipment etc. For instance, an advertisement of
electric motors may be directed at manufacturers of
washing machines, an advertisement for certain types
of tools may be directed by manufacturers of tractors
etc. As compared to consumers, industrial buyers are
few in number. Trade and technical journals are the
main media used in industrial advertising.
The modern definition of ‘product’ in
marketing is ‘anything that can be marketed is
a product’. In that sense, it is not only a
tangible product which can be advertised, but
also services, ideas, organisations and places
are advertised. On the basis of what is being
advertised, advertising may be classified as
1. Product Advertising: Such advertising is done to
promote sale of a tangible product. For example,
colgate toothpaste, Lux soap, Ariel detergent powder,
Cadbury Dairy milk chocolate, Nokia mobile phones,
Ruffles Lays, Harvest Gold Bread, Maruti A Star, LG
refrigerators etc. Product advertising may be direct
action or indirect action advertising.

(a) Informative Product Advertising: This form of

advertising tends to characterize the promotion of any
new type of product to develop an initial demand. It is
usually done in the introductory stages of the product
life cycle. It was the original approach to advertising.
(b) Persuasive Product Advertising: Persuasive
product advertising is to develop demand for a
particular product or brand. It is a type of promotion
used in the growth period and, to some extent, in the
maturity period of the product life cycle.

(c) Reminder-Oriented Product Advertising: The goal of

this type of advertising is to reinforce previous promotional
activity by keeping the brand name in front of the public. It is
used in the maturity period as well as throughout the
declining phase of the product life cycle.
2. Service Advertising: This type of
advertising attempts to promote the sale
of services, which are intangible,
inseparable and perishable.
Advertisements by banks, insurance
companies, hotels, airlines, health care
services, mobile phone service providers
etc. fall in that category.
3. Idea Advertising: Advertising, being a
powerful mass communication tool, is used not
only to present and promote goods and services
but also to further the goals of public interest
and social causes. This is achieved through
what is known as idea advertising.
Advertisements like quit smoking, family
planning, save the girl child, HIV awareness
programme, Pulse Polio immunization save
water, save electricity, etc. are all examples of
idea advertising.
4. Institutional Advertising: Institutional advertising is
done by business firms and institutions to build their
image. Such advertising does not attempt to sell
anything directly. The objective is to improve the
goodwill of the organisation as a whole, not focussing
on any one product or service of the organisation.
Institutional advertising is also known as corporate
advertising. An example of institutional advertising is
Amitabh Bachchan or Narendra Modi promoting

The main objective of institutional advertising is to build a

positive image and to generate goodwill about a particular
industry, rather than to promote sales.
5) Place Advertising: Advertising of places
is done to promote tourism to such places.
Advertisements like Go Goa, Dubai
shopping festival, Kerala God’s own
Country etc. are all examples of place
based advertisements.
Primary demand advertising is that type which is
designed to stimulate the demand for a generic
category of a product rather that emphasizing on
a particular brand of product. For example, the
‘piyo glassful doodh’ advertisement of Mother
Dairy emphasizes that a good to drink milk,
without emphasizing on the brand Mother Dairy.
Primary demand advertising is used in two
situations. The first is when the product is in
introductory stages of its life cycle. This is called
pioneering advertising.

Under this, an individual firm may be run an ad

about its new product, explaining the benefits of
the product, not emphasizing the brand name. The
objective of pioneering advertising is to inform,
and not to persuade the market.
 The second use of primary demand advertising by
trade association stimulate the demand for their
industry’s product which is in competition with
other product categories. Thus, the national Egg
coordination committee urges us to eat eggs when it
says, ‘Sunday ho ya Monday, Roz Khao Ande’by
NECC (National egg coordination committee), and
‘piyo glassful doodh’ by Mother Dairy urges us to
drink milk. Here, the ‘piyo glassful doodh’ ad tries
to meet competition that it faces from other product
categories like soft drinks, juices etc.
2) Secondary Demand Advertising: Secondary
demand advertising is intended to stimulate demand
for individuals brands such as Amul milk, Sony
television, etc. Selective demand advertising is
essentially competitive advertising.
This type of advertising is used when a product has
gone beyond the introductory stage of its life cycle.
The product is then sufficiently well-known, and
several individual brands are competing for a market
share. The objective of competitive advertising is to
persuade the potential customers, and it emphasizes
the particular benefits of the brand being advertised.
Comparative advertising is also one type of
advertising that has been used for a variety of
products. In a comparative advertising, the advertiser
directly or indirectly points out towards a rival brand
and states that the advertised brand is better than the
other. (It should be remembered that in India law does
not permit taking the name of the rival brand directly
for the purpose of comparative advertising.)
Consider the following two print ads- “Mutual Funds
Sahi Hai” ad and the ad for “UTI Mutual Funds”
3) Direct Action Advertising: With direct action
advertising , sellers seek a quick response to their
advertisements. For instance, an advertisement in the
newspaper with a coupon, which when redeemed will
give the person a free sample of the product, may urge
the reader to send immediately for a free sample.

Harvest gold bread had used this technique where they

inserted a coupon in the newspaper on the redemption of
which the buyer would get a pack of Harvest Gold buns
free with the bread. This helped Harvest Gold to secure a
quick response to the brand in the initial period of
launch of the brand.
4) Indirect Action Advertising: Indirect action
advertising is designed to stimulate demand over a
longer period of time. Such advertising is intended to
inform customers that the product exists and to point
out its benefits. The idea is that when customers are
ready to buy the product, they will look favourably
upon the seller’s brand.

Thus, an advertisement for a brand of car may not

immediately result in sale but can place the car
favourably in the minds of perspective customers.
When these people, are ready to buy a car, three
months later, or six months later or one year later, it
might lead to sale.
1) Classified Advertising

This is a form of advertising where small messages are

grouped under a specific heading or classification such as
employment, real estate, automobiles and others. These are
very common in newspapers, magazines and other
periodicals. Classified advertisements are cheaper in
comparison to large display ads used by businesses
 These ads are typically short, as they are
charged based on per line. These are not
widespread as large display ads. They do not
include any graphics.
2. Display Advertising
Display advertising basically appears in websites.
These advertisements can be in different formats and
they have items such as text, images, flash, audio,
videos etc. The first banner display on the Internet
was on October 27th, 1994. The basic objective of
display ads is to deliver brand messages to the site
visitors. eMarketer has estimated that Facebook and
Twitter may account for 33% of display ad spending
market share by 2017.
3) Cooperative Advertising: Cooperative advertising involves
sharing of the cost of advertising by two or more sponsors.
Cooperative advertising may be vertical or horizontal.

Vertical Cooperative Advertising involves firms on different

levels of distribution-such as manufacturers and retailers. The
manufacturer and the retailer share the retailer’s cost of
advertising the manufacturer’s product. Another type of vertical
cooperative advertising involves an advertising allowance-also
called as promotional allowance. The allowance is an off-invoice
or cash discount offered by a manufacturer to a retailer to
encourage the retailer to advertise or prominently display the
product. The arrangement provides added incentive for the retailer
to advertise the manufacturer’s product.
Horizontal Cooperative Advertising involves a
group of firms on the same level of distribution-
such as a group of retailers. All stores in a shopping
mall, for instance may run a joint ad weekly in the
4. End Product Advertising

Product advertising is any form of communication

about the promotion of any product or service
through which potential customers are convinced to
purchase the product. The basic objective of product
advertising is to increase brand awareness and
demonstrate the differences between the product and
its competitors. A good advertising campaign
educates the potential buyers on why they might
need the product, how can they use it and what
benefits they will receive.
Market research is usually conducted to obtain
information such as the requirements of the target
audience, factors which influence the buying
decisions, preferred media to distribute the
information about the product. The collected data is
then used to write an advertisement message and
convince the potential buyers to buy the product. For
example, Heinz uses superior quality of tomatoes to
prepare ketchup than their competitors.
5. Direct Response Advertising

Direct response advertising attempts to remind customers

about the product and services offered by a particular brand.
The basic idea here is that more times an advertisement is
projected, it stays in the top of mind consciousness for the
customer and they are likely to make a purchase decision.

This is an effective way of advertising; however, it’s a costly

affair for the sponsor to successfully pull the target audience.
The time and expenses involved in such advertisements are
not a problem for big brands as they have massive advertising
budgets and product lines are planned in advance.
 The small businesses face budget constraints when
they try to imitate big brands in this type of
marketing. Direct response marketing evokes an
immediate response and compels the target
audience to take some specific actions. Direct
response advertising is trackable, measurable and
targets a specific audience.
6. SOCIAL ADVERTISING: Such advertising refers to
those advertising efforts which aim to promote a social cause.
The main objective behind social advertising is to spread
social consciousness among the masses and promote
important social issues which generally go unnoticed. Such
advertisements may range from being subtle to direct, and
practical to ironic.

Some of the issues discussed through these types of

advertising campaigns over the years include Female
Foeticide, Blood donation, HIV/AIDS awareness, Polio
eradication etc. Such type of advertising is also called Public
Service Advertising and is done as part of social
responsibility by various advertising agencies, NGOs etc.
Today, social advertising has become incredibly popular
and is considered to be one of the most effective means to
create social awareness and bring about change/shift in the
mind set of the people. Recent time has witnessed a change
in the way major companies have started advertising with a
social message.

Idea’s What an Idea, sirji; Aircel’s ‘Save our Tiger’

campaign or Tata Tea ‘Jaago re’, every major giant is trying
to discharge its social responsibility by given a social
message to consumers. The intention is to make every
Indian citizen aware of some of inevitable responsibilities.
AD (2010)
In 2008, AIRCEL, one of India’s largest GSM
mobile service provider initiated the campaign
towards a social cause in association with WWF-
India to help save tigers. AIRCEL ‘Save our Tigers’
campaign was intended to draw attention towards
dwindling numbers of tigers across the planet and
to bring forward the seriousness of losing tigers
from our planet.
The campaign involved Aircel brand ambassador
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, footballer Bhaichung
Bhutia and South Indian filmstar Surya as part of
their campaign. Apart from TV spot and print ad, a
website called www.saveourtigers.com was
launched, which was instrumental in propagating
and disseminating information about saving tigers.
Later on, famous celebrity Amitabh Bachchan also
became part of the campaign. The campaign urged
people to be informed and create buzz across all
forums like blogging, writing on facebook, twitter
and writing letters to the editors of newspapers.
Advocacy advertising refers to the advertising used for supporting a
particular cause, point of view, or a matter of public importance or
interest. It is a type of advertisement used to address political, social or
economic issues. Unlike commercial advertising, advocacy advertising
is considered to be undertaken in the interest of a group or the public
and typically does not promote a product or service.

Funding for advocacy advertising can be through non-profit

organization, by corporations or private advocacy groups. Advocacy
advertising is a powerful method of delivering emotionally charged
messaging. The advertising style is designed to introduce ideas and
address issues as a means of swaying public opinion. For eg “The
Shower” ad by Hindustan Unilever under its “Start a Little Good”
campaign seeks to remind us about the value of water and urgency of
saving it to sustain life.
In 2019, Hindustan Unilever Limited worked with its
advertising agency Ogilvy and came up with a powerful,
thought-provoking ad film on water conservation for its
CSR initiative titled ‘Start a Little Good’. The ad film starts
with a stark image of a shower cubicle planted in a village
in Rajasthan, one of countries' driest state. A villager steps
inside the shower cubicle out of curiosity. He turns on the
shower and to everybody’s surprise, instead of taking a bath,
he starts drinking the water to quench his thirst. More
villagers line up to drink water from the shower one by one.
The ad ends on the powerful note that the half of the village
drank water in the time it takes one city person to take a
shower. The ad highlights the value of water and the need to
conserve it with a compelling storyline.
According to Kainaz Karmakar and Harshad Rajadhyaksha,
Chief Creative Officers, Ogilvy India (West), “Unless we
understand the value of water, we will not be motivated to
save it. This is simply an insight we had, when we started to
think of this film. From there came the idea of taking a city
shower into a village and showing how almost half a village
can drink water, in the time it takes one city dweller to take

In the words of Sonal Dabral, Vice Chairman and Group

CCO, Ogilvy India, “ The Shower is a great example of
impact cut through creativity vsn hsbr in promoting critical
issues like water conservation”.
An advertising medium is a channel of communication like
newspapers, radio, television, etc. through which an
advertisement is transmitted to the target group of customers. It
is a vehicle by which advertisers convey their messages to a
large group of prospects and thereby aid in closing the gap
between producer on one end and the consumer on the other

Advertising can become effective only when suitable media of

advertising are used. A major portion of advertising budget is
spend on buying media time and space. Therefore, choice of
advertising media is a critical decision in the area of
(i) Print Media Advertising

Earlier, print media use to be a huge driver of sales. The

recent digital forms of advertising have forced print media to
take a backseat. A print media can be typically split into these
three sub categories. a.
a) Periodical Advertising: Periodical advertising refers to
advertisements which are published in magazines,
newspapers or any publication that comes out at regular
Companies always attempted to grab the centre spread, front
or the back cover of any popular magazine or newspaper.
1. Newspapers reach every nook and corner and hence their
coverage is high.
2. Due to wide circulation of newspapers, the cost of
advertising per reader is low.
3. High frequency enables speedy preparation and
publication of advertisement.
4. They offer a lot of flexibility. According to the
convenience and necessity of the advertiser, the shape and
size of the advertisement can be changed.
5. Visual appeals can be created.
1. People read newspapers for reading the news and may not
pay much attention to the newspaper advertisements.
2. A newspaper has a very short life due to which the
advertisements may have a temporary effect.
3. This medium of advertising fails to carry message to
illiterate people.
4. The quality of reproduction of newspapers is poor due to
poor quality pf paper and limited use of colours and
5. Most newspapers are cluttered with advertisements. Thus,
a particular ad may escape the attention of the reader.
b. Brochures, Leaflets, Handouts, Flyers and
Point of Sale Advertising

As brochures, leaflets, handouts, flyers etc.

are usually placed within pages of newspapers
and magazines; they are treated as a separate
 While flyers, leaflets, handouts are usually
used for large volume hand-outs,
brochures are designed to be read and to
help readers absorb important information.
You'll want to distribute them to customers
or potential clients that are already interested
in what you're offering (this also applies to
c. Direct Mail Advertising: Direct mail
advertising refers to printed ads being mailed
directly to the consumers. This technique is
considered to be ‘inferior’ and ‘junk’.
However, if it is done creatively and
intelligently, it’s a fantastic way of customer

These days this has taken the form of email

advertising where advertisements are sent at
the email addresses of the target group of the
1. The message is directly addressed to the customers.
2. The message can be altered to suit different conditions.
3. Advertisements can be timed according to the wishes of
the advertiser.
4. Detailed information about the product can be given.
5. If the right list of prospects is made, there is little wastage.
6. A great attraction of this method is its capacity to create
and maintain personal contact.
7. Effectiveness of the advertisement can be measured easily.
Feedback can be obtained through reply envelopes.
8. The sales campaign is hidden from competitors.
1. It is not cheap, especially the printing and postage charges
are high.
2. The preparation of proper mailing list is not an easy job.
3. The list prepared becomes obsolete in short period of
4. The rejections and returns in posts are too many.
5. It is more applicable for industrial products, where the
customer are limited.
6. Direct mail is not suitable for illiterate people.
 Radio advertising are broadcast from the transmitting
stations of the commercial service of the All India Radio
and FM Radio. Whether used concurrently with other
media, or used as a stand alone advertising method, radio
has proven time and again to be cost effective, power

 It is effective in both increasing brand awareness and

driving direct sales, and can be targeted to both national and
local audience. Radio has especially gained more popularity
after the launch of various FM radio stations and an increase
in the popularity of radio advertising has also been noticed.
1. Radio advertising has the advantage of wider
coverage. The message also reaches the illiterates
who can not read and write.
2. Radio is low cost means of advertising. The
advertising cost per person is nominal as radio
enjoys wide coverage.
3. The advertisement can be repeated daily and
several times during the day. The advertisements
can reach the people while they are travelling or
relaxing or even working.
4. High degree of audience selectivity is possible in
terms of specific radio programmes and geographical
coverage (by selecting the national or local radio

5. Radio advertising commands high attention.

People are more receptive to the message as spoken
words have greater impact than written words.

1. Radio advertising had a very short life. If the listener is inattentive, he

will miss it.
2. Faulty transmission may make the advertisement inaudible.
3. Radio advertisements can appeal to the ear but not the eye as no picture
of the product is visible. Product demonstration is not possible.
4. Detailed messages can not be given due to the cost factor.
5. Radio advertisements need frequent repetition otherwise, people will
forget the message. At the same time, frequent repetitions of the
advertisements may cause boredom.
6. These days, there is a lot of clutter in radio advertising and so, the
listener may lose interest in the commercial being broadcast.
7. Tendency among listeners to switch the channel during a commercial
 Television has become the fastest growing
medium of advertising due to rapid
expansion of cable networks. Both short
commercials and sponsored programmes are
used in television advertising. It makes
appeal through both the eye and the ear.
1. TV appeals to both the senses of sound and sight. As
a result, it combines the two to produce a high
impact on communication.
2. It has a very wide coverage as majority population
watches television.
3. It reaches those people who are illiterate. It thus,
reaches all kinds of people.
4. The advertisements can be directed at a particular
target group by broadcasting the ad during a
particular programme and at a particular channel.
5. Through this medium products can be shown and
demonstration can be made.

6. It provides colour visibility making the message

all the more attractive and impressive.
1. Television advertising is very costly. Television commercial slots are
sold at very high rates and the cost of production of a television
commercial is also very high.
2. There is so much clutter of advertisements on television that many
advertisement escape the attention of the viewer.
3. In case of television advertising the message has to be repeated again
and again to have a lasting impression, else, it is easily forgotten.
4. People have a tendency to surf the channels during commercial
breaks. Thus, there are many ads which the viewer may not view at
5. Television advertisements are sometimes disliked by the viewers due
to exaggeration, offensive statements, deception and misleading
 Films are a popular medium of advertising. Business firms
get short films or cinema slides prepared and distribute
them to selected cinema houses for display. These are
shown before the start of regular shots and during
intermission, The film contains, apart from pictures, a
running commentary on the features, uses and superiority of
the product.
1. It has a mass appeal and covers all classes of
people-poor, middle and rich.
2. Cinema advertising is very effective due to
combination of voice, visuals and entertainment.
3. Audience selectivity is possible to some extent.
Advertisers can advertise in local cinema theatres
to reach local audiences.
4. It also helps to explain and demonstrate the use of
the product.
1. Cinema advertising is very expensive. The cost of
production advertising films to be distributed to cinema is
very high.
2. It involves a lot of waste as before the show and during
the intervals, many people may not be present in the
theatre (as they are busy buying popcorns, soft drinks
etc.) and very few who are present in the theatres are busy
talking or checking their phones or are distracted.
3. For screening advertising films, the cooperation of the
theatre owner is essential.
4. The audience may get irritated when more advertising
films are shown.
This is the medium where posters, billboards, electrical
displays etc. are used to advertise the products and services.
Posters pasted on walls at important public places. Bill boards
or large sized hoardings are fixed at busy street crossings.
Sign boards are displayed on buses, railway coaches and
other public vehicles.

Colourful electric signs or neon signs are put up at railway

stations, bus stops and other public places and on high rise
building. Billboards have been transformed over the years,
and now advertisers use colourful, digitally produced
graphics, backlighting, sounds, movement, and even three
dimensional images on billboards.
1. Outdoor advertising is capable of gaining more attention.
2. It offers great selectivity. It could be used locally,
regionally or even nationally.
3. Once the board is exhibited, it could be kept there for a
quite long time.
4. It is very good medium to stress the brand names and
package identity.
5. Coverage is great.
6. Cost is low.
1. It has to be brief. Therefore, detailed explanation
is not possible.
2. The exact effect created on prospects is difficult
to measure.
3. It could be used only as a supplement to the other
kinds of advertising. Also, it cannot be used for
introducing a new product but it is an effective
way to remind about an existing product.
LONDON (2013)

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